
ENGLISH VERB TENSES FOR SPANISH SPEAKERSBy fotopala.downloads/audiolibroYou will be happy to know that English verb tenses are easy to learn in comparison to Spanish verb tenses. Let’s look at the charts below and compare the English with the Spanish:Present Tense:I I speakYo habloYou You speakTú hablasHe/She/It She speaks?l/Ella/Ud. Ella hablaWe We speakNosotros hablamosYou (plural) You speakVosotros habláisThey They speakEllos/Ellas/Uds. Ellos hablanPast Tense:I I workedYo trabajéYou You workedTú trabajasteHe/She/It She worked?l/Ella/Ud. Ella trabajóWe We workedNosotros trabajamosYou (plural) You workedVosotros trabajasteisThey They workedEllos/Ellas/Uds. Ellos trabajaronFuture Tense:I I will liveYo viviréYou You will liveTú vivirásHe/She/It She will live?l/Ella/Ud. Ella viviráWe We will liveNosotros viviremosYou (plural) You will liveVosotros viviréisThey They will liveEllos/Ellas/Uds. Ellos viviránSo, it is fairly easy to know how to conjugate verbs in English because the verb remains the same at all times except for the third person singular in the Present Tense.Let’s move on to learning the first English tense in this course – the Present Tense.PRESENT TENSEWe use the Present Tense (el Presente) when talking about something that is factual, repeated, or usual. Con este tiempo verbal, hablamos sobre un hecho, un hábito … sobre la vida normal.Examples:I do homework every day.Hago la tarea todos los días. I have the book and the dictionary.Tengo el libro y el diccionario.We eat spicy emos comida picante.We hear the cat.Oímos el gato.The boys don't know how to paint.Los muchachos no saben como pintar. We live around the corner.Vivimos a la vuelta de la esquina.Do you know where John is??Sabes dónde está Juan? What city do you live in??En qué ciudad vive usted? Es muy fácil, ?no es cierto? This tense is very easy to learn because it is normally the first tense that people learn when learning any language, plus the Present Tense in English is nearly identical to el tiempo Presente in Spanish.In this course we are not focusing on verb conjugations because you can find them everywhere on the internet, but instead we are focusing on the 16 English verb tenses. But before we go on to the next verb tense, we will review the verb “to be” in English because you will need it when forming the next tense in this course.Verb “To Be” in EnglishThe infinitive form (el infinitivo) in English always includes the word “to” with the verb. So, in Spanish the infinitive vivir is expressed in English as “to live” … comer in Spanish is “to eat” in English … caminar in Spanish is “to walk” in English.One thing that makes English easy to learn is that the Spanish verbs ser and estar are both covered by the one English verb “to be.” So in Spanish when you say “I am Mario” you use the verb ser to say “Soy Mario” … but if you say “I am here” you use the verb estar to say “Estoy aquí.” “I am tall” in English is “Soy alto” in Spanish … but “I am happy” in English is “Estoy feliz” in Spanish.Spanish language learners such as myself try to remember which verb to use by thinking of ser as something permanent and estar as something temporary, but it is more complicated than that. The good news for you is that you only have to learn the one verb “to be” in English. Here are ser and estar and the verb “to be”:I I amYo soyYo estoyYou You areTú eresTú estásHe/She/It She is?l/Ella/Ud. es?l/Ella/Ud. estáWe We areNosotros somosNosotros estamosYou (plural) You areVosotros soisVosotros estáisThey They areEllos/Ellas/Uds. sonEllos/Ellas/Uds. estánNow that we have reviewed the English verb “to be,” let’s continue by moving on to the Present Progressive Tense. PRESENT PROGRESSIVE TENSEThe Present Progressive Tense (sometimes called the Present Continuous Tense) is often used to describe something that is happening right now – ahora mismo!Examples:You are learning English.Estás aprendiendo inglés.I am eating pizza.Estoy comiendo pizza.We are watching television.Estamos mirando la televisión.Or, you can talk about something that you are doing today, this month, this year, etc. … Which means that you can talk about something you might not be doing at this very moment but something that you are in the process of doing over a longer period of time.Examples: I am working at the store this month.Estoy trabajando en la tienda este mes.They are learning a lot about sports at school.Ellos están aprendiendo mucho acerca de deportes en la escuela.I am studying to be a lawyer.Estoy estudiando para ser un abogado.Finally, you can use the Present Progressive Tense in English to talk about something that will happen in the future. ?Atención! – In Spanish you do this with el tiempo Presente and not el Presente Progresivo.Examples:I am playing soccer with friends after work.Juego el fútbol con amigos despues de trabajo.My mother is cooking dinner tonight.Mi madre cocina la cena esta noche.Tomorrow we are meeting to have coffee.Ma?ana nos vemos para tomar café.I am calling you this afternoon.Te llamo esta tarde.How to Form the Present Progressive Tense:You form the Present Progressive Tense in English by combining the Present Tense of the verb “to be” with a verb that ends in the letters “ing” – Another name for this “ing verb” is the present participle. The Presente Progresivo tense in Spanish is formed the same way by combining the verb estar with the gerundio.The present participle “working” is the gerundio “trabajando” … the present participle “drinking” is the gerundio “bebiendo” … the present participle “living” is the gerundio “viviendo” … and so on.