1 - olsjdt


Interpreting and Using Engineering Information



Know how to interpret drawings and related documentation

Be able to use information from drawings and related documentation.

Section One Information Sources


Application notes are usually brief notes supplied by manufacturers in order to assist Engineers and Designers by providing typical examples of the use of engineering components and devices. An application note can be very useful in providing practical information that can help designers to avoid pitfalls that might occur when using a component or device for the first time

Task 1

Refer to a service and repair manual for any current and common type of saloon or hatchback vehicle and use it to obtain the following information:

1. The Engine size

2. The engine oil capacity

3. The fuel tank capacity

4. The minimum thickness of the front and rear brake pads

5. The type of spark plugs or glow plugs recommended for use in the ignition or pre-heat systems.

Present your work in the form of a printed information sheet (A single A4 page). Make sure that you name the make and model of the vehicle clearly at the top of the page and list the sources of information that you’ve used at the bottom of the page.


The following text is an extract from a technical report on the development of an electronic fuel injection system:

Electronic fuel injection systems are designed to deliver fuel to an internal combustion engine depending upon the pulse width provided by a controller. Ignition systems deliver spark to each cylinder at a specific point in the engine cycle. Both of these systems are controlled by a controller that monitors feedback and changes fuel and spark accordingly.

The most important thing to balance at all times is the ratio of air to fuel, which is about 14.5:1. The air/fuel ratio affects the efficiency of an engine. If the mixture of air and fuel is to rich (or contains too much fuel) or too lean (too much air), the engine will not burn its fuel efficiently.

Therefore, a certain amount of fuel is required as a function of engine speed and load, both of which need to be measured consistently. This requires a feedback system to adjust the fuel supply as the engine speed changes. The ignition system is controlled similarly to the fuel injection system, in that the time at which the spark occurs is the only controlled parameter. The amount of spark is determined by the secondary ignition system. The timing of the spark is crucial so there is little room for error.

Read the above passage carefully and then answer the following questions:

1. What is the approximate ratio of air to fuel?


2. What happens if the ratio of air to fuel is not correct?



3. The amount of fuel used in the mixture is determined by two factors, what are they?



4. What is critical about the spark?


5. What determines the amount of spark?


6. What does the feedback system do?



Refer to the extract from the Howards Associates data sheets shown below and use it to answer the following questions:

1. What is the reference number of the data sheet and when was it produced?


2. What type of device is a BJ284?


3. What is the maximum power dissipation for a BJ284?


4. State THREE applications for a BJ284?




5. Sketch the circuit symbol for a BJ284 device and label the connections?

6. What is the maximum junction temperature for a BJ284 device?


7. Under what conditions is the DC current specified?


8. What type of package is used for the BJ284?


9. A BJ284 is to be operated at a collector-emitter voltage of 6V and a collector current of 20 A. Is this possible? Give reasons for your answer.









The motorway bridge at Millau in France is the worlds highest bridge. The Engineering Company that supplied the Hydraulic system for lifting the temporary piers and pushing the bridge decks into position was Enerpac. Visit the company website at and locate information on the Millau Viaduct project. Use this to answer the following questions:

1. What is the height and overall length of the bridge?


2. What valley does the bridge cross?


3. Who designed the bridge?


4. How many bridge piers were constructed?


5. How much concrete was used to build the bridge?


6. How was the bridge deck moved into position?




7. What electronic device was used to control the electric valves?


Visit the Wikipedia website and view the entry on ‘Fire Extinguishers’. Read the information and use it (together with other information you may found ion the subject at other websites) to answer the following questions

