
Period: 19th Century Europe—The Age of Ideologies I APEH Unit Overview

Timeframe: ca. 1815-1850

|Key Causes, Origins, |Key Ideas and Themes |Key Events |Key Individuals & Groups |Key Documents and |Key Effects, Outcomes, PTF |

|HB | | | |Cultural Artifacts | |

| | | | | | |

|Conservative reaction|Ideology = social/political |Congress of Vienna = |Quadruple Alliance and later |Reflections on the |Even though on the whole the |

|in wake of Napoleonic|worldview |redrew map of Europe w/o |Quintuple Alliance = B, A, R, |Revolution in France |1848 revolutions a failure, |

|Wars | |consideration for |P, F |(Burke) = Bible of |conservative rule was on the |

| |Principles of legitimacy and |nationalism | |conservatism |decline |

|Liberalism and |intervention of | |Concert of Europe = promoted | | |

|nationalism unleashed| |Greek Revolt = succeeded |conservatism |Metropolitan Police Act |Britain throughout the 19th |

|by French Revolution |Conservatism = status quo, |because of “great power” | |of 1829: created the |century avoided revolution |

|and Napoleonic eras |obedience to political |intervention |Klemens von Metternich = |Bobbies |through concessions to key |

| |authority, respect for | |practitioner of conservatism | |opposition groups |

|Liberalism and |organized religion, opposed |Restoration of monarchy in| |July Ordinances = sparked| |

|nationalism had deep |to revolutionary change, |France |Holy Alliance = committed to |the July Revolution |1848 revolutionaries often |

|roots in the |government a partnership | |intervention | |failed to stay united, which |

|Enlightenment |between dead, living, and |July Revolution of 1830 | |Corn Laws = conservative |allowed conservative powers |

| |future; deep respect for | |Nicholas I = “the policeman of |laws that placed tariffs |to reestablish old regimes |

|Excesses of the First|tradition; anti-liberal & |Nationalist revolt of |Europe” |on foreign grain and | |

|Industrial Revolution|anti-nationalist |Belgium in 1830 | |benefitted landholding |Crimean War would help undue |

|(Socialism) | | |Edmund Burke = intellectual of |aristocracy; opposed by |the Concert of Europe |

| |Emergence of police forces in|1848 Revolutions = year of|conservatism and critic of |liberals | |

|Reaction against the |Great Britain (Bobbies) and |revolution, but they |French Revolution | |Romantic movement a response |

|Enlightenment and the|France |failed! | |Carlsbad Decrees = |to the cold rationalism of |

|First IR | | |Germanic Confederation |conservative laws aimed |the Enlightenment and the |

|(Romanticism) |Balance of power =a guiding |June Days (1848) = failed | |at liberal and |worst aspects of the |

| |idea at the Congress of |working class revolt |Burschenschaften |nationalist |Industrial Revolution; |

| |Vienna |against closing of | |Burschenschaften |Realism a reaction to the |

| | |national workshops |John Stuart Mill = utilitarian | |idealism of the Romantic |

| |Liberalism = both economic | |and liberal |On Liberty (Mill) |movement |

| |and political liberalism |2nd Republic (1848-1852) | | | |

| |broadly favored freedom from | |Robert Owen = utopian socialist|Reform Act of 1832 = | |

| |restraint; heirs of the |2nd Empire (1852-1870) |(New Harmony) |suffrage to upper middle | |

| |Enlightenment | | |class | |

| | |1848 uprising in Vienna |Karl Marx = revolutionary | | |

| |Economic liberals endorsed |led to dismissal of |socialist; critic primarily of |Poor Law of 1834 an | |

| |laissez-faire views |Metternich |capitalism |example of economic | |

| | | | |liberalism put into | |

| |Political liberals embraced |Nicholas I crushed the |Eduard Bernstein = gradualism |practice | |

| |civil liberties, written |Decembrist Revolt (1825) =| | | |

| |constitutions, religious |Northern Union favored |Anti-Corn Law League = liberals|9th Symphony | |

| |toleration, separation of |constitutional monarchy | | | |

| |church and state, |and the abolition of |Tories = British conservatives |Wagner’s operas promote | |

| |representative assemblies, |serfdom | |German nationalism as | |

| |peaceful opposition to gov’t | |Whigs = British liberals |does interest in folk | |

| | |Ethnic conflict in | |tales (Brothers Grimm and| |

| |Liberals were not democrats =|Austrian empire |Sir Robert Peel (Bobbies) |Andersen) | |

| |limited suffrage | | | | |

| | |Frankfurt Assembly = |Louis XVIII |On Heroes and Hero | |

| |Nationalism = arose out of an|failed liberal attempt to | |Worship and the Heroic in| |

| |awareness of being part of a |unify the German states = |Charles X = “humpty dumpty” |History (Carlyle) = the | |

| |community that has common |opened up door to |figure |hero in history | |

| |institutions, traditions, |conservative attempts to | | | |

| |language, and customs |do so that would succeed |Louis-Philippe = bourgeois | | |

| | |under Bismarck |monarch | | |

| |Utopian socialism vs. | | | | |

| |Revolutionary socialism |Austrians opposed to |Louis Blanc and the national | | |

| | |German unification |workshops | | |

| |Gradualism = suffrage could | | | | |

| |help achieve the aims of |Success of Latin American |Charles Louis Napoleon = | | |

| |socialism peacefully |revolts = liberal and |Napoleon III | | |

| | |nationalist sentiments | | | |

| |Self-determination | |Louis Kossuth = Hungarian | | |

| | | |nationalism | | |

| |“When France sneezes, Europe | | | | |

| |catches a cold” | |Byron, Goethe (“dare to be”), | | |

| | | |Wordsworth, Shelley, Hugo, | | |

| |Romanticism | |Dumas, Scott, Friedrich, | | |

| | | |Turner, Delacroix, Beethoven, | | |

| |Importance of feeling, | |Wagner, Carlyle = Romanticism | | |

| |emotion, imagination | | | | |

| | | |Simón Bolivar & José de San | | |

| |A deepened appreciation of | |Martín = Latin American freedom| | |

| |the beauties and sacredness | |fighters | | |

| |of nature | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

Period: 19th Century Europe—The Age of Ideologies II APEH Unit Overview

Timeframe: ca. 1850-1871

|Key Causes, Origins, HB|Key Ideas and Themes |Key Events |Key Individuals & Groups |Key Documents and |Key Effects, Outcomes, PTF |

