GB2RS News Script - Radio Society of Great Britain


Sunday the 12th of April 2020

The news headlines:

• IARU turns 95

• EMC help is on hand

• Commonwealth War Graves Commission at NRC

Saturday the 18th of April is World Amateur Radio Day, this year marking the 95th anniversary of the International Amateur Radio Union. Around the world, amateur radio special event stations will mark the event on the air, starting on the 18th at 0000UTC and continuing until the 19th at 2359. The theme this year is Celebrating Amateur Radio’s Contribution to Society and the Covid-19 pandemic casts the event in a different light than in years past. IARU President Tim Ellam, VE6SH/G4HUA, says “A few short weeks ago, many of us could not imagine the levels of isolation that we are now dealing with and the sacrifices of many on the front lines of the pandemic. As we have done in past challenges to our society, amateur radio will play a key part in keeping people connected and assisting those who need support.”

Looking for help with an EMC problem? The RSGB’s EMC web page has a range of resources that will help including guidance on several EMC issues and helpful leaflets to download from emc. The RSGB’s YouTube channel also has the RFI Clinic 2019 Convention lecture by the EMC Committee’s John Rogers, M0JAV and David Lauder, G0SNO. Take a look at the 2019 Convention playlist on theRSGB.

A few weeks ago, the Commonwealth War Graves Commission visited the RSGB National Radio Centre at Bletchley Park to make a film about the B2 Mk III Spy set on display in the foyer. The video features RSGB member John Ellerton, G3NCN and can viewed on YouTube. Go to

From the 13th of April, Matt, M0PTO will be uploading videos to YouTube for a new course called Lockdown Morse. The YouTube channel is at . He has also created a Facebook page for the course at lockdownmorse.

The RSGB has released onto its YouTube Channel a video by the Society’s Propagation Studies Committee entitled Understanding HF Propagation. It looks at sunspots, ionospheric layers, critical frequencies, solar flares and much more. You can see it at theRSGB

Nordics on the Air was scheduled to be held this weekend. It has postponed because of the Covid-19 pandemic. On the youth NOTA camp, there would have been two HF stations with the callsign LA1YOTA spreading the voice of youth all around the world. Even though the camp is not going to happen there will be NOTA activation skeds from the 10th onwards. Look out for SK8YOTA on the 12th and TF3YOTA on the 13th.

The RSGB HF Contest Committee has just completed a survey, which was open to all, to help determine its strategy during the Covid-19 pandemic. Questions focused on two issues. Firstly, how best to proceed with its flagship IOTA Contest in 2020. Secondly, whether or not there was a mandate for introducing a temporary HF contest series to provide some entertainment and support to RSGB Members and others who are currently staying at home. The committee had 656 survey respondents, of whom just less than half are regular RSGB HF contest participants. You can read the results at .

The RSGB has decided to postpone all Train the Trainers courses for this year. They had been planned to run up until July, so the team will start rescheduling them when the pandemic situation improves and full travel is restored.

Icom has announced that delivery of the new IC-705 HF to 430MHz all-mode 10W transceiver, which was scheduled to be released in March, has been pushed back to later this year because the coronavirus pandemic has delayed the delivery of some components. More information will be posted on their website and via social media in due course.

A long-silent repeater in Birmingham has successfully reactivated. GB3BM is on 145.7125MHz with 67Hz CTCSS tone. In the current situation of everyone being at home a great deal more than usual, this will no doubt be welcome news to amateurs in the area.

Don’t forget that voting for the RSGB elections is still open. If you’ve struggled to find your Membership number, the Society has made it easier for you by adding it to the righthand sidebar of your Members’ page when you log into the website. This is your opportunity to choose who you want to be part of the RSGB Board and help lead the Society over the next few years. The special web pages at agm have details of the Calling Notice, Resolutions, candidate statements and information about how to vote. Internet voting closes at 9am on Thursday the 23rd of April.

The RSGB has a Coronavirus Updates page that brings together some great ideas as well as its important announcements. Take a look at coronavirus-updates.

Now the contest news

Due to social distancing and movement precautions around the world, most contest organisers are not accepting entries from multi-operator groups or from portable stations. Check the rules before taking part.

