
APUSHThomas MullenMr. Barkey APUSH 31 March 2012And you thought F.D.R. was generous?It’s time for 25 questions!But…Here’s the catch: To make sure that we are all mastering key terms (events, people, etc.) and supporting those terms with valuable outside information and connections, each answer MUST include 5 appropriate vocabulary words (circled in your answer) from . This will help get us prepared the way we need to be for the BIG exam!What factors determined the degree of success that labor unions had in securing the goals that American workers desired during the years 1865-1900.The Progressive Era was the years of reform for the United States. Protests and riots such as the Railroad strike of 1877 showed the government that the labor force would not stand for the unfair treatment, hours, and pay that were being given and that rebellion would take place until things changed. This marked the first time where a president, Rutherford B. Hayes at the time, had to use military force to stop a riot. The Knights of Labor and Trade Unions worked to get the fair treatment of labor workers during industrialization and changed was seen by legislation passed by congress. The degree of success the labor unions had in getting their fairness was seen by things like the Interstate Commerce Act, which forbade rebates on the railroad.Why was compromise no longer possible between the North and the South by the 1850s?The American Civil War was a conflict that the government tried to settle without war in 1850 but did not succeed. The North and South were not on good terms during the 1850’s or Antebellum American period because the South believed that they were not be represented as fairly as the northern states in congress. The disagreements on territorial expansion didn’t help either; most Southerners were completely against the Louisiana Purchase because they felt like it was another attempt to better enhance the North’s states and disregard the South, the South also felt betrayed because Thomas Jefferson claimed to be a constructionist but followed different belief than his campaign promised. The final straw for the South and what led to their attack on Fort Sumter was the abolition movement; the forced effort to try and end slavery. A compromise was no longer possible between the North and South because the Southern States and government, led by Jefferson Davis, believed that they were not being fairly represented in congress. Was U.S. imperialism at the turn of the century based on arrogance and superiority or did it reflect a humanitarian concern for the nations of South America and the Pacific?U.S. Imperialism was based of our superiority but was meant to help and better diplomatic relations. We adopted this state of mind from Teddy Roosevelt; he believed that we had the power to better the world and should rather than turn our backs. He also believed in Intervention a policy where we entered countries with yearns for freedom from the mother countries and we became involved with the following countries: Cuba, Haiti, Mexico, and Nicaragua. However with the Election of 1912 and the Republican Divide caused a major downfall with American involvement with foreign affairs. Woodrow Wilson, the 28th president was completely against Imperialism, he believed it was a dangerous road and domestic issues were more important. The Spanish American War created this sense of superiority in our Nation and we realized that we can stand up for the smaller countries and prove that Democracy is better than Monarchy, Communism, and Dictatorship. Compare & Contrast the political features of the Articles of Confederation and the U.S. Constitution.The Founding Fathers were in agreement in the belief that our new nation needed a central government with a guideline. Federalists worked hard and debated a lot to create a clear guide for our government. Their first draft was the Articles of Confederation and was pushed through by the Federal Union; its roots stemmed from the Albany Congress and were enhanced by the AFC. The major disadvantage of the AFC was the requirement of a 9/13 state votes to pass any form of legislation, and that the AFC was a bicameral legislature while the Constitution was a unicameral. People like Alexander Hamilton and John Hancock had opposing viewpoints and these opposing viewpoints are what led to the ultimate contrast between the Articles of Confederation and Constitution, the Bill of Rights. Analyze the relationship between government, business, and labor from the end of the Civil War to the end of the nineteenth century.The Age of Reform was intended to rebuild what was destroyed from the civil war. Companies needed restoration and our defenses were depleted. The governmental role was increased in companies to enhance the production and success for profit. Groups like the Socialist Party of America were in favor and pushed for more government interaction while groups like the Knights of Labor wanted less company interaction but supported federal regulation of Railroads. The Free Enterprise market needed help from our government because the economy needed a boost. A total of 8 presidents tried to fix the economy and the domestic problems our country suffered from the Civil War. The most influential presidents were Andrew Johnson, Rutherford B. Hayes, Grover Cleveland, and Ulysses S. Grant. These men each had their own plan and worked for Progressivism. Discuss whether U.S. presidents in the postwar years up to 1963 were successful in containing communism. Select TWO of the following:The Postwar years in America up to 1963 were a time of fear and confusion President Truman worked to fight the communists and the ideology into our own country. One of his successes was the Truman Doctrine, when he put his foot down and prevented communist forces from toppling the governments of Greece and Turkey. Another way in which President Truman was successful in containing communism was the creation of NATO an