| | | | |Cultural Artifacts | |

| | | | | | |

|Even though the 1848 |Coup d’etat = Louis Napoleon |Coup d’etat by Louis |Napoleon III |“Iron and blood” speech |Conservative leaders like |

|revolutions had been |against the National Assembly |Napoleon in 1852 = Second| |(Bismarck) |Napoleon III, Bismarck, and |

|crushed, within 25 | |Empire |Baron von Haussmann = redesigned| |Cavour demonstrated how |

|years, many of the |Plebiscite = referendum; yes or| |Paris |Ems Dispatch = how |liberal and nationalist |

|liberal and nationalist|no; means by which Second |Crimean War (1853-1856) | |Bismarck manipulated the|goals can be achieved by |

|aspirations had been |Empire emerged in France | |Florence Nightingale = nursing |French into war |strong authoritarian |

|achieved within Europe | |Italian unification |heroics during Crimean War | |governments |

| |“Liberal Empire” = Napoleon III|movement = Risorgimento | |Reform Act of 1867 | |

| |attempts at liberalization | |Mazzini = Young Italy |(doubled the electorate;|The Prussian leadership of |

| | |Zollverein = free trade | |male urban workers |German unification meant the|

| |“Eastern Question” = receding |zone led by Prussians; |Victor Emmanuel II = king of a |benefitted the most) |triumph of authoritarian, |

| |Ottoman Empire fueled |economic integration |united Italy | |militaristic values over |

| |nationalist aspirations |before political | |Education Act of 1870 |liberal, constitutional |

| | |unification |Camilla da Cavour = realist | |sentiments in the |

| |Balance of power = straight of | |architect of Italian unification|The Communist Manifesto |development of the new |

| |the Dardanelles = Crimean War |Austro-Prussian War | |(Marx and Engels) |German state |

| | |(1866) = also called |Garibaldi and the Red Shirts = | | |

| |Risorgimento = resurgence of |Seven Weeks’s War |favored a republic; conceded |Das Kapital (Marx) = |German unification |

| |Italy | |their republicanism to achieve |critique of capitalism; |overturned the balance of |

| | |Franco-Prussian War |unification (so nationalism |superstructure an |power with their industrial |

| |Realpolitik = politics of |(1871) = the Waterloo of |trumped liberalism) |substructure; surplus |resources and military might|

| |reality (heirs of Machiavelli) |the Second Empire | |value; alienation; | |

| | | |Otto von Bismarck = brilliant |“species life” |Balkan nationalism and Irish|

| |Multiculturalism = continued to|French loss of |practitioner of realpolitik; | |nationalism not yet |

| |plague the Austrian Empire |Alsace-Lorraine leaves |German unification achieved |Evolutionary Socialism |achieved; would play out in |

| | |them wanting revenge |through war |(Bernstein) = gradualism|the period of the Great War |

| |Victorian Age = | | | | |

| | |Second Reich = German |Kaiser Wilhelm I = Hohenzollern |The Origin of Species |Continued secularization of |

| |Secret ballot = achieved in |unification in 1871 | |(Darwin) = reception |intellectuals and acceptance|

| |Britain by 1872 | |Magyars = ethnic Hungarians |history = initially very|of full-blown materialism |

| | |Ausgleich of 1867 = | |negative | |

| |Universal manhood suffrage; |created the dual monarchy|Dual monarchy of Austria-Hungary| |Social Darwinism as partial |

| |what about women? |of Austria-Hungary |(1867) |The Descent of Man |motivation for the New |

| | | | |(Darwin) = humans are |Imperialism and Aryanism |

| |Irish Home Rule = Irish |Emancipation of the serfs|Alexander II = proposed |descended from animals | |

| |nationalism |by Alexander II in 1861 |constitutional monarchy but too | |Realism in art and politics |

| | | |little too late for anarchist | |a reaction to the idealism |

| |Proletariat vs. bourgeoisie |Publication of The Origin|People’s Will | |of Romanticism and |

| | |of Species 1859 | | |socialism? |

| |Dialectical materialism |inaugurated a paradigm |Queen Victoria (r. 1837-1901) = | | |

| |(history of the world is |shift |key values were sense of duty | | |

| |history of class conflict); | |and moral respectability; apex | | |

| |Hegelian influence |Darwin’s voyage on the |of British Empire under her | | |

| | |HMS Beagle (1831-1836) |rule; last of the Hanover line | | |

| |“Workers of the world unite” = | | | | |

| |Marx committed to international| |Benjamin Disraeli (Conservative | | |

| |socialism | |) vs. William Gladstone (Whig) | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Germ theory of disease = | |Michael Faraday = | | |

| |disease external to body | |electromagnetic induction | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Pasteurization and | |Dmitry Mendeleyev = periodic law| | |

| |bacteriology; from curative to | | | | |

| |preventative medicine | |Charles Darwin & Alfred Russell | | |

| | | |Wallace | | |

| |Antiseptic principle = Lister | | | | |

| | | |Louis Pasteur & Joseph Lister = | | |

| |Evolution (transmutation); | |revolution in health care; | | |

| |Natural selection (Darwin’s | |earlier vaccination efforts by | | |

| |central insight); “survival of | |Jenner in 1796 | | |

| |the fittest” | | | | |

| | | |Charles Dickens = prolific | | |

| |Social Darwinism = | |serial author in the realist | | |

| |(mis)application of Darwin’s | |tradition | | |

| |insights to society | | | | |

| | | |Jean-Francois Millet = The | | |

| |Realism = anti-Romanticism | |Gleaners = realism (Barbizon | | |

| | | |school) = en plein air | | |

Period: The “Second” Industrial Revolution and “Mass Society” APEH Unit Overview

Timeframe: ca. 1850-1894

|Key Causes, Origins, HB |Key Ideas and Themes |Key Events |Key Individuals & Groups |Key Documents and Cultural|Key Effects, Outcomes, PTF |

