Daily Lesson Plan

English Language Year 4

|DAY |: |(1) |

|THEME |: |World of Stories |

|FOCUS |: |Listening and Speaking |

|CONTENT STANDARD |: |1.4 1.3 |

|LEARNING STANDARD |: |1.1.4 1.3.1 |

|OBJECTIVE |: |By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to; |

| | |Listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral text by sequencing. |

|ACTIVITY |: |1. Teacher tells pupils the steps on how to make a paper plane. |

|  |  |Use simple sequence connectors: first, after that, then, next ,lastly |

|  |  |Let’s Talk ( page 63) |

|  |  |1. Teacher writes down the word ‘blogging’ on the board: |

| | |Discuss what is blogging |

| | |The purpose of blogging |

| | |What they write in a blog? |

| | |How to access a blog? |

| | |The advantages of blogging. |

| | |How to write a blog? |

| | |2. Teacher emphasizes the usage of sequence connectors. |

| | |Group Work |

| | |1. In group, pupils create a simple blog. Their blog must consist of: |

| | |Blog title, blog description, date , chat box, link |

| | |Discuss in group. |

| | |2. Presentation |

| | |Individual work |

| | |1.Sequencing( page 64) |

| | |Use the scrambled pictures to describe the steps in sequence. |

|TEACHING AIDS |: |Text book, whiteboard, dictionary |

|CCE/EE |: | |

|MORAL VALUES |: |Cooperation |

|EMK |: |Creative and innovative |

|REFLECTION |: |Attendance:__/__ |

| | | |

| | |_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives. |

| | |_____ pupils were able to answer the questions correctly. |

| | |_____ pupils need extra guidance. |

| | |_____ pupils were able to master today’s lesson. |

| | | |

| | |Teacher’s action: |

| | |*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________. |

Daily Lesson Plan

English Language Year 4

|DAY |: |(2) |

|THEME |: |World of Stories |

|FOCUS |: |Reading |


|LEARNING STANDARD |: | 2.3.1 (b) |

|OBJECTIVE |: |By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to; |

| | |Read and understand the text about Turtle. |

| | |Predict outcomes with guidance. |

|ACTIVITY |: |1. Bring a plant from the nearby school garden. Discuss. |

|  |  |Classroom Discussion |

|  |  |Building up vocabulary ( based on the text) |

|  |  |1. Teacher directs pupils to read the text.( page 67) |

| | |2. Underline Words/phrases/idioms |

| | |Examples: discovered, fascinating fact... |

| | |3.Discuss the meaning of each words/idioms/phrases |

| | |Dictionary Skills |

| | |4. Pronunciation Drilling |

| | |Let’s Practice. |

| | |1. Teacher refers to text ( page 67) |

| | |Teacher reads the text and asks pupils to listen to the pronunciation. |

| | |Direct pupils to read the text. |

| | |Read the questions. |

| | |Find the keywords in the question. |

| | |Underline them. |

| | |Find the keywords in the text and read the information given in the sentence. |

| | |Always check all the possible answers before choosing one. |

| | |2. Classroom discussion |

| | |Main ideas |

| | |Cause and effect relationship |

| | |Individual work (Refer to page 67) |

| | |1. Select a local plant. Search for more information in the internet. Write about it. |

