

Table of Contents

General Information

Letter of Introduction

Building Mission, Vision & Commitments

Notice of Nondiscrimination

Constitutional Requirements

Frequently Asked Questions

Schedule Change Policy

Graduation Requirements

High School Requirements

Minimum Post-High School Admissions Requirements.

Athletic Eligibility

Missouri State High School Activities Association Eligibility

National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA)

National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)

High School Special Programs

A+ Program

Dual Credit/Dual Enrollment

Weighted Courses

Correspondence Courses

English Language Learners

Summer School

Career Planning

Purpose of Career Clusters

Career Planning Common Language

Career Paths & Clusters

Choices After High School

The Sixteen Career Clusters

Missouri Connections

Sample Personal Plan of Study

Additional Learning Opportunities

Clubs & Organizations

Course Descriptions

Course Offerings at LCC-1

Course Descriptions by Department

Lex La-Ray Career Center Program Offerings

Additional NCAA

NCAA Requirements Fact Sheet


Dear Parents and Students:

This Career and Educational Planning Guide is intended to assist students as they make plans for a career that will lead to a rewarding and enjoyable future. We urge students and parents to work with the school faculty to review the information in this book in preparation for creating the students’ personal plan of study. Each year you will annually revisit the student’s personal plan of study. The personal plan of study is the student’s unique plan of study which outlines courses that align with future education and career goals. When students see the relevancy of high school course work to what they aspire to do in their future, they are more apt to take school seriously and enroll in more rigorous courses. Remember, course selection is important and schedule changes can be difficult.

Parents, please familiarize yourself with the abundance of information in this book and actively participate with your school and student in creating and reviewing your child’s personal plan of study. Students rank parents as the most influential people in their lives. Challenge your students to set high standards, select courses and school activities which directly help them achieve personal and career goals, work hard to achieve these goals and attend classes daily. Embrace the power of your influence and genuinely engage in educational pursuits with your child(ren).

We look forward to partnering with you for a successful year. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if we can be of assistance.


Todd Whitney Cindy Bentley, Ed.S.

Principal School Counselor

Lafayette Co. C-1 High School Lafayette Co. C-1 High School

Mission, Vision, & Values

Lafayette County C-1 High School Mission Statement:

The Lafayette County C-1 High School will ensure the highest level of achievement for every student.

Lafayette County C-1 High School Vision:

As a Professional Learning Community, Lafayette County C-1 High School will promote a safe and supportive learning environment that fosters academic excellence, leadership, and character development.

Lafayette County C-1 High School Collective Commitments:

Purposeful collaboration among students, parents, and colleagues.

Provide a safe learning environment that fosters positive relationships and addresses the varied needs of all students.

Implementing a rigorous curriculum using research-based teaching strategies that promote high expectations for students.

Modeling character traits that we desire to instill in our students.

Communicate with parents and community to support our school vision.

Using assessments and data to monitor the learning of individual students and guide instruction.

Actively demonstrating and supporting ongoing professional development.

Notice of Nondiscrimination

It is the policy of the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, or disability in its programs or employment practices as required by Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

Constitutional Requirements

The Missouri School Law states, “No pupil shall receive a certificate of graduation from any public school unless he has satisfactorily passed an examination on the provisions and principles of the Constitution of the United States and the State of Missouri.” Lafayette County C-I School District complies with this requirement.

Frequently Asked Questions

May I repeat a course for graduation credit?

High school students are not allowed to repeat courses in which they have previously passed unless it falls in specific elective content areas (i.e. Coed PE, Band, Vocal Music, etc.).

What happens if I fail a semester of a required full year course?

Students who fail semester or year-long courses that are required for graduation must make plans to retake the course in order to receive credit. Students may choose to participate in summer school or may re-enroll in the course during the school year. Careful planning and consideration should be taken into account when making this decision.

May I get extra credit through summer school?

Lafayette County C-1 may offer courses during summer school for both remediation and exploration. Additionally, students may choose to enroll in dual credit coursework with the approval of the counselor after successful completion of their sophomore year. Students will not receive more than one credit for summer coursework and no credit will be given if approval was not granted prior to completing the course.

May I change my schedule if I don’t like a class I am taking?

