Curriculum Map

Curriculum Map


Course Title: English Language Arts 7 Grade Level: 7

|Week |

|1 |Procedures & Expectations |WRTG |WRTG |Teacher |Dictionary/Thesaurus |

| |Textbooks |7.16B-F |Obj. 2 |Grading |Abra Vocabra |

| |Organizational Skills |7.17A-H |Obj. 5 | |Focus Plan 10F |

| |Dictionary/Thesaurus |7.18E |Obj. 6 | |Focus Plan 10F(2) |

| |Intro to Vocabulary Procedures | | | |Focus Plan 10G |

| |Intro to Everyday Edits & Reading Passages |RDG |RDG | |Focus Plan 17A |

| |Daily Vocabulary |7.9B |Obj. 1 | |Focus Plan 17A(2) |

| | |7.10F,G,H | | | |

| | |7.11C | | | |

| | | | | | |

|2 |Daily Vocabulary/Everyday Edits/Reading Passage |WRTG |WRTG |Teacher |Dictionary/Thesaurus |

| |Procedures & Expectations |7.17E |Obj. 2 |Grading |Abra Vocabra |

| |Organizational Skills |7.10H,J |Obj. 3 | |BK Eng. book |

| |Intro to Cornell note taking | |Obj. 4 | |Glencoe Lit. book |

| |Literature story/ questions & test | | | | |

|3 |Daily Vocabulary/Everyday Edits/Reading Passage |WRTG |WRTG |Teacher |Dictionary/Thesaurus |

| |Literary Terms/ Cornell Notes |7.18E,H |Obj. 2 |Grading |Abra Vocabra |

| |Intro to prepositions and prepositional phrases |7.12I-K |Obj. 5 |Vocabulary |Kamico book |

| |Vocabulary Test 1 | | |Test |Focus Plan 18H |

| |Intro to parts of the paragraph |RDG |RDG | | |

| |Assign paragraph on Patience and Honesty |7.12J |Obj. 1 | | |

| |Elaboration strategies | |Obj. 4 | | |

| |Assign Novel- Pre-Ap | | | | |

| |Everyday Edits/Reading Passage Quiz | | | | |

|4 |Daily Vocabulary/Everyday Edit/ Reading Passage |WRTG |WRTG |Teacher |Dictionary/Thesaurus |

| |Review Literary terms |7.12F,G,J |Obj. 1 |Grading |Abra Vocabra |

| |Intro to nouns and pronouns |7.15G |Obj. 2 |Novel Quiz |BK Eng. book |

| |Read literature story & analyze | | | |Glencoe Lit. book |

| |Writing Passage- TAKS Strategies |RDG |RDG | |Kamico book |

| |Novel Quiz-Pre AP |7.9B,C |Obj.1 | |Focus Plan 12F |

| |Everyday Edits/Reading Passage Quiz |7.10F,G,H |Obj. 4 | |Focus Plan 10F |

| | |7.11C | | |Focus Plan 10F(2) |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 10G |

|5 |Daily Vocabulary/Everyday Edits/Reading Passage |WRTG |WRTG |Teacher |Dictionary/Thesaurus |

| |Vocabulary Test 2 |7.15A-H |Obj. 1 |Grading |Abra Vocabra |

| |Intro to Holistic grading procedures |7.17A |Obj. 2 |Vocabulary |Focus Plan 15H |

| |Composition: The Writing Process- Favorite | | |Test |Focus Plan 17A |

| |Memory | | | |Focus Plan 17A(2) |

| |TAKS Writing- 2nd passage | | | |Focus Plan 15A |

| |Everyday Edits/Reading Passage Quiz | | | | |

|6 |Daily Vocabulary/ Everyday Edit/ Reading Passage|WRTG |WRTG |Teacher |Dictionary/Thesaurus |

