Mr. CollettiName_____________________________ Period_____ Date_____ American LiteratureThe CrucibleAct I1.What news about Betty does Susanna Walcott share with Reverend Parris and Abigail Williams?2.What does Reverend Parris mean when he says, “There is a faction that is sworn to drive me from my pulpit”?3.What does Parris think he saw in the woods?The girls were __________________________Tituba was __________________________ and __________________________Someone was running _____________________ through the trees.4.What does Parris mean by the word “white” when he asks Abigail, “Your name in the town – it is entirely white, is it not?”5.What does Abigail mean by the word “blush” when she says, “There be no blush about my name.”6.According to rumors, why has Goody Proctor stopped coming to church?7.How had Abigail been previously employed?8.What has Goody Anne Putnam heard about Betty?9.Both Betty and Ruth seem to be suffering from a sickness. Explain the differences between Betty and Ruth’s sicknesses.10.Why has Reverend Parris “sent for Reverend Hale of Beverly”?11.After Reverend Parris begs Thomas Putnam not to assume that Betty and Ruth are bewitched, Arthur Miller interrupts the play to tell us about Thomas Putnam. As you read Miller’s interruption, answer the following questions:a.Why is Thomas Putnam unhappy about the town’s choice of minister?3657600-45720000b.How did Thomas get revenge against the town’s eventual choice for minister, George Burroughs?c.Why did Thomas try to change his father’s will?“He had fought with the Indians at Narragansett…”Miller tells the readers of Thomas Putnam’s military service in King Phillip’s War, an armed conflict between Native Americans and English colonists and their Native American allies from 1675–1676. The war is named after the main leader of the Native American side, Metacomet, known to the English as "King Philip." 800 out of 52,000 English colonists (1.5%) and 3,000 out of 20,000 natives (15%) lost their lives due to the war, which makes it proportionately one of the bloodiest and most costly in the history of America. More than half of New England's ninety towns were assaulted by Native American warriors. The Narragansett tribe opposed the colonists.d.According to Miller, what role will Thomas and his daughter eventually play in the witch trials?12.Why would someone like Mrs. Putnam have reason to believe that there are witches in Salem?13.What does Thomas Putnam think Parris should do, and why is Parris afraid to do what Thomas thinks is best?14.Whom does Mercy Lewis work for, and what did she do on the night when all of the girls danced?15.Mary Warren is another of the girls who danced. What is she worried about?16.What do we learn about Abigail from Betty’s comments and Abigail’s remarks to the other girls?John Proctor’s arrival interrupts the argument between the girls, and so Miller again interrupts the play in order to tell the reader / viewer (you) some background information about John Proctor.17.List three things you learn about John Proctor from Miller’s comments. 2.3.18.Why is Proctor angry with Mary Warren?19.We know that Abigail used to work for the Proctors. Why do you think Abigail was fired?20.Write a line that shows that John Proctor is trying to be a better man and a better Puritan than he has been in the past:___________________________________________________________________________________________21.Write a line that shows that John Proctor is not necessarily succeeding in becoming a better Puritan and a better man than he has been in the past:___________________________________________________________________________________________22.The stage directions indicate that Betty cries out. Why does Mrs. Putnam assume Betty is screaming?Rebecca Nurse enters the room to help, and again Arthur Miller interrupts the play to tell us about Rebecca and her husband, Francis.23.List three things you learn about the Nurses from Miller’s descriptions of them:2.3.24.How do the Putnams feel about the Nurses, and why?25.The concerned Puritans ask Rebecca Nurse what she thinks of Betty and Ruth’s conditions. What does Rebecca think?26.What does Rebecca Nurse think of Reverend Parris’ decision to call Reverend Hale to help in Salem?27.Why is Mrs. Putnam jealous of Rebecca Nurse?28.Why doesn’t John Proctor go to church?29.Why is Reverend Parris upset with the people of Salem? What is his complaint?30.What do Putnam and Proctor argue about?31.Before Proctor and Giles can leave, Reverend Hale arrives and Arthur Miller takes some time to describe Mr. Hale. Explain the following sentence:“This is a beloved errand for him; on being called here to ascertain witchcraft he felt the pride of the specialist whose unique knowledge has at last been publicly called for.”32.Rather than mocking Reverend Hale’s belief in the devil, Miller says, “Better minds than Hale’s were – and still are – convinced that there is a society of spirits beyond our ken.” DO YOU believe in forces like the devil and spirits? Circle One:DEFINITELYPROBABLYNOT SURENOT REALLYNOT AT ALLNOTE:Skip Miller’s commentary about Hale and move to Reverend Hale’s first comments33.When Reverend Parris comments about Reverend Hale’s books, “My they’re heavy!” Reverend Hale responds, “They must be. They are weighted with authority.” What does Reverend Hale’s remark essentially mean?462153056896034.Why might it be problematic that Giles Corey tells Reverend Hale that John Proctor “don’t believe in witches”?35.What is admirable about Mr. Hale when he says, “I shall not proceed unless you are prepared to believe me if I should find no bruise of hell upon her”?36.Why does Giles seem especially foolish when he speaks to Reverend Hale?You might know me better as…(Most Common Names for…)DevilLuciferBeelzebubSatanThe SerpentBelialTempterOld ScratchOld BoyAccording to the Old Testament, because he tried to place himself above God in Heaven, the archangel Lucifer was thrown down into Hell, where he has been ever since. The New Testament explains that Satan fell from heaven "as lightning," never using the name “Lucifer.” Some theologians believe Lucifer and Satan are two different beings, but the names are more commonly used interchangeably.37.Write down one of Reverend Hale’s serious comments that the audience might interpret comically.38.To what Puritan belief does Mr. Hale seem to refer when he says, “It is the best the Devil wants, and who is better than the minister?”39.What is troubling about Mr. Hale’s questions to Betty and to Abigail?40.Abigail begins to blame Tituba. List three accusations that Abigail makes of Tituba:___________________________________________________________________________41.How does Reverend Hale make Tituba feel heroic for confessing to witchcraft?42.Tituba accuses two people: Sarah Good and Sarah Osburn. Why are the Putnams so eager to believe Tituba?43.Why do you think Abigail and Betty begin to confess?44.List four other names that the girls link to the devil:_________________________________________________________________________ ................

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