| | | | |Artifacts | |

| | | | | | |

|Growing material |Second Industrial Revolution |Emergence of the |Eli Whitney = |Evolutionary Socialism |The liberal idea that the |

|prosperity in the late | |department store |interchangeable parts | |best government is one that |

|19th century |Mass society | | |Contagious Diseases Act |governs least was severely |

| | |Improved sanitation and |Alexander Graham Bell = | |tested by the realities of |

|Could science and |Second IR focused on steel, |better nutrition (better |telephone |Public Health Act of 1875 |industrialization and |

|technological achievements|electricity (streetcars, |diet and more food) fuel a| |= new buildings must have |urbanization (and in many |

|solve all human problems? |subways, cranes, conveyor |major population growth: |Marconi & Tesla = radio |running water and internal|cases founding wanting) |

| |belts, machines, machine |1850 (270 million)…1910 | |drainage | |

|Unfettered optimism and |tools), internal combustion |(460 million) = mass |Joseph Swan = light bulb | |Gradual reform through |

|progress; were Condorcet’s|engine, and chemicals |emigration in late 19th | |British Housing Act of |parliamentary institutions |

|predictions coming to | |century |Frederick Winslow Taylor |1890 = new tax to |had become the way of |

|fruition? |Interchangeable parts | |(Taylorism) = scientific |construct working class |British political life |

| | |Redesign of urban areas |management |housing | |

|Mass society = society in |Assembly line |often at expense of lower | | |With new modes of |

|which the concerns of the | |class |Gottlieb Daimler = |Reform Act of 1884 = any |transportation, increasing |

|majority—lower class—play |Scientific management | |invented the light engine |male who pays regular |tourism and suburbanization |

|a prominent role |(Taylorism) |Paris Commune crushed in |in 1886 |rents or taxes can vote; | |

| | |1871 | |added 2 million |With no ministerial |

| |Cartels and protectionism = | |Henry Ford = mass |individuals to voting |responsibility, Bismarck |

| |reaction against free trade due|Third French Republic |production of the Model T |ranks |dismissed by the young |

| |to saturated markets = motive |(1875-1940) | | |Kaiser Wilhelm II |

| |for the “new” imperialism? | |Orville and Wilbur Wright |Constitution of 1875 | |

| | |Bismarck’s domestic |= airplane in 1903 |established the French |The “nationalities problem” |

| |New job opportunities for women|policies: | |Third Republic |continued to plague |

| |= especially in the “service | |Eduard Bernstein = | |Austria-Hungary |

| |sector” = white collar |--Kulturkampf targeted |gradualism | | |

| |employment |Catholics but policies | | | |

| | |ultimately abandoned |Otto von Bismarck | | |

| |“Cult of domesticity” = |Parliament elected via | | | |

| |typically supported by |universal manhood suffrage|German Social Democratic | | |

| |organized labor |Centralized Germany’s |Party (SDP) | | |

| | |commercial and criminal | | | |

| |Gradualism |legal codes |Anarchist groups = | | |

| | |Outlawed the SDP |assassination | | |

| |Trade unionism = organized |Created progressive social| | | |

| |labor |security system to |Dr. Aletta Jacob = opened | | |

| | |undercut socialist demands|up first birth control | | |

| |Anarchism and assassination |(so Bismarck co-opted SDP |clinic in 1882 | | |

| | |platforms) | | | |

| |Industrialization + population | | | | |

| |explosion = urbanization |Governments play a key | | | |

| | |role in public health (see| | | |

| |Is the best government one that|laws in Key Documents | | | |

| |governs least? |column) | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Middle class values | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Emergence of the weekend = | | | | |

| |leisure opposite of work | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Mass Society = Mass education, | | | | |

| |Mass leisure, Mass | | | | |

| |conscription, Mass political | | | | |

| |parties, Mass suffrage, Mass | | | | |

| |consumption, Mass marketing, | | | | |

| |Mass entertainment | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Professionalization of sport = | | | | |

| |it too becomes big business | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Ministerial responsibility = | | | | |

| |Germany didn’t have it and it | | | | |

| |cost Bismarck his job | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Social welfare | | | | |

Period: Pre-War Europe, the Great War, and Russian Revolutions APEH Unit Overview

Timeframe: ca. late 19th century-1919

|Key Causes, Origins, HB |Key Ideas and Themes |Key Events |Key Individuals & Groups |Key Documents and |Key Effects, Outcomes,|

| | | | |Cultural Artifacts |PTF |

| | | | | | |

|Before 1914, most Europeans |Newtonian worldview vs. |Invention of camera = |Isaac Newton = classical |Einstein’s 1905 essays |“Modern” consciousness|

|continued to believe in the |Einsteinian worldview = |movement away from |mechanics |on relativity |with: |

|values and ideals that had |paradigm shift |realism | | | |

|been generated by the | | |Albert Einstein = relativity |Beyond Good and Evil |--A new view of the |

|Scientific Revolution and |New physics: quantum theory , |Suffrage movement |theory |(Nietzsche) |physical universe |

|the Enlightenment. Reason, |theory of relativity, | | | |--An appeal to the |

|science, and progress were |uncertainty principle |Dreyfus Affair = |Curies = work with radium = |Interpretation of |irrational |

|still important buzzwords in| |anti-Semitism |subatomic particles |Dreams (Freud) |--Alternative views of|

|the European vocabulary |Nietzsche: perspectivism, “will| | | |human nature |

| |to power”, “God is dead”, |Conference of Berlin = |Max Planck = quantum theory |Social Statistics |--Radical and |