| |Review for test |7.17C,D,F |Obj. 2 |Grading |Abra Vocabra |

| |Composition |7.17H |Obj. 5 |6 weeks test | |

| |6 weeks test over literary terms, prepositions, | | | | |

| |nouns, and pronouns |RDG |RDG | | |

| |Novel Quiz- Pre AP |7.12J |Obj. 1 | | |

| |Everyday Edits/Reading Passage Quiz | |Obj. 4 | | |

|Week |

|7 |Daily Vocabulary/Everyday Edits/Reading Passage |WRTG |WRTG |Teacher Grading |Dictionary/Thesaurus |

| |Introduction to verbs- Helping/Linking |7.16A-F |Obj. 2 |Class participation |Abra Vocabra |

| |Introduction to contractions |7.17A,C |Obj. 4 |Vocabulary Test |BK English book |

| |Types of sentences | |Obj. 5 |Story Quiz |Glencoe Lit. book |

| |Literature story |RDG |Obj. 6 | |Jumpstart/Kamico |

| |TAKS Writing strategies |7.9B | | |Novel |

| |Vocabulary Test #2 |7.10F,G,H |RDG | |Focus Plan 10F |

| |Everyday Edits/Reading Passage Quiz |7.11C |Obj. 1 | |Focus Plan 10F(2) |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 17A |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 17A(2) |

|8 |Daily Vocabulary/Everyday Edits/Reading Passage |WRTG |WRTG |Teacher Grading |Dictionary/Thesaurus |

| |Verb Tense/Shifts |7.16A-F |Obj. 2 |Class participation |Abra Vocabra |

| |Sentence Structure- Simple Sentences |7.17C |Obj. 3 | |BK Eng. book |

| |TAKS Reading strategies | |Obj. 4 | |Glencoe Lit. book |

| |Everyday Edits/Reading Passage Quiz |RDG |Obj. 6 | |Jumpstart/Kamico |

| |Mid Semester Reading/Writing- TAKS Released 2004|7.9B | | |Novel |

| | |7.10F,G,H |RDG | |Focus Plan 10F |

| | |7.11C |All | |Focus Plan 10F(2) |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 10G |

|9 |Daily Vocabulary/Everyday Edits/Reading Passage |WRTG |WRTG |Teacher Grading |Dictionary/Thesaurus |

| |Pre-Ap Novel Test |7.16A-F |Obj. 2 |Vocabulary Test |Abra Vocabra |

| |Literature story |7.17A-B |Obj. 4 |Story Quiz |BK Eng. book |

| |Conjunctions/Compound-Complex Sentences | |Obj. 5 | |Glencoe Lit. book |

| |Vocabulary Test #3 |RDG |Obj. 6 | |Novel |

| |Everyday Edits/Reading Passage Quiz |7.9C | | |Focus Plan 10F |

| | |7.10F,G,H |RDG | |Focus Plan 10F(2) |

| | |7.11C |Obj. 1 | |Focus Plan 10G |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 17A |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 17A(2) |

|10 |Daily Vocabulary/ Everyday Edits/Reading Passage|WRTG |WRTG |Teacher Grading |Dictionary/Thesaurus |

| |TAKS Reading strategies |7.16A-F |Obj. 1 |Novel Quiz |Abra Vocabra |

| |Composition (Best Friend) |7.15D |Obj. 2 |Story Quiz |BK Eng. book |

| |Literature story | |Obj. 4 | |Glencoe Lit. book |

| |Assign second novel to Pre-Ap classes |RDG |Obj. 6 | |Novel |

| |Everyday Edits/Reading Passage Quiz |7.9C | | |Focus Plan 10F |

| | |7.10F,G,H |RDG | |Focus Plan 10F(2) |

| | |7.11C |Obj. 1 | |Focus Plan 10G |

|11 |Daily Vocabulary/Everyday Edits/Reading Passage |WRTG |WRTG |Teacher Grading |Dictionary/Thesaurus |