1. Who invented the modern fire extinguisher?


2. List the main parts of a fire extinguisher and say what each part is used for?





3. What are the two main types of fire extinguisher bottle?


4. What is a class B fire?


5. What European Standard relates to different classes of fire?


6. What name is used in the USA to describe ‘Dry Powder’ fire extinguishers?


7. Why are Haylon fire extinguishers illegal in the UK?


8. What precaution should be observed when discharging a CO2 fire extinguisher and why is this necessary?


9. In the UK, how often should a CO2 fire extinguisher be pressure tested?


10. What is AFFF and where is it likely to be used?


Some service and repair tasks on a vehicle require the use of a Torque Wrench. Use information sources on the internet to find out what a Torque Wrench is and then write a short technical report (not more than one page of A4) describing a Torque Wrench and explaining how it is used. Include any relevant diagrams, sketches and photographs to illustrate your information

Visit the Draper Tools website at and use it to download the instruction manual for a 14.4V cordless drill (part no CD140V). Use the information obtained from the instruction manual to answer the following questions:

1. What is the no load speed range?


2. What is the chuck size?


3. What is the drilling capacity when used with mild steel?


4. What is the weight of the drill plus battery?


5. What is the spindle thread for the chuck?


6. What is the cell rating?


7. What is the procedure for battery disposal and why is it important to follow these recommendations?


8. What precautions should be observed when charging the battery and why is this important?


Section Two Engineering drawings

Activity one - templates

To be able to produce and read engineering drawings is an essential skill for every engineer.

Engineering drawings are usually drawn on pages with a set template.

Read the Mike Satur case study

Task 1

What is a template?





Task 2

Why is it important to use a template?





Task 3

Draw an example of a drawing template. It could be the template that is used in your workplace.

Identify the key elements and explain why they are included.

Activity two – scale drawings

When components or products are drawn they are normally drawn to scale. Scale is used to fix the ratio between the actual measurements on the object and those in the drawing.

1:1 means the drawing is the same size as the object.

1:10 means 1 cm on the drawing represents 10 cm on the object.

Task 1

What does 1:100 mean?

Task 2

You need to make a drawing of a component using a scale of 1:5.

What does 1:5 mean?

Complete the table below.

|Full size measurement (mm) |Drawing measurement (mm) |

|100 | |

|200 | |

|300 | |

|400 | |

|500 | |

|600 | |

|700 | |

|800 | |

|900 | |

|1000 | |

Activity three – projection

There are many types of engineering drawing.

Read the Mike Satur case study.

Task 1

What is an orthographic projection?

Task 2

In the space below, draw the symbol that would be used for third angle projection.

Task 3

using the drawing template provided, produce a third angle projection drawing of the iPod shown below. Label the plan, front and end elevations with the correct dimensions.

Task 4

What information is missing from Figure 4.6?

Task 5

What is an Isometric projection?

Task 6

Using the isometric grid as a drawing aid, produce an Isometric sketch of the Ipod shown in Fig 4.6


Look carefully at the company drawing of a pin manufactured by ceramic seals LTD below

Task 1

What type of material will be used to construct the pin?

Task 2

Is the drawing first or third angle projection?

Task 3

The drawing details the surface finish are required. What is surface finish?

Task 4

What dimensional details is the drawing giving you?


Task one – Angle Gauge

1, Fill in the table below by extracting the dimensions shown in the picture below from the Angle gauge engineering drawing.

| | |


| | |

|A | |

| | |

|B | |

| | |

|C | |

| | |

|D | |

| | |

|E | |

| | |

|F | |

2, What is the tolerance given on both the linear dimensions and the angular?

Linear tolerance ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Angular tolerance ………………………………………………………………………………………….

3, What are the dimensions units in the drawing?


4, What material is the part to be made from?


5, What projection is the part drawn in?


6, What is the drawing number?


7, Dimension the rectangle below to show the minimum size of material blank required in order to manufacture the angle gauge.

Task Two – Toolmakers Clamp

1, How many sheets does this engineering drawing consist of?


2, What is the drawing number and title for each sheet?





3, Complete the table below by adding the correct part name to each of the numbers and the number required fir each part to make the assembly. This information can be extracted from the assembled part drawing on sheet.

| | | |

|PART No |Name |Number off |

| | | |

|1 | | |

| | | |

|2 | | |

| | | |

|3 | | |

| | | |

|4 | | |

| | | |

|5 | | |

| | | |

|6 | | |

4, Complete the drawing below of the ‘Keeplate’ by extracting then adding the dimensions shown on sheet 2 including dimension lines etc.

