
Daily Lesson Plan

English Language Year 4

|DAY |: |(1) |

|THEME |: |World of Self, Family and Friends |

|FOCUS |: |Listening and Speaking |



|OBJECTIVE |: |By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to; |

| | |Talk about type of occupations with guidance. |

|ACTIVITY |: |1. Teacher passes a box and asks pupils to sing a song. |

|  |  |2. Teacher will give a signal to stop. |

|  |  |3. The last pupils will answer a question. |

|  |  |4. Pupils will answer the question stated. |

| | |Question: What is your father? Where does he work? |

| | |Let’s Talk (page13) |

| | |1. Ask pupils to read the dialogue. |

| | |2. Discuss the conversation with pupils. |

| | |4. Proceed the passing box |

| | |3. Draw out paper and answer questions. |

| | |Refer to the conversation(page 13) |

| | |Group Activity |

| | |1.Pupils answer the questions using I –Think Map |

| | |What would you do with the money from your salary? |

| | |Give your reason. |

| | |How much would you save in a month? |

| | |Analyze your saving |

| | |2. Presentation. |

| | |Individual work |

| | |Write about.... |

| | |1. What do you want to be when you grow up? |

|TEACHING AIDS |: |Text book, whiteboard, dictionary |

|CCE/EE |: |Multiple Intelligences |

|MORAL VALUES |: |Ambitious |

|EMK |: |Creative and innovative |

|REFLECTION |: |Attendance:__/__ |

| | | |

| | |_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives. |

| | |_____ pupils were able to answer the questions correctly. |

| | |_____ pupils need extra guidance. |

| | |_____ pupils were able to master today’s lesson. |

| | | |

| | |Teacher’s action: |

| | |*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________. |

Daily Lesson Plan

English Language Year 4

|DAY |: |(2) |

|THEME |: |World of Self, Family and Friends |

|FOCUS |: |Reading |


|LEARNING STANDARD |: |2.2.2(a) |

|OBJECTIVE |: |By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to; |

| | |Read and show satisfactory understanding of a text. |

| | |To apply dictionary skills in locating words and find meaning of base word. |

|ACTIVITY |: |1. Shows RM5 to pupils and asks them to list the things they are going to buy. |

|  |  |2. Asks pupils randomly to read the list. |

|  |  |3. Explain the topic. |

|  |  |Classroom Discussion |

| | |Building up vocabulary ( based on the text) |

| | |1. Teacher introduces two words NEED and WANT. |

| | |Ask the meaning of the two words. |

| | |3.Words/phrases/idioms |

| | |Examples: saving for a rainy day, borrow, money, afford, save up.etc |

| | |3.Discuss the meaning of each words/idioms/phrases |

| | |Dictionary Skills |

| | |4. Pronunciation Drilling |

| | |Let’s Read and Answer |

| | |1. Ask pupils to read the useful tips on how to manage money. |

| | |2.Practice the reading; |

| | |as a class, in group and as individually |

| | |3.Discuss the content of the text |

| | |the main ideas |

| | |Individual work( page15) |

| | |1. Answering questions. |

|TEACHING AIDS |: |Text book, dictionary |

|CCE/EE |: |Contextualism |

|MORAL VALUES |: |Determined |

|EMK |: |TMK |

|REFLECTION |: |Attendance:__/__ |

| | | |

| | |_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives. |

| | |_____ pupils were able to answer the questions correctly. |

| | |_____ pupils need extra guidance. |

| | |_____ pupils were able to master today’s lesson. |

| | | |

| | |Teacher’s action: |

| | |*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________. |

Daily Lesson Plan

English Language Year 4

|DAY |: |(3) |

|THEME |: |World of Self, Family and Friends |

|FOCUS |: |Writing – Let’s write |


|LEARNING STANDARD |: |3.1.1(b)(c) |

|OBJECTIVE |: |By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to; |

| | |Write about their choice using the information given. |

|ACTIVITY |: |1. Teacher shows pictures of three different type of mobile phone. |