| |Practice Parts of Speech |7.16A-F |Obj. 2 |Vocabulary Test |Abra Vocabra |

| |Practice Sentence Structure |7.17A,C |Obj. 4 |Grammar Review |BK Eng. book |

| |Vocabulary Test # 4 | |Obj. 6 | |Glencoe Lit. book |

| |Everyday Edits/Reading Passage Quiz |RDG | | |Novel |

| | |7.9C |RDG | |Focus Plan 10F |

| | |7.10F,G,H |Obj. 1 | |Focus Plan 10F(2) |

| | |7.11C | | |Focus Plan 10G |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 17A |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 17A(2) |

|12 |Daily Vocabulary/Everyday Edits/Reading Passage |WRTG |WRTG |Teacher Grading |Dictionary/Thesaurus |

| |Assign paragraphs on Respect |7.15A |Obj. 1 |Holistic Grade |Abra Vocabra |

| |Peer Editing |7.16A-F |Obj. 2 | |BK Eng. book |

| |TAKS Writing strategies |7.17A |Obj. 4 | |Glencoe Lit. book |

| |TAKS Reading strategies |7.18C,H |Obj. 5 | |Jumpstart/Kamico |

| |Everyday Edits/Reading Passage Quiz | |Obj. 6 | |Novel |

| | |RDG | | |Focus Plan 10F |

| | |7.9C |RDG | |Focus Plan 10F(2) |

| | |7.10F,G,H |All | |Focus Plan 10G |

| | |7.11C | | |Focus Plan 18H |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 17A |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 17A(2) |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 18C |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 15A |

|Week |

|13 |Daily Vocabulary/Everyday Edits/Reading Passage |WRTG |WRTG |Teacher Grading |Dictionary/Thesaurus |

| |Review TAKS Writing Strategies |7.16A-F |Obj. 2 |Class participation |Abra Vocabra |

| |Writing Benchmark-TAKS Released Test- 2008 |7.17A,C |Obj. 4 |Holistic Grading |BK English book |

| |Continue Types of Sentences/Sentence Structure | |Obj. 5 | |Novel |

| |Assign paragraphs on Kindness |RDG |Obj. 6 | |Focus Plan 10F |

| |Everyday Edits/Reading Passage Quiz |7.9B | | |Focus Plan 10F(2) |

| | |7.10F,G,H |RDG | |Focus Plan 10G |

| | |7.11C |Obj. 1 | |Focus Plan 17A |

| | | |Obj. 4 | |Focus Plan 17A(2) |

|14 |Daily Vocabulary/Everyday Edits/Reading Passage |WRTG |WRTG |Teacher Grading |Dictionary/Thesaurus |

| |Continue Types of Sentences/Sentence |7.16A-F |Obj. 2 |Class participation |Abra Vocabra |

| |Structure-Test |7.17C,G |Obj. 4 |Vocabulary Test |BK Eng. book |

| |Introduction to Contractions | |Obj. 5 | |Novel |

| |Vocabulary Test #6 |RDG |Obj. 6 | |Focus Plan 10F |

| |Everyday Edits/Reading Passage Quiz |7.9B | | |Focus Plan 10F(2) |

| | |7.10F,G,H |RDG | |Focus Plan 10G |

| | |7.11C |All | | |

|15 |Daily Vocabulary/Everyday Edits/Reading Passage |WRTG |WRTG |Teacher Grading |Dictionary/Thesaurus |

| |Literature Story |7.16A-F |Obj. 2 |Story Quiz |Abra Vocabra |

| |Quiz over Literature Story |7.17A-B |Obj. 4 | |BK Eng. book |

| |Introduction to Adjectives | |Obj. 5 | |Glencoe Lit. book |

| |Assessment over Adjectives |RDG |Obj. 6 | |Novel |

| |Everyday Edits/Reading Passage Quiz |7.9B,C | | |Focus Plan 10F |

| | |7.10F,G,H |RDG | |Focus Plan 10F(2) |

| | |7.11C |Obj. 1 | |Focus Plan 10G |

| | | |Obj. 4 | |Focus Plan 17A |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 17A(2) |

