Developing English Language Skills / English Language Framework Level 4 ...

[Pages:15]Developing English Language Skills / English Language Framework Level 4

January 2016

Written Examination

This paper contains sections on Language in Use, Reading and Writing. You may complete the sections in any order.

Time: 2 hours 15 minutes

The maximum mark for this paper is 100. Any reference material brought into the examination room must be

handed to the invigilator before the start of the examination. All answers must be written in the answer booklet provided. Do NOT

write on this paper.

Section A ? Language in Use Answer ALL questions

Question 1 Narrative tenses


Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense.

Example: When we ________ (arrive) at the station, the train had already left. When we arrived at the station, the train had already left.

a) I ________ (learn) French for two years so far, but I still can't speak it very well.


b) At 9 o'clock last night, I _________ (enjoy) a lovely dinner.


c) Yesterday, I overslept because I ________ (stay) out late the night before.


d) I could tell by his red face that he _________ (run).


e) I _______ (leave) school when I was 18 years old.


f) I was surprised to see him because I thought he ______ (be) on holiday.


Total 6 Marks

Question 2 Vocabulary ? travel

Complete the sentences by putting ONE (1) word in each gap.

Example: You need to ________ in your luggage when you get to the airport. You need to check in your luggage when you get to the airport.

a) Would you like an aisle seat or a ________ seat?


b) It was such a long journey that I suffered from jet ______.


c) Our flight was ________ by three hours.


d) We had to fasten our _____ belts before take off.


e) We couldn't get a _______ flight, so we have to change in London.


f) The cabin _________ were very polite and made us feel welcome on board.


Total 6 Marks

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Question 3 Grammar ? active and passive voice


Fill the gaps in the second sentences so that they mean the same as the first. Write NO MORE THAN THREE (3) words in each gap.

Example: They are painting our house at the moment. Our house ____________ at the moment. Our house is being painted at the moment.

a) The police can arrest you for driving without a licence.


You ____________ for driving without a licence.

b) A meeting will be held tomorrow to discuss the matter.


They __________ a meeting tomorrow to discuss the matter.

c) They are going to close the local cinema.


The local cinema is going _____________.

d) If the prize isn't won this week, it will go into next week's draw.


If no-one ________ the prize this week, it will go into next week's draw.

e) People say that the president is going to resign.


It _________ that the president is going to resign.

f) Somebody has stolen my bike.


My bike ____________.

Total 6 Marks

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Question 4 Vocabulary ? mind


Complete the sentences below by adding ONE (1) word to each gap.

Example: You need to hurry and make _____ your mind. You need to hurry and make up your mind.

a) I've ________ my mind. I don't want to go out anymore.


b) You are very quiet. I think there's something _______ your mind.


c) My mind went completely ________ in the interview. I couldn't think of anything


to say.

d) I lost the match. _______ mind. There's always next year.


e) That's a personal question. You should mind your own _______.


f) I am trying to think of an answer, but nothing comes _______ mind.


Total 6 Marks

Question 5 Grammar ? word forms

Complete the sentences by writing the adjective form of the nouns in brackets.

Example: There is a very _______ (power) engine in this car. There is a very powerful engine in this car.

a) I was feeling quite ________ (nerve) before the performance.


b) These animals can be very ________ (aggression) if provoked.


c) There is a _________ (psychology) aspect to competing in any sport.


d) I am very ________ (enthusiasm) about this new project.


e) We are trying to implement a more ________ (efficiency) system.


f) This is a ________ (hope) situation, I'm afraid.


Total 6 Marks

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Question 6 Pronunciation ? syllable stress


For each word write the number of the syllable which is stressed. If the stress is on the first syllable, write `1', if the stress is on the second syllable write `2', and so on.

Example: impressive 2

a) unhealthy


b) exaggeration


c) unnecessary


d) importantly


e) contemplate


f) opportunity


Total 6 Marks

Question 7 Vocabulary ? phrasal verbs

In each sentence, there is ONE (1) unnecessary word. Write that word.