|  |  |2. Teacher asks pupils which are their choices. |

|  |  |3. Teacher asks briefly about their choices. |

|  |  |Let’s write |

| | |1. Refer to textbook(page18) |

| | |2. Pupils read the information. |

| | |3. Discuss about the information. |

| | |4. Teacher gives tips on how to answer the information transfer. |

| | |Group Activity |

| | |1. Make a choice. |

| | |2. Discuss |

| | |3. Refer to the example answer provided. ( page 17) |

| | |4. Present |

| | |Individual work |

| | |1.Rewrite a paragraph.( Page 7) |

|TEACHING AIDS |: |Text book, Whiteboard, Handout, Marker Pen, Dictionary |

|CCTS |: |1.  Collecting & classifying information |

|MORAL VALUES |: |Be prudent |

|EMK |: |Creative and innovative |

|REFLECTION |: |Attendance:__/__ |

| | | |

| | |_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives. |

| | |_____ pupils were able to answer the questions correctly. |

| | |_____ pupils need extra guidance. |

| | |_____ pupils were able to master today’s lesson. |

| | | |

| | |Teacher’s action: |

| | |*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________. |

Daily Lesson Plan

English Language Year 4

|DAY |: |(4) |

|THEME |: |World of Self, Family and Friends |

|FOCUS |: |Grammar – Let’s learn, Let’s write |


|LEARNING STANDARD |: |5.1.1 (d)(e) |

|OBJECTIVE |: |By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to; |

| | |Know what countable nouns and uncountable nouns are. |

| | |Use countable nouns and uncountable nouns in writing. |

|ACTIVITY |: |‘Congak Techniques’ |

|  |  |1.Teacher chooses pupils randomly |

|  |  |2.Teacher says the word: Ex: Bus( singular) |

|  |  |3.Pupils answer immediately: Ex: Buses |

| | |Let’s Learn and Practise |

| | |1. Refer to textbook –page 19 |

| | |2. Teacher refreshes the topic; countable and uncountable nouns. |

| | |-The use of a, an, a few, several, many, some, plenty of, a lot of with Countable Nouns. |

| | |-The use of a little, much, some, plenty of, a lot of with uncountable Nouns. |

| | |3. Refer to the text (page 19) |

| | |- Choose the correct answers. |

| | |4. Teacher discusses the answer with pupils. |

| | |Group Activity |

| | |1.Refer to textbook(page 19) |

| | |2. Pupils group the words into countable and uncountable nouns. |

| | |3. Pupils complete phrases. |

| | |4 Teacher discusses the answers with pupils |

| | |Individual work |

| | |1. Write 5 sentences using phrases; Examples : two babies, several deer |

|TEACHING AIDS |: |Text book, Whiteboard, Handout, Marker Pen, Dictionary |

|CCTS |: |1.  Collecting & classifying information |

|MORAL VALUES |: |Co-operation |

|EMK |: |TMK |

|REFLECTION |: |Attendance:__/__ |

| | | |

| | |_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives. |

| | |_____ pupils were able to answer the questions correctly. |

| | |_____ pupils need extra guidance. |

| | |_____ pupils were able to master today’s lesson. |

| | | |

| | |Teacher’s action: |

| | |*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________. |

Daily Lesson Plan

English Language Year 4

|DAY |: |(5) |

|THEME |: |World of Self, Family and Friends |

|FOCUS |: |Language Arts – Contemporary Literature |

| | |Alice’s Adventures in wonderland by Lewis Carroll |


|LEARNING STANDARD |: |4.2.1(a) |

|OBJECTIVE |: |By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to; |

| | |Talk about the characters in the story heard. |

| | |Give personal responses to the story heard. |

|ACTIVITY |: |1. Teacher shows picture of Alice and Rabbit and asks pupils if they ever heard a story about |

|  |  |them. |

|  |  |2. Have short conversation with pupils. |

|  |  |Classroom Discussion |

| | |2. Pupil reads and acts the story. |

| | |3. Asks pupils to listen and identify the main characters and others characters in the story |

| | |heard. |

| | |4. Teacher asks some oral questions related to the story. |

| | |Who is the author? What is the title? |

| | |4.Learn the meaning of some words/idioms/phrases |

| | |Refer to the story. |

| | |Group Work |

| | |1. Answering questions. |

| | |Teacher and pupils discuss the story by answering few questions. |

| | |Individual Work |

| | |1. Draw picture of Alice and The rabbit. |

|TEACHING AIDS |: |Text book, Whiteboard, Handout, Marker Pen, Dictionary |

|CCTS |: |1.  Collecting & classifying information |

|MORAL VALUES |: |Brave wise |

|EMK |: |Creative and inovative |

|REFLECTION |: |Attendance:__/__ |

| | | |

| | |_____ pupils were able to achieve the objectives. |

| | |_____ pupils were able to answer the questions correctly. |

| | |_____ pupils need extra guidance. |

| | |_____ pupils were able to master today’s lesson. |

| | | |

| | |Teacher’s action: |

| | |*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________. |


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