|The ability of human beings |“Beyond good and evil”, dual |great powers established| |(Spencer) |innovative forms of |

|to improve themselves and |personality theory, eternal |rules for the “African |Heisenberg = uncertainty | |literary and artistic |

|achieve a better society |recurrence |scramble” |(probability vs. certainty) |Syllabus of Errors |expression |

|seemed to be well | | | |(Pius IX) vs. De Rerum | |

|demonstrated by a rising |Freud: unconscious, id, ego, |Liberia and Ethiopia |Nietzsche & Freud |Novarum (Leo XIII) |Confusion and anxiety |

|standard of living, urban |superego, Oedipus complex, |(Abyssinia) only African| | |prior to Great War |

|improvements, and mass |slips, “talking cure” |nations with |Herbert Spencer = social |The Rite of Spring |that would only be |

|education that accompanied | |non-European rule |Darwinism |(Stravinksy) |exacerbated in |

|“mass society” and the |Naturalism = more pessimistic | | | |post-WWI Europe |

|Second Industrial Revolution|than realism |Assassination of |Houston Stewart Chamberlain = |The Jewish State | |

| | |Archduke Franz Ferdinand|volkish thought |(Herzl) |Emergence of the Lost |

|Such products of modern |Impressionism and |by the nationalist Black| | |Generation (zeitgeist |

|technology as electric |post-Impressionism |Hand (Princip) |Pope Pius IX = condemned modern |J’Accuse (Émile Zola) |= dada art) |

|lights, phonographs, and | | |ideologies vs. Leo XIII = | | |

|automobiles reinforced the |Cubism = abstract art |“Blank Check” = given to|compromiser |White Man’s Burden |Harsh nature of Treaty|

|popular prestige of science | |A-H by Germany; | |(Kipling) |of Versailles would |

|and the belief in the |Expressionism = move towards |ultimatum given to |Monet, Manet, Degas, Renoir, | |leave Germany smarting|

|ability of the human mind to|non-representation |Serbia |Pissarro = Impressionism |All Quiet on the |for revenge and |

|comprehend the universe | | | |Western Front |facilitate the |

|through the use of reason |Musical primitivism = |Schlieffen Plan = German|Cezanne, Van Gogh, Gaugin, Seurat|(Remarque) = trench |worsening economic |

| |irrational music |war plan to win two |= post-Impressionism |warfare from German |conditions in Germany |

|Near the end of the | |front war | |perspective |that Hitler would |

|nineteenth century, however,|Zionism= Jewish nationalism | |Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque | |later exploit |

|a dramatic transformation in| |Battle of Verdun, Battle|= Cubism |Defence of the Realm | |

|the realm of ideas and |“New Imperialism”: motives and |of the Somme = futility | |Act (life on the home |Treaty of Versailles |

|culture challenged many of |results |of trench warfare |Kandinsky = Expressionism (moves |front) |created several new |

|these assumptions. A new | | |towards non-representation) | |nations; end of |

|view of the physical |“White Man’s Burden” = revival |American entry into the | |Treaty of Brest-Litovsk|empires—Russian, |

|universe, an appeal to the |of Eurocentric attitudes |war…reasons |Emmeline Pankhurst and Emily |= Russia pulled out of |German, Austrian, |

|irrational, alternative | | |Davison = women’s suffrage |WWI |Ottoman |

|views of human nature, and |“Open door policy”; Boxer |Life on the home front =| | | |

|radically innovative forms |Rebellion |government |W. Booth = Salvation Army |Treaty of Versailles = |Establishment of USSR |

|of literary and artistic | |centralization | |peace of vengeance | |

|expression shattered old |Traditionalists vs. modernizers| |Theodor Herzl = Zionism |(infamous Article 231) | |

|beliefs and opened the way |(Meiji Restoration) |Kiel Mutiny; abdication | | | |

|to a “modern consciousness.”| |of Kaiser Wilhelm II; |Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Zola = |October Manifesto | |

|These new ideas called forth|Balkan nationalism = “some damn|Weimar Republic |naturalism |created the Duma | |

|a sense of confusion and |little foolish thing…” | | | | |

|anxiety that would become | |Paris Peace Conference =|Cecil Rhodes = “from Capetown to |Imperialism: The | |

|even more pronounced after |MAIN = militarism, alliance |Peace of Vengeance (not |Cairo” |Highest Stage of World | |

|World War I |system, imperialism, |Peace of | |Capitalism (Lenin) | |

| |nationalism = long-term causes |Justice—Wilson’s 14 |Triple Alliance = Central Powers | | |

|Additionally, the late 19th |of WWI |Points) | | | |

|century was also a time of | | |Triple Entente = Allies | | |

|significant tension as |3 power rule = Bismarck always |Russo-Japanese War | | | |

|imperialist adventures and |wanted to be in a majority of |(1904-1905) |The peaceful vision of J. Jaures | | |

|international rivalries |three | | | | |

|disturbed the apparent calm.| |1905 Bloody Sunday |Kaiser Wilhelm II | | |

|After 1880, Europeans |Trench warfare = stalemate = |Revolt led to October | | | |

|engaged in an intense race |war of attrition |Manifesto |“Lawrence of Arabia”; “Red Baron”| | |

|for colonies around the | | | | | |

|world. This competition for |Armistice = cease fire (11th |Abdication of Tsar |Nicholas II, Alexandra, and | | |

|lands abroad significantly |hour of the 11th day…) |Nicholas II |Rasputin | | |

|intensified existing | | | | | |

|antagonisms among European |Mechanized warfare (e.g. Big |Provisional government |Duma and Alexander Kerensky | | |

|states |Bertha) and total war = |led by Kerensky | | | |

| |deadliest war to date |continued the war effort|Bolsheviks vs. Mensheviks | | |