administration that focused on global affairs and creating treaties of peace. These foreign successes were great, but domestically the US was in trouble—McCarthyism was taking hold of America and was striking fear into the hearts of Americans, innocent people were being blacklisted just because they were accused. President Kennedy on the other hand failed in his attempts to contain communism, incidents such as the Bay of Pigs aggravated Fidel Castro and ultimately the Soviet Union and led us closer to the Cold War. Explain how English colonies in the New World were different from one another in terms of government, population, and origin.The English colonies in the new world differed in a great deal of ways, population was a major difference; the biggest populations were on the coasts such as Florida and Massachusetts. This occurred because boat dropped people off and they had to find their own way. Major conflicts arose frequently between colonies based on differences in government; some were Puritan others Catholicism based different religions caused problems and order needed to be maintained a sign of the First Great Awakening. The British, under King George, colonized the coasts however, when colonists made their way west and created societies when British came in to receive profit and ownership. Moving to the early 1700’s government in the colonies started to all look the same because of laws placed on the colonies like Navigation Laws acts like these were considered B.I.P: British Imperial Policies, and rebellions began with anger with the mother country. What role did religion play in the establishment of English colonies in North America?Religion in the English Colonies was very prominent societies like the Puritans beliefs are what ran the community and religion was government for the time. Quakers were the heads societies because religion was the basis for life. William Penn, a Quaker received a land grant from King Charles II and built a safe society for Quakers, in Pennsylvania, where their beliefs were not judged or taken away from them. John Calvin, creator of Calvinism a group dedicated to voice the concern for separation of church and state. Religion played a huge role in the development of the New World and the establishment of English colonies because religion was used as a government system to regulate and maintain a sense of order in the community. How prepared were American colonists to face the economic and military power of Great Britain when war broke out in 1775? American Colonists in 1775 were by no means prepared to face England’s power. The rebel’s army consisted of militia and minutemen, volunteer soldiers who were not properly trained. And they had no many; everything was stolen from the Crown’s ships. However, the colonists believed that numbers and money wasn’t important their lust for freedom and independence is what pushed them to victory. The founding fathers convinced and talked to colonists urging them to see the true message, people like John Locke talked about how people naturally had the rights of life liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. The Albany Congress was the first mention of a Union of the colonies, people smirked at the idea because Britain was to powerful, and the colony united and attacks on the British like the Boston Tea Party inspired others to join the cause. The American colonists were by no means prepared to face the economic and military power if Great Britain but the won the war because to their determination for freedom. The Committee of Correspondence is responsible for promoting anti-British propaganda to enhance our feeling of freedom. Analyze the differences of opinion between supporters and opponents on whether to ratify the U.S. Constitution.The Ratification of the U.S. Constitution was debated upon because Anti-federalists were against the idea of a strong central government, they believed that the states should control the power; their biggest fear was that individual liberties would be in danger. These Anti-Federalists believed that a Bill of Rights was necessary to protect Civil Liberties. Federalists were the first political party group in the country and their leader was Alexander Hamilton, they believed that a strong central government was necessary to unify the states and keep a sense of balanced power. These opposing viewpoints finally came together and produced a Bill of Rights and Enumerated Powers. The two parties disagreed but eventually decided on a plan to create a guideline for our government to follow. To what extent did nationalism play a role in the formulation and application of U.S. foreign policy in the early nineteenth century?The early nineteenth century was filled with decades that had polar opposite attitudes. The extent to which the nationalism played in the 19th century was prominent because it was a cause for WW1, when a Serb nationalist assassinated the heir to the throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, in Austria. Eastern countries were becoming violent with each other because some countries believed they should have all of Europe and power. Nationalism was also a big part of the Roaring Twenties, the time in America where we were all optimistic and trying new things. Woodrow Wilson saw the Nationalism spread by other countries and did not approve the United States could not allow allies to be attacked. Ironically it soared through our country after our win in WWI. To what extent can Reconstruction be considered both a success and a failure? Reconstruction can be considered a success because of the Union becoming solid again, President Abraham Lincoln started and the job was followed through by 3 others. We also began using Greenbacks for security purposes and that still lives today, creating a much easier money system. The ways in which it can be considered a failure involve the segregation that began to take place and the disagreements/battles between opposing