

Employer ID: E-100225

Employer Type: Small Hotel

Employer Region: East Mountain

Location: Jeffersonville, Vermont

Possible Positions: 1

Job Title: Where needed.

Work Description: You will have a variety of duties including, but not limited to: kitchen help (washing dishes, assisting the cooks in preparing food), and Housekeeping:

Housekeeping may include but is not limited to cleaning rooms, vacuuming, changing linens and towels, making beds, cleaning bathrooms, doing laundry, etc. The use of chemical cleaning products is required. You should be prepared to perform all these duties as needed.

Uniform/Dress Code: Your overall appearance should be neat and clean. Earrings are acceptable but all other visible piercing are not permitted while working. Your employer will provide you with T-shirts which will be worn while you are working.

Salary Per Hour: $7.25

Overtime Information: An overtime rate of $10.00 per hour will

be paid for all work in excess of 40 hours per week.

Work Hours: The number of hours and days vary from week to week depending on the season, but the average will be 30 hours per week.

Accommodation Cost: 0

Accommodation Description: Housing will be provided to you at no cost. You may be sharing a bedroom unit with 1 to 3 other students. Summer staff is limited to one or two students. A living room with cable TV is also available. Hot tubs may be used when not being used by guests. Internet access is available for a $50 fee for the season. On days when there are groups in the lodge you will be able to eat the food that was prepared for the group. On days when there is no group you will be able to use the kitchen and food in the lodge to prepare your own meals. Full kitchen facilities are available during off hours.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 10 hours

Approximate Travel Cost: $75

Travel Mode: Train

Description of Business: This lodge caters to groups of students on outdoor retreats.

They provide meals and lodging for these groups. It is the management's philosophy

to make your experience more than a work experience and to include the students as a part of the family.

Description of Area: This business is located in the Smuggler's Notch region of

Vermont. It is a rural and beautiful mountainous region noted for its peaceful

environment. Nevertheless, it is situated in the midst of great outdoor recreational and

athletic opportunities such as mountain biking, hiking and canoeing. The city of

Burlington, VT and the town of Stowe, VT are each located 45 minutes from the lodge.

Both are noted for their variety of shopping, restaurants, night clubs, and social

opportunities. Please email your employer to say hello upon receipt of this offer. It is

very important to establish a relationship before coming to the US.

Employer ID: E-100353

Employer Type: Small Hotel

Employer Region: East Mountain

Location: Stowe, Vermont

Possible Positions: 2

Job Title: Where needed

Work Description: Your main duty will be housekeeping but you should be prepared to do any or all of the following:

Housekeeping - cleaning rooms, vacuuming, changing linens and towels, making beds, cleaning bathrooms, doing laundry, etc.

Sales Help - working the cash register, dealing with U.S. currency, attending to

customers and guests.

Kitchen Help - Washing dishes, cleaning the kitchen, mopping floors, taking out

garbage, chopping vegetables, and assisting the cook.

Bus Person - Helping waiters and waitresses. Serving water, clearing and setting tables,

taking out garbage, mopping floors, etc.

Waiting staff - Waiting on customers, answering questions, writing down lunch and dinner orders, serving food, dealing with U.S. currency, and possibly setting and clearing tables.

Maintenance - Painting, carrying heavy objects, mopping floors, doing repairs, cleaning the pool if there is one, etc. You may also be asked to assist with other aspects of running Inn, at your employer's request.

Uniform/Dress Code: Your employer will provide you with shirts and aprons free of

charge. You should bring black, beige, or khaki pants, knee-length shorts, or skirts.

Please bring white sneakers.

Salary Per Hour: $8.00

Work Hours: 6-8 hours per day; 5-6 days per week.

Accommodation Cost: 65

Accommodation Description: You will share a room with a private bathroom, and be provided with bed linens and towels. Most meals are provided free of cost. You will also have access to kitchen facilities. $65 per week. You will need to pay a housing deposit of $25 each week which will be automatically deducted from your paycheck. Your deposit, however, will be returned to you at the end of the season provided that you stay through your commitment dates.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 8 hours.

Approximate Travel Cost: About $60.

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: With some of the most spectacular mountain views in a village famous for its spectacular views, this inn offers its guests a full range of services, a great atmosphere, and a great location in Vermont. The inn’s amenities include a pub and bar, a dining room, lounge, pools, a hot tub, and a fitness room.

Description of Area: Stowe is a friendly resort town with many small inns, restaurants, and shops. There is a trolley into town. In the summer Stowe attracts vacationers from all over the East Coast. The most popular activities are hiking, horseback riding, bicycle riding, and other nature-related activities. If you like the outdoors, Stowe is a great place to spend the summer.

Employer ID: E-100390

Employer Type: Restaurant

Employer Region: East Mountain

Location: Woodstock, Vermont

Possible Positions: 3

Job Title: Where Needed You will be assigned a position based upon the needs of your employer at the time of your arrival.

Work Description: You should be prepared to do any or all of the following: washing dishes, setting up tables, removing dishes, taking out garbage, cleaning, mopping floors, helping to prepare meals, serving customers, assisting the cooks, working at the counter. In order to be successful at this job you should come prepared with a positive, hardworking attitude. You will work hard, but you will have fun.

Uniform/Dress Code: You should maintain a clean and neat appearance at all times.

Men must have short to moderate hair and be neatly shaven, or have a WELL

maintained beard. Shirts and aprons will be provided. Ripped and patched jeans are

not allowed. Facial piercings are also not allowed. Ear piercing is okay.

Salary Per Hour: $9.00

Work Hours: You will usually be working between 6 and 9 hours per day; 5 days per week.

Accommodation Cost: 95

Accommodation Description: Housing is provided for $95 per week. There will be two people to a room, with cooking facilities available. Your employer will try to have cable TV and local phone service for the housing. There is a convenient laundromat 3-5 miles from where you will be working. One meal per work shift is provided for free. All other meals will be considered your responsibility.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 7hours

Approximate Travel Cost: $69

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: You employer owns and operates a popular restaurant in

Woodstock,. This restaurant serves mainly American cuisine and is famous for their delicious breakfast!

Description of Area: Woodstock is a pretty and historic village located in central

Vermont. It is close to mountains and lakes, and in the town itself there are fun ways

to spend your free time, such as attending local plays and concerts. This is a beautiful

part of the country with many fun outdoor activities at your disposal, such as swimming, biking, hiking, horseback riding, canoeing and fishing. There are also cultural and historical resources in the area as well, such as museums and the Village of Woodstock.

For more information about the town of Woodstock go to,

. Please e-mail your employer upon the receipt of this job offer.

It is important to establish a relationship before your arrival in the USA.

Employer ID: E-100425

Employer Type: Mid-Size Hotel

Employer Region: East Mountain

Location: Stowe, Vermont

Possible Positions: 2

Job Title: Where needed.

Work Description: You will be assigned a position based upon the needs of your

employer at the time of your arrival. You should be prepared to do any of the following

positions: Kitchen Help (this may include washing dishes, helping the cook staff,

helping to prepare dishes, mopping floors), cook/cook's help (this may include making meals, chopping foods, washing dishes), maintenance (general upkeep of the lodge, painting, cleaning, mowing the lawn) housekeeping (may include doing laundry, vacuuming, cleaning bathrooms, changing sheets, making beds), be flexible!

Uniform/Dress Code: You must maintain a neat and clean appearance at all times. Ear piercing are okay. A company T-shirt will be provided and must be worn while on duty.

There is a constant flow of college, high school and church groups staying in the dorms.

There will be many people around, allowing for plenty of interaction with guests. Most guests stay for only 3-10 day periods.