| | |= helped the Bolshevik |(gradualists) | | |

| |“Over the top”, “No man’s |cause | | | |

| |land”, “shell shock” | |March vs. November Revolutions | | |

| | |Russian Revolution | | | |

| |“Peace, land, and bread” = |(1917) |Vladimir Lenin and the | | |

| |Lenin’s promise | |“vanguard”; Leon Trotsky; Cheka; | | |

| | |Russian Civil War |Reds vs. Whites | | |

| |War communism = nationalization|(1818-1921) | | | |

| |to win the Russian Civil War | | | | |

| | | | | | |

Period: Interwar Europe APEH Unit Overview

Timeframe: 1919-1939

|Key Causes, Origins, HB |Key Ideas and Themes |Key Events |Key Individuals & Groups |Key Documents and Cultural|Key Effects, Outcomes, |

| | | | |Artifacts |PTF |

| | | | | | |

|Harsh nature of Treaty of |Isolationism = Americans and |French invasion of Ruhr |League of Nations (no |Dawes Plan |The efforts of |

|Versailles |British retreat to it |Valley = to be paid “in |American involvement) | |collective security—the |

| |post-WWI |kind” once Germans default | |General Theory of |League of Nations, |

|Isolationism of British | |on payments |John Maynard Keynes |Employment, Interest, and |attempts at disarmament,|

|and Americans |Reparations = based on | | |Money (Keynes) |pacts and treaties—all |

| |Article 231 |German government starts |Benito Mussolini and the | |proved meaningless in |

|Totalitarian governments | |printing large quantities of|Black Shirts |Lateran Accords = truce |view of the growth of |

|have their origins, in |Deficit spending = Keynesian |paper money = supported | |between RCC and the |Nazi Germany |

|part, in the experience of|solution to depressions |worker “passive resistance” |Weimar Republic = assailed |Italian state | |

|total war, when | |= spiraling inflation and |from the left by the | |Policy of appeasement |

|governments exercised |Totalitarianism: Dictator, |collapse of the mark |communists and the right by |Mein Kampf (Hitler) |towards Nazi Germany |

|virtual control over |one-party rule, central | |the Nazis | | |

|economic, political, and |economic planning, use of |Dawes Plan = attempt to | |Enabling Act = Hitler able|Europe plunged into a |

|personal freedom in order |secret police, censorship, |stabilize the German |Adolf Hitler and the Brown |to dispense with |second WW that would |

|to achieve victory |propaganda, indoctrination, |inflation crisis |Shirts |constitutional government |again test the ideas of |

| |active loyalty and commitment| | |for four years |progress and optimism |

|Great Depression paved the|by citizens, individual will |Kellogg-Briand pact = |NSDAP = Nazis | | |

|way for social discontent,|should be subordinated to the|utopian(?) attempt at | |Nuremberg Laws = | |

|fear, and extremist |collective will of the masses|collective security |Heinrich Himmler/SS |anti-Semitism | |

|parties | | | | | |

| |Fascism: Authoritarian, |Great Depression: causes and|Hitler Youth & League of |Triumph of the Will (Nazi | |

| |extreme nationalism; |effects |German Maidens = |documentary by Leni | |

| |glorified action, violence, | |indoctrination |Riefenstahl) | |

| |and discipline; |American stock market crash | | | |

| |antidemocratic; importance of|(1929) |Vladimir Lenin |Guernica (Picasso) | |

| |the individual serving the | | | | |

| |state; pursued aggressive |World Cup first played in |Comintern = Communist Int’l |The Persistence of Memory | |

| |foreign expansion; |1930 = int’l rivalry | |(Dali) | |

| |anti-socialist and | |Kulaks = benefitted from NEP;| | |

| |anti-communist (though |Japanese invasion of |targeted by Stalin’s |The Fountain (Duchamp) | |

| |originally not anti-Semitic) |Manchuria (1931) and Italian|collectivization | | |

| | |invasion of Ethiopia (1935) | |The Decline of the West by| |

| |Hitler’s core ideas: racism, |showed limits of the League |Leon Trotsky vs. Joseph |historian Oswald Spengler | |

| |anti-Semitism, extreme German|of Nations |Stalin (“socialism in one | | |

| |nationalism, social | |country”) | | |

| |Darwinism, anti-communism, |March on Rome by the | | | |

| |Lebensraum |Fascists (1922) |Politburo = executive ruling | | |

| | | |committee of communist party | | |

| |Gleichschaltung = |Beer Hall Putsch (1923) = | | | |

| |synchronizing all of German |failure = Hitler realized |Francisco Franco = | | |

| |society under Nazi rule |his path to power would have|authoritarian rule in Spain | | |

| | |to be legal; “Hitler over | | | |

| |Rapid industrialization and |Germany” campaigns |Duchamp and Dadaism = art | | |

| |collectivization = goal of 5 | |that glorified the | | |

| |Year Plans |Hitler made Chancellor by |purposelessness of life | | |

| | |1933; Third Reich proclaimed| | | |

| |“Socialism in one country” |1934 |Dali and Magritte = | | |

| |(Stalin) vs. internationalism| |surrealism = influence of | | |

| |(Trotsky) |Nuremberg rallies; Nuremberg|Freudian psychology | | |

| | |Laws; Kristallnacht | | | |

| |Dadaism and Surrealism | |Mies van der Rohe, Sullivan, | | |

| | |“Without motor cars, sound |Gropius, Frank Lloyd Wright =| | |

| |Functionalism = form follows |films, and radio, no victory|functionalist architecture | | |

| |function in architecture |of National | | | |

| | |Socialism”—Hitler |James Joyce & Virginia Woolf | | |

| |Atonal music = sharp | |= stream of consciousness | | |

| |dissonance = Schönberg |Lenin’s New Economic Policy | | | |

| | |(NEP) | | | |

| |“Stream of consciousness” | | | | |

| |literature |Stalin: 5 Year Plans, | | | |

| | |collectivization of | | | |

| | |agriculture, cult of | | | |

| | |personality, purges and | | | |

| | |prison camps (carried out by| | | |

| | |the Gulag) | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Spanish Civil War = fascists| | | |

