A Lesson Plan for First Grade/Kindergarten

Focus of the Lesson: What is in a photograph?

Common Core Learning Standards:

• Speaking

o SL.1.1. Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about first grade topics with peers and adults in small and larger groups

o SL.1.2. Ask and answer questions about key details through other media.

• Listening

o L.1.1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

• Writing

o Write informative/explanatory texts in which they name a topic, supply some facts about the topic and provide some sense of closure.

Additional Standards and/or Scope and Sequence:

• Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS) implement “standards for K–5 reading in history/social studies, science, and technical subjects are integrated into the K–5 Reading standards.” Please visit the CCLS home page for further information (). For further guidance and alignment, please see the NYS Social Studies Standards and NYC Social Studies Scope and Sequence, which are accessible from the HPSBG website.

Connection to Prior Teaching: Students learned about families in their community. They explored the similarities and differences of families and made connection to their own families.


• Historic photos of Hunts Point (Then/Now) taken from HPSBG website

• Pencils

• Magnifying lens

• Graphic organizer for gathering information and wondering

• NOTE: See library (306) and science room (507) for available materials

Lesson Procedure:

• Introduction

o Inform students that pictures give different information about the history of a place, event, or a community. It can also provide questions or wondering.

• Guided Practice:

o Model how to use pictures in gathering information by thinking aloud, using sentence patterns for language learners, using magnifying lens for a closer look, and writing information and wondering in the graphic organizer. Pair-up students by heterogeneous grouping and give each pair a picture of Hunts Point. Students will practice how to gather information using pictures, writing information and wondering with teacher's scaffolding.

• Independent Practice

o Students will work with a partner independently in investigating, talking about a photo of Hunts Point, and writing information and wondering.

• Differentiation:

o Provide sentence patterns for students who cannot come up with their own sentences in speaking or writing. For example:

▪ In this picture, I see_______________________.

▪ I wonder ________________________________________________.

▪ In this photograph, I learned _______________________________________.

• Summary and Share:

o Photos are clues to the past and the families that lived in the community.

o What did we learn today? What information did you find by looking at photographs? What wonderings do you have?

• Assessment:

o Students' graphic organizer (Are students able to gather information and write their wonderings?) and observation notes for the speaking component (Are students able to articulate their thoughts and wonderings independently?)

Follow Up: Students will continue learning about the history of Hunts Point.

Attached Resources:

• Graphic organizer and Photos (Present Hunts Point)

• For the large photos and maps of Hunts Point Then, please go to the library and ask Ms. Mary Brown.

• See library (306) and science room (507) for additional available resources.

Attached Resources: Graphic organizer and Photos (Present Hunts Point) For the large photos and maps of Hunts Point then - please go to the library and ask Ms. Mary Brown.

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Name:_____________________________________ Grade:_______





Name:_____________________________________ Grade:_______

These photos were taken from the Iridescent website. During the lesson, print these photos in black and white for more students' analysis.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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