Salary Per Hour: $7.25

Overtime Information: An overtime rate of $10.50 per hour will be paid for all hours worked in excess of 40 hours per week.

Work Hours: You will usually be working 4-8 hours per day, 4-7 days per week.

Generally expect 25-40 hours per week.

Accommodation Cost: 0

Accommodation Description: Accommodation is provided at no extra cost to you. You will be sharing a 2-bedroom dormitory-style room with 2-3 other employees. You will have access to the lodge's kitchen facilities and TV with cable. Meals are provided for free by your employer. Linens and towels are provided; there is onsite laundry access for a one time fee of $25, and Internet access for a one time fee of $50.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 8 hours

Approximate Travel Cost: $60

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: This employer is a ski dorm that caters to high school students on ski vacations in the winter and tourists in the summer. They provide meals and lodging for these groups. It is the management’s philosophy to make the

your experience more than a work experience and to include the students as a part of the family.

Description of Area: Stowe summers provide for an active outdoor life in a beautiful, rural setting. There are many opportunities for hiking, swimming, and biking. The village of Stowe is nearby and accessible by bicycle; which will be provided to you for the summer by your employer. The days can be quite warm with the temperature dropping at night, so be prepared for all types of weather. This is a great place to work, and you will enjoy your summer in the mountains! Please contact your employer upon receipt of this job offer. It is important to establish a relationship prior to your arrival in the USA.

Employer ID: E-100726

Employer Type: Large Hotel

Employer Region: East Mountain

Location: Stowe, Vermont

Possible Positions: 4

Job Title: Dishwasher

Work Description: Your position will include dishwashing and cleaning the kitchen area. It also includes cleaning and putting away dishes and glassware that are used.

Uniform/Dress Code: A uniform will be supplied. You must purchase oil resistant non-slip black shoes on your own.

Salary Per Hour: $9.00 an hour

Work Hours: 25 - 40 hours on average per week

Accommodation Cost: 80

Accommodation Description: You will be living in a 14 room house that is on the property. You will share a room with 2-3 other international student. The housing has kitchen facilities, 3 living areas, cable television, high speed internet and an outdoor pool. While working you will receive a shift meal for $1 for more than 5 hours and 30 minutes is deducted automatically for lunch break after 5 hours. 30 minutes is deducted automatically for lunch break after 5 hours of work. Bikes are available on site and in the village for rent which can be used on the recreational path that starts at the resort and goes to the town of Stowe. Your employer will assist with transportation to supermarket & laundry in Stowe weekly.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 8 hours

Approximate Travel Cost: $58.00

Travel Mode: Train

Description of Business: This 120-acre resort and spa is nestled into a Vermont mountainside that magically balances a setting of natural beauty with spectacular landscapes. Acclaimed as a four season luxury resort with a spa ranked among the nation's best, the resort offers a style and service unmatched in the region.

Description of Area: The resort is located 2 miles from Mount Mansfield, Vermont's highest peak. There is a trolley into town or up to the mountain. Other local activities include discos, shops, bars, horseback riding, movies, and snowboarding.

Employer Region: East Mountain

Location: Woodstock, Vermont

Possible Positions: 15

Job Title: Where needed.

Work Description: You will be assigned a position upon arrival dependent upon your employer's needs at that time, your English level, and qualifications. Your responsibilities may include any of the following:

Housekeeping (cleaning guest rooms and bathrooms; vacuuming, changing linens and towels, making beds, doing laundry, etc.),

Kitchen help/dishwashing (washing dishes, cleaning the kitchen, mopping floors, taking out garbage), Cooks help (chopping vegetables, assisting the cook, cleaning the kitchen, washing dishes), Wait staff (taking food and drink orders from customers, serving food, cleaning up dining room and kitchen, clearing and washing dishes), Host(First contact with guests, customer service) You may also be asked to assist with other aspects of running the inn at your employer's request. In order to be successful at this job you must come with a positive, hardworking, flexible, and mature attitude.

Uniform/Dress Code: Employees should be well groomed. It is expected that you will have a neat and clean appearance at all times. For restaurant service, male employees need to have short hair; for other positions, long hair should be pulled back. No visible tattoos or facial piercing. Students should be prepared to purchase clothing items that they need for their jobs when they get to their employer. Although you will not know for sure which department you will be working in, most of you will work in food service or the kitchen. If you have a pair of nonskid rubber sole black shoes you should bring them because they are part of the food service uniform. No employees can wear high heels or sandals. A black work shoe will also be worn in food service department if it has a non slip sole. Tailored black slacks or skirts are helpful if working in food service.

While these items can be bought in Vermont, if you have a black leather belt you should bring it.

Salary Per Hour: Your salary will vary depending on what position you are assigned. For tip-earning positions you can make between $4.75 and $8.00 an hour(not including gratuities). Other positions start at $7.50 an hour.

Overtime Information: An overtime rate of 1.5 times your wage will be paid for all work in excess of 40 hours per week.

Work Hours: 8 hours per day, 5 to 6 days per week (when it is busy).

Accommodation Cost: 50.00

Accommodation Description: Accommodation are provided by your employer for $6.00 per day (almost all cases) Rent will not exceed $50.00 per week. You should expect to share your living space (including bedrooms) with other students. There are common bathrooms and a shared social area. All housing arrangements will have some kitchen facilities even if they are limited (refrigerator, microwave, hot plates) and will be modestly furnished. Housing is approximately 1/4 to 2 miles away from the job site depending on the position. Television, cable and telephone can be available at the expense of the students. Most positions offer one free meal per work shift. You will be responsible for other meals, and there are grocery stores within walking distance. At the local library you will have access to the internet for a one time fee of $24.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 7 - 8 hours

Approximate Travel Cost: $60

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: This inn, built in 1892, is one of the premiere resorts in the area. It has been renovated since its original construction and now boasts a golf course, fitness center and complete spa! The atmosphere at the inn is friendly, with an emphasis on excellent guest service.

Description of Area: Woodstock is a pretty and historic village located in central

Vermont. It is close to mountains and lakes, and in the town itself there are fun ways to spend your free time, such as attending local plays and concerts. This is a beautiful part of the country with many fun outdoor activities at your disposal, such as swimming, biking, hiking, horseback riding, canoeing and fishing. There are also cultural and historical resources in the area as well, such as museums and the Village of Woodstock. For more information about the town of Woodstock go to, . Please e-mail your employer upon the receipt of this job offer. It is important to establish a relationship before your arrival in the USA.

Employer ID: E-101367

Employer Type: Small Hotel

Employer Region: East Mountain

Location: Stowe, Vermont

Possible Positions: 2

Job Title: Housekeeping & Cafe

Work Description: Your primary duties will be working as a housekeeper (cleaning rooms & public areas, vacuuming, dusting, mopping floors, cleaning bathrooms, taking out garbage, etc.) You may also work some hours in the cafe as either a dishwasher or bus person. These jobs entail working mornings either washing dishes, or helping to clear and set tables in the dining room, pour coffee, assist wait staff, etc. You should also be prepared to help out in any area and maintain the general upkeep of the resort.

Uniform/Dress Code: Your overall appearance should be neat and clean. Hair should be neat and natural looking. No extreme hair colors. You should bring your own comfortable shoes or sneakers and neat black or khaki (tan colored) pants for work and a solid colored collared shirt. No piercing except small earrings for females.

Salary Per Hour: $7.00

Overtime Information: $10.50 per hour after 40 hours per week.

Work Hours: 6 hours per day, 6 days per week.

