Paper Title - JSST

The Title

Author One 1, Author Two 1, and Author Three 2

1 Graduate School of Science and Enginnering, Ritumeikan University, Japan

2 Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan

Abstract—The 30th JSST Annual Conference (JSST 2011), which is sponsored by Japan Society for Simulation Technology (JSST) will be held to explore challenges in methodologies for modeling, control and computation in simulation and their applications in various fields including social, economic and financial as well as already established scientific and engineering solutions.

Keywords—keyword1, keyword2, keyword3


The 30th JSST Annual Conference (JSST 2011), which is sponsored by Japan Society for Simulation Technology (JSST) will be held to explore challenges in methodologies for modeling, control and computation in simulation and their applications in various fields including social, economic and financial as well as already established scientific and engineering solutions [1].

Section One

The 30th JSST Annual Conference (JSST 2011), which is sponsored by Japan Society for Simulation Technology (JSST) will be held to explore challenges in methodologies for modeling, control and computation in simulation and their applications in various fields including social, economic and financial as well as already established scientific and engineering solutions..

1 Subsection One

The 30th JSST Annual Conference (JSST 2011), which is sponsored by Japan Society for Simulation Technology (JSST) will be held to explore challenges in methodologies for modeling, control and computation in simulation and their applications in various fields including social, economic and financial as well as already established scientific and engineering solutions..

2 Subsection Two

The 30th JSST Annual Conference (JSST 2011), which is sponsored by Japan Society for Simulation Technology (JSST) will be held to explore challenges in methodologies for modeling, control and computation in simulation and their applications in various fields including social, economic and financial as well as already established scientific and engineering solutions.


The 30th JSST Annual Conference (JSST 2011), which is sponsored by Japan Society for Simulation Technology (JSST) will be held to explore challenges in methodologies for modeling, control and computation in simulation and their applications in various fields including social, economic and financial as well as already established scientific and engineering solutions.


Fig. 1. Tokai University Takanawa Campus.

1 Subsection One

The 30th JSST Annual Conference (JSST 2011), which is sponsored by Japan Society for Simulation Technology (JSST) will be held to explore challenges in methodologies for modeling, control and computation in simulation and their applications in various fields including social, economic and financial as well as already established scientific and engineering solutions.

1 Sub-subsection One

The 30th JSST Annual Conference (JSST 2011), which is sponsored by Japan Society for Simulation Technology (JSST) will be held to explore challenges in methodologies for modeling, control and computation in simulation and their applications in various fields including social, economic and financial as well as already established scientific and engineering solutions.

Table 1. 30th JSST Annual Conference (JSST 2011)

|Place |Tokai University, Tokyo, Japan |

|Date |October 22 – 23, 2011 |

|Web site | |


The 30th JSST Annual Conference (JSST 2011), which is sponsored by Japan Society for Simulation Technology (JSST) will be held to explore challenges in methodologies for modeling, control and computation in simulation and their applications in various fields including social, economic and financial as well as already established scientific and engineering solutions.


The authors wish to thank A.


1] Authors, Title, Journal, Publisher, Location, pages, year.

2] Authors, Title, Journal, Publisher, Location, pages, year.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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