political parties. Even though the fourteenth amendment passed, blacks were still not treated as equal laws such as the Jim Crow laws meant to subornation black citizens. “Waving the Bloody Shirt,” was a major failure that occurred during reconstruction and caused many problems. Republicans and Democrats were fighting vigorously because of different believes on reconstruction. The quote above refers to the name given to the Democratic Party, the disunion party, because they always seemed to be getting in the way. To what extent did government assist in the rise of corporate capitalism following the Civil War?Evaluate the response of government to the plight of America’s farmers and laborers in the late nineteenth century.Evaluate the administrations of Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson in relation to their records as progressive presidents.Discuss the extent to which the United States underwent a cultural transformation in the 1920s. The United States went through a major cultural transformation during the 1920s, known as the Roaring Twenties, in three main aspects: Alcohol, Women, and Entertainment. Prohibition was a huge part of the 20s people were forbade from drinking or purchasing alcohol this as an attempt to calm down the country and focus on business. After a while Bootlegging became popular, illegally transporting, selling, or consuming alcohol. Women’s rights were also being considered during this decade and the term Women’s Suffrage began to float around and become popular, they were starting to show society that they were as capable as men to do any job and make money. The entertainment part of America changed drastically, motion pictures, or movies became popular and the first sound movie was called the Jazz Singer, this movie inspired people to create other productions and Hollywood was born. America was changing, some for good some for worse, it took a huge cultural transformation in the 20s because of new inventions and ideas, and some we still see today. To what extent is it correct that the New Deal was a conservative effort to maintain the social, economic, and political status quo?The statement is completely false, Franklin D. Roosevelt was a liberal President and the New deal was meant to relieve economic distress. All of his programs were focused around the principle of government involvement in public systems. The NRA was FDR’s frontlines for his New Deal; however it was ruled unconstitutional because the government was infiltrating the private sector to relieve unemployment, the Social Security Act was a prime example of this in giving extra money to elderly people and disabled people. The New Deal FDR purposed was a reconstruction of the American System and redefined the Social, Economic, and Political status quo, Judiciary Reorganization is an example of FDR’s attempted reconstruction of the political status quo where he tried to take out conservative judges for liberal judges. The 1930’s were the beginning years of Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal and it was committed to reforming the three most important sectors of America. Contrast the conservative ideology of President Reagan with the liberal views of Truman, Johnson, and Kennedy.To what extent was President George W. Bush’s handling of foreign and domestic affairs successful?President George W. Bush was president during a very difficult time, our nation was attacked and 1000’s of people died. A big piece of legislation passed under him was the Patriot Act, this was a response to 9/11 and focused on terrorists more securities and police were issued to better protect America domestically from terrorist infiltration. President Bush and Dick Chaney also worked to improve the education in America by giving more flexibility to parents in school choice and nationwide testing; this is known as the Bush Administration’s No child left behind Act. The attack on the World Trade Center made our nation think about our security and George W. Bush was successful in protecting our country and addressing domestic problems like education. He was also very beneficial to corporations, in these years, 2004-2008, the claims of Global Warming were coming about and the Kyoto Treaty was passed by congress to fight the new threat to the environment; Bush rejected or vetoed this treaty/legislation to the delight of US corporations. President George W. Bush was successful in domestic affairs in both the education sector and business. President Bush’s foreign policy was based on terrorism, he needed to respond to 9/11 and he did so properly; his approval rating rose to 98% the highest approval than any president to this day. He signed in necessary legislation such as the U.N Resolution 1441 to resume weapons inspections of Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. The War on Terror has affected this world to this day and has opened the world up to new fears and ways of attack; that is why there is a necessity for prisons like Abu Ghriab to weed out terrorist domestically and foreign to take the first and last strikes. George W. Bush’s handling of Foreign and Domestic Affairs was completely successful because he focused on the things that needed to be done to keep the country safe and strong. Support or refute this statement: An accurate title for the period from the 1820s to the 1850s is Jacksonian democracy.The period from the 1820s to the 1850s was under the Jackson Administration, however many didn’t believe it was a democracy at all. Andrew Jackson was a very liberal president, during his campaign trail someone gave him the nick-name; King Andrew. President Jackson believed that the federal government should control the power and money circulation of the United States, which is why he advocated for the National Bank. One of his major controversies was the Trail of Tears, the forced removal of Indians from our land. His political party the Democrats believes in a government run