Accommodation Cost: $25 per week

Accommodation Description: You will have a small, private room. There will be a common bathroom and a small kitchen/dining area. You will be provided with breakfast and responsible for your own meals. You will have access to the internet.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 8 hours

Approximate Travel Cost: $60

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: This family resort has been family owned and operated for two generations. With gorgeous mountain views, it is ideally located within a 1/2 mile from a popular town, Stowe. From New York, it is accessible by train and takes about 5 hours.

Description of Area: Stowe is a small, four season resort town offering a variety of activities ranging from sports to opera in the meadow. Stowe is centrally located in northern Vermont near Lake Champlain, Mount Mansfield, and Montpelier, the state capital. Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream is just down the road, so save some space for dessert.

Employer ID: E-101932

Employer Type: Small Hotel

Employer Region: East Mountain

Location: Warren, Vermont

Possible Positions: 1

Job Title: Housekeeping and Where needed

Work Description: The primary job responsibilities are cleaning guest rooms (making beds, cleaning bathrooms, dusting, vacuuming, etc.) and the Lodge common areas.

Additional duties will include assisting with the preparation and serving of continental breakfast and with property landscape maintenance such as weeding, watering flowers, vacuuming the swimming pool, etc. Daily start time is usually 9:00 a.m. (may be 7:00 a.m. on days when the person assists with breakfast) and the finish time will vary depending on how busy the Lodge is on a given day (slower days will end around 12:00 p.m. while busier days may require working until 4:00 p.m.).

Uniform/Dress Code: Please maintain a neat and clean appearance at all times. Long

Hair should be tied back. Tattoos and unconventional piercing should not be visible.

Please wear comfortable, close toed shoes while working.

Salary Per Hour: $8.50

Bonuses: Possible Bonus at end of season

Work Hours: Each person will be required to work at least four days per week and potentially up to six days per week. Depending on how busy the lodge is you may work 4 hours a day or you may work up to 9 hours. You will not have the same days off.

There are other businesses in the area (such as restaurants, convenience stores, etc.) if you would like to seek additional hours in the evenings and/or your days off.

Accommodation Cost: 55

Accommodation Description: Your housing will be located in the same building as The Restaurant. You will be sharing an apartment with 1 or more students, but you will have your own bedroom. The apartment consists of 2 bedrooms, kitchen, a sitting area with cable TV and a shared bathroom. Evening meals will be available to you while you are on shift; you are responsible for all other meals.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 7 hours

Approximate Travel Cost: $70

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: The Lodge is a classic mountain lodge less than 1/2 mile from Sagebrush’s Ski Area and Robert Trent Jones, Sr. championship golf course. The Lodge offers the amenities you would expect from a larger hotel with the ambiance and warmth of a Vermont Country Inn.

Continental Breakfast, Cable TV and Wireless High-Speed Internet Access are some of the modern luxuries that seem to blend seamlessly with the historic post and beam

Lodge atmosphere.

Located in the Mad River Valley in central Vermont, the Lodge is ideally situated for easy access to all of Vermont's most popular vacation attractions. Ben & Jerry's, Vermont Teddy Bear Factory, Montpelier and Burlington are all less than an hour away.

Description of Area: The town of Warren is near both Sagebrush and Mad River Glen ski areas, which are well known vacation spots. There are lots of quaint towns in the surrounding area to explore. Mad River Valley is legendary for the river which flows through it, steeped churches set against the backdrop of the Green Mountains, secluded swimming holes and scenic bike paths, unique shopping featuring gifts, antiques, and a farmers market, friendly people, comfortable accommodations and superb food. It's all the best that Vermont has to offer. To learn more about the area, visit this site: . THIS JOB IS LOCATED JUST DOWN THE ROAD FROM THE COMMON MAN RESTAURANT, WHERE THE PERSON YOU ARE TRAVELING IS PLACED. YOU WILL BE LIVING WITH STUDENTS WORKING AT THE COMMON MAN RESTAURANT.

Employer ID: E-101946

Employer Type: Ski Resort

Employer Region: East Mountain

Location: Smuggler’s Notch, Vermont

Possible Positions: 12

Job Title: Life Guard & Housekeeping

Work Description: You will be a lifeguard AND a housekeeper and will split your time doing BOTH jobs:

Housekeeping: Housekeeping may include but is not limited to cleaning rooms, vacuuming, changing linens and towels, making beds, cleaning bathrooms, doing laundry, etc. The use of chemical cleaning products is required.

Lifeguard: the primary responsibility of this job is safety. Duties will also include swimmer and patron safety, area surveillance, rule enforcement, and facility maintenance. The resort will train you and provide Red Cross Certification. *Typically, everyone must be able to swim 25 meters, or 10 laps. You must be able to dive down in the deep end of the pool to retrieve a 10 pound brick (about 5 kilos).

Uniform/Dress Code: A uniform will be provided for housekeepers. For lifeguards a uniform shirt, hat, shorts, bathing suit, and whistle will be provided. Lifeguards must have sandals with a heel wrap strap. You can purchase these on site.

Salary Per Hour: $8.18

Work Hours: Your hours will vary from 8:30AM to 10:00pm. You will usually be working 35-40 hours week, 5 days per week . There is no overtime available.

Accommodation Cost: $82

Accommodation Description: Housing will be in an apartment, a dormitory, or in a house consisting of 2 people per bedroom. You will have shared bathrooms, kitchen, and living quarters. Meals are not included and will be your responsibility. Internet access is available. Housing is approximately 3 miles from the work site.

Transportation to and from the jobsite will be provided for you.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 8 hours

Approximate Travel Cost: $60

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: You will be working in a popular Vermont vacation resort.

Recreational activities will be discounted and you will have use of the facilities. This resort is a four-season vacation destination. It is a popular ski resort in the winter time, and in warm weather tourists can enjoy golf, hiking, biking, fishing, and other outdoor activities in the beautiful Vermont countryside.

Description of Area: This resort is a four-season vacation destination on what some locals refer to as 'the quiet side of the Mountain'. It is known for it’s outstanding natural beauty, great recreational opportunities, and peaceful environment.

Employer ID: E-101950

Employer Type: Other

Employer Region: East Mountain

Location: Stowe, Vermont

Possible Positions: 2

Job Title: Where Needed

Work Description: You will be assigned a position based upon the needs of your employer at the time of your arrival. You should be prepared to do any or all of the following positions: kitchen help (washing dishes, mopping floors, taking out garbage, etc.) housekeeping(cleaning guest rooms, making beds, doing laundry, cleaning bathrooms), maintenance(doing general repairs and cleaning around the club)

Uniform/Dress Code: You will need to buy your uniform which will cost around $75. You should bring good comfortable shoes like sneakers to work in. Males should not have long hair or facial hair. Women with long hair must keep it pulled back. Earrings are acceptable; no other piercing should be visible at work.

Salary Per Hour: $6.50 for non-tipped positions. Wait staff will be paid $3.46 per hour +tips.

Work Hours: 8 hours a day, 6 days per week

Accommodation Cost: 0

Accommodation Description: Your housing will be provided free of charge by your employer. You will have your own furnished room on site. You will be housed within walking distance from your job site. Meals will be available while at the club at no cost.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 7 hours

Approximate Travel Cost: $60.

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: This employer is a private fishing club located on a beautiful lake in Stowe. The club where you will be working is a small, isolated, natural spot. You will have the opportunity to socialize with American college students who will also be working at this employer As you will be right on the lake and surrounded by beautiful hiking trails, your employer suggests that you bring your swimsuit and hiking boots!

Description of Area: Stowe is a friendly resort town in the Green Mountains with many small inns, restaurants, and shops. Other local activities include discos, bars, horseback riding, hiking and movies. Please make sure you email your employer as soon as you receive your job offer. He is looking forward to hearing from you and would like to give you important information about your job.

