CS Enph EnvEngr MCC to Tarleton 04_03

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE IN ENGINEERING PHYSICSDEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING AND PHYSICSTARLETON STATE UNIVERSITYMCC CORE CURRICULUM REQUIREMENTSTARLETON COURSE NUMBERHOURSMCC CORE COURSE TITLEENGL 1301 AND 13026ENGL 1301 AND ENGL 1302COMMUNICATIONS3SPCH 1311, 1315, OR 1321MATH 24134MATH 2413* (CALCULUS I) (required)NATURAL SCIENCES8CHEM 1411** AND CHEM 1412 (required) VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS3ARTS 1301, ARTS 1303, ARTS 1304 DRAM 1310, MUSI 1306LITERATURE OR PHIL 13013ANY SOPHOMORE LEVEL 2300 LITERATURE COURSE OR PHIL 1301 HIST 1301, 13026HIST 1301 AND HIST 1302GOVT 2305 AND GOVT 23066GOVT 2305 AND GOVT 2306SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES3PSYC 2301 OR SOCI 1301COMPONENT AREA OPTION 1ENGR 2308 *prerequisite of MATH 1314 (College Algebra) and MATH 1316 (Trigonometry) or MATH 2412 (Precalculus) or consent of division chair required** prerequisite of MATH 1314 (College Algebra) or consent of division chair required* The student must choose to complete either the MCC Core Curriculum OR the Tarleton Core Curriculum. Please see advisor for clarification. ADDITIONAL REQUIRED MCC COURSEWORK FOR THE BS IN ENGINEERING PHYSICSPHYS 24254PHYS 2425 PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS IPHYS 24264PHYS 2426 PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS IIENGR 12112ENGR 1201 INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERINGENGR 12123ENGR 2304 PROGRAMMING FOR ENGINEERSENGR 23214ENGR 2401 ENGINEERING MECHNANICS I (STATICS)ENGR 23223CHEM 2389 OR PHYS 2389 ACADEMIC COOP ENGR 23234ENGR 2402 ENGINEERING MECHANICS II (DYNAMICS)ENPH 24254ENGR 2305 AND ENGR 2105 ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS IENPH 24484ENGR 2306/2106 INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL SYSTEMSENGR 23033ENGR 2308 ENGINEERING ECONOMICS*MATH 24144MATH 2414 CALCULUS IIMATH 33063MATH 2320 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONSMATH 34334MATH 2415 CALCULUS IIIStudents successfully completing curriculum listed above will receive an Associate of Science Degree in General Academics from McLennan Community College UPPER LEVEL DEGREE SPECIFIC COURSE REQUIREMENTS TO BE TAKEN WITH TARLETON STATE UNIVERSITYPHYS 33343MODERN PHYSICS IPHYS 43353QUANTUM PHYSICSENGR 4360 (Senior Capstone Course)3ENGINEERING INTEGRATIONENPH 34143SIGNALS AND SYSTEMSENPH/PHYS 3342 3ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD THEORYENPH/CS 3443 4COMPUTER ARCHITECTUREENPH 34454ELECTRONICSENPH/PHYS 4430 3MATH METHODS FOR PHYSICISTS AND ENGINEERS ENPH/CS 43363SOLID STATE PHYSICSENPH/CS 4341 4MICROPROCESSOR SYSTEM DESIGNENPH 44334LINEAR CONTROL SYSTEMSCS 344 (COSC 3344)3NUMERICAL ANALYSISADVANCED ELECTIVES6ANY PHYS, ENGR, ENPH, OR CS PREFIX COURSESENGR 2308, CHEM/PHYS 2389, CHEM 1411 and CHEM 1412 may be deferred to the junior and/or senior years. All other math/science/engineering courses must be completed with a C or higher prior to proceeding to the junior/senior year with Tarleton. Students must have a minimum of 2.5 GPA in all transferrable work.Tarleton coursework offered for this degree will be taught on a two-year rotation. If a student drops or fails a course, they must wait until it is offered again within the rotation in order to graduate.An internship or Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) may replace one advanced CS/ENPH/PHYS elective course at Tarleton if it is approved in advance by the Tarleton Engineering advisor.Courses for this degree option will be offered face-to-face, online, or via two-way interactive methods. The Senior Capstone course will be taught as a hybrid (on campus and online) and may require some travel (approximately 3 trips) to the main Tarleton campus in Stephenville for collaboration with Tarleton faculty.TOTAL HOURS REQUIRED FOR BS IN ENGINEERING PHYSICSGENERAL EDUCATIONS REQUIREMENTS 43 HOURSADDITIONAL MCC COURSEWORK REQUIREMENTS FOR TSU BS 46 HOURSUPPER LEVEL DEGREE SPECIFIC TSU REQUIREMENTS 46 HOURSTOTAL HOURS 135 HOURSFor additional information, please contact the University Center at MCC, (254) 299-8380SUGGESTED ROTATION OF COURSEWORK McLennan Community College and Tarleton University2+2 Program Leading to Bachelor of Science in Engineering Physics at the University Center3844290121920SpringTarleton?MCCCHEM 1412CHEM 1412General Chemistry II**4ENGR 1212ENGR 2304Engineering Programming3MATH 2414MATH2414Calculus II4PHYS 2425PHYS 2425University Physics 14SPCH 1311/1315SPCH 1311/1315Speech