Today, the 12th, the First 50MHz contest takes place from 0900 to 1200UTC. Using all modes, the exchange is signal report, serial number, locator and postcode.

The Worked All Britain Data contest takes place from 1000 to 1400 and 1700 to 2100UTC today, the 12th of April. All data modes except machine generated CW may be used, but it is expected that most contacts will be by RTTY, PSK or FT8. The exchange is signal report, serial number and WAB square. Entries need to be with the contest manager by the 22nd of April. See

On Monday the Irish 70cm Counties Contest will run from 1300 to 1330UTC using FM and SSB. It is immediately followed by the 2m Counties Contest from 1330 to 1500UTC. This is SSB only. The exchange for both contests is signal report and serial number with EI and GI stations also exchanging their county.

On Tuesday the 432MHz FM Activity contest runs from 1800 to 1855UTC. It is followed by the all mode 432MHz UK Activity Contest from 1900 to 2130UTC. The exchange for both is signal report, serial number and locator.

On Wednesday, the 80m Club Championships runs from 1900 to 2030UTC using SSB only. The exchange is signal report and serial number.

On Thursday it is the 70MHz UK Activity Contest from 1900 to 2130UTC, using SSB only. The exchange is signal report and serial number.

Next weekend, the First Machine Generated Modes contest runs from 1400UTC on the 18th to 1400UTC on the 19th using the 50 and 144MHz bands. The exchange is signal report and your four-character locator.

The YU DX contest runs from 0700UTC on the 18th to 0659UTC on the 19th. More information can be found at .

And finally, don’t forget the RSGB Hope QSO Party on weekdays, see hf for further details.

Now the radio propagation report, compiled by G0KYA, G3YLA and G4BAO on Thursday the 9th of April.

Sunspot group 2759, as reported last week, never really amounted to much and vanished before it got to the solar disk’s edge. The matter from a solar coronal hole did hit the Earth last weekend as we predicted, sending the Kp index to four in the early hours of Saturday morning. Even though we don’t have any sunspots, we are now benefiting from seasonal changes in the ionosphere and longer days.

Monday’s 80m CW Club Championship contest saw the critical frequency stay comfortably above 4MHz, which guaranteed a lively event with high scores all round. Stations in the Netherlands, Czech Republic, Sweden and France joined in, which made for some head scratching for amateurs expecting to hear mostly UK-based callsigns.

But daytime on HF is still a little lacklustre as we continue towards sunspot minimum. Next week, NOAA predicts more of the same with the solar flux index pegged at 68 and zero sunspots. The Solar Dynamics Observatory spacecraft showed a large coronal hole was Earth facing on Thursday, which suggests we might get disrupted conditions over the weekend.

Although we don’t know the solar matter’s expected Bz signature, if its locked-in magnetic field shows a strong south-facing Bz component we can expect it to couple strongly to the Earth’s magnetic field, resulting in a raised Kp index. So look out for the possibility of a pre-auroral enhancement at first and then auroral conditions on 10m as it progresses.

Meanwhile, there are signs that this year’s Sporadic-E season could soon warm up. Some Spanish low-power beacons have been spotted on 10 metres, but they are currently quite weak. We expect Es conditions to improve towards the end of April/early May with daily short-skip openings out to around 1,500 miles. So it is a good time to make sure your 10m antennas are working properly before the Es season starts.

And now the VHF and up propagation news.

In a general sense, this period of weather is essentially high-pressure driven except for a couple of brief incursions from low-pressure systems. Easter weekend sees the first visit by a low drifting from the north with April showers and some rain scatter potential. This is followed by a high moving from northwest Scotland southeast into Germany and again producing some good Tropo potential, which may well coincide with the 70cm UKAC on Tuesday evening, so a good result.

The second half of the week models show a low moving from the south and affecting the southern half of the UK bringing some showery rain, perhaps thundery, so again some more rain scatter on the microwave frequencies.

Lastly, the following weekend sees high pressure returning to Scotland and later the North Sea with further Tropo options.

As we are pushing well into April we can expect to see the new Sporadic-E season developing in the next couple of weeks and the Easter Sunday 50MHz contest could well flush out any early stirrings!

