English III

English III

Mrs. McIlroy

Vocabulary Study and Grammar Practice—1st Semester

*** Keep this packet for the entire first semester! ***

Vocabulary Study

1. The words review some of the novels, dramas, and short stories that can be read for the year.

a. Ten word parts per week

Words, parts of speech, and definitions are provided.

b. Six-week schedule (weeks ending grading periods are off)

c. Monday – review the list

d. Tuesday through Friday –class reviews and studies list on own time

e. Friday – Vocabulary Quiz

Grammar Practice

2. Due Wednesday: three sentences

a. Due promptly at the beginning of class.

b. Use one of this week’s vocabulary words per sentence (student option).

c. Include at least twelve words per sentence.

d. Highlight specific parts per instructions.

e. Underline the vocabulary word.

f. Each week’s sentences are worth twenty points; they will be added together per six weeks for a grammar test grade.

** There will be no vocabulary or grammar assignment due the week of Thanksgiving. The Grammar Guidelines and the vocabulary list skip Thanksgiving week. **

Grammar Guidelines

English III

|List |Special Instructions |

| |Due Wednesday of each school week |

|2 |Write simple sentences containing a simple subject and a simple verb. |

|Sept. 1 |Highlight the verbs. |

|3 |Write compound sentences with commas and coordinating conjunctions. |

|Sept. 8 |Highlight the conjunctions and commas. |

|4 |Write compound sentences with semicolons. Highlight the semicolons. |

|Sept. 15 | |

|5 |Write sentences that include two prepositional phrases. |

|Sept. 22 |Highlight the phrases. |

|6 |End of Six Weeks; no assignment. |

|Sept. 29 | |

|7 |Write sentences that need and properly use a colon. Highlight the |

|Oct. 6 |colon. |

|8 |Write sentences that include gerund phrases. |

|Oct. 13 |Highlight the phrases. |

|9 |Write sentences that include infinitive phrases. |

|Oct. 20 |Highlight the phrases. |

|10 |Write sentences that include appositive phrases. |

|Oct. 27 |Highlight the phrases. |

|11 |End of Six Weeks; no assignment. |

|Nov. 3 | |

|12 |Write sentences that include participial phrases. |

|Nov. 10 |Highlight the phrases. |

|13 |Write compound sentences with commas and coordinating conjunctions. |

|Nov. 17 |Highlight the conjunctions and commas. |

|14 |Thanksgiving Week; no assignment. |

|Nov. 24 | |

|15 |Write complex sentences. |

|Dec. 1 |Highlight the dependent clause in each sentence. |

|16 |Write sentences that include an adjective clause. |

|Dec. 8 |Highlight the clause. |

|17 |End of Semester; no assignment. |

|Dec. 15 | |

Junior SAT Vocabulary

Week 2

1. acuity – n. – sharpness of perception

2. affinity – n. – likeness; a natural relationship; kinship

3. anomalous – adj. – out of place; abnormal

4. apathy – n. – indifference; phlegmatic; stolid

5. dirge – n. – funeral hymn; lament

6. emaciated – adj. – to be very thin, usually as a result of starvation; to waste away

7. equivocal – adj. – ambiguous statements usually intended to mislead

8. fervid – adj. – ardent; burning; impassioned

9. goad – v. – to urge on in a negative sense

10. hideous – adj. – very ugly; offensive; shocking

Week 3

1. impetuous – adj. – hasty; rash; impulsive

2. insipid – adj. – mind-numbing and stupid

3. inter – v. – to bury

4. morbidity – n. – unwholesomeness and gloominess; gruesomeness

5. munificent – adj. – very generous

6. orthodox – adj. – conforming to established standards; conventional

7. pallor – n. – extreme paleness usually relating to the face

8. palpable – adj. – tangible; easily noticeable

9. paradoxical – adj. – something that appears false or contradictory but is actually correct

10. pertinacity – n. – stubbornly persistent or refusing to yield on an opinion or belief

Week 4

1. ponderous – adj. – very heavy; unwieldy from weight

2. potent – adj. – powerful; having a strong effect

3. precipitous – adj. – steep; sheer; sudden

4. prodigious – adj. – extraordinary in bulk, quantity, or degree; great in size; enormous

5. profuse – adj. – extravagantly abundant; flowing freely

6. prostration – n. – stretched out due to lacking of vitality and being completely overcome

7. quaint – adj. – eccentric; peculiar; unique

8. rend – v. – tear violently; split (rent – verb or noun)

9. reverie – n. – daydream

10. stealth – n. – acting in a secret and sneaky way (this is a negative term)

Week 5

1. sublime – adj. – exalted; noble; uplifting

2. tempestuous – adj. – turbulent; stormy

3. tenuous – adj. – flimsy; barely attached

4. trepidation – n. – fear; trembling; agitation

5. trifling – adj. – not significant; frivolous

6. unobtrusive – adj. – not readily noticeable; inconspicuous

7. upbraid – v. – scold harshly; reproach

8. vivacious – adj. – full of life; very animated

9. wan – adj. – very pale and sickly

10. abrogate – v. – abolish; to do away with

Week 6

No vocabulary or grammar assignment.