| | |aided by Hitler and | | | |

| | |Mussolini | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

Period: World War II APEH Unit Overview

Timeframe: 1939-1945

|Key Causes, Origins, |Key Ideas and Themes |Key Events |Key Individuals & Groups |Key Effects, Outcomes, PTF |

|HB | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Failure of collective|Lebensraum = Hitler |“Diplomatic Revolution”: |Adolf Hitler |Emergence of the Cold War |

|security measures |thought it was in Soviet |Many considered the TOV to be too | | |

| |Union |punitive |Benito Mussolini |Iron Curtain descends on Eastern |

|Failure of | | | |Europe, as these nations had been |

|appeasement measures |Appeasement |Nazis viewed by the West as a bulwark|Neville Chamberlain = “peace |liberated by the Soviet Union who |

| | |against communist USSR |for our time” |wanted a buffer zone |

|Unwillingness of |“Peace for our time” = | | | |

|western Europe and |Chamberlain post-Munich; |German rearmament: military draft and|Winston Churchill = incredible |Stalin reneged on free elections |

|USA to stop Nazi |Churchill’s criticism |creation of a new air force, the |wartime leader and brilliant |in Eastern Europe (Declaration of |

|rearmament and | |Luftwaffe |orator = “we shall never |a Liberated Europe) |

|aggression |Blitzkrieg = lightning | |surrender” | |

| |warfare = Luftwaffe |Anglo-German Naval Pact = Nazis could| |Age of Europe had ended |

| |strikes, panzer divisions |build a navy 35% size of British with|Big Three = Churchill, FDR, |(1492-1945) = two superpowers left|

| |+ infantry |equality in submarines |Stalin (later Atlee, Truman, |= USA and USSR |

| | | |Stalin) | |

| |Total war = much more so |German troops sent in to the | |Winston Churchill and others |

| |than in WWI; both sides |demilitarized Rhineland with no |Henri Petain = leader of the |envisioned a Europe that works |

| |consistently violated the |repercussions |Nazi puppet state: Vichy Regime|towards cooperation and |

| |“law of noncombatants” | | |unification rather than constantly|

| | |Rome-Berlin Axis; Anti-Comintern Pact|Charles de Gaulle = leader of |engulfing itself in war (“United |

| |Convoy system helped |signed b/w Japan and Germany |the Free French movement |States of Europe”) = culminated in|

| |American troops and war | | |European Union |

| |material reach Europe |Anschluss = annexation of Austria in |American generals Eisenhower | |

| | |1938 |and Patton |Decolonization in Asia and Africa |

| |Importance of technology: | | |as the great European powers had |

| |radar and sonar; |Munich Conference = apex of |Axis Powers |neither the resources nor the will|

| |cryptanalysis used to |appeasement = Nazi ceded Sudetenland | |to maintain their empires |

| |break German codes | |Allied Powers | |

| | |Non-Aggression Pact | |A divided Germany would be a |

| |Emergence of the nuclear | |Erwin Rommel = “desert fox” and|symbol of a divided Europe |

| |age with bombings of |German invasion of Poland last straw;|leader of the Afrika Corps | |

| |Hiroshima and Nagasaki |sitzkrieg | |Formation of NATO and Warsaw Pact |

| | | |Einsatzgruppen = Nazi mobile | |

| |Unconditional surrender of|Germans outflanked Maginot Line |killing units | |

| |Japan = unnecessarily | | | |

| |prolonged war? |Miracle at Dunkirk |Manhattan Project | |

| | | | | |

| |Genocide; “Final |French surrendered in June 1940 |United Nations | |

| |Solution”; Holocaust | | | |

| | |Battle of Britain (the “Blitz”) = | | |

| |“Crimes against humanity” |heroic effort of Royal Air Force | | |

| | | | | |

| |Just war theory = if war |German invasion of SU = Operation | | |

| |is to be fought, what are |Barbarossa | | |

| |the rules? | | | |

| | |Pearl Harbor (7 December 1941) | | |

| |Home front: rationing, | | | |

| |central planning, price |Battle of El Alamein = Rommel’s | | |

| |controls, wage controls, |Afrika Corps defeated | | |

| |rent controls, propaganda | | | |

| |and censorship |Invasion of Italy = “soft underbelly”| | |

| | | | | |

| |Evolution of the Iron |Battle of Stalingrad = turning point | | |

| |Curtain post-WWII |of war? | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Citizens of Leningrad outlast 900 day| | |

| | |siege | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Wartime conferences of Tehran, Yalta,| | |

| | |and Potsdam | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Battle of Kursk = greatest tank | | |

| | |battle = demonstrated Soviet advances| | |

| | | | | |

| | |Wannsee Conference = “Final Solution”| | |

| | |devised | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Operation Overlord = D Day (6 June | | |

| | |1944) | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Battle of the Bulge = last German | | |

| | |offensive | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Nuremberg Trials | | |

Period: Cold War, Decolonization, and the “New Society” APEH Unit Overview

Timeframe: ca. 1945-1985

|Key Causes, Origins, |Key Ideas and Themes |Key Events |Key Individuals & Groups |Key Documents and Cultural|Key Effects, Outcomes, PTF |

|HB | | | |Artifacts | |

| | | | | | |

|Stemmed from the |Containment = stemmed from |Signing of the UN Charter (June |Harry Truman |Kennan’s “Long Telegram” |Cold War and the arms race |

|military, political, |Kennan’s “Long Telegram” |1945) | | |took a tremendous toll on |

|and ideological | | |Joseph Stalin (“Man of |Truman Doctrine |the economies of both the |

|differences, |MAD = mutually assured |“Iron Curtain” speech by Churchill|Steel” | |USA and the USSR |

|especially between |destruction = when both sides |(March 1946) | |Marshall Plan = ERP = | |