While we are still close to Lunar perigee, losses are low, but Moon declination is minimum on Tuesday. Moon visibility windows are just a few hours at low elevation, making EME difficult due to ground noise. Added to this is high 144MHz sky noise in the first part of the week, making it a poor week for EME.

This Thursday sees the start of the Lyrids meteor shower, so we are coming out of the period of low meteor activity. Keep checking around dawn for the best random meteor contacts.

Overall it’s a good week for activity on the VHF/UHF bands.

And that’s all from the propagation team this week.

Next, the Local News:

Please note that details of all RSGB-affiliated clubs and societies can be found on the RSGB website, including email addresses and website links where known.

[Note to Newsreaders: Please read the local news items appropriate to the service area of your transmission.]


Burton Amateur Radio Club has open nets today, on Thursday and next Sunday from 8pm on 145.575MHz. Wednesday sees a net from 7.30pm on 145.575MHz FM. Details from Rob, G6EIH, on 0781 214 6333.

Cheltenham Amateur Radio Association will be holding an on the air session in place of the meeting that was to have been held on Thursday. Members will be active from 8pm onwards on GB3CG, 145.400MHz, 70.475MHz, 28.450MHz and 3680kHz or thereabouts. Daily nets continue to be held on at 8.10am on 145.400MHz and GB3CG, and on 28.450MHz at 8.40am.

Northampton Radio club has daily nets on 145.3625MHz from 10.30am and weekday nets on 145.3625MHz from 6pm. For details, email

Rugby ATS has a daily net on 144.275MHz SSB from 8.30am. Contact Steve, G8LYB, on 01788 578 940.

South Normanton Alfreton & District Amateur Radio Club has daily nets on 145.450MHz from 2pm. Tuesday sees a net from 6.45pm on 145.475 or 145.450MHz. For details, email snadarcsec@.

Telford & District Amateur Radio Society has nets most evenings from 8.30pm on 144.325MHz SSB. Today and next Sunday there’s a net from 9pm on 144.600MHz FM. Monday and Friday see nets on 3.657MHz SSB from 8.45pm. On Wednesday there’s a net on 144.600MHz FM from 8pm. Contact John, M0JZH, on 0782 473 7716.

Wythall Radio club has a net on Sundays from 8pm on GB3WL or 145.225MHz. More information from Chris, G3YHF, on 0795 839 5904.

Coventry Amateur Radio Society has nets on Monday from 8pm on 145.375MHz FM and 7.175MHz SSB. On Wednesday there’s a DMR net from 8.30pm on Talk Group 2345974, and Thursday sees a net from 7pm on 50.175MHz SSB. Contact John, G8SEQ, on 0795 877 7363.

Midland Amateur Radio Society has nets on Monday and Wednesday from 7.30pm on 145.425MHz. Details from Norman, G8BHE, on 0780 807 8003.

Sutton Coldfield Amateur Radio Society has an open net on Monday from 7.30pm, starting on 145.250MHz. Tuesday sees an open net on 70.475MHz from 7.30pm. Details from Robert Bird, via email to rob2e0zap@.

Loughborough & District Amateur Radio Club has nets around 145.425MHz from 7.30pm on Tuesday and Friday. More information from Chris, G1ETZ, on 01509 504 319.

Salop Amateur Radio Society has a CW net on 144.070MHz from 4.30pm on Tuesday. Wednesday sees a net from 8pm on GB3LH. For details, email salopamateurradio@.

South Birmingham Radio Society is holding a coffee online meeting on Tuesday between 11am and 1pm using the Zoom platform. Details from Martin M0JZT at m0jzt@.

Gloucester Amateur Radio & Electronics Society has a net on Wednesday from 7.30pm on 145.475MHz FM. Thursday also sees a net from 7.30pm on 145.475MHz FM, which moves to 80m SSB. On Friday there’s a net from 7.30pm on 432.220MHz SSB. Contact Anne, 2E1GKY, on 01242 699 595, daytime.

On Monday RAF Waddington Amateur Radio Club has a net on 145.325MHz from 8pm, but also invites all amateurs to monitor their local repeaters for those in lockdown or who may be self-isolating. Contact Bob, G3VCA, on 0797 116 6250.

