Forest Hills High School

Forest Hills High School Mrs. Richardson

Rules and Regulations - Senior English English Department

These are the Rules and Regulations for our class and my criteria for grading and conduct. Understanding these expectations will eliminate any confusion about grades, behavior and academic performance. You are expected to keep these Rules and Regulations in your notebook until the last day of school in June. I look forward to a successful school year with you.


1. You will come to class everyday. If you must be absent, you will bring a written note from a parent, guardian, doctor, or official appointment on the day you return to class. Each unjustified absence is an automatic five point deduction from your report card grade for that marking period.

2. You will be in your seat ready to begin work before the late bell rings. The late bell is not a signal to enter our classroom; it is a signal to begin our lesson. Each time you are late to class there is an automatic one point deduction from your report card grade for that marking period.

3. You will come to class prepared to work. You will have a notebook pen, and the books, and materials necessary for our lesson with you everyday.

4. When you come into class, you will immediately copy that day’s aim and homework assignment. Then, you will begin working on the DO NOW assignment.

5. You will not use electronic devices of any type during this class.

6. You will listen when other people speak. You will respect their comments and raise your hand when you wish to speak. You need to be involved in class discussions and ask questions when you do not understand something.

7. You will treat others and their property with respect at all times.

8. You will show respect for this classroom. This includes cleaning up your own trash and keeping the desks and bulletin boards graffiti free.

9. You will use language appropriate for the classroom.

10. The Office of Emergency Management has implemented procedures for safety during a Fire Drill. During Fire Drills it is imperative that you stay with me at all times. Once we have safely exited the building as a class, I am required to take your attendance.


Your grades are cumulative. This means that whatever grade you earn in the first marking period will be averaged with the grade you earn for the second marking period and so on. The average of your grades will be the grade that you will receive on your report card.

1. Tests, Essays, Projects and Quizzes

a. You will be told in advance when you have tests or essay so you can prepare. If you are absent on a test or essay day, you will not be permitted to make up the work unless you present an absent note.

b. All essays and projects will be given with written instructions that will fully explain what is expected of you. This includes your Senior Thesis.

c. For each marking period ten of your Do Now assignments will be collected and graded on a ten point scale. These “quizzes” will be averaged in to your report card grade as a test for each marking period. If you are late to class or absent without a note, you will not be able to make up these assignments.

2. Homework

a. There will be homework almost every night. It will be checked in class the following day.

b. All Homework assignments will be on the school’s website, . You must go to the home page, click on the link for Academics. Click the link for Classes and Homework. Click the link for English. Your class’ page is Richardson Senior English. Even if you are absent, you are expected to complete your homework assignment. Homework assignments can only be made up if you have an absent note. Your homework assignments are equivalent to a test grade at the end of each marking period.

3. Class work and Participation

You must arrive on time, be prepared, ask and answer questions, act respectfully and cooperatively and complete all class work on time. The more you participate and cooperate, the higher your grade will be.

Please review these Rules and Regulations with your parent or guardian. You and your parent or guardian must sign this form and return the signed bottom portion tomorrow. Please provide your contact information in the spaces provided. Thank you for your cooperation. If you need to contact me, please do so via email PRichar8@.SCHOOLS. .

We have read, discussed and understand the rules and grading system for the 2015-2016 school year in Mrs. Richardson’s class.

_________________________________________ __________________

Student Signature Date

_________________________________________ __________________

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Home Phone #_________________________________________________________________

Parent / Guardian Work Phone # __________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Cell Phone # _____________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Email Address ___________________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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