| | |2. Use Me –Think Map to describe the plants. |

|TEACHING AIDS |: |Text book, dictionary |

|CCE/EE |: |Contextualism |

|MORAL VALUES |: |Thankful |

|EMK |: |TMK |

|REFLECTION |: |Attendance:__/__ |

| | |_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives. |

| | |_____ pupils were able to answer the questions correctly. |

| | |_____ pupils need extra guidance. |

| | |_____ pupils were able to master today’s lesson. |

| | | |

| | |Teacher’s action: |

| | |*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________. |

Daily Lesson Plan

English Language Year 4

|DAY |: |(3) |

|THEME |: |World of Stories |

|FOCUS |: |Writing – Let’s write |


|LEARNING STANDARD |: |3.2.2(b) |

|OBJECTIVE |: |By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to; |

| | |Write a notice with guidance. |

|ACTIVITY |: |1. Look around the classroom/school compound. Find a notice. |

|  |  |2. Ask pupils to describe what notice is. |

|  |  |Let’s read and write ( Page 68 ) |

|  |  |1. In class, study the short text. |

| | |2. Read the text with teacher guidance. |

| | |3. Find out about more about notice (How to write notice). |

| | |Describe : |

| | |The word ‘notice’, date , heading/subject |

| | |Contents, name and title |

| | |Group Work |

| | |1. In group, choose a topic and write a notice: |

| | |Things to bring for arts and craft lesson |

| | |Changes to the examination dates |

| | |A list of homework |

| | |2. Estimation time for the pupils to label the items: 5 minutes. |

| | |3.Presentation |

| | |Individual work |

| | |1. Write a notice by arranging the information.( Page 68) |

|TEACHING AIDS |: |Text book, Whiteboard, Handout, Marker Pen, Dictionary |

|CCTS |: |1.  Collecting & classifying information |

|MORAL VALUES |: |Well-mannered in words and actions. |

|EMK |: |Creative and innovative |

|REFLECTION |: |Attendance:__/__ |

| | | |

| | |_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives. |

| | |_____ pupils were able to answer the questions correctly. |

| | |_____ pupils need extra guidance. |

| | |_____ pupils were able to master today’s lesson. |

| | | |

| | |Teacher’s action: |

| | |*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________. |

Daily Lesson Plan

English Language Year 4

|DAY |: |(4) |

|THEME |: |World of Stories |

|FOCUS |: |Grammar |


|LEARNING STANDARD |: |5.1.3 (d) |

|OBJECTIVE |: |By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to; |

| | |Identify and know the usage of past continuous tense. |

| | |Apply past continuous tense accurately in different situation |

|ACTIVITY |: |1. Write down two sentences on the board. |

|  |  |2. One with present continuous tense and other with past continuous tense. |

|  |  |3. Find the different. |

|  |  |Let’s Learn and Practise (Page 70) |

| | |1. Teacher explains about Past Continuous Tense. |

| | |The rules: Verb to be + Verb + ing |

| | |The situation |

| | |2. Use the timetable to describe Past Continuous Tense verbs. |

| | |3. Classroom Discussion |

| | |Understand the note provided. |

| | |Group work |

| | |Create timetable for Past Continuous Tense. |

| | |Teacher encourages pupils to find new words. |

| | |Presentation. |

| | |Individual work(Page 70) |

| | |1.Rewrite the sentences using the past continuous Tense |

| | |2. Discuss the correct answer. |

|TEACHING AIDS |: |Text book, Whiteboard, Handout, Marker Pen, Dictionary |

|CCTS |: |1.  Collecting & classifying information |

|MORAL VALUES |: |Determined |

|EMK |: |TMK |

|REFLECTION |: |Attendance:__/__ |

| | | |

| | |_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives. |

| | |_____ pupils were able to answer the questions correctly. |

| | |_____ pupils need extra guidance. |

| | |_____ pupils were able to master today’s lesson. |

| | | |

| | |Teacher’s action: |

| | |*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________. |

Daily Lesson Plan

English Language Year 4

|DAY |: |(5) |

|THEME |: |World of Stories |

|FOCUS |: |Language Arts |

| | |Contemporary Literature |



|OBJECTIVE |: |By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to; |

| | |Plan, prepare and participate in a performance with guidance. |

| | |Enjoy the poem |

|ACTIVITY |: |1. Refresh the story about Oliver twist from the previous lesson. |

|  |  |Let’s Read ( Page 72) |

|  |  |1. Observed the pictures, Search for: |

|  |  |Characters |

| | |Plot |

| | |Moral Values |

| | |Keywords |

| | |2. Discuss the story |

| | |Group work |

| | |1. Discuss |

| | |The countryside cottage was a happy place for Oliver. |

| | |Why do you think he was happy there? |

| | |Individual Work |

| | |1. Which would you like to live? In a countryside or city |

| | |2. Write your answer in I -Think map |

|TEACHING AIDS |: |Text book, Whiteboard, Handout, Marker Pen, Dictionary |

|CCTS |: |1.  Collecting & classifying information |

|MORAL VALUES |: |Love of peace and harmony |

|EMK |: |Creative and inovative |

|REFLECTION |: |Attendance:__/__ |

| | | |

| | |_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives. |

| | |_____ pupils were able to answer the questions correctly. |

| | |_____ pupils need extra guidance. |

| | |_____ pupils were able to master today’s lesson. |

| | | |

| | |Teacher’s action: |

| | |*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________. |


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