Communications31800SpringTarleton?MCCCHEM 1412CHEM 1412General Chemistry II**4ENGR 1212ENGR 2304Engineering Programming3MATH 2414MATH2414Calculus II4PHYS 2425PHYS 2425University Physics 14SPCH 1311/1315SPCH 1311/1315Speech Communications318FIRST YEARFallTarleton?MCCCHEM 1411CHEM 1411General Chemistry I**4ENGL 1301ENGLl 1301Freshman Composition 13ENGR 1211ENGR 1201Introduction to Engineering2MATH 2413MATH 2413Calculus 14xxxxxxxxPsyc 1101 or Educ 11011143844290121920SpringTarleton?MCCENPH 2425ENGR 2305Circuit Analysis3ENGR 2105Circuit Analysis Lab1ENGR 2323ENGR 2402Engr Mechanics 2: Dynamics4MATH 3306MATH 2320Differential Equations3ENGR 2322xxxx 2389Academic Cooperative*,**3PHYS 3334InternetModern Physics31700SpringTarleton?MCCENPH 2425ENGR 2305Circuit Analysis3ENGR 2105Circuit Analysis Lab1ENGR 2323ENGR 2402Engr Mechanics 2: Dynamics4MATH 3306MATH 2320Differential Equations3ENGR 2322xxxx 2389Academic Cooperative*,**3PHYS 3334InternetModern Physics317SECOND YEARFallTarleton?MCCENGR 2321ENGR 2401Engr Mechanics 1: Statics4MATH 2415MATH 2415Calculus III4PHYS 2426PHYS 2426University Physics II4ENPH/CS 2448ENGR 2406Intro to Digital Systems4ENGR 2303ENGR 2308Engineering Economy**319* The Academic Cooperative may be chosen from Chem 2389 or Phys 2389.** These courses may be deferred to the junior and/or senior years. All other math/science/engineering courses must be completed with a C or higher prior to proceeding to the junior/senior year at the University Center. Student must also have a minimum 2.5 GPA in all transferrable work.3844290121920Even SpringTarleton?MCCENPH/PHYS 4336TTVNSolid State Physics3TTVNAdv. CS/ENPH/PHYS Elec.3CS 3344On CampusNumerical Analysis3ENGR 4360On CampusSeniors Only: Capstone (1-6)39 (12 for seniors)00Even SpringTarleton?MCCENPH/PHYS 4336TTVNSolid State Physics3TTVNAdv. CS/ENPH/PHYS Elec.3CS 3344On CampusNumerical Analysis3ENGR 4360On CampusSeniors Only: Capstone (1-6)39 (12 for seniors)Tarleton Coursework: Odd/Even YearOdd FallTarleton?MCCPHYS 4335TTVNQuantum Physics3ENPH 3445TTVNElectronics*4ENPH/CS 4441On CampusMicroprocessor*4* Requires Friday lab at Tarleton113844290121920Spring OddTarleton?MCCENPH 4443TTVNControl Systems*4TTVNAdv. CS/ENPH/PHYS Elec.3ENPH/PHYS 4330On CampusMath Methods3ENGR 4360On CampusSeniors Only: Capstone (1-6)3* Requires lab at MCC10 (13 for seniors)00Spring OddTarleton?MCCENPH 4443TTVNControl Systems*4TTVNAdv. CS/ENPH/PHYS Elec.3ENPH/PHYS 4330On CampusMath Methods3ENGR 4360On CampusSeniors Only: Capstone (1-6)3* Requires lab at MCC10 (13 for seniors)Tarleton Coursework: Even/Odd YearEven FallTarleton?MCCENPH/PHYS 3332TTVNE/M Theory3ENPH 3314TTVNSignals & Systems3ENPH/CS 3443On CampusComputer Architecture*4* Requires Friday lab at Tarleton103MCC Core Curriculum3844290213360Tarleton?MCCGOVT 2305GOVT 2305National Government3HIST 1301HIST 1301History of US to18773GOVT 2306GOVT 2306Texas Government3HIST 1302HIST 1302History of US from 1877300Tarleton?MCCGOVT 2305GOVT 2305National Government3HIST 1301HIST 1301History of US to18773GOVT 2306GOVT 2306Texas Government3HIST 1302HIST 1302History of US from 18773The following additional courses can be taken at MCC for transfer to Tarleton. They can be taken as the student's schedule permits.Tarleton?MCCVPAxxxxVisual and Performing Arts3ENGL 1302ENGLl 1302Freshman Composition II3xxxxxxxxSocial/Behavioral Core3Soph Lit CorexxxxSoph Literature Core373533057150022301205715005302250571500MCC Hours 89 Tarleton Hours 46 Total 135Advising Information:In the first two years of this program, students should contact April Andreas, (254) 299-8130 or aandreas@mclennan.edu) for advising. Students will be informed as to when they should connect with the appropriate Tarleton advisor.Transfer and Admission Policy:Note that Tarleton courses are taught on a two-year rotation. If a student drops or fails a course, that student will have to wait until it is offered again in order to graduate.An internship or Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) may replace one Advanced CS/ENPH/PHYS Elective course at Tarleton if it is approved in advance by a Tarleton Engineering advisor.Courses marked "TTVN" will be delivered via closed-circuit TV. Students will meet on MCC campus for these courses in a special 2-way interactive classroom.Courses marked "On Campus" will be offered on MCC campus face-to-face by Tarleton faculty. The Seniors Capstone course will be taught as a hybrid (on campus and internet) and may require some travel (approximately 3 trips) for collaboration with Tarleton faculty. ................

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