(?Atención! … the “present participle” in English is called “gerundio” in Spanish, however a “gerund” in English is not the “gerundio” in Spanish. In English a gerund is a noun that is made from a verb by adding the letters "ing" for example “Reading helps you learn English.” In this sentence we mention the thing that is known as “Reading”). Okay … so far we have learned the Present Tense, and then we reviewed the verb “to be” before learning the Present Progressive Tense. Now that we have done that … now that we have studied those first two tenses … now that we have made some progress, let’s learn the tense that I have used 3 times in this very long sentence – we have done, we have studied, and we have made – let’s learn the Present Perfect Tense.PRESENT PERFECT TENSEThe English language Present Perfect Tense is considered a past tense in Spanish, and therefore this tense is called Pretérito Perfecto or Antepresente in Spanish.The Pretérito Perfecto tense in Spanish describes "una acción terminada en un tiempo no terminado," and the unfinished time can be today, this week, this month, this year, a lifetime, or any period of unfinished time.The easiest way to understand the Present Perfect Tense in English is to think of it as action that started in the past and continues in the present. Acción que comenzó en el pasado y continua en el presente.Examples:I have already seen that movie.Ya he visto esa película.Have you spoken with the doctor??Has hablado con el medico?The boys have spoken with the teacher.Los ni?os han hablado con el maestro.She has eaten in this restaurant.Ella ha comido en este restaurante.We have always played soccer.Siempre hemos jugado el fútbol. Do you know if the girls have gone to the store??Sabes si las chicas han ido a la tienda?We have lived in this house for five years.Hemos vivido en esta casa por cinco a?os.How to Form the Present Perfect Tense:The Present Perfect Tense in English is formed the same way as it is in the Spanish language … it is a compound tense (tiempo compuesto) that is formed by combining the present tense of the helping verb “have” or “has” with the past participle. For example … You have done your work ... She has written a letter… We have told the truth.In Spanish you combine the helping verb haber (to have done something) with the participio to form this tense. Por ejemplo … Has hecho tu trabajo … Ella ha escrito una carta … Hemos dicho la verdad. ?Atención! – In Spanish you don’t use the verb tener (to have, to possess) as the helping verb in this tense, and likewise in English you don’t use the verb “to have” (to possess) as the helping verb in this tense. So, when you say “She has a letter” (Ella tiene una carta) it means that she has a letter in her possession, but when you say “She has written a letter,” it is translated into Spanish as Ella ha escrito una carta.Examples:I I have written a letter.Yo He escrito una carta.You You have written a letter.Tú Has escrito una carta.He/She/It She has written a letter.?l/Ella/Ud. Ella ha escrito una carta.We We have written a letter.Nosotros Hemos escrito una carta.You (plural) You have written a letter.Vosotros Habéis escrito una carta.They They have written a letter.Ellos/Ellas/Uds. Ellos han escrito una carta.The English past participles are a little complicated, but fortunately in this course you receive a spreadsheet that lists many of the more common and difficult English past participles alongside the infinitives and present participles for each verb.We’ve already covered the Present Progressive Tense – therefore, it is time to cover the Past Progressive Tense.PAST PROGRESSIVE TENSEThe Past Progressive Tense (sometimes called the Past Continuous Tense) is used to describe something that was happening in the past. Examples:Roberto was sleeping in my office.Roberto estaba durmiendo en mi oficina.María was singing last night.María estaba cantando anoche.You were living in Granada.Ustedes estaban viviendo en Granada.Also, you can use this tense to describe something that was happening in the past that was interrupted by something else. Se puede usar para describir algo que estaba ocurriendo en el pasado que fue interrumpido por otra acción.Examples:I was eating when Jorge arrived.Yo estaba comiendo cuando Jorge llegó.We were cooking when the phone rang.Estábamos cocinando cuando sonó el teléfono.Finally, you can use this tense to describe two things that were happening at the same time in the past.Examples:I was singing while he was playing the guitar.Yo cantaba mientras él tocaba la guitarra.My