Schedule changes will take place in August and then again in December/January. Students must listen to the daily bulletin for information. Students are required to complete a schedule change form (which must be signed by a parent/guardian) and meet with the counselor to explore the possibility of a schedule change. Students are encouraged to speak to teachers prior to dropping a class. In some instances, a schedule change may not be an option.

How many credits are needed to graduate from high school?

Twenty-eight units of credit must be earned by all students in order to graduate and receive a diploma from Lafayette County C-1 High School. The credits are to be earned during a regular four-year program. Any exceptions to this four-year program must be discussed with the counselor and high school principal and must comply with the Missouri State Law and C-1 Board Policy.

Do any classes which I took during middle school count toward high school credit?

Classes taken during middle school do not count toward high school graduation requirements.

Can I earn college credit while in high school?

Upon completion of the sophomore year, C-1 students who possess at least a 3.0 cumulative grade point average have the opportunity to enroll in a variety of dual credit coursework. Dual credit classes require tuition to be paid to the colleges at the time of enrollment or shortly thereafter.

Will I be able to get all my credits for graduation if I attend Lex La-Ray?

All students who attend Lex La-Ray Technical Center have the ability to receive one embedded credit in English and one embedded credit in Math. Health Occupations students may also receive one embedded credit in Science. In order to receive the embedded core credits, students must complete both years of the two-year certification program. Students who withdraw from the two year program will not receive any partial credit, regardless of the amount of time enrolled.

How do I join a club?

A list of organizations and their sponsors can be obtained from the high school office. Students are encouraged to listen to the daily bulletin for club/organizational information, including applications, meeting times, etc.

Schedule Change Policy

The course offerings at Lafayette County C-1 High School are determined by the requirements set by the Lafayette County C-1 Board of Education and student preference for electives. Thus, the choices that students make in the spring of each year determine the elective courses that are offered as well as the number of sections that will be available in the forthcoming year. Once the master schedule is established, teaching assignments are made. Schedule changes are generally impossible in many cases due to the complex nature of a comprehensive high school schedule. We ask that students and parents take the time to carefully select courses for the next year. Schedule changes can only be made after the following conditions are met:

1. An opening is available in the class; overloading of classes will not be allowed.

2. Any and all prerequisites have been met prior to the change.

3. Parent approval of the change has been documented.

4. Teachers are notified of the possible change.

Lafayette County C-1 Graduation Requirements

Twenty-eight units of credit must be earned by all students in order to graduate and receive a diploma from Lafayette County C-1 High School. The credits are to be earned during a regular four-year program. Any exceptions to this four-year program must be discussed with the counselor and high school principal and must comply with the Missouri State Law and C-1 Board Policy.

Communication Arts 4 credits

Social Studies 3 credits

Mathematics 3 credits

Science 3 credits

Personal Finance 0.5 credit

Practical Art 1 credit

Fine Art 1 credit

Health 0.5 credit

Physical Education 1 credit

Electives 11 credits

TOTAL 28 credits

❖ Students are required to take Speech or Drama to meet graduation requirements. Speech will be counted as an English credit; however, Drama will NOT.

Minimum Post-High School Education Admissions Requirements

|Curricular Areas |Entering Freshman at University of Missouri System Credit Requirements |

|Apprenticeship |Apprenticeship is a three to four-year training program where you earn money while you |

| |learn, working on the job. You receive a license at the end of training. Examples of |

| |trades that use apprenticeship are bricklaying, jewelry making, electrical repair, etc. |

|Vocational/Technical School |Programs at these schools are generally from one month to four years in length. Examples |

| |of vocational technical programs include practical nursing, robotics, and some areas of |

| |business. |

|Community/Junior College |Community colleges offer two-year “degree” vocational training, associates degrees, or |

| |credit transfer to a college or university where you can pursue a bachelor’s degree. Most |

| |community colleges have an open enrollment policy for high school graduates and |

| |individuals with GEDs. |

|College/University |A bachelor’s degree requires approximately four years of college a master’s degree usually|

| |requires one to two years of college beyond the bachelor’s degree. A minimum of a |

| |bachelor’s degree is required for about 20% of the occupations in the United States. |

| |Entrance requirements depend on the desired program/major. |

|Military |Training is available for many jobs while you are enlisted. You may also receive financial|

| |assistance for college, room and board salary, and insurance benefits. High school |

| |graduation is required. Another consideration for students would be the military academies|