|the Soviet Union and |possessed thermonuclear | |Nikita Khrushchev = “K’s |European Economic Recovery|During the postwar era, |

|the USA, which became|weapons they served as a |Communist uprisings in Greece and |Thaw” |Program) |Europe witnessed remarkably|

|apparent at the |deterrent |Turkey (1946-47) spark American | | |rapid change—computers, |

|Allied war | |movement away from traditional |Yuri Gugarin (1961) = |Brezhnev Doctrine |television, jet planes, new|

|conferences held in |Détente = lessening of tension|isolationism |first man in space | |contraceptive devices, |

|the last years of the|b/w East and West | | |One Day in the Life of |advances in medicine—all |

|war | |Truman Doctrine (1947) = military |Leonid Brezhnev = “no |Ivan Denisovich |dramatically altered the |

| |Domino Theory |aid to nations threated by |experimentation” |(Solzhenitsyn) |pace and nature of human |

|Differing and often | |communism | | |life |

|conflicting visions |Decolonization in Asia and | |George Kennan = American |One Dimensional Man | |

|of postwar Europe |Africa |Marshall Plan (1947) = economic |diplomat who |(Marcuse) = critic of the |Emergence of “new society” |

| | |aid | |consumer society and |(fueled by new social |

| |Welfare State | |Clement Atlee (Labour) and|inspirational voice of the|attitudes, scientific |

| | |Comecon = Soviet alternative to |the evolution of the |1968 student revolt in |advances, and rapid |

| |First World vs. Second World |Marshall Plan |welfare state in GB |Paris |economic growth) |

| |vs. Third World | | | | |

| | |Berlin Airlift (1948/9) stymied |Josif Tito = independent |The Second Sex (de |Fight for equality |

| |BRIC nations = Brazil, Russia,|the Berlin Blockade |communist rule in |Beauvoir) |(feminism) and |

| |India, China = “emerging | |Yugoslavia post-WWII | |freedom—eastern Europe |

| |markets” |Khrushchev denounced Stalin in | |National Insurance Act & | |

| | |“Secret Speech” = destalinization |Charles de Gaulle = |National Health Services |Had the consumer society |

| |Soviet “satellite” states = | |independent foreign |Act (1946); based on the |undermined the class |

| |“Iron Curtain” = Soviet |Soviet detonation of atomic bomb |policy, nuclear power |Beveridge Report; creation|struggle of the |

| |“sphere of influence” |(1949) = arms race; thermonuclear |(1960), granted Algerian |of British welfare state |proletariat? Marcuse |

| | |weapons by 1952; 1957 = ICBMs |independence (1962), |(at the expense of the |thought so |

| |Destalinization measures | |withdrew from NATO (1966);|British Empire) | |

| |pursued by Khrushchev after |Launching of Sputnik I (1957) = |undid by 1968 student | | |

| |“Secret Speech” |space race |revolt | | |

| | | | | | |

| |“No experimentation policy” = |Creation of NATO (1949) and Warsaw|Konrad Adenauer = founding| | |

| |Brezhnev doctrine |Pact (1955) |hero of West Germany; | | |

| | | |economic recovery, guest | | |

| |“Economic miracle” of West |Chinese Revolution (1949) = Mao |workers programs, | | |

| |Germany under Adenauer |Zedong |denazification | | |

| | | | | | |

| |“Guest workers” programs; |Korean War (1950-1953) |Willy Brandt = Ostpolitik | | |

| |problems of racism, | | | | |

| |xenophobia, assimilation |Berlin Wall erected in 1961; sign |Existentialists: J-P | | |

| | |that Soviet policies not working? |Sartre, Albert Camus = we | | |

| |Denazification programs in | |are the sum of our acts; | | |

| |West Germany |Cuban Revolution (1959), Bay of |self-creation and | | |

| | |Pigs (1961), Cuban Missile Crisis |self-responsibility; | | |

| |Facets of the “New Society”: |(1962) |“existence precedes | | |

| |“consumer society,” welfare | |essence” | | |

| |state, birth control like the |Emergence of détente in 1960s; | | | |

| |pill, feminism, “permissive |various arms treaties signed |Simone de Beauvoir = | | |

| |society” (sexual revolution of| |feminism; “one is not born| | |

| |1960s; decriminalization of |Hungarian Revolt in 1956 crushed; |but becomes a woman” | | |

| |homosexuality, drug culture), |Suez Crisis same year (Nasser | | | |

| |breakdown of traditional |nationalized Suez Canal) |Herbert Marcuse = | | |

| |society | |anti-consumer society | | |

| | |War in French Indochina, Vietnam | | | |

| |General strike in France |War (1963-1975) |Nasser, nationalization of| | |

| |following 1968 student revolt | |the Suez Canal, and | | |

| | |Algerian crisis; granted |pan-Arabism | | |

| |Ostpolitik = openness toward |independence in 1962 | | | |

| |East Germany pursued by W. | |Gandhi and Indian | | |

| |Brandt |Fall of the 4th Republic; creation|nationalism | | |

| | |of the 5th Republic (1958) = | | | |

| |Pan-Arabism |strong presidency = de Gaulle |Ecumenism (ecumenical | | |

| | | |movement); Vatican II | | |

| |Non-aligned movement = Third |1968 student revolt |liberalized the RCC | | |

| |World nations | | | | |

| | |India/Pakistan achieve statehood | | | |

| |Americanization of popular |(1947) | | | |

| |culture | | | | |

| | |Creation of the state of Israel | | | |

| |British “invasion” of the |(1948) | | | |

| |1960s | | | | |

Period: The Collapse of the Iron Curtain/Soviet Union and Beyond APEH Unit Overview

