10th Grade English/Language Arts

Mrs. Bojonca


Students will receive instruction based upon the Alabama State Department course of study and objectives. Special attention will also be paid to ACT Quality Core Standards as well as Common Core Standards. Students will also learn vital skills concerning listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students will be presented with many strategies to improve their language usage and comprehension. Students will read a variety of literature ranging from America’s beginnings to the 1900s.

• Students will complete several units created by ACT Quality Core. Students will be prepared for The PLAN and the End of Course Test through the work completed in this class.

• Students will be expected to read at least three novels over the course of the year.


The grading procedure will be as follows:

25% Daily Grade This includes homework, class work, warm-ups, and cooperative work.

50% Test Grade This includes unit tests, research paper, vocabulary quizzes, and presentations.

25% Final Exam 9 Weeks/Final Exam

*Final papers are to be written in ink on the front side of the paper. If papers are typed please use Times New Roman 12 font.

All papers should be double-spaced.

It is the student’s responsibility to make-up work. I will not remind students that they need to make up an assignment. Students will have 2 days to make up an assignment if their absence is excused. Students will not be able to make up work that is missed because of an unexcused absence.

Homework and Class work

I will not assign homework every night, but I will assign homework occasionally. If a

student does not complete class work they may complete some assignments as homework.


I expect students to always do their best in the classroom. I expect students to be respectful to me and to their peers. Students should always turn in work on time. Class attendance is also important to be successful in my classroom. Students should bring all materials necessary for class everyday.

Class Rules

Be Respectful

Be Responsible

Be Resourceful

Required Materials

1. 3 ring binder w/ pockets (1in)

2. College ruled paper

3. black or blue pens

4. spiral notebook

5. tab dividers

Helpful Technology

Edmodo Group (5mj0dr)

Remind 101

Text @preap12 to (256)455-0976

Contact Information

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact me. The best way to reach me is through my email address.


Student Signature______________________

Parent Signature _______________________

Tenth Grade Reading Plan

Introduction to 10th Grade (12 Days) ACT Unit

The PLAN Reading and Language Review

Unit 1

The Slave Dancer Novel (Read and Complete Novel Guide over the course of the Unit )


Part 1

The Earth on Turtle’s Back

When Grizzlies Walked Upright

From the Navajo Origin Legend (4 Days)

From the Iroquois Constitution (2 Days)

From A journey through Texas & Other De Vaca story from old book

Boulders Taller Than the Great Tower of Seville (4 Days)

From Of Plymouth Plantation (4 Days)

Part 2

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God (3 Days)

Part 3

What to the Slave is the Fourth of July

Speech in the Virginia Convention

Speech in the Convention(4 Days)

The Declaration of Independence

The American Crisis (4 Days)

From the Autobiography

From Poor Richard’s Almanac (5 Days)

The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano (4 Days)

35 Days

Speech Analysis ACT Unit 13 Days

Unit 2

The Scarlet Letter (Read and Complete Novel Guide over the course of the Unit)


Part 1

The Devil and Tom Walker (3 Days)

Part 2

The Minister’s Black Veil (4 Days)

The Fall of the House of Usher

The Raven (5 Days)

Part 3

From Nature

From Self Reliance (4 Days)

From Walden

From Civil Disobedience (4 Days)

Part 4


Whitman (6 Days)

27 Days

Unit 3

Huck Finn (Read and Complete Novel Guide over the course of the Unit)


Part 1

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge (4 Days)

From Black Boy

From My Bondage and My Freedom (4 Days)

Go Down, Moses

Swing Low (1Day)

The Gettysburg Address (1 Day)

Part 2

Twain (4 Days)

Part 3

The Story of an Hour (3 Days)

Luke Havergal

Richard Cory

Lucinda Matlock

Richard Bone (4 Days)

22 Days

To Kill A Mockingbird 25 Days

Warriors Don’t Cry Unit 25 Days

Julius Caesar 15 Days


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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