Articles exercises pdf intermediate

Articles exercises pdf intermediate


Articles exercises pdf intermediate

Articles exercises intermediate pdf. Articles exercises intermediate pdf with answers. Definite and indefinite articles exercises intermediate pdf. Definite and indefinite articles exercises intermediate. English articles exercises upper intermediate. Articles exercises intermediate level. Articles exercises intermediate level with answers. Articles exercises pre-intermediate.

Browse our reading comprehension exercises by level. Select from the exercises below. Level: Intermediate (22) Ada Lovelace: The First Computer Programmer Technology & science | Multiple Choice & True/False Business English | Multiple Choice & True/False Transport & Travel | Multiple Choice & True/False Biofuels and the Environment Business English | Multiple Choice & True/False Technology & science | Multiple Choice & True/False Business English | Multiple Choice & True/False Neither a Borrower nor a Lender Be Business English | Multiple Choice & True/False Papua New Guinea Reconciliation Transport & Travel | Multiple Choice & True/False Environment & Nature | Cloze / Gap Fill Business English | Multiple Choice & True/False Entertainment | Multiple Choice & True/False Restaurant Income and Expenditure Business English | Multiple Choice & True/False Politics | Multiple Choice & True/False Health & Medicine | Multiple Choice & True/False Business English | Multiple Choice & True/False Technology & science | Multiple Choice & True/False Environment & Nature | Cloze / Gap Fill Entertainment | Multiple Choice & True/False Technology & science | Multiple Choice & True/False UK Current Account Record Business English | Multiple Choice & True/False Which is the hardest language? Education & Learning | Multiple Choice & True/False Transport & Travel | Cloze / Gap Fill ESL Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced (click to jump to questions)Articles Worksheet Download: Articles-Worksheet-Englishcurrent.doc (with answers)Instructions: Put the correct article (a, an, the, or nothing) into the paragraphs below. If an article is not needed, then select the blank option.Students, if you'd like to study the rules of English articles, then please read my explanation for beginner students.Articles: Exercises for Beginner Students(Remember, if no article is needed, then select the blank option).My mother is aanthe English teacher. I am aanthe student. When I get home from school, I watch aanthe programs on TV. That's aanthe best part of my day. ProgramsA programsAn programsThe programs I watch are for aanthe children. I am aanthe child, so I think they are funny.I'm aanthe little excited because it's aanthe Friday. There are aanthe lot of good shows on TV today. OneA oneAn oneThe one I usually watch is at 3:30. It's about aanthe animals. Also, I'm excited today because my mother is making aanthe rice for dinner.Later, after eating dinner and doing my homework, I go to my room and read aanthe book for 30 minutes. Then I turn off aanthe light and go to aanthe bed.Articles: Exercises for Intermediate StudentsMoving to aanthe United States was aanthe most exciting thing I have ever done. I moved last year to aanthe New York. New York is aanthe exciting city, full of aanthe adventure. In fact, I saw aanthe famous actor on aanthe street yesterday!Today, I have aanthe job interview at aanthe financial company. CompanyA companyAn companyThe company has aanthe offices all over aanthe world. I'm not sure that I have aanthe skills to get hired. I hope so. CompanyA companyAn companyThe company`s office is on aanthe Main Street. That's aanthe same street my friend works on.If I get hired, I could meet him after aanthe work for drinks. That would be great. He's from aanthe Scotland. He works 8 hours aanthe day, 5 days aanthe week.Articles: More Exercises for Intermediate StudentsI have two brothers. One, Greg, is still in aanthe college, and aanthe other, Mike, has already graduated. Mike is aanthe kind of guy that is very serious. I don't remember aanthe last time I saw him. It may have been in aanthe August. He was wearing aanthe red sweater. It matched his aanthe red hair.After aanthe dinner, I usually wash aanthe dishes. My wife hates doing it. I waste a lot of aanthe water when I do it. That's bad for aanthe environment, I think.We live near aanthe sea. MostA mostAn mostThe most houses in this area are expensive.Articles: Exercises for Advanced StudentsI have aanthe uncle who lives in aanthe home for aanthe elderly. He is aanthe honest man. He used to be aanthe FBI agent. He once saved aanthe one-year-old boy from aanthe fire. He has many interesting stories.He told me that he once met aanthe alien from aanthe space. This alien didn't need aanthe oxygen to live; it didn't have aanthe nose. That's aanthe hard story to believe. I'm not sure he was telling me aanthe truth. Maybe he isn't so honest, after all.StressA stressAn stressThe stress can makeaanthe life unpleasant. In aanthe day, I work at aanthe office. >AAnThe people I work with are busy, and aanthe work we do isn't easy.Articles: More Exercises for Advanced StudentsWhen I drive to aanthe work, usually aanthe highways are really busy. If there's aanthe accident during aanthe rush hour, it can be aanthe chaos on the roads.I don't watch aanthe TV. I get aanthe information and aanthe news, etc., from aanthe Internet. I don't often go to aanthe cinema, either.I'm interested in aanthe finance. I heardaanthe Euro is losing value, compared to aanthe US dollar.I like Japan. CrimeA crimeAn crimeThe crime is infrequent there. When I fly to Japan, I usually fly to aanthe Narita Airport. The last time I was in Japan, I climbed >aanthe Mount Fuji. It was fun.I am tall. JapaneseA JapaneseAn JapaneseThe Japanese are generally shorter than I am.Related Articles: ? Articles exercises and worksheet copyright Matthew Barton of English Current recommends Grammarly as a learning tool to reduce English mistakes. If you found this page helpful, consider a donation to our hosting bill to show your support!

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