sisters were dancing and my brothers were sleeping.Mis hermanas estaban bailando y mis hermanos estaban durmiendo.How to Form the Past Progressive Tense:You form the Past Progressive Tense in English by combining the Past Tense of the verb “to be” with the present participle (also called an “ing verb”). I was studying. You were playing. Jose was working. They were reading. In Spanish it is formed by combining the verb estar in the Imperfect Tense with the gerundio. Yo estaba estudiando. Estabas jugando. Jose estaba trabajando. Ellos estaban leyendo.?Atención! – The Imperfect Tense (el tiempo Imperfecto) does not exist in English … we use the Past Progressive Tense in English to describe something that was happening in the past.?Perfecto! You have already learned four English language tenses – Present Tense, Present Progressive Tense, Present Perfect Tense, and Past Progressive Tense. But before we continue I want to remind you that the Present Perfect Tense describes acción que comenzó en el pasado y continua en el presente … I want to remind you of that because it is now time to look at the Past Perfect Tense. Are you ready?PAST PERFECT TENSEThe Past Perfect Tense es muy fácil en inglés because it is just like the Pluscuamperfecto en espa?ol … it describes acción que comenzó en el pasado y terminó en el pasado.The Past Perfect Tense is also a compound tense (tiempo compuesto) that is formed by combining the helping verb “had” with the past participle.Examples:I I had eaten the pizza before you arrived.Yo Yo había comido la pizza antes de que llegaras.You You had eaten the pizza before the concert.Tú Habías comido la pizza antes del concierto.He/She/It She had eaten the pizza before going to bed.?l/Ella/Ud. Ella había comido la pizza antes de acostarse.We We had eaten the pizza before Mom arrived.Nosotros Habíamos comido la pizza antes de que Mamá llegara.You (plural) You had eaten the pizza before the party.Vosotros Habíais comido la pizza antes de la fiesta.They They had eaten the pizza before getting married.Ellos/Ellas/Uds. Ellos habían comido la pizza antes de casarse.Notice that you use the same helping verb “had” in every case both singular and plural … I had eaten pizza, you had eaten pizza, she had eaten pizza, we had eaten pizza, you (plural) had eaten pizza, and they had eaten pizza.Notice also that the Past Perfect Tense is used to describe something that happened in the past before something else happened in the past – pasado, pasado – both events happened in the past, one before the other.Or, you can think of the Past Perfect Tense as describing something that happened in the past before a specific time in the past.Examples:She had not seen the movie before Sunday.Ella no había visto la película antes del domingo.My friends had lived in Colombia before 1980.Mis amigos habían vivido in Colombia antes de 1980.Do you remember that I had said earlier that the Imperfect Tense does not exist in English? Similarly, what I call the Imperfect Progressive Tense does not exist in English (for example: Yo estaba hablando con los gerentes) – we call that the Past Progressive Tense. Additionally, the 4 tenses of the Subjunctive Mood do not exist in English. Moreover, I want you to know that there are 4 verb tenses in English that are not called tiempos verbales in Spanish, and we will review them now. The two most commonly used in English are the Present Perfect Progressive Tense and the Past Perfect Progressive Tense, however occasionally we also use the Future Perfect Progressive Tense and the Conditional Perfect Progressive Tense.PRESENT PERFECT PROGRESSIVE TENSEThis tense is actually quite easy to understand. It is formed just like the Present Perfect Tense, and then all you have to do is add a present participle (also called an “ing verb”).To review, the Present Perfect Tense is a compound tense (tiempo compuesto) that is formed by combining the present tense of the helping verb “have” or “has” with the past participle … and when you form the Present Perfect Progressive Tense you always use the past participle of the verb “to be.”Examples:I have been studying for the test.He estado estudiando para la prueba.You have been reading a book.Tú has estado leyendo un libro.She has been drinking a cup of coffee.Ella ha estado bebiendo una taza de café.We have been working at the store.Hemos estado trabajando en la tienda.You Spanish speakers have been learning English.Vosotros hispanohablantes habéis estado aprendiendo el inglés.They have been cleaning the carpet.Ellos han estado limpiando la alfombra.That’s all there is to it! The word “been” (pronounced like the name Ben) is the past participle form of the verb “to be.” So, in the Present Perfect Tense you can say: “I have been happy,” “She has been funny today,” and “We have been dedicated to our English.” But, in the Present Perfect Progressive Tense you add a present participle to say: “I have been reading,” “She has been working,” and “We have been studying our English.”Here is the formula for the Present Perfect Progressive Tense: have/has + been + present participlePAST PERFECT PROGRESSIVE TENSEAll you have to do in order to form the Past Perfect Progressive Tense is change the “have” or “has” (shown above) to “had” in order to describe progressive action that started and ended in the past.Examples:I had been studying for the test.Había estado estudiando para la prueba.You had been reading a book.Tú habías estado leyendo un libro.She had been drinking a cup of coffee.Ella había estado bebiendo una taza de café.We had been working at the store.Habíamos estado trabajando en la tienda.You Spanish speakers had been learning English.Vosotros hispanohablantes habíais estado aprendiendo el inglés.They had been cleaning the carpet.Ellos habían estado limpiando la alfombra.The two other perfect progressive tenses in English are so rarely used that I will not explain them in detail. They are the Future Perfect Progressive Tense and the Conditional Perfect Progressive Tense, and here are a few examples:Future Perfect Progressive TenseIn 30 more minutes we will have been studying English for at least an hour!Conditional Perfect Progressive TenseI would have been studying English had I listened to my mother.Let’s move on to more common tenses, and the Simple Past Tense is one of the most commonly used tenses.SIMPLE PAST TENSEThe Simple Past Tense is another English verb tense that is just like the equivalent tense in Spanish, el Pretérito Indefinido. You use this tense to describe specific past actions that:Occurred at some fixed point in timeOccurred a specific number of timesOccurred during a specific time periodThe most difficult aspect of learning the Simple Past Tense is learning how the English verbs change from the Present Tense to the Simple Past Tense. The spreadsheet that you receive with this course shows many of the most common verbs, but here are a few examples of significant changes:Present TenseSimple Past TensePretéritoI doI didhiceI thinkI thoughtpenséI goI wentfuiI bring I brought trajeI buy I bought compréI catch I caught agarréI eat I ate comíI find I found encontréI leave I left dejé / me fuiI light I litencendíI seek I sought busquéI sleep I slept dormíI speak I spoke habléI take I took toméI understand I understood entendíNonetheless, the nice thing about English is that for virtually all of the verbs there is no change between the singular and plural, and no change based on the person (I, you, she, we, they). For example: I bought the car, you bought the car, she bought the car, we bought the car, you my friends bought the car, and they bought the car. We all bought the car!Here are a few examples of the Past Tense in action:Fixed Point in TimeI went to your house yesterday.Fui a tu casa ayer.Specific Number of Times/ItemsYou bought five praste cinco pizzas.Specific Time PeriodWe ate for 2 hours Comimos durante 2 horas.In this course we have already covered all of the past and present tenses in English, a total of 10 tenses. There remains 6 English verb tenses to learn: Future Tense, Future Progressive Tense, Future Perfect Tense, Conditional Tense, Conditional Progressive Tense, and the Conditional Perfect tense.?Vamos! FUTURE TENSEI already showed you how you can use the Present Progressive Tense to talk about future events. For example: I am calling you this afternoon. (Te llamo esta tarde). You can also use the present participle of the verb “to go” in English much like ir + a + el infinitivo in Spanish to express future action.Examples:I am going to ride my motorcycle tomorrow.Voy a montar mi motocicleta ma?ana.Martin is going to do his homework. Martin va a hacer su tarea.The workers are going to travel to Nicaragua.Los trabajadores van a viajar a Nicaragua.The word “will” is often used to express the future in English.Examples:There will be a game at 8:00 PM.Habrá un partido a las 8:00 PM.I will help you learn English.Te ayudaré a aprender inglés.We will eat all the eremos todas las verduras.On occasion you will hear someone say “shall” instead of “will,” but the word “shall” is rarely used anymore especially here in the United States where I live. For example: I shall teach you the best English in the world! Also, it is important to know that when you say something in the negative, the contraction “won’t” is normally used instead of “will not.”There won't be a game at 8:00 PM.No habrá un partido a las 8:00 PM.They won't send an invitation soon. Ellos no enviarán una invitación pronto.FUTURE PROGRESSIVE TENSEThis tense expresses continuing action in the future, and it is formed by combining “will be” with the present participle.Julio will be speaking with the President in the morning.Julio estará hablando con el Presidente en la ma?ana.My friends will be studying in the library. Mis amigas estarán estudiando en la biblioteca.FUTURE PERFECT TENSEThis is another tense that is not used very often in English, however it is used sometimes … and fortunately the Spanish language has the same tense which is used the same way. This tense is used to express what will have happened in the future, or to express probability or