Timeframe: ca. 1985 to present

|Key Causes, Origins, |Key Ideas and Themes |Key Events |Key Individuals & Groups |Key Documents and |Key Effects, Outcomes, PTF|

|HB | | | |Cultural Artifacts | |

| | | | | | |

|A prosperous Western |“Evil Empire” = harsh rhetoric of|Dubček’s Prague Spring ( of|Alexander Dubček = “communism |Brezhnev Doctrine; |Can the European Union |

|Europe allied to the |Reagan during first term |1968 crushed due to |with a human face” |abandoned by Gorby with |survive the sovereign debt|

|US stood opposed to a| |Brezhnev Doctrine | |the “Sinatra Doctrine” =|crisis beginning in 2008? |

|still struggling |Thatcherism = assault on the | |Ronald Reagan & Margaret |“My Way” | |

|Eastern Europe that |welfare state and proponent of |Elevation of Gorbachev to |Thatcher = committed to | |“Global village” vs. |

|remained largely |privatization |office of Soviet premiere |defeating communism and the |SALT I & II |globalization |

|subject to the Soviet| | |welfare state | | |

|Union |“Star Wars” = SDI = Reagan’s |“New Thinking” of Gorbachev|(pro-privatization) |ABM Treaty of 1972 |Themes of “decline” vs. |

| |proposal to create missile |facilitated the collapse of| | |“progress” |

|Division of Germany a|defense shield |the SU and the fall of the |Soviet leaders: Brezhnev, |Helsinki Agreements of | |

|symbol of a divided | |Iron Curtain |Gorbachev, Yeltsin (problems |1975 = respect for human|Nationalism proved to be |

|Europe |“New Thinking” of Gorbachev was | |with economy due to “shock |rights |decisive in the former |

| |meant to save the ailing Soviet |Collapse of Soviet Union in|therapy” and nationalist | |Soviet Union and its |

|By the 1970s, |system |1991 |tensions in Chechnya) |INF Treaty of 1987 = |satellite states |

|American-Soviet | | | |arms reduction treaty; | |

|relations had entered|Perestroika = restructuring of |“Velvet Revolution” in 1989|USSR replaced by voluntary |move away from harsh |Europe as one of the most |

|a new phase known as |the Soviet economy along free | |Commonwealth of Independent |Reagan rhetoric and |secular and least |

|detente |market line | |States (CIS) |symbolic of good will |religious regions in the |

| | |Fall of the Berlin Wall (9 | |between Reagan and Gorby|world |

| |Glasnost = openness in the |Nov. 1989) |Vladimir Putin and Dmitry | | |

| |social/political arenas | |Medvedev = “Tandemocracy” |Pravda = Soviet |Eastern European economies|

| |accompanied changes in the |Reunification of Germany | |newspaper could print |still lag behind more |

| |economic arena |(1990) |Lech Walesa and the Solidarity |the truth after glasnost|prosperous Western |

| | | |movement; supported by Pope John| |European economies |

| |Demokratizatsiya = Gorby struck |Disintegration of |Paul II |Dayton Peace Accords | |

| |Article 6 from the Soviet |Yugoslavia during the | |(1995) | |

| |constitution that allowed for |Milosevic era but not |Vaclav Havel and the “Velvet | | |

| |democrat elections |before “ethnic cleansing” |Revolution”; peaceful separation|Schuman Plan = | |

| | | |of Czechs/Slovaks (1993) |brainchild of Robert | |

| |Nationalism in Soviet republics |War in Bosnia resolved by | |Schuman and Jean Monnet | |

| | |Dayton Peace Accords |Nicolae Ceausescu and Romania |(1951) created the ECSC | |

| |“Shock therapy” in Russia as | | | | |

| |economy moved towards a free |Disintegration of the |Josif Tito = independent |Treaty of Rome created | |

| |market |Yugoslav state = the power |communist rule in Yugoslavia |the Common Market | |

| | |of nationalism and | | | |

| |Martial law in Poland throughout |self-determination |Slobodan Milosevic = |Single Europe Act (1986)| |

| |1980s; stymied the Solidarity | |anti-separatism; ethnic |= internal market | |

| |movement |Falklands War (1982) |cleansing in Bosnia and Kosovo |achieved; proposal for | |

| | | | |monetary union and | |

| |“Ethnic cleansing” in Yugoslavia |Chernobyl nuclear disaster |Jean Marie Le Pen emblematic of |common currency | |

| |revived Nazi-like horrors |in 1986 = impact on the |far-right politics and | | |

| | |environmental movement |xenophobia |Treaty on European Union| |

| |International Court of Justice at| | |(Maastricht Treaty) | |

| |The Hague tried war criminals |Information Age = Digital |Women’s movement |created a common | |

| |like Milosevic |Age = IPods, IPads, | |currency, the euro; end | |

| | |Facebook, Androids, |Environmentalism, Green Parties,|of national passports, | |

| |Terrorism & counterterrorism |Twitter, HDTV, wireless |and proportional representation |creation of the European| |

| | |technology, video games, | |central bank; problems | |

| |Guest workers, racism, xenophbia,|GPS, etc. |IRA = clamor for unified Irish |of integrating former | |

| |and assimilation | |state |“Iron Curtain” nations | |

| | |European Integration: | |and the euro debt crisis| |

| |Proportional elections |Schuman Plan (ECSC), Treaty|Jean Monnet & Robert Schuman = |as of 2008 | |

| | |of Rome (Common Market), EC|envisioned a united Europe and | | |

| |Abstract Expressionism = |by 1970s, Single Europe Act|worked towards it with the ECSC | | |

| |non-representational art (drip |(1986), Treaty on European | | | |

| |paintings of Pollock) |Union (Maastricht Treaty in| | | |

| | |1993); “Copenhagen | | | |

| |Pop Art and Andy Warhol |Criteria” (must have stable| | | |

| | |democracy that respects | | | |

| |Ecumenical movement = focus on |human rights and | | | |

| |religious commonalities for |functioning market economy)| | | |

| |common good | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |“Global village” = shrinking of | | | | |

| |the world, lessening of cultural | | | | |

| |distinctions, breakdown of | | | | |

| |cultural barriers vs. | | | | |

| |Globalization | | | | |


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