Senior English Essay Grade Sheet

Senior English Essay Grade Sheet

Name: ________________________________________ Date:   __________

Audience & Expression: This essay clearly demonstrates an awareness of its intended readers.

_____Overall purpose and focus   ________Credibility of ideas and information

_____ Logic consistencies/reasoning problems     _____ Tone

_____  Point of view                                         _____  Conciseness/unnecessary repetition

_____  Page format  (see:   )                                             

____  MLA citation and Works Cited Page

_____ Original Title                                                                 

_____  Other: ___________________________                               

Score (0-25):   _____


Organization & Structure: This essay has a clear structure appropriate to its thesis and subject.

_____  Clear and focused thesis statement(s)              _____  Logical organization pattern

_____  Consistent, focused discussion around thesis _____Overall unity and coherence

_____  Clear, focused topic sentences/main points    ______Paragraph unity & coherence

_____  Paragraph cohesion between sentences

_____Transitions between/within paragraphs     

_____  Other: ___________________________                   

Score (0-25):   _____

Development: This essay is fully developed in all of its various phases.

_____  Introduction                                                      _____  Main ideas

_____ Supporting ideas/evidence                   _____  Details and specifics

_____  Conclusion                                                  _____  Overall development and length

_____  Paragraph development                              _____Use and interpretation of sources

_____  Synthesis of multiple sources                              

_____  Other: ___________________________                                           

Score (0-25):   _____


Sentence Structure & Word Choice: The sentences of this essay are generally free from error and appropriately varied, and the words in this essay are chosen with accuracy and attention to style.

_____  Unintentional sentence fragments                  _____  Run-on sentences

_____  Sentence variety/length/clarity ______ Inflated or wordy language                                       

____  Vague, unclear words or references                  _____  Clichés/slang

_____  Inappropriate or Overused Vocabulary

_____  Other: ___________________________                   

Score (0-15):   _____


Grammar & Mechanics: This essay demonstrates a sound control of conventional usage.

_____  Verb forms                                                      

_____  Adjectives, adverbs or articles             

_____  Shifts in tense, person, or number                      _____  Spelling

_____  Accidental word omission or repetition  _____  End punctuation

_____  Commas                                                           _____  Other punctuation

_____  Capitalization, abbreviations, or contractions

_____  Other: ___________________________                               

Score (0-10):   _____

Instructor Comments:                                                               

Score/Grade:               _______


Grade Guidelines for Senior English Essays


The “A” (90+) essay is well organized and developed, with a recognizable thesis statement. The essay demonstrates a clear understanding and fulfillment of the assignment and its audience. It is interesting and detailed, showing the student’s ability to use language effectively and creatively. In an “A” essay, the student constructs sentences distinguished by complexity and variety. Finally, “A” essays are essentially free of grammatical, mechanical, and usage errors.


The “B” (80-89) essay demonstrates competence in the same categories as the “A” essay. The chief difference is that the “B” essay shows minor weaknesses in one of the above categories. It may lack development or a clear sense of audience or organization, show less facility in forming sentences, or contain some minor grammatical, mechanical, or usage flaws.


The “C” (70-79) essay completes all tasks set by the assignment, but it shows weaknesses in fundamentals, usually development, with barely enough specific information to illustrate the experience or support generalizations. Whereas the “B” essay contains weaknesses in one grading area, the “C” essay has shortcomings in more than one area. The sentence construction may be limited, and the use of language is less effective and correct than the “B” essay.


The “D” (65-69) essay neglects the assigned tasks and is noticeably superficial in its treatment of the assignment—it is usually too simplistic or too short. The essay has serious issues in developing and organizing ideas for its audience. It contains grammatical, mechanical, and usage errors that are serious or frequent enough to interfere substantially with the writer’s ability to communicate.


The “F” (64 and below) essay demonstrates a striking under development of ideas and insufficient or unfocused organization. It contains serious grammatical, mechanical, and usage errors that render some sentences incomprehensible.


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