5, What angle projection is this part drawn in?


6, What material is this part to be made from?


7, What is the tolerance for this part?


8, What is the full title of the drawing that this part can be found in?


9, What is the tolerance given on the 15 and 2mm dimensions?


The image below shows part of the Jaw as shown on sheet 4. Complete the drawing by adding the remaining view and the dimensions.


Section Three Related documentation

Many companies use documentation alongside the engineering drawing to detail the work that needs to be done.

Read the Ceramic Seals case study.

Task 1

What documentation do Ceramic Seals use to track the manufacture of a component part?





Task 2

What details do you think would be included in this documentation?









Task 3

Why do Ceramic Seals use tracking sheets?





Section Four Other information sources


Block diagrams show the relationship between the various elements of a system (i.e. how they connected together). The figure below shows a block diagram layout of a simple audio system. Study the diagram and answer the following questions

1. How many inputs are provided and what are they used for?






2. How many outputs are provided and what are they used for?





3. How many positions are there on the input selector switch?


4. Which stages appear after the volume control?


5. Which stage provides the auxiliary output?


6. If the volume control develops a fault, which outputs will be affected?


7. A fault has occurred in which there is no speaker output but the headphone/monitor output is normal. Which stage should be investigated?


8. A fault has occurred in which only the microphone and auxiliary inputs produces any output. Which stage should be investigated?



Flow diagrams or flow charts are used to illustrate a sequence of events. They are used in a wide variety of applications including the planning of engineering processes.

The shape of flow chart symbols have particular meanings, label the flowchart shapes below

……………………………… ……………………………………. ………………………………………

On the following page, complete the flow chart for the following scenario.

Your Bicycle tyre is flat and you may have a puncture or may simply need re-inflating. Draw a flowchart for checking the tyre and if necessary, repairing or replacing it.



Task 1

Draw a line graph that shows how the following voltage varies with time

|Time t (s) |0 |0.1 |

|1995 |135 |250 |

|1996 |191 |350 |

|1997 |188 |325 |

|1998 |222 |375 |

|1999 |253 |290 |

|2000 |295 |240 |

|2001 |320 |216 |

Draw bar charts to compare the performance of these two companies. What can you infer from these results?

Present your work in the form of hand drawn histograms with a brief hand written comment.

2. The total number of passes of National Diploma’s have been compared in the table below,

|Year |Passes achieved |

|2001/02 |15 |

|2002/03 |10 |

|2003/04 |18 |

|2004/05 |28 |

|2005/06 |25 |

|2006/07 |38 |

Create a bar charts that illustrates the following information.

a. In which academic year were the least number of national diplomas awarded?

b. Assuming that the class size remained the same over all six years, in which year were the students most successful?

c. How many National Diplomas were awarded in 1998/99


3. Draw 4 pie charts to illustrate the breakdown of the costs for four products

|COSTS |Proportion of Costs |

| |Product A |Product B |Product C |Product D |

|Labour |45% |60% |25% |30% |

|Material |15% |15% |35% |40% |

|Overhead |25% |15% |25% |25% |

|Profit |15% |10% |15% |5% |

Use the pie charts to answer the following questions:

a) What can you infer from these results?

b) Which product is the most profitable?

c) Which product is the least profitable?

d) If the total cost of all four products is the same, what recommendations would you wish to make?

Us ea spreadsheet package to produce the pie charts and insert these into a word-processed answer sheet



Is inner-tube inflated?






Lesson Objectives

Progress Rating

( 1 , 2 , 3 )


( E G S U)








Overall Effort




My Target grade for this module is……………………………

My Current Working Level is _____




Lesson Objectives

Progress Rating

( 1 , 2 , 3 )


( E G S U)








Overall Effort




My Target grade is….. ______

My Current Working Level is _____

Name _________ _____________Form____________Year_____

SUBJECT _______________________Teacher _______________













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