School of Engineering


IMPORTANT: This form is not an application for graduate school. To earn a Master’s degree via this program, students must apply for graduate study using CUA’s online application, be granted admission and matriculate as a graduate student, and complete all graduate program requirements. Typically, students apply for graduate school during their final undergraduate year, then matriculate as a graduate student for the semester following graduation.

This approval form must be completed by mid-term of the penultimate undergraduate semester.

PART 1 — STUDENT DETAILS —Submit to undergraduate department chair with a copy of unofficial transcript.

Student Name: ________________________________ ID Number: _______________ Date:_______________

Bachelor’s Degree: [ ]Biomedical [ ]Civil [ ]Electrical [ ]Mechanical [ ]Computer Science

Current Cumulative GPA:_________ Expected Bachelor’s Degree Graduation Date:_________________

At the end of semester: [ ]Fall [ ]Spring [ ]Sum, Year: 20_____, the total number of semester credit hours (SCH) completed is:___________ from which __________ SCH are completed at CUA.

Master’s Degree: [ ]Biomed. [ ]Civil [ ]Electr. [ ]Mech. [ ]Comp. Sci. [ ] Mat. Sci. [ ] Engr. Mgmt.

Acceptance into the accelerated program does not guarantee admission into a Master’s degree program. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that Part 3 below is kept up-to-date.

_______________________________ _________

Student’s signature date


____________________________________________ [ ] Approve [ ] Reject due to: ______________________

Bachelor’s degree department chair date

____________________________________________ [ ] Approve [ ] Reject due to: ______________________

Master’s degree department chair date


Dean of Engineering date

Approved applications are held by the Bachelor’s degree department while the student completes the Bachelor’s degree. Denied applications are returned to the student. In either case, a photocopy (with Parts 1 and 2 complete) is kept by the Dean’s office and departmental office(s).

PART 3 — COURSEWORK In order for courses to count towards the program, the student must obtain approval of the department chair(s) prior to enrolling in each course. Two courses may double-count for Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. The student may also over-elect additional courses in consultation with their advisor and with approval of the chair(s).

Course Number and Title Approval by department chair(s)

(Initial and date)

____________________________________________________ __________ ____________ ____________

1st Graduate Course satisfying Bachelor’s degree requirements Semester Bachelor’s Master’s

____________________________________________________ __________ ____________ ____________

2nd Graduate Course satisfying Bachelor’s degree requirements Semester Bachelor’s Master’s

____________________________________________________ __________ ____________ ____________

Additional Course beyond Bachelor’s degree requirements Semester Bachelor’s Master’s

____________________________________________________ __________ ____________ ____________

Additional Course beyond Bachelor’s degree requirements Semester Bachelor’s Master’s

____________________________________________________ __________ ____________ ____________

Additional Course beyond Bachelor’s degree requirements Semester Bachelor’s Master’s

PART 4 — FINAL APPROVAL — During the final undergraduate semester, the application (with part 3 complete) is submitted by the Bachelor’s degree department chair to the School of Engineering Graduate Committee for final approval.

[ ] Approved as-is

____________________________________________ [ ] Amended:____________________________________

Chair of the Graduate Committee date



Dean of Engineering date ____________________________________

Upon approval by the Dean and completion of the Bachelor’s degree with a final cumulative GPA of 3.2 or above, the courses listed in Part 3 are entered as transfer credits towards the student’s master’s degree by the Dean’s assistant. Copies of the completed form are kept by the Dean’s office and both departments, replacing the earlier copies with only Part 1 and 2 complete.

Regulations Governing

The Accelerated Joint Bachelor’s/Master’s Program

An accelerated bachelor’s/master’s program was established to allow undergraduate students to pursue a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in a shorter time than pursuing both degrees separately. This is done by allowing two approved graduate engineering courses (500 level or greater) taken as part of the requirements for the bachelor degree to be counted toward those for the master’s degree. The admission requirements, application process and curriculum of the program are presented below.

1. A currently enrolled undergraduate engineering student who has completed at least 60 semester credit hours (SCH) of undergraduate studies (of which 45 SCH must be completed at CUA) with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.2 at the time of application is eligible to apply for the Accelerated Joint Bachelor’s/Master’s program. The student must apply by mid-term of his/her penultimate semester of undergraduate studies. The eligible student may apply to his/her own program if the bachelor’s and master’s degree programs are the same, or to two different departments, if they are different. The student must formally apply to the department chair of his/her own program for same programs or to both department chairs for different programs using Form SOE-AJD1, which is available from the Dean’s office.

2. After the department chair(s) and the dean approve the initial application, the student is tentatively admitted into the accelerated program. The admission will become final only after the student completes appropriate courses as approved by the department chair(s), receives final approval by the School of Engineering’s Graduate Committee and the Dean of Engineering, and earns the bachelor’s degree with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.2.

3. Once accepted into the program, students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.2 to remain in the program. Students with a cumulative GPA less than 3.2 are automatically dismissed from the program and have to formally reapply for readmission.

4. The student must formally apply for graduate studies to the Office of Admissions prior to mid-term of the student’s penultimate semester of undergraduate studies following normal university policies and procedures.

5. With the approval of the department chair(s), two engineering elective courses at the 500 level or greater used to satisfy the bachelor’s degree requirements can be used to reduce the Master’s level requirements by six credit-hours. In addition, with the approval of the department chair(s), over-election of engineering courses at the 500 level or greater beyond the normal requirements in the bachelor’s program may also be applied to the master’s degree program to further accelerate the course of study.

6. Undergraduate students who are strongly qualified and motivated may apply for and receive admission directly into the doctoral degree program rather than a master’s degree program. Such students may complete a master’s degree during the course of their doctoral studies, and are thus eligible to participate in the accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s Program. The application process and requirements are identical to those for students pursuing a terminal master’s degree.





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