|16 |Daily Vocabulary/ Everyday Edits/Reading Passage|WRTG |WRTG |Teacher Grading |Dictionary/Thesaurus |

| |TAKS Goal Sheets will be filled out/calculated |7.16A-F |All |Novel Quiz |Abra Vocabra |

| |Update/Review Grade sheets |7.15D | | |Novel |

| |Discussion of Writing Benchmark | |RDG | |Focus Plan 10F |

| |Pre-Ap Novel Test |RDG |Obj. 1 | |Focus Plan 10F(2) |

| |Everyday Edits/Reading Passage Quiz |7.9C |Obj. 4 | |Focus Plan 10G |

| | |7.10F,G,H | | | |

| | |7.11C | | | |

|17 |Daily Vocabulary/Everyday Edits/Reading Passage |WRTG |WRTG |Teacher Grading |Dictionary/Thesaurus |

| |Introduction to Adverbs |7.16A-F |Obj. 6 |Grammar Review |Abra Vocabra |

| |TAKS Reading Passage |7.17A,C,D | | |BK Eng. book |

| |Assign Novel to Pre-Ap | |RDG | |Novel |

| |Everyday Edits/Reading Passage Quiz |RDG |Obj. 1 | |Focus Plan 10F |

| | |7.9C |Obj. 4 | |Focus Plan 10F(2) |

| | |7.10F,G,H | | |Focus Plan 10G |

| | |7.11C | | |Focus Plan 17A |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 17A(2) |

|18 |Daily Vocabulary/Everyday Edits/Reading Passage |WRTG | |Teacher Grading |Dictionary/Thesaurus |

| |Review for Semester Exam |7.16A-F |RDG |Participation |Abra Vocabra |

| |Semester Exam Reading- Released TAKS Test 2006 |7.17A,D |All | |BK Eng. book |

| |Update/Grade grade sheet |7.18C | | |Novel |

| |Everyday Edits/Reading Passage Quiz | | | |Released TAKS Test |

| | |RDG | | |Focus Plan 12F |

| | |All | | |Focus Plan 10F |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 10F(2) |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 10G |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 12A |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 17A |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 17A(2) |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 18C |

|Week |

|19 |Daily Vocabulary/Everyday Edits/Reading Passage |WRTG |WRTG |Teacher Grading |Dictionary/Thesaurus |

| |Review Semester Exam |7.16A-F |Obj. 2 |Class participation |Abra Vocabra |

| |Literature Story |7.17A,C |Obj. 4 | |BK English book |

| |Everyday Edit/Reading Passage Quiz | |Obj. 5 | |Novel |

| | |RDG |Obj. 6 | |Focus Plan 10F |

| | |7.9B | | |Focus Plan 10F(2) |

| | |7.10F,G,H |RDG | |Focus Plan 10G |

| | |7.11C |Obj. 1 | |Focus Plan 17A |

| | | |Obj. 4 | |Focus Plan 17A(2) |

|20 |Daily Vocabulary/Everyday Edits/Reading Passage |WRTG |WRTG |Teacher Grading |Dictionary/Thesaurus |

| |Introduce/Review Transition Words |7.16A-F |Obj. 2 |Class participation |Abra Vocabra |

| |Composition (Someone who has made a difference) |7.17C,G |Obj. 4 |Vocabulary Test |BK Eng. book |

| |Vocabulary Test #8 | |Obj. 5 |Holistic Grading |Novel |

| |Everyday Edits/Reading Passage Quiz |RDG |Obj. 6 | |Focus Plan 10F |

| | |7.9B | | |Focus Plan 10F(2) |

| | |7.10F,G,H |RDG | |Focus Plan 10G |

| | |7.11C |Obj. 1 | | |

| | | |Obj. 4 | | |

|21 |Daily Vocabulary/Everyday Edits/Reading Passage |WRTG |WRTG |Teacher Grading |Dictionary/Thesaurus |