South Notts Amateur Radio Club has a net with a roundup of club news plus a quiz from 7pm on Monday around 145.400 or 145.325MHz. We have no contact details we can pass on.

On Wednesday Bolsover Amateur Radio Society has a net from 8pm on GB3EE. There may also be nets in the afternoons from 2.40pm and ad-hoc HF nets at other times that may be posted on the club Facebook page.

On Wednesday Malvern Hills RAC has a net on 145.350MHz FM from 8pm. Contact Dave, G4IDF, on 01905 351 568.

On Wednesday Mid-Warwickshire Amateur Radio Society has a net from 8pm on 145.275MHz. Details from Don, G4CYG, on 01926 424465.

On Wednesday Wolverhampton Amateur Radio Society has a net from 8pm on 145.350MHz in place of the normal meeting. For details, email

On Thursday Kettering & District Amateur Radio Society has a net from 7pm on 145.300MHz FM. Details from Ed O’Neill, M0TZX, via email to M0TZX@.

On Thursday Lincoln Short-Wave club has a net on 145.375MHz from 8pm. Contact Pam, G4STO, on 01427 788 356.

On Thursday Nunsfield House Amateur Radio Group has a net on 145.325MHz from 8pm. For details, email

On Thursday Solihull Amateur Radio Society has a net on 145.450MHz from 8pm. For details, email solihullradioclub@.

On Friday Leicester Radio Society has a net on 145.325MHz from 7.30pm. This frequency will be monitored and welcome all who wish to join in at any time. More information from Sandra, G0MCV, on 0793 027 4044.


Warrington Amateur Radio club is running daily open nets around 145.425MHz from 9am. There are also nets on Sundays from 2pm and Tuesday from 8pm, also around 145.425MHz. More information via email to

Mid-Cheshire Amateur Radio Society has nets on several Northwich repeaters throughout the week, keeping all members in touch. Details from Peter, G8HAV, on 0791 931 5547.

South Manchester Radio and Computer Club has a net on 3,637kHz SSB today and next Sunday. Tuesday sees a net from 8pm around 145.475MHz. Instead of the Thursday meeting there’s a 2m net, starting at 8pm around 145.500MHz. Details from Ron, G3SVW, on 01619 693 999.

Thornton Cleveleys Amateur Radio Society has nets today and next Sunday from 11am on 1.969MHz. Thursday sees a net on 145.450MHz from 7.30pm. Contact John, G4FRK, on 01253 862 810.

Wakefield & District Radio Society runs the 2E0IPC Memorial Open Net on 144.600MHz FM today and every Sunday from 10.15am, just after the local 2m GB2RS News broadcast. Details from Charles, M0OXO, on 0790 050 0775.

Stockport Radio Society has a net on Tuesday from 7.30pm on 51.550MHz FM. Thursday sees a net on 145.375MHz from 7.30pm. Contact Heather Stanley, M6HNS, on 0750 690 4422.

Halifax & District Amateur Radio Society has a net on Monday at 7pm on 144.390MHz USB, an open 6m net at 7pm on Tuesday on GB3WY and a 70cm net on GB3HD from 7pm on Wednesdays. On Thursday from 2pm there will be a SSTV net on 144.525MHz FM, also Thursdays see a joint net with RAFARS on 145.350MHz from 7pm. Details from Martin, M0GQB, on 01422 341 317.

On Wednesday York Radio Club has its net on 145.450MHz from 8pm. For details see


West Tyrone Amateur Radio Club says meetings will resume when it is safe. Social isolation does not mean you have to be lonely: we are at an advantage as our skills and hobby allow us to communicate. More importantly, stay safe follow all the guidance from official sources but don't forget those who are alone and maybe vulnerable, like elderly neighbours etc. Contact Philip, MI0MSO, on 0784 902 5760, or by email to


Dundee Amateur Radio Club has a net on GB3AG from 7pm today and next Sunday. Contact Martin, 2M0KAU, on 0776 370 8933.

On Monday Edinburgh & District Amateur Radio Club has its net. Contact Norman, GM1CNH, on 0774 094 6192.