conjecture about something that has recently happened. Here are some examples:I will have arrived by Monday.Habré llegado para el lunes.My parents will have purchased their tickets by tomorrow.Mis padres habrán comprado sus boletos para ma?ana.We must have lost our fear of success.Habremos perdido nuestro miedo del éxito.The dog must have eaten the cookies.El perro habrá comido las galletas.Ahora, I would like to teach you the conditional tenses. Would you like to learn them?CONDITIONAL TENSEIt is easy to recognize and form the Conditional Tense – just look for the word “would” (or sometimes “could”). ?El condicional es fácil de formar y reconocer! Here are some of the various uses of the Conditional Tense:To express desire – Expresar deseo: I would like to travel more. Me gustaría viajar más. To express courtesy – Expresar cortesía: Could you open the window? ?Podrías abrir la ventana? To express uncertainty – Expresar incertidumbre: I would buy the dress, but I don’t have any money. Yo compraría el vestido, pero no tengo dinero. To express something hypothetical – Expresar algo hipotético: She would scream if she saw a fish. Ella gritaría si ella viera un pez. I would go to the moon if I could. Yo viajaría a la luna si yo pudiera. To express a future intention with a past tense verb – Expresar el futuro junto con un verbo de tiempo pasado: I said that we would do it tomorrow. Dije que lo haríamos ma?ana.To give advice or your opinion – Dar consejos o tu opinion: If I were you, I would go to Peru. Si fuera tú, iría a Perú. CONDITIONAL PROGRESSIVE TENSEThis tense is similar to the Conditional, however the verb expresses and emphasizes continuous action. You form this tense by combining “would be” and the present participle. Here are some examples:Affirmative – She would be eating something healthy. Ella estaría comiendo algo saludable.Negative – I wouldn't be driving so long. Yo no estaría conduciendo tanto tiempo.Question – Would they be watching television? ?Estarían viendo la televisión?CONDITIONAL PERFECT TENSEWoulda Coulda Shoulda! That is an expression that we use in English to say that there is no use complaining about something in the past if there is nothing that you can do right now to change the past. Nonetheless, if you would like to be able to complain about the past, I will teach you the Conditional Perfect Tense so that you can do it.We use the Conditional Perfect Tense to explain what might have happened in the past, to explain what you or someone else might have done in the past, or to talk about the hypothetical past. Here is how you form this tense: would have + past participle. And here are a few ways to use it:Affirmative – You would have been rich if you had studied English. Habrías sido rico si hubieras estudiado inglés.Negative – They wouldn’t have hired you if you did not speak English. Ellos no te habrían contratado si no hubieras hablado inglésQuestion – Would this course have cost more if the teacher were famous? ?Habría costado más este curso si el maestro hubiera sido famoso??Lo hicimos!ENGLISH VERB TENSES FOR SPANISH SPEAKERS!Eso es todo mis amigos y amigas! Here are all 16 English verb tenses in the order in which we studied them:1Present TensePresente2Present Progressive TensePresente Progresivo3Present Perfect TensePretérito Perfecto (Antepresente)4Past Progressive TensePretérito Imperfecto Progresivo5Past Perfect TensePretérito Pluscuamperfecto (Antecopretérito)6Present Perfect Progressive TensePretérito Perfecto Progresivo7Past Perfect Progressive TensePretérito Pluscuamperfecto?Progresivo8Future Perfect Progressive TenseFuturo?Compuesto Progresivo9Conditional Perfect Progressive TenseCondicional Compuesto Progresivo10Simple Past TensePretérito Indefinido (Pretérito)11Future TenseFuturo12Future Progressive TenseFuturo Progresivo13Future Perfect TenseFuturo?Compuesto (Antefuturo)14Conditional TenseCondicional (Pospretérito)15Conditional Progressive TenseCondicional Progresivo16Conditional Perfect TenseCondicional Compuesto (Antepospretérito)Here are all 16 English verb tenses in a chart that will help you remember them:Past?Present?Future?ConditionalPastProgressive?PresentProgressive?FutureProgressive?ConditionalProgressivePastPerfect?PresentPerfect?FuturePerfect?ConditionalPerfectPast PerfectProgressive?Present PerfectProgressive?Future PerfectProgressive?Conditional PerfectProgressiveThis entire course can be downloaded as a document, and there are other documents in the resources section. ?Espero que no hay errores en mi espa?ol! Feel free to email me with any questions or suggestions that you might have (flywithspanish@). On my website there are FREE resources that will help you:Learn EnglishTeach ESL (English as a Second Language)Learn SpanishBe downloads/audiolibro is a bilingual audiobook (Spanish-English) that will not only help you learn English, but it will also empower you to live a happier and more successful life.I hope that you have enjoyed this course and … ?Que te vaya bien! ................

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