Example: You will pick it up the language fairly quickly when you go there. it

a) I hope you get up over it soon and feel ready to come back to work.


b) I am trying to deal out with a few issues at the moment.


c) I get along well to with my sister.


d) I am tired so I am going to lie over down for a while.


e) Can you pick me up from at the station this evening?


f) I think we all need to sleep in on it and come back tomorrow.


Total 6 Marks

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Question 8 Grammar ? conditionals


Complete the sentences below by putting the verbs into the correct form and adding NO MORE THAN THREE (3) words to each gap.

Example: If I _________ (study) more, I ________ (pass) my exams, but unfortunately I failed. If I had studied more, I would have passed my exams, but unfortunately I failed.

a) We _________ (play) football later if it _________ (be) sunny.


b) If I _______ (be) you, I ________ (not go) out wearing those shoes.


c) I ________ (not go) out if I _______ (know) that the restaurant was closed. I had 2 a wasted journey.

Total 6 Marks

Question 9 Vocabulary ? business

Complete the sentences by adding ONE (1) word to each gap. The first letter is given.

Example: We have carried out some m______ research recently. We have carried out some market research recently.

a) We are going to launch our new p______ next week.


b) I have got a meeting at h______ office tomorrow.


c) We pride ourselves on our great customer s______.


d) We made a loss last year, but hopefully we'll make a p______ this year.


e) Our company is being taken o_______ by another company.


f) It was not a successful business and so it closed d_______.


Total 6 Marks

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Question 10 Grammar ? articles


Complete the sentences by writing `a', `an' or `the' in each gap. Write `0' if you think there should be nothing in the gap.

Example: _____ president is making a speech on TV. The president is making a speech on TV.

a) I like music from _____ 1980s.


b) Do you have to wear _____ uniform at your school?


c) I want to study in ______ UK.


d) There are lot of shops on ______ Oxford street.


e) I go to the gym twice _____ week.


f) Can you come back in half ______ hour?


Total 6 Marks

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Section B ? Reading Answer ALL questions

Case Study 1 A speedaholic

Read the text and answer the questions below.


John Earl is 25 and addicted to speed ? an intoxicating combination of high-powered engines, testosterone and youth. `It's not the speed exactly,' he says. `It's the adrenaline. It's the buzz you get when you go fast.'


But if you regularly drive at 120mph (190kph) on a public road, sooner or later you're going to get caught, and today John is one of a dozen speeders attending a new programme designed to cure them of their need for speed. It is similar to programmes used to treat other types of addicts. At the beginning of the course the participants are asked to introduce themselves and admit that they have a problem. `Hello, my name's John, and I'm a speedaholic.'


The speedaholics course is for serious and habitual offenders, and is offered as an alternative to getting points on your licence. `It is based on research into the attitudes of young drivers and bikers,' says Chris Burgess, a psychology lecturer at Exeter University, who created the programme. There are courses for both car drivers and motorcyclists. `There is an element of addiction in this sort of behaviour,' says Burgess. `It's sensationseeking, it's taking risks, looking for that buzz, but ignoring the potentially fatal consequences. They all have the feeling that although other people get injured and even die, `it's not going to happen to me'.


Today's course, which is for motorcyclists, is led by Inspector Robin Derges, a police officer who is a senior investigator of road deaths and a keen biker himself. After introducing themselves, the speeders are asked to explain why they were stopped and to give details of any accidents they've had. They range in age from 18 to mid-forties and most were caught doing at least 20mph (36kph) over the speed limit. Derges gets straight to the point. `Motorcyclists make up just 1% of all the vehicles on the road, but 33% of all deaths and serious injuries happen to motorcyclists. Unless something changes, if we meet up here in a year's time, one of you will be dead.'


Says Derges `We want to give them a sense of their own vulnerability, their human limitations, and to help them make a realistic assessment of the risks involved. It's not about stopping people from enjoying riding, it's about preventing deaths.' Towards the end

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