| |like West Point or University ROTC. |

The Sixteen Career Clusters

|[pic] |The production, processing, marketing, distribution, financing, and development of agricultural |

| |commodities and resources including food, fiber, wood products, natural resources, horticulture,|

| |and other plant and animal products/resources. |

|[pic] |Careers in designing, planning, managing, building and maintaining the built environment. |

|[pic] |Designing, producing, exhibiting, performing, writing, and publishing multimedia content |

| |including visual and performing arts and design, journalism, and entertainment services. |

|[pic] |Business Management and Administration careers encompass planning, organizing, directing and |

| |evaluating business functions essential to efficient and productive business operations. |

| |Business Management and Administration career opportunities are available in every sector of the|

| |economy. |

|[pic] |Planning, managing and providing education and training services, and related learning support |

| |services. |

|[pic] |Planning, services for financial and investment planning, banking, insurance, and business |

| |financial management. |

|[pic] |Executing governmental functions to include Governance; National Security; Foreign Service; |

| |Planning; Revenue and Taxation; Regulation; and Management and Administration at the local, |

| |state, and federal levels. |

|[pic] |Planning, managing, and providing therapeutic services, diagnostic services, health informatics,|

| |support services, and biotechnology research and development. |

|[pic] |Hospitality & Tourism encompasses the management, marketing and operations of restaurants and |

| |other foodservices, lodging, attractions, recreation events and travel related services. |

|[pic] |Preparing individuals for employment in career pathways that relate to families and human needs.|

|[pic] |Building Linkages in IT Occupations Framework: For Entry Level, Technical, and Professional |

| |Careers Related to the Design, Development, Support and Management of Hardware, Software, |

| |Multimedia, and Systems Integration Services. |

|[pic] |Planning, managing, and providing legal, public safety, protective services and homeland |

| |security, including professional and technical support services. |

|[pic] |Planning, managing and performing the processing of materials into intermediate or final |

| |products and related professional and technical support activities such as production planning |

| |and control, maintenance and manufacturing/process engineering. |

|[pic] |Planning, managing, and performing marketing activities to reach organizational objectives. |

|[pic] |Planning, managing, and providing scientific research and professional and technical services |

| |(e.g., physical science, social science, engineering) including laboratory and testing services,|

| |and research and development services. |

|[pic] |Planning, management, and movement of people, materials, and goods by road, pipeline, air, rail |

| |and water and related professional and technical support services such as transportation |

| |infrastructure planning and management, logistics services, mobile equipment and facility |

| |maintenance. |



Extra-curricular activities are an important part of our school curriculum and they shall operate within the Lafayette County C-1 School District’s educational philosophy. We believe that interscholastic activities and athletics supplement the secondary curricular program, and as such, they become a vital part of the student’s total educational experience. The activities and athletics program provides opportunities and emphasizes definite areas difficult to duplicate in other school activities in or outside the classroom and academic situations. Student participation in any part of the Husker extra-curricular programs is a privilege which carries with it responsibilities to school, the activity, the student body, the community, and the individual student. This participation will help develop the student physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally.

Lafayette County C-1 is a cooperating member of the Missouri River Valley Conference. As a member, we are committed to adhere to the rules and regulations of the conference. Lafayette County C-1 is also a member of the Missouri Sate High School Activities Association (MSHAA). As such, we are committed to abide by all rules, regulations, and policies established in activities and athletics that come under its jurisdiction.

Activities at C-1:

Academic Bowl

Art Club


Color Guard/Winter Guard

Drama Club

Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)

Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)

Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)

Future Teachers of America (FTA)

Instrumental Music

Math Club

Math Relays

National FFA Organization

National Honor Society

Peer Helpers

Science Club

Science Olympiad

Spanish Club

Speech & Debate

Student Council

Vocal Music

Athletics at C-1:













Ensuring the highest level of achievement for every student

Career & Educational Planning Guide



A/V technology & Communications

Arts and Communication

Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources

Architecture and Construction


Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics

Education and Training

Government and Public Administration

Hospitality and Tourism

Human Services

Health Science

Business, Management, and Administration


Information Technology

Marketing, Sales, and Service

Business, Management, and Technology

Health Services

Human Services

Industrial and Engineering Technology

Natural Resources and Agriculture


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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