
U2A Los objetos de la clase – Classroom Objectsel bolígrafo/la pluma – penel calendario - calendarla computadora - computerel cuaderno - notebookel diccionario - dictionaryel escritorio – deskel horario - scheduleel lápiz (los lápices) – pencilel libro (de texto) – (text) bookel mapa - mapla mesa - tablela mochila - backpackel papel - paperla pizarra – chalkboardla puerta - doorel pupitre – student deskel reloj – clockel sacapuntas – pencil sharpenerla silla - chairla tarea - homeworkla ventana – windowLos artículos - Articlesel – thela – thelos – thelas – theun – a, anuna – a, anunos – someunas – someLas personas - Peopleel(la) amigo(a) - friendel(la) compa?ero(a) - classmateel (la) estudiante - studentel hombre – manla mujer - womanel(la) maestro(a) - teacherLos cursos ?– School Subjects el arte – artlas ciencias – sciencela computación - computersel drama – dramala educación física – physical educationla historia - historylas matemáticas - mathla música - musicla salud – healthel almuerzo – lunchLas lenguas - Languagesel espa?ol – Spanishel francés - Frenchel inglés - EnglishLos lugares – Placesla escuela – schoolla biblioteca - libraryla cafetería - cafeteriael gimnasio - gymla oficina - officeel salón de clase - classroomLos colores – colorsamarillo(a) – yellowanaranjado(a) – orangeazul(es) – blueblanco(a) – whitecafé(s) – browngris(es) – graymorado(a) – purplenegro(a) – blackrojo(a) – redrosado(a) – pinkverde(s) – green?De qué color (es)/(son) ____? – What color (is)/(are) ??___?*Colors are adjectives and must agree in gender (f/m) and number (s/pl.) with the noun they are modifying. - Students are introduced to adjective/noun agreement in this unit, but are not held accountable for it until Unit 3 - In a family reunionEl vocabulario de los cuentos - Story vocabularytiene - he/she hasno tiene - he/she doesn’t havepero - butle gusta - he/she likesno le gusta - he/she doesn’t likeva - he/she goesestá feliz - he/she is happyU2BLa hora – The Hourde ?la ma?ana – in the morningde la tarde – in the afternoonde la noche – in the evening/at nightpor la tarde – in the morningpor la tarde – in the afternoonpor la noche – in the evening/at nighttarde – latetemprano – earlytodos los días – early day?A qué hora…? – At what time…?a la una – at onea las ….. – at…(time)A la medianoche ?– at midnightAl mediodía – at noon?Qué hora es? – What time is it?Es la una… – It is one...Son las ..… – It is…(time)Es la medianoche. – It is midnight. Es el mediodía. – It is noon.…..menos – minus... y cuarto – and ? of an hour (:15)......en punto – exactly..... y media – and ? of an hour (:30)Los verbos – Verbsme gusta/n - I likeno me gusta/n - I don’t likeayudar (a) - to help ???????????? ??????????????????????????????????? bailar - to dance ???????????????????????????????????????????buscar - to look for ???????????????????????????????????????caminar - to walk ???????????????????????cantar - to sing ?????????????????????????????????????????comprar - to buy ???????????????????????????????????????descansar - to rest ??????????????????????????????????ense?ar - to teach ????????????????????????????????????????escuchar - to listenestudiar - to studyhablar - to talkllamar - to callllegar - to arrivemirar - to watchnecesitar + (infinitive) - need to ______pasar el tiempo - to spend timepracticar (deportes) - to practice (sports)regresar - to returnrepasar - to reviewterminar - to finishtocar (la guitarra) – to play (the guitar)tomar – to taketrabajar - to workLos días de la semana - Days of the Weekel lunes – Mondayel martes – Tuesdayel miércoles – Wednesdayel jueves – Thursdayel viernes - Fridayel sábado – Saturdayel domingo – SundayEl vocabulario de los cuentos - Story vocabularycamina a la escuela - he/she walks to schoolempieza - it beginsa las ocho de la ma?ana - at 8 in the morning?Qué hora es? - What time is it?Es el mediodía. - It is noon.está temprano - it is earlyle dice - he/she says to him/herdurante - duringestá triste - he/she is sadcomo - likecon - with ................

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