Employer ID: E-103364

Employer Type: Small Hotel

Employer Region: East Mountain

Location: Stowe, Vermont

Possible Positions: 1

Job Title: Housekeeper and Kitchen Help

Work Description: Your main duties will be

Housekeeping: Housekeeping may include but is not limited to cleaning rooms, vacuuming, changing linens and towels, making beds, cleaning bathrooms, doing laundry, etc. The use of chemical cleaning products is required.

Dishwashing/Kitchen Help: Kitchen Help may include washing and re-shelving soiled dishware and glassware, emptying garbage, sweeping and mopping floors, wiping down food service tables, chopping vegetables, and assisting the cook. The position requires standing, bending and walking. The kitchen area, at times will have high humidity and temperatures.

Uniform/Dress Code: You should bring black slacks and white shirts or blouses for when you are working. You should bring black slacks and white shirts or blouses for when you are working. Presentable hair .

Salary Per Hour: $7.50 (training wage for the first week). After the first week you will make $8.50 per hour

Work Hours: About 8 hours per day; 5-6 days per week.

Accommodation Cost: $75

Accommodation Description: You will have your own room and use of the kitchen.

Breakfast is included. You will have your own bathroom. You will have free access to internet and laundry. Housing is located on the inn’s property. You will be responsible for your own meals. The Inn is a non smoking building.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 5 hours

Approximate Travel Cost: $85

Travel Mode: Train

Description of Business: The Inn is an intimate 30 room resort serving couples, families and business retreats .Located on a scenic stream side property, 2 miles from the base of Vermont’s highest mountain. The inn offers fine hotel rooms, resort facilities, breakfast and afternoon tea to its patrons.

Description of Area: Stowe is a friendly resort town with many small inns, restaurants, and shops. There is a trolley into town. In the summer Stowe attracts vacationers from all over the East Coast. The most popular activities are hiking, horseback riding, bicycle riding, and other nature-related activities. If you like the outdoors, Stowe is a great place to spend the summer.

Employer ID: E-104791

Employer Type: Small Hotel

Employer Region: East Mountain

Location: South Londonderry, Vermont

Possible Positions: 2

Job Title: Where needed.

Work Description: You will be assigned a position based upon the needs of your employer at the time of your arrival. You will be working either at a small hotel or another store also owned by your employer. You should be prepared to do any or all of the following: Housekeeping: Cleaning guests’ rooms. This includes vacuuming, changing linens and towels, making beds, folding clothing, cleaning bathrooms, doing laundry, etc. Kitchen Help: Washing dishes, cleaning the kitchen, mopping floors, taking out garbage, chopping vegetables, and assisting the cook.

Bus Person: Helping waiters and waitresses .Serving water, clearing and setting tables, taking out garbage, mopping floors, etc.

Wait staff: Waiting on customers, answering questions, writing down lunch and dinner orders, serving food, dealing with U.S. currency, and possibly setting and clearing tables.

Maintenance: Painting, carrying heavy objects - including guests’ luggage – mopping floors, doing repairs, shoveling snow, general handiwork etc.

Uniform/Dress Code: You will be expected to maintain a clean and presentable appearance at all times. No facial piercing or visible tattoos will be permitted. If you have a national drivers license, please apply and get an international drivers license in your home country. It is very difficult to get an American drivers license without an international drivers license. Your time in Vermont will be most enjoyable with a drivers license, so for your benefit it is highly recommended that you get an international license.

Salary Per Hour: $7.00.

Work Hours: You will usually be working 7 hours per day; 5 days per week.

Accommodation Cost: $50.

Accommodation Description: Be prepared to share a bedroom with at least one other person. Your apartment will have a TV, cooking facilities, a common room, and bathroom. Linens will also be provided to you. You will be provided with one free meal during working hours. At all other times you will be responsible for your own food. The housing is located on your job site. Note: SMOKING IS NOT ALLOWED IN THE RESTAURANT OR IN YOUR HOUSING. IT IS ABSOLUTELY FORBIDDEN.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 5 hours.

Approximate Travel Cost: $60.

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: This small hotel is located in a beautiful part of Vermont popular with vacationers. It has rooms for rent as well as a well-known restaurant popular with tourists and locals alike.

Description of Area: Vermont is probably most well known for its active winters, yet there are many things to do in the summer. Hiking, fishing, camping, swimming, and other water sports are all popular activities. This part of Vermont is a beautiful and peaceful place, a rural setting far from big cities. The air is clean and crisp, and on clear nights you can see many stars.

Employer ID: E-105678

Employer Type: Restaurant

Employer Region: East Mountain

Location: Warren, Vermont

Possible Positions: 1

Job Title: Kitchen Help & Where needed

Work Description: This job requires a fast, hard working individual who can work well with others. Kitchen help will be your primary duty. This will include washing dishes, helping the kitchen staff prepare dishes, mopping floors, and taking out the garbage.

You may also be asked to assist with stacking wood, outdoor maintenance (shoveling, mowing lawns), and general cleaning. This is a very important job to the functioning of the restaurant.

Uniform/Dress Code: You will want to wear comfortable clothes that you don't mind getting dirty, comfortable non-slip shoes, during winter (proper winter apparel such as winter jacket, gloves, hat and boots).

Salary per Hour: $8.50 per hour.

Bonuses: You will be receive an ending/performance bonus if you stay until your agreed end date and have performed your duties satisfactorily. If you leave prior to your agreed end date, you will not receive any bonus.

Work Hours: 6-8 hours per day; 5-6 days per week. During busy holiday weeks you will be required to work 7 days a week for no longer than 12 days.

Accommodation Cost: 65

Accommodation Description: Your housing will be located in the same building as the restaurant. You may be sharing an apartment with 1 or more students, but you will have your own bedroom. The apartment consists of 2 bedrooms, kitchen, a sitting area with TV and a shared bathroom. Evening meals will be available to you while you are on shift; you are responsible for all other meals.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 7 hours

Approximate Travel Cost: $70

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: This restaurant offers New American Cuisine in An Old American Setting.

The restaurant was founded in 1972 and makes its home is a 19th century barn.

The barn is actually over 150 years old, and the soaring hand hewn rafters of the timbered interior are lit by crystal chandeliers, soft candlelight, and a huge open hearth manor fireplace in season; and the strains of classical Baroque music or mellow jazz float in the air. It is both rustic and simple, yet elegantly casual and casually elegant, definitely romantic, and is applauded by Vermonters and visitors alike. Now in its fourth decade of continuous operation the restaurant has earned scores of prestigious awards and accolades.

Description of Area: The town of Warren is near both Sugar bush and Mad River Glen ski areas, which are well known vacation spots. There are lots of quaint towns in the surrounding area to explore. Mad River Valley is legendary for the river which flows through it, its steepled churches set against the backdrop of the Green Mountains, secluded swimming holes and scenic bike paths, unique shopping featuring gifts, antiques, and a farmers market, friendly people, comfortable accommodations and superb food. It's all the best that Vermont has to offer. To learn more about the area, visit this site: . THE PERSON YOU ARE TRAVELING WITH WILL BE WORKING JUST DOWN THE ROAD AT THE LODGE. YOUR HOUSING WILL BE TOGETHER

Employer ID: E-105696

Employer Type: Ski Resort

Employer Region: East Mountain

Location: Mount Snow, Vermont

Possible Positions: 6

Job Title: Housekeeping

Work Description: You duties will include cleaning guests' rooms and bathrooms, changing linens and towels, empting wastebaskets and doing laundry. The hotel is known for its clean rooms so we expect the rooms to be spotless even if it takes a little extra time.

