Newtownmountkennedy Primary SchoolJunior School : 01 ...

Garden – Sa ghairdín IrishPronunciation EnglishCá bhfuilCaw willWhereAr anEr onOn theAg anEgg onAt theAn catOn cot The catAn madraOn modraThe dogAn coinínOn cuneenThe rabbitAg an ngeataEgg on neataAt the gateAg an gcrannEgg on crownAt the treeAr an luascánEr on luascawnOn the swingAr an mballaEr on mollaOn the wall E.g. Cá bhfuil an madra? Tá an madra ag an gcrann. Bedroom – Sa Seomra LeapaIrishPronunciationEnglishIrishPronunciationEnglishAn bhfuilOn willIs?BréagáinbraygawnToysTáTawYes?adaíAideeClothesNílNeilNoDorasdurusDoorCuirQuirPutFuinneogFwin oh gWindowSaSaInCoinínCunneenRabbitAr anEr onOnLampaLamppaLampSeomra leapaShowmra lapaBedroomCarrCarCarCófraCofra CupboardBábógBaaboagDollLeabaLabaBedAr an urlárEr on oirlawrOn the floorBallabollaWallCuirtíníKurteeneeCurtainsE.g. An bhfuil cófra sa seomra leapa? Tá cófra sa seomra leapa. Kitchen – Sa ChistinIrishPronunciation EnglishIrishPronunciationEnglishCad atáCod atawWhat isPlúrPlureFlourAn bhfuilOn willIsSinséarShinjerGingerCá bhfuilCaw willWhereBainneBonyaMilkFaighFeyeggGetImImButterCuirQuir PutSiúcraShoekraSugarTáTawYes/isSpúnógSpoon oh gSpoonBordBoredTableBabhlaBowel laBowlSornSernOvenMálaMawlaBagDoirtealDirttelSinkDorasDurassDoorInneall NíocháinInal kneeocornWashing machineFuinneogFwin oh gWindowCófraCofraCupboardCathaoirCau hereChairE.g. An bhfuil im ar an mbord? Tá im ar an mbord. ................

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