| |Review Sentence Structure |7.16A-F |Obj. 2 |Class Participation |Abra Vocabra |

| |TAKS Writing Passages |7.17A-B |Obj. 4 | |BK Eng. book |

| |Assign Novel- Pre-AP | |Obj. 5 | |Glencoe Lit. book |

| |Everyday Edits/Reading Passage Quiz |RDG |Obj. 6 | |Novel |

| | |7.9B,C | | |Focus Plan 10F |

| | |7.10F,G,H |RDG | |Focus Plan 10F(2) |

| | |7.11C |Obj. 1 | |Focus Plan 10G |

| | | |Obj. 4 | |Focus Plan 17A |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 17A(2) |

|22 |Daily Vocabulary/ Everyday Edits/Reading Passage|WRTG |WRTG |Teacher Grading |Dictionary/Thesaurus |

| |Introduction to Elaboration Strategies |7.16A-F |Obj. 2 |Class Participation |Abra Vocabra |

| |Introduction to Parts of Speech |7.15D |Obj. 4 |Vocabulary Test |Novel |

| |Literature Story | |Obj. 5 | |Focus Plan 10F |

| |Vocabulary Test #9 |RDG |Obj. 6 | |Focus Plan 10F(2) |

| |Everyday Edits/Reading Passage Quiz |7.9C | | |Focus Plan 10G |

| | |7.10F,G,H |RDG | | |

| | |7.11C |Obj. 1 | | |

| | | |Obj. 4 | | |

|23 |Daily Vocabulary/Everyday Edits/Reading Passage |WRTG |WRTG |Teacher Grading |Dictionary/Thesaurus |

| |Writing TAKS passage |7.16A-F |ALL |Class Participation |Abra Vocabra |

| |Review Writing TAKS Strategies |7.17A,C,D | | |BK Eng. book |

| |Everyday Edits/Reading Passage Quiz | |RDG | |Novel |

| | |RDG |Obj. 1 | |Focus Plan 10F |

| | |7.9C |Obj. 4 | |Focus Plan 10F(2) |

| | |7.10F,G,H | | |Focus Plan 10G |

| | |7.11C | | |Focus Plan 17A |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 17A(2) |

|24 |Daily Vocabulary /Reading Passage |WRTG | |Teacher Grading |Dictionary/Thesaurus |

| |Writing TAKS passage |7.16A-F |WRTG |Class Participation |Abra Vocabra |

| |Review Writing TAKS Strategies |7.17A,D |All |Vocabulary Test |BK Eng. book |

| |Vocabulary Test #10 |7.18C | | |Novel |

| |Reading Passage Quiz | |RDG | |Released TAKS Test |

| | |RDG |Obj. 1 | |Focus Plan 10F |

| | |7.9C |Obj. 4 | |Focus Plan 10F(2) |

| | |7.10F,G,H | | |Focus Plan 10G |

| | |7.11C | | |Focus Plan 17A |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 17A(2) |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 18C |

|Week |

|25 |Writing TAKS Test |All |All | |TAKS Test |

| |Review all Strategies | | | |Focus Plan 12F |

| |Review Reading Strategies for Reading Benchmark | | | |Focus Plan 10F |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 10F(2) |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 10G |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 12A |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 18H |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 15H |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 17A |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 17A(2) |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 18C |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 15A |

|26 |Science Benchmark |All |All | |TAKS Released Test |

| |Reading Benchmark-TAKS Released Test 2008 | | | |Focus Plan 12F |

| |Math Benchmark | | | |Focus Plan 10F |

| |Review Reading Benchmark | | | |Focus Plan 10F(2) |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 10G |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 12A |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 18H |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 15H |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 17A |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 17A(2) |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 18C |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 15A |