Uniform/Dress Code: You will be expected to maintain a neat and clean appearance at all times. If a uniform is required, it will be provided to you by your employer. You should bring black pants, a collared shirt and comfortable black shoes. You should have a conservative hairstyle. Facial and body piercing other than earrings are not permitted. Any tattoos must be concealed at all times.

Salary per Hour: $8.00 an hour. Salary may vary depending on position.

Work Hours: You should expect a very changing schedule and must be able to work many different shifts each week. You will be working between 35 and 40 per week.

Overtime is not available.

Accommodation Cost: 70

Accommodation Description: A list will be provided to you upon arrival with many affordable housing options. There is also a hotel on the property where you can stay until housing is secured.

Travel Time from NYC to Job Site: 8

Approximate Travel Cost: 60.

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: Working at Mount Snow you will meet interesting people from all over the world, enjoy incredible scenery in the great outdoors and have the opportunity to ski or snowboard under blue skies, in fresh powder all in one day! Why does our staff choose Mount Snow ?The people, the awesome skiing in the winter and the spectacular golfing in the summer. Your experience here will include all that the Mount Snow Valley has to offer. Where else are you able to snowmobile, take a horse-drawn sleigh ride, dine at fine restaurants and enjoy the exciting night life — all within a 10 minute drive? During the summer, you'll find people taking a hike along the Appalachian Trail, mountain biking, water skiing, fishing, or just enjoying the outdoors.

Description of Area: Being at the base of Mount Snow and Haystack, our valley is well known for its skiing and snowboarding. However, in the winter months we also enjoy cross country skiing, snowshoeing, ice fishing, snowmobiling and the beautiful quaintness of a romantic weekend getaway that is Vermont in winter.

As the snow melts in the spring and the grass begins to grow, you'll find hiking, biking and hunting. And with all the water, comes the fish. There is great fishing in Vermont and even some guides to show you how to do it and where to go.

Summer brings a wealth of activities from hiking, boating, canoeing, camping, the arts, shopping, swimming and site-seeing. We are proud to be the hosts of NORBA mountain bike races each year and haves some great summer festivals like the Taste of the Valley, Garlic Festival and Brewfest. And with two championship golf courses, we have many offers on great Vermont golf vacation packages.

With all the beauty that Vermont holds, nothing can quite match a fall foliage in New

England. Every person on this earth should have one chance in their life to see the mountain top views of fall foliage in Vermont.

Employer ID: E-106653

Employer Type: Small Hotel

Employer Region: East Mountain

Location: Peru, Vermont

Possible Positions: 2

Job Title: Where needed.

Work Description: Your primary duties will be a bus person, kitchen help, housekeeper. In the morning you will be required to help serve breakfast. In the evening, your duties will include dishwashing and bussing (setting and clearing tables, taking out the garbage, assisting wait staff). You should also be prepared to do any or all of the following; maintenance (general repairs, general cleaning) and housekeeping (cleaning rooms, making the beds, vacuuming).

Uniform/Dress Code: You must always maintain a clean and neat appearance for work.

You should also be prepared with warm clothing in case you will be working outdoors.

Salary per Hour: For bussing duties in the evening, you will earn $6.00 per hour plus tips. For breakfast duties, you will earn $6.00 plus tips and for all other duties, you will earn $6.00.

Work Hours: You will work about 8 hours per day, about 5-6 days per week.

Accommodation Cost: 0

Accommodation Description: Accommodations and meals will be provided at no cost to you. You will have your own private room, and share a bath with 2 other persons. Full amenities will be available to you.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 6.5 hours

Approximate Travel Cost: $75

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: This is a full-service country inn, featuring superb dining, private cabins and cozy rooms and suites in the historic family owned and operated country inn.

Description of Area: Peru is a friendly resort town in the beautiful Green Mountains of Vermont. The hotel and restaurant is located right at the base of Bromley Mountain.

The region is most famous for its skiing during the winter but the summer also offers many outdoor opportunities for hiking, biking, fishing, etc. Shopping outlets are 10 minutes away.

Employer ID: E-106747

Employer Type: Small Hotel

Employer Region: East Mountain

Location: Woodstock, Vermont

Possible Positions: 3

Job Title: Housekeeper

Work Description: Your responsibilities as a housekeeper will include all and any of the following: cleaning rooms; vacuuming, changing linens and towels, making beds, doing laundry, cleaning bathrooms etc.). You may also be asked to assist with other aspects of running the inn at your employer's request. It is your obligation to remain flexible and hardworking as an Global Choices participant and an employee of this small hotel.

Uniform/Dress Code: Employees should be well groomed. Uniforms are provided as necessary. You should bring comfortable shoes since you will be working on your feet all day. Please bring tan shorts (should fall below or at the knees) or pants. You hair should be neat and contained.

Salary Per Hour: $8.00 per hour.

Bonuses: Upon successful fulfillment of your contract, you will receive an additional

$0.50 per every hour worked ending bonus

Work Hours: 6-8 hours per day, 5-6 days per week.

Accommodation Cost: $50.

Accommodation Description: You will be living in a small house with 2 bedrooms.

There will be two to three people per room. The house is equipped with a full kitchen

and a living room. It is located within 5 minutes walking distance of the motel.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 8 hours

Approximate Travel Cost: $60

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: This inn has 42 immaculate New England styled rooms and suites, some with in-room fireplaces and Jacuzzis, all with great views. It is located in the heart of the village of Woodstock, Vermont. The employers have charming personalities that match the quaint charm of the inn.

Description of Area: There are many outdoor activities in the area such as biking, hiking, horseback riding, canoeing and fishing. There are also cultural and historical resources in the area as well, such as museums and the Village of Woodstock. The atmosphere at the motel is friendly, with an emphasis on excellent guest service.

Employer ID: E-107114

Employer Type: Small Hotel

Employer Region: East Mountain

Location: Shelburne, Vermont

Possible Positions: 1

Job Title: Where needed.

Work Description: Your responsibilities may include any or all of the following:

Housekeeping: Cleaning rooms, vacuuming, changing linens and towels, making beds, doing laundry, etc. Kitchen Help: Washing dishes, cleaning the kitchen, mopping floors, taking out garbage, chopping vegetables, and assisting the cook.

Bus Person: Helping waiters and waitresses .Serving water, clearing and setting tables, taking out garbage, mopping floors, etc.

You may also be asked to assist with other aspects of running the inn, at your employer's request.

Uniform/Dress Code: You will be expected to maintain a neat and clean appearance at all times. Housekeepers will be given a uniform while for all other positions, a shirt is provided with the company logo. Please bring some clean, pressed khaki or black pants for use while on the job. You should bring casual, comfortable shoes as well.

Un conservative hairstyles, visible tattoos and body piercing are not permitted. Men are allowed to have trimmed facial hair only.

Salary Per Hour: $7.75

Work Hours: 6-8 hours per day; 5 days per week.

Accommodation Cost: $25 per week.

Accommodation Description: You will either be staying in an apartment or be given employee housing at the inn. If you stay in the Inn you will be sharing one room with another person, however, you will have access to full kitchen facilities, a bathroom, and the apartment common areas since this is only 25 feet from the main building. The apartment has a shared bedrooms , living room with Tv, computer with free internet access, and full kitchen. Access to laundry will be provided to all of you.

Accommodations are three miles from the public bus system. Speak to your employer about getting rides into and out of town. She will be willing to help you out. Meals will be provided at noon and 5 p.m. each day and will cost you $25 per week.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 6-8 hours

Approximate Travel Cost: $70

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: You will be working at a small hotel in beautiful and picturesque Shelburne, Vermont. It is located within a 1400 acre property of a working farm considered a National Historic Landmark. It also includes an environmental educational center where schoolchildren, adults, educators and families come here to learn. Visitors enjoy the walking trails, children’s farmyard, inn, restaurant, property tours and special events. Many Global Choices participants have given this employer significantly high reviews, one student has described it as the best place ever to work.