Junior SAT Vocabulary

(The Crucible, “The Devil and Tom Walker,” and Billy Budd)

Week 7

1. contentious – adj. – quarrelsome; stirring controversy

2. corroboration – n. – confirmation

3. credulous – adj. – believing on slight evidence; gullible

4. defamation – n. – act of harming or ruining another’s reputation

5. deference – n. – showing respect; courteously going along with the opinions or wishes of another

6. dissemble – v. – disguise; pretend

7. effrontery – n. – extreme boldness; audacity

8. formidable – adj. – menacing; causing fear or awe

9. gaunt – adj. – very thin; emaciated

10. heretical – adj. – contrary to church doctrine or accepted beliefs or standards

Week 8

1. indigenous – adj. – native to a certain area

2. ineptness – n. – lack of competence or judgment

3. inert – adj. – unable to move or act; sluggish

4. ingratiate – v. – to make an effort to gain good favor with someone

5. innate – adj. – existing from birth; inborn

6. junta – n. – a group of people who join in running a government

7. licentious – adj. – lacking moral or sexual restraint

8. malevolence – n. – wishing ill will or evil on someone

9. malign – v. – to utter injuriously misleading reports about; intensely hostile

10. methodical – adj. – proceeding in a regular or systematic order

Week 9

1. parochial – adj. – limited in range or scope; narrow

2. partisan – n. – one who exhibits extreme and possibly blind allegiance to a group or cause

3. placid – adj. – peaceful; calm

4. predilection – n. – preference

5. propriety – n. – correct conduct

6. prudent – adj. – wise and careful about practical matters

7. rescind – v. – cancel

8. resurge – v. – to rise again

9. sectarian – adj. – narrow-minded

10. vindictive – adj. – revengeful; spiteful

Week 10 ________

1. wily – adj. – cunning; crafty

2. articulate – v. – speak distinctly

3. censure – v. – to blame or condemn

4. consecrate – v. – to dedicate or declare sacred

5. daunt – v. – intimidate; dismay

6. expedient – adj. – appropriate for a purpose but not necessarily moral, right, or just

7. forbearance – n. – patience; lenience

8. impregnable – adj. – incapable of being broken into

9. ostentatious – adj. – showy, pretentious

10. parsimony – n. – stinginess; frugality

Week 11

No vocabulary or grammar assignment.

Junior SAT Vocabulary

(Billy Budd and from Walden)

Week 12

1. piety – n. – devotion and reverence to God

2. precarious – adj. – dangerous; risky; not a secure situation

3. propitious – adj. – favorably disposed; graciously inclined

4. resolute – adj. – characterized by a decided purpose

5. superfluous – adj. – beyond what is needed or required; an overflow

6. abnegate – v. – to surrender or relinquish (a right, belief, or idea)

7. abrogate – v. – to abolish; to do away with

8. acerbic – adj. – sour or bitter in mood or tone

9. acquiesce – v. – to give in ; comply

10. adjunct – adj. – something joined or added to a thing but not necessarily a part of it

Week 13

1. adroit – adj. – skillful; adept

2. alacrity – n. – prompt and cheerful response

3. antipathy – n. – a dislike, distaste, enmity

4. arduous – adj. – very difficult to accomplish or achieve; very demanding (task)

5. ascendancy – n. – dominance; growing power

6. ascetic – adj. – characteristic of self-denial and contemplation; austere

7. astute – adj. – shrewd; perspicacious; insightful

8. auspicious – adj. – favorable

9. baleful – adj. – destructive; deadly

10. bulwark – n. – a strong defense; something that defends

Week 14

No vocabulary or grammar assignment.

Week 15

1. docile – adj. – easily managed; obedient; passive

2. dogma – n. – a system of beliefs or principles

3. drawl – n. – to speak slowly with long, drawn-out vowels

4. dubious – adj. – doubtful

5. effect – v. – to erase; to wear away

6. elucidate – v. – to make clear; explain

7. enigmatic – adj. – mysterious; inexplicable; puzzling

8. enmity – n. – positive hatred

9. evanescent – adj. – fleeting

10. evocative – adj. – calling forth; calling to mind

Week 16

1. fatalistic – adj. – belief that events are predetermined and cannot be altered

2. finesse – n. – delicate skill

3. foment – v. – to instigate, stir up, promote the growth of

4. iconoclast – n. – one who attacks established beliefs or institutions

5. ignoble – adj. – of lowly origin; without honor

6. ignominy – n. – disgraceful or dishonorable conduct

7. incipient – adj. – beginning to come into being; the early state of something

8. ineffable – adj. – cannot be expressed in speech or words

9. insolence – n. – insulting or contemptuous behavior

10. interloper – n. – one who interferes in the affairs or with the rights of others

Week 17

No vocabulary or grammar assignment.


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