|27 |Daily Vocabulary/Reading Passage |7.12K |RDG |Teacher Grading |Dictionary/Thesaurus |

| |TAKS Objective 4- Tone/Mood Words |7.12F |Obj. 1 |Class participation |Abra Vocabra |

| |TAKS Objective 2- Characters | |Obj. 2 | |Kamico |

| |Reading Passage Quiz | | | |Focus Plan 12F |

|28 |Daily Vocabulary/Everyday Edits/Reading Passage |7.10L |RDG |Teacher Grading |Dictionary/Thesaurus |

| |TAKS Objective 3- Represent Text |7.10H |Obj. 3 |Class participation |Abra Vocabra |

| |TAKS Objective 4- Inference | |Obj. 4 |Vocabulary Test |Kamico |

| |Vocabulary Test: #11 | | |Holistic Grading | |

| |Reading Passage Quiz | | | | |

|29 |Daily Vocabulary/Reading Passage |7.10H |RDG |Teacher Grading |Dictionary/Thesaurus |

| |TAKS Objective 4- Inference |7.10F |Obj. 4 |Class Participation |Abra Vocabra |

| |TAKS Objective 1- Main Idea/Supporting Details | | | |Kamico |

| |Assign Novel- Pre-AP | | | |Focus Plan 10F |

| |Everyday Edits/Reading Passage Quiz | | | |Focus Plan 10F(2) |

|30 |Daily Vocabulary/ Reading Passage |7.9B |RDG |Teacher Grading |Dictionary/Thesaurus |

| |TAKS Objective 1- Figurative Language |7.10E |Obj. 1 |Class Participation |Abra Vocabra |

| |TAKS Objective 3- Text Structure | |Obj. 3 |Vocabulary Test |Kamico |

| |Vocabulary Test #12 | | | | |

| |Reading Passage Quiz | | | | |

|Week |

|31 |Daily Vocabulary/ Reading Passage |All |All |Teacher Grading |Dictionary/Thesaurus |

| |Practice Reading TAKS passages | | | |Abra Vocabra |

| |Review Reading Strategies for TAKS test | | | |Kamico |

| |Reading Passage Quiz | | | |Focus Plan 12F |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 10F |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 10F(2) |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 10G |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 12A |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 18H |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 15H |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 17A |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 17A(2) |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 18C |

| | | | | |Focus Plan 15A |

|32 |Review TAKS Strategies and Guidelines | |All RDG |Teacher Grading |Dictionary/Thesaurus |

| |Reading TAKS Test | |TAKS/TEKS |Class participation |Abra Vocabra |

| |Intro to Novel Holes-Louis Sachar | |Objectives | |Holes |

|33 |Daily Vocabulary | |All RDG |Teacher Grading |Dictionary/Thesaurus |

| |Read Holes in class | |TAKS/TEKS |Class participation |Abra Vocabra |

| |Character Chart | |Objectives |Vocabulary Test |Holes |

| |Vocabulary Test: #13 | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|34 |Daily Vocabulary | |All RDG |Teacher Grading |Dictionary/Thesaurus |

| |Read Holes in class | |TAKS/TEKS |Class Participation |Abra Vocabra |

| |Wanted Poster – Kissin’ Kate Barlow | |Objectives | |Holes |

| | | | | | |

| |Pre-AP: Holes Project (if time allows) | | | | |

|35 |Daily Vocabulary | |All RDG |Teacher Grading |Dictionary/Thesaurus |

| |Finish Reading Holes/Movie | |TAKS/TEKS |Class Participation |Abra Vocabra |

| |Final Exam- Holes | |Objectives | |Holes |

|36 |TIER II Begins | |All RDG & | | |

| | | |WTG | | |

| | | |TAKS/TEKS | | |

| | | |Objectives | | |


*** 2003 Released Test- using all Reading and Writing

***2004 Released Test- using second half for class instruction

***2006 Released Test- may be used for possible second benchmark


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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