Description of Area: Among things to do, most popular are hiking, sightseeing, swimming, bike riding, and other nature related activities. This area of Vermont is very picturesque and will be a pleasure to be around if you appreciate nature . The property is right on Lake Champlain and is seven miles south of Burlington a popular resort area.

Employer ID: E-108554

Employer Type: Small Hotel

Employer Region: East Mountain

Location: Killington, Vermont

Possible Positions: 2

Job Title: Housekeeping & Wait staff

Work Description: You will be assigned one or more of the above positions based upon the needs of your employer at the time of your arrival. It is likely that you may hold more than one position and rotate between jobs. Housekeeping duties include cleaning bathrooms and bedrooms, vacuuming, dusting, emptying garbage, doing laundry, changing sheets and towels, etc. Breakfast and dinner is served at the inn, and your duties could include preparing the food, setting up tables, serving guests, cleaning up after meals, washing dishes, etc. You will need excellent English skills to be able to work wait staff shifts. Please note this is a quiet and rural area that does not offer a wild night life.

Uniform/Dress Code: You will supply your own tan colored pants for work (no jeans) and neat, comfortable shoes. Your employer will provide you with a Polo shirt. It is very important that you maintain a neat and clean appearance at all times. No facial or tongue piercing are allowed when you are working. You are required to give a deposit for a shirt of$10.

Salary per Hour: $8.00 plus some tips. Wait staff positions will earn$3.65 plus tips.

Work Hours: You will work between 6-8 hours per day and on an average of 5-6 days per week.

Accommodation Cost: $70

Accommodation Description: You will live in a comfortable 3-bedroom unit located on the premises. It is located one minute away from work. There is a full bath, kitchen, and utilities, living and dining room. It is located on the bus route for local transportation. You will be asked to pay a $200 housing deposit upon arrival. Your housing deposit will be returned to you if your housing is left in the condition it was found at the time of your arrival.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 6 hours.

Approximate Travel Cost: $65

Travel Mode: Train

Description of Business: This is an upscale resort that offers many amenities and comforts. It has been in business for over 35 years and is a popular summer and winter retreat!

Description of Area: Killington is located in the Green Mountains of Vermont and is in close proximity to Rutland, the 2nd largest town in the state. There is the opportunity to explore the outdoors by hiking, biking, swimming, etc. This is a beautiful area where you will have access to many summer time activities such as hiking, biking, swimming, and fishing. Please note that you will be working in a beautiful rural area that is a quiet and relaxing in the summer. The area offers many outdoor activities but does not have loud discos or nightclubs. It is not a party town.

Employer ID: E-108825

Employer Type: Small Hotel

Employer Region: East Mountain

Location: McIndoe Falls, Vermont

Possible Positions: 3

Job Title: Where needed.

Work Description: You will be assigned a position based upon the needs of your employer at the time of your arrival. You should be prepared to do the following:

Housekeeping: Cleaning guests’ rooms. This includes vacuuming, changing linens and towels, making beds, folding clothing, cleaning bathrooms, doing laundry, etc.

Kitchen Help: Washing dishes, cleaning the kitchen, mopping floors, taking out garbage, chopping vegetables, and assisting the cook.

Bus Person: Helping waiters and waitresses .Serving water, clearing and setting tables, taking out garbage, mopping floors, etc.

Maintenance: Painting, carrying heavy objects - including guests’ luggage – mopping floors, doing repairs, gardening, mowing the lawn, etc.

Landscaping: You will be assigned to a landscaping project your employer is working on to bring water to the Inn’s greenhouse. This is a unique position requiring some light landscaping including moving bushes, some shoveling, and assisting in any other aspect of your employer’s landscaping project. You will be outdoors most of the time.

Note: English will still be a fundamental part of your job and so you are encouraged to practice your speaking and comprehension skills as best you can before arriving.

Uniform/Dress Code: You should maintain a neat and clean in appearance with no visible body piercing other than earrings. There is no formal uniform needed for this job. You should bring comfortable clothes.

Salary per Hour: $6.25

Work Hours: 35 hours per week. Second job opportunities are available.

Accommodation Cost: 55

Accommodation Description: Meals will also be available for a nominal fee. You will be living in an apartment with another person, but will have your own room. The apartment includes a shared kitchen and shared bathroom. You will have access to all of the amenities of the Inn.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 6 hours

Approximate Travel Cost: $60

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: This establishment is a 200 year old, nine bedroom Bed and Breakfast nestled in the heart of Vermont's Northeast Kingdom, offers you a peaceful and genuinely unique experience. It is situated in a small village of Scottish heritage and owned and operated by the same family for the last 30 years. This Greek revival home with hand blown glass windows, 13 foot high ceilings, a common room with fireplace and stunning antique furniture will make your visit an old fashion delight! The Innkeeper is a nutritionist who enjoys creating lovely gourmet meals for you in her large and inviting kitchen. Summer means fresh herbs and vegetables from her garden. Winter brings aromatic smells of baking breads and simmering soups.

Description of Area: This Inn is nestled in the beautiful countryside set against a backdrop of the Green Mountains. It is located near a friendly Farmers Markets, and there is access to many activities such as Golfing, Biking, Hiking, Boating, Cultural Activities, Horseback Riding, Fishing, Shopping, Museums, and great local holiday celebrations. The friendly people and superb food will delight you.

Employer ID: E-111202

Employer Type:

Employer Region: East Mountain

Location: Springfield, Vermont

Possible Positions: 3

Job Title: Housekeeping / Maintenance

Work Description: Housekeeping: Housekeeping may include but is not limited to cleaning rooms, vacuuming, changing linens and towels, making beds, cleaning bathrooms, doing laundry, etc. The use of chemical cleaning products is required.

Maintenance: Painting, carrying heavy objects, mopping floors, doing repairs, cleaning the pool if there is one, etc.

Uniform/Dress Code: There is no uniform for housekeeping or maintenance. However, you will be expected to maintain a neat and clean appearance at all times. Visible tattoos and body piercing will not be allowed while working.

Salary per Hour: $8.00 per hour

Overtime Information: $12.00 per hour

Work Hours: 25-35 hours per week, if you’re willing to work more hours there will be some available. There are also second jobs in the region within walking distance. After

40 hours per week is overtime.

Accommodation Cost: 37.50

Accommodation Description: Your accommodations will be on property in one of the hotel rooms. The cost is $150.00 per month and will be paid each month. Linens and towels are provided. You will be responsible for your own meals and will have access to the commercial kitchen.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 6.5 hours

Approximate Travel Cost: $53

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: This property is a hotel, restaurant, and spa. It is an elegant and historic Vermont Bed and Breakfast offering accommodations with 45 rooms and a fine dining restaurant in a country mansion and estate. It is a favorite holiday destination and lodging site for weddings, wedding receptions, ceremonies, retreats, and romantic getaways.

Description of Area: This property is located in Springfield which is a quiet and mountainous resort area of Vermont. Springfield’s central location allows access to quaint Vermont towns of Woodstock, Bellows Falls, and Okemos. Recreational activities include canoeing, hiking, biking, tennis, horse back riding and more.

Employer ID: E-111945

Employer Type: Small Hotel

Employer Region: East Mountain

Location: Stowe, Vermont

Possible Positions: 3

Job Title: Where needed

Work Description: Your main duty will most likely be housekeeping but you should be prepared to do any or all of the following:

Housekeeping: Cleaning rooms; vacuuming, changing linens and towels, making beds, cleaning bathrooms, doing laundry, etc.