country not a free enterprise run country. He was also president during the War of 1812 another brutal war where we drove out Indians and foreigners. The Jacksonian Democracy is not an accurate title for Andrew Jackson’s presidency; he tried to create more government infiltration into the private sector and believed that currency and baking should be controlled by one bank. Analyze the differences and similarities of the three major Reconstruction plans: Lincoln’s, Johnson’s, and the radical Republicans’.The reconstruction plans for after/during the civil war were based around the principle of reuniting the two regions into a strong Union. Abraham Lincoln, killed after the civil war by John Wilkes Booth, presented a piece of legislation called the 10% plan; this was his way of trying to win back the loyalty of the south before the civil war in order to end further conflict. He feared being hostile with their leaders because he feared further retaliation. Andrew Johnson on the other hand took a different approach, he pushed for the Reconstruction Act; the division of southern territories by military forces to cease rebellions. Though Lincoln was not around Johnson and the Radical Republicans both agreed with the Wade-Davis Bill, passed by congress on July 2nd 1864, because it voiced ways of reconstruction by a vote or oath to allegiance. This plan was a modification of Lincolns 10% plan, but was not very popular in some areas because of the required oath; this was one of the concepts Johnson did not agree with. To what extent is this statement correct? The primary factor in the United States adopting a policy of imperialism was economic.The Statement is almost entirely correct; our Imperialism policy began with legislation like the Teller and Platt Amendments—treaties created to spread our way of government to foreign countries. When we acquired the 3 islands from the Spanish American War, including Guam, we knew it would be beneficial to our economy because of their strategic placement in the carribean. This began with President James Polk, he was the first spokes person for it and understood and talked with congress to create these deals to achieve better placement for trade. Teddy Roosevelt helped push Imperialism further by reintroducing the Monroe Doctrine saying how European Countries couldn’t colonize our Latin Neighbors. Was the United States justified in going to war against Spain in 1898? In your response, take into account political, economic, moral, and diplomatic factors.There were many factors involving the US’s justification in the war with Spain like: Politics, the Economy, Morality, and diplomacy. President McKinley believed that he could quickly win the war and gain large amounts of popularity by doing so; thus granting him another term. Congress and the McKinley administration believed that having Cuba would be very beneficial to the United States economy based on their strategic location in the Caribbean—they could supply great new trade roots and better relationships with the Latin countries. In a way the US was an antagonist in the Spanish American War because we kept pushing and pushing Spain until they were forced to enter into as state of War because in essence we were taking one of their properties. However, the sinking of the Maine was a big issue with congress that put us in a state of mind of violence and revenge. Another reason for the War in the US’s point of view was that having the Philippians would also be very beneficial in future Foreign Affairs. Agree or disagree with the following statement: President Wilson had no choice but to enter World War I on the side of the Allies.President Wilson had no choice but to enter the World War I on the side of the Allies, because they were being bombarded with attacks. Nationalism was all over the globe, nations were trying to force their power and ideologies onto others, it was the cause of the Austrian Bishops assassination; a Serb nationalist believe he was doing his country a justice. Just after this, countries began declaring war on each other, nationalism and imperialism were raising concepts and the world wasn’t reacting well to them. America also should have entered WWI because we stand by Teddy Roosevelt’s saying, “We are the Police of the World.” Germany was also making promises to countries that they really couldn’t, such as the Zimmerman Note; a deal made between Mexico and Germany involving the restoration of the land Mexico lost in the Mexican-American War. US Foreign policy was tested in this decision; congress was against going to war because nothing was directly done the US. However President Wilson had a different viewpoint, he believed that with Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassination—the US had to support our Allies and prove loyalty. Support or refute the following statement: The United States was justified in using atomic bombs against Japan in 1945.Based on events such as the Panay Incident and Pearl Harbor the US needed to stand up for us. Deliberate attacks would not have been tolerated. The United States was justified in dropping the bombs because we gave a warning before we bombed Hiroshima; explaining catastrophic damage would occur if Japan did not surrender. Even after we dropped the bomb, Japan still didn’t surrender. Once again we gave a warning that another bomb would be dropped if Japan did not surrender; they gave no response and Nagasaki was hit with the Fat Boy. The United States had to prove to Japan and other foreign nations that deliberate attacks would not be tolerated and the full force of the US military would become involved. If the Manhattan Project had never been developed the WW2 would have gone for another 3 years and twice as many casualties would have been seen. The United States was justified in dropping the Atomic bombs on Japan; warnings were given and messages had to been sent. ................

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