
NOMEN/ NAME:_________________________________DATE: ____________________Elizabethan England: Facts and Information (To be used with associated questions)Elizabethan PeriodThe Elizabethan Period was the age of the Renaissance, of new ideas and new thinking. The introduction of the printing press during the Renaissance, one of the greatest tools in increasing knowledge and learning, was responsible for the interest in the different sciences and inventions - and the supernatural! The new ideas, information and increased knowledge about science, technology and astrology led to a renewed interest in the supernatural including witches, witchcraft and ghosts which led to belief in superstitions and the supernatural. Inventions in the Elizabethan PeriodRenaissance & Elizabethan Inventions and Inventors Timeline. Inventions and Inventors of the Renaissance period. Telescope, Pocket Watch, Bottle Beer! Flush Toilet! Thermometer and even the Frozen Chicken! Elizabethan Age & Elizabethan Age WeaponsThe medieval Feudal system had ended by the Elizabethan era. Nobles were no longer expected to provide trained soldiers to fight for the Queen or to provide clothes and weapons for the soldiers. Weapons had changed with technology and the musket had just been introduced. However the threat of war was constant during the Elizabethan era due to the Catholic Spanish and French. Many weapons from the Medieval period were therefore still of use.Elizabethan Theatre CostumeWhat type of costumes did the Elizabethan actors wear? Women were not allowed on the stage - boy actors played the parts of women and wore some very uncomfortable costumes and life threatening make-up!. Shakespeare was a favorite playwright of Queen Elizabeth I; his plays are still read all over the world. Elizabethan Life for WomenElizabethan Women were subservient to men. They were dependent on their male relatives to support them. Elizabethan Village LifeElizabethan Village Life changed with the seasons - the busiest being during harvest and hay making periods. People lived and worked in close family units and trades and specific skills were passed from Father to son. ................

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