Maintenance: Painting, carrying heavy objects, mopping floors, doing repairs, cleaning the pool if there is one, etc.

You may also be asked to assist with other aspects of running the Inn, at your employer's request. Important: although you will be filling housekeeping and maintenance positions, your English capabilities will still be important and you should practice as much as possible before arriving.

Uniform/Dress Code: You will be expected to have a neat and clean appearance at all times. Your employer will provide you with Sun & Ski shirts and aprons free of charge.

You should bring black, beige, or khaki pants, knee-length shorts, or skirts. In addition, please bring white sneakers. Your hairstyle should be conservative. Tattoos and facial piercing are not allowed.

Salary per Hour: $7.00

Work Hours: Usually 6-8 hours per day; 5-6 days per week. Please remember there will be slower and busier times due to the seasonal nature of the hotel business.

Accommodation Cost: $45 per week

Accommodation Description: You will need to pay a housing deposit of $25 each week which will be automatically deducted from your paycheck. Your deposit, however, will be returned to you at the end of the season provided that you stay through your commitment dates and leave the housing in good condition. You will share a room with a private bathroom, and be provided with bed linens and towels. Some meals are provided free of cost (for example breakfast and light lunch items). You will also have access to kitchen facilities to prepare your dinner or other meals.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 8 hours.

Approximate Travel Cost: $60

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: This mid sized inn offers the enrichment of a peaceful mountain setting as well as the excitement of being near the fun! There are plenty of outdoor activities and things to do within the town of Stowe.

Description of Area: Stowe is a friendly resort town with many small inns, restaurants, and shops. There is a trolley into town. In the summer Stowe attracts vacationers from all over the east coast. Among things to do, most popular is hiking, horseback riding, bicycle riding, and other nature related activities. If you like the outdoors, Stowe is perfect.

Employer ID: E-118938

Employer Type:

Employer Region: East Mountain

Location: Warren, Vermont

Possible Positions: 7

Job Title: Where needed/ Housekeeping

Work Description: Housekeeping may include but is not limited to cleaning rooms, vacuuming, changing linens and towels, making beds, cleaning bathrooms, doing laundry, etc. The use of chemical cleaning products is required. You should be prepared to perform all these duties as needed. Occasionally your employer may need you to perform other tasks and you should be prepared to be flexible.

Uniform/Dress Code: Your overall appearance should be neat and clean. Earrings are acceptable but all other visible piercing is not permitted while working. Your employer will provide you with a uniform which will be worn while you are working.

Salary per Hour: 8.50

Work Hours: The number of hours and days vary from week to week depending on the season, but the average will be 40 hours per week.

Accommodation Cost: 80

Accommodation Description: You may be sharing a bedroom unit with 1 to 3 other students. A shared common room with cable TV is also available. Full kitchen facilities are available during off hours.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 10 hours

Approximate Travel Cost: $75

Travel Mode: Train

Description of Business: The natural beauty and mountain environment provide a striking setting and a true escape from the everyday. Our home - the Mad River Valley - provides a reason in and of itself to visit Sugar bush. The Valley as locals call it, is full of Vermont charm and empty of stop lights and fast food joints. Quirky shops, great restaurants, artisan galleries, covered bridges, church steeples, and more…all strung together by the winding Mad River. Come visit!

Description of Area: Warren is located near both Sugar bush and Mad River Glen ski areas, which are well known winter and summer vacation spots. There are lots of quaint towns in the surrounding area to explore, as well as hiking, biking and other outdoor sports to enjoy!

Employer ID: E-119778

Employer Type: Small Hotel

Employer Region: East Mountain

Location: Weston, Vermont

Possible Positions: 3

Job Title: Housekeeping

Work Description: Housekeeping: Housekeeping may include but is not limited to cleaning rooms, vacuuming, changing linens and towels, making beds, cleaning bathrooms, doing laundry, etc. The use of chemical cleaning products is required.

Positions in other departments may be available.

Uniform/Dress Code: Your overall appearance should be clean and neat. Your hair should be neatly cut and conservatively styled, if it is long, it should be neatly pulled back while you are working. All beards and mustaches should be kept neatly trimmed.

Body piercing should not be visible while you're working. Your employer will provide you with a uniform tee-shirt. You will need to bring or purchase slacks or very clean blue jeans and neat comfortable shoes.

Salary per Hour: $8.00 per hour.

Bonuses: N/A

Work Hours: You will be working about 5-8 hours per day, 5 days per week. There is a possibility of more hours.

Accommodation Cost: 38.00

Accommodation Description: Your housing will cost a total of $150 per month and you will be asked to pay a $50 security deposit upon arrival. It will be returned to you provided you honor your work commitment, return your key and do not damage your housing. Housing is on site dormitory style. You will be living with up to 1 other student and sharing common restrooms. You have access to a fridge and microwave in your housing and internet access at the resort. Also, one meal per day will be provided at no cost in addition to your shift meal.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 5 hours

Approximate Travel Cost: $50

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business:

Description of Area: The Inn is located in the small town of Weston,

VT .The is surrounded by woods, pastures and mountains, with nearby streams, and full of friendly people.

Employer ID: E-120167

Employer Type: Campground/RV Park

Employer Region: East Mountain

Location: Salisbury, Vermont

Possible Positions: 2

Job Title: Campground Duties, Marina Help

Work Description: Duties include reservations, sales, campground maintenance, boat rentals and cleaning.

Uniform/Dress Code:

Salary per Hour: $7.50

Work Hours: 8 hours per day

Accommodation Cost: 40

Accommodation Description: Housing is a new 30 ft camper, with hot water, shower, and kitchen with microwave, stove, oven, air conditioning, TV and wireless internet.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 3 hours

Approximate Travel Cost: $60

Travel Mode: Train

Description of Business: This is a great summer job on a beautiful lake. The work is not too difficult but attention to detail is needed. Employees can use boats, canoes and water-ski and barbeque facilities in their free time. Transportation for shopping nearby can be arranged.

Description of Area: Salisbury is a pretty and historic village located in southern

Vermont. It is close to mountains and lakes. This is a beautiful part of the country with many fun outdoor activities at your disposal. Local activities include ice skating, discos, bars, skiing, horseback riding, movies, and snowboarding.

Employer ID: E-120336

Employer Type:

Employer Region: East Mountain

Location: Stowe, Vermont

Possible Positions: 1

Job Title: Where needed.

Work Description: You will be assigned a position based upon the needs of your employer at the time of your arrival. You should be prepared to do any or all of the following: Housekeeping: Cleaning guests' rooms. This includes vacuuming, changing linens and towels, making beds, folding clothing, cleaning bathrooms, doing laundry, etc. Breakfast Waitperson: Seating guests in the dining room, taking their orders and serving meals. You may also be asked to assist with other aspects of running Ten Acres Lodge at your employer's request. Note: although you will be filling support staff positions, English will still be a fundamental part of your job and so you are encouraged to practice your speaking and comprehension skills as best you can before arriving.

Uniform/Dress Code: You will be expected to maintain a neat and clean appearance at all times. Facial and body piercing, and visible tattoos are not permitted. Hairstyles should be conservative.

Salary per Hour: $7.50 per hour. Tips are shared among three housekeepers.

Work Hours: You will usually be working 5-9 hours per day; 4-6 days per week. You will usually work 35-40 hours per week.

Accommodation Cost: 40

Accommodation Description: You will be provided with housing at the Inn. You will have your own room. Linens will be provided to you, You will have a private bathroom, access to cooking facilities as well cable television. Internet access is available. Breakfast will be available at the Inn when you are working a shift of 5 hours or more.