West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society has a net on Wednesday from 8pm on 433.425MHz from 8pm. On Friday there’s a net on 145.375MHz from 8pm. Details are at

On Wednesday Lothians Radio Society will be holding a net on 144.350MHz SSB at 8pm. All are welcome to join in. For further information please contact Andy secretary@.


Burnham Beeches Radio Club has its net every Sunday from 10.30am, normally settling on 145.275MHz. Contact Greg, G4EBY, via email to ebytronics@.

Radio Society of Harrow has its net on 145.350MHz narrow FM from 2pm on Sundays and on Monday from 8.15pm. Details from Linda, G7RJL via email to lcasey100@.

Surrey Radio Contact Club has nets on Sundays from 9.30am on 1905kHz LSB. On Tuesday there’s a net on 51.55MHz FM from 8pm. Thursday sees nets from 10am on 28.07MHz JS8 digital and from 8pm on 70.30MHz FM. On Friday there’s a D-Star net from 7.30pm on 144.6125MHz, and on 145.350MHz FM from 8pm. Contact John, G3MCX, on 020 8688 3322.

On Monday Fort Purbrook Amateur Radio Club has an open net from 8pm on 145.275MHz. Friday sees an open net on 433.450MHz, moving later to GB3IW. Contact Rod, G4SPS, via email to rod.g4sps@.

Loughton & Epping Forest Amateur Radio Society has DMR nets on Wednesday and Thursday from 8pm on Brandmeister TG23511, and, simultaneously, on 70.475MHz FM. For details, email

On Tuesday Bredhurst Receiving & Transmitting Society has its net on GB3DA from 7.30pm. Contact Nicky, via email to secretary@brats-.

On Tuesday Camb-Hams has its net on GB3PI from 8pm. For details, see camb-.

On Tuesday Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society has its net from 8pm on GB3DA. Details from Jon, M0KGX, via email to Jon@.

On Wednesday Bracknell Amateur Radio Club has net from 8pm on 145.375MHz FM, moving to Brandmeister DMR Talkgroup 23529 from around 8.40pm. Contact David, M0XDF, via email to

On Wednesday Crystal Palace Radio and Electronics Club has its net from 8pm around 145.525MHz. Contact Bob, G3OOU, on 01737 552 170.

On Wednesday Southdown Amateur Radio Society has an FM net on 145.275MHz from 8.30am and a CW net on 144.060MHz from 7pm. For details, see

Hilderstone Radio Society is having a net from 7pm on GB3EK on scheduled club nights and asks members to monitor the repeater from 7pm each night, so any amateur can have a chat or get assistance. For details, email secretary@

On Thursday Shefford & District Amateur Radio Society has a club net on from 8pm, starting on 145.500MH and going on a spare channel. More information from David, G8UOD on 01234 742 757. 

On Friday Harwell Amateur Radio Society has nets on 1.845MHz from 8.30pm and on 3.710MHz from 8.45pm. Details are at .

On Friday Whitton Amateur Radio Group has on the air club night on the HF and VHF bands. Details from Ian, G0OFN, 07956 203495.


North Bristol Amateur Radio Club members will be monitoring the local repeaters from around 6.30pm every night. There will be nets on GB3AC on Sundays from 8pm, GB3AC on Wednesdays from 8pm, GB3AC on Fridays from 7pm, which transfers to GB3BS at 7.30pm. Saturday sees the 950 Net, which takes place on Talk Group 950 Time Slot 1 from 7pm. Details from Mat, G7FBD, via email to g7fbd@.

Torbay Amateur Radio Society has nets on Sundays on 14.270MHz at 9.30am, then 145.575MHz from 12 noon. Monday nets are 3.663MHz from 10.30am, 1.982MHz from 8pm and 50.155MHz from 8.30pm. Wednesday sees nets on 14.270MHz from 9.30am and 3.663MHz from 10.30am. Saturday’s net is on 3.663MHz from 10am. Details from Kerry, M0KRE, on 0772 599 9973.

Exeter Amateur Radio Society has its net on Tuesday from 7.45pm on GB3EW. Contact Ivor, G6ATJ, on 0792 762 8685.


Carmarthen Amateur Radio Society has its 80m SSB net every Sunday from 2.30pm. Contact Andy, GW0JLX, on 0776 828 2880.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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