Travel Time from NYC to Job Site: 6

Approximate Travel Cost: 75

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: The lodge is an 1830s farmhouse, situated at one of the most photographed locations in Stowe, with a stunning sunrise vista. The main house is only 2.5 miles from Stowe Village and just minutes from hiking, shopping, biking, golf, fishing, birding and more. It became a B&B around 1950 just as skiing was taking hold in Stowe. In 1953 two cottages were built, one of which is available for rent today. The Main Lodge is decorated throughout with period antiques and unique offerings from around the world, so the common areas have a blend of old and new.

Description of Area: Stowe is a friendly resort town with many small inns, restaurants, and shops. There is a trolley into town. In the summer Stowe attracts vacationers from all over the East Coast. The most popular activities are hiking, horseback riding, bicycle riding, and other nature-related activities. If you like the outdoors, Stowe is a great place to spend the summer.

Employer ID: E-121237

Employer Type: Retreat Center

Employer Region: East Mountain

Location: South Londonderry, Vermont

Possible Positions: 1

Job Title: Front Desk, Cleaning Person, Salon Assistant, Massage Therapy Assistant.

Work Description: Front Desk: Job duties will include answering phone calls, making appointments, and assisting customers, processing payments .Cleaning Person: Job duties will include mopping floors, taking out garbage, cleaning Spa rooms, cleaning bathrooms, cleaning spa locker rooms, and making sure that the entire spa area is kept clean. Salon Assistant: Assisting hair dressers, manicurist and estheticians with their daily duties. Please do not worry if you do not have much previous experience in this field. The employer is happy to consider applicant with a strong desire to learn about this position. Massage Therapist Assistant: Assist the therapists with their duties. Please do not worry if you do not have much previous experience in this field. The employer is happy to consider applicant with a strong desire to learn about this position. Training will be free of charge.

Uniform/Dress Code: You should maintain a neat and clean appearance at all times.

Long hair should be tied back. Visible piercing and tattoos will not be permitted. You must wear black pants and a black top. Shoes should be close-toed.

Salary per Hour: $8.00 plus tips.

Bonuses: There is a possibility for an ending bonus at the discretion of the employer.

Work Hours: 5-6 days per week. 8 hours per day.

Accommodation Cost: 85

Accommodation Description: Housing will be provided at a nearby inn. Please expect to share a room with another international student. Housing will be within walking distance of the spa.


Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 6 hours.

Approximate Travel Cost: $70.

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: This employer is a full service spa and salon, offering high-end relaxation and esthetic treatments. Located at the base of the ski resort, this Spa specializes in a relaxing, mountainside, spa experience. Please email you employer before you arrive so that you can further acquaint yourself with her.



Description of Area: Stratton is one of the higher mountains in Vermont and in the winter, this area is a world famous ski resort. However in the summer time it is a refreshing and scenic mountain getaway. There should be a great social environment considering Stratton brings in thousands of young people throughout the season.

Stratton Mountain and the surrounding towns offer plenty of shopping, restaurants, and entertainment.

Employer ID: E-121307

Employer Type: Small Hotel

Employer Region: East Mountain

Location: Manchester, Vermont

Possible Positions: 1

Job Title: Where needed (Kitchen help, breakfast server, housekeeping and general cleaning)

Work Description: You will be working in various areas of the inn. In the mornings, you will help to prepare and serve breakfast. Then you will clean rooms (this will include washing sheets, making beds, vacuuming, cleaning bathrooms and toilets). You will also assist in general cleaning of the entire inn. This may also include polishing brass silver. Please be aware that the housekeeping duties do require heavy cleaning work. The Inn has a high standard of cleanliness and requires careful cleaning and dusting etc for many extra items each room

Uniform/Dress Code: You must maintain a neat and clean appearance at all times.

Please wear comfortable, close-toed shoes while working. You should wear either tan pants or tan knee-length shorts. Long hair should be tied back, and any tattoos or unconventional piercing should not be visible during work hours.

Salary per Hour: $8.00

Overtime Information: $10.00 after 40 hours per week.

Bonuses: Possible for extremely busy periods or for exceptional work above and beyond normal.

Work Hours: 6-7 hours per day, 5-6 days per week. Hours are flexible based on occupancy or other special occasions but generally from 7:30- AM to 2:30 PM plus additional by request.

Accommodation Description: You will be living in either shared accommodation with other foreign students hired by local businesses in separate bedroom in the owners home at the back of the gardens or in a guest bedroom in the Inn, both with private bath. Breakfast at the Inn and with some lunches and dinners provided free. Other meals will be at the student's expense.

Travel Time from NYC to Job Site: 7

Approximate Travel Cost: $75

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: The hotel is an upscale 13 room Bed & Breakfast Inn with a Pub located in the center of the Village of Manchester, Vermont. The inn features fireplaces, canopied beds, private porches, fine oriental rugs, authentic antiques, and prized artwork. Exquisitely maintained, this former home of Abraham

Lincoln’s granddaughter is historically significant. There are also extensive gardens and grounds with fine views of the gardens, valley and the surrounding mountains.

Description of Area: Manchester is a pretty and historic village located in southern

Vermont. It has a year round tourist business with emphasis in the Village or town of cultural activities such as an art center, music festival and playhouses. Also, most visitors enjoy driving around the State to enjoy the villages, historical sights and beautiful scenery. This is a beautiful part of the country with many fun outdoor activities at your disposal. Local activities include golf, hiking, horseback riding & movies etc. in the summer and ice skating. Manchester Center, adjacent to the village, is a popular outlet shopping Mecca. There is a large resort hotel in the village and number of smaller Inns or bed & breakfast Inns, and many motels and restaurants in the area.

The atmosphere is elegant-casual at the Inn; with an emphasis on friendly and excellent guest service.

Employer ID: E-123182

Employer Type: Tent Rental

Employer Region: East Mountain

Location: Randolph Center, Vermont

Possible Positions: 6

Job Title: Tent Installers

Work Description: You will be part of a crew that delivers, sets up and takes down large tents, staging, dance floors, tables, chairs, etc. for weddings, parties and special events. When you are not setting up jobs you will be spending time in the warehouse doing cleaning and maintenance work. You should be prepared to work in any aspect of the business. * Note: Speaking English will be a fundamental part of your job and so you are encouraged to practice your speaking and comprehension skills as best you can before arriving.

Uniform/Dress Code: You should bring shorts, comfortable pants, hiking boots and rain gear. You might want to bring a light jacket for cool mornings. You will be provided with company tee-shirts free of charge. You should have clean cut hair and an overall neat and clean appearance.

Salary per Hour: $8.00

Overtime Information: Overtime may be available for $12 per hour after a certain number of hours per week


Work Hours: Flexible. Usually 9-10 hours per day; 6 days per week

Accommodation Cost: 60

Accommodation Description: You will be staying in a 3 bedroom apartment just a few miles from your job site. You will have full kitchen facilities; therefore all meals will be your responsibility. There is a laundry facility in Randolph Village. You will be within close proximity to stores for any groceries you may need. Your employer will make available any transportation you may need to get to and from work, and to shopping.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 7 hours

Approximate Travel Cost: $60

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: This Company specializes in setting up large outdoor tents, tables, chairs, and lighting for small to large scale events such as dinners, parties, weddings, or sporting events to name a few.

Description of Area: Randolph is in the geographic center of Vermont, making it the ideal place to stay while experiencing all Vermont has to offer. This is a beautiful part of the country with many fun outdoor activities at your disposal, such as swimming, biking, hiking, horseback riding, canoeing and fishing. For community information visit


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