
discussion 2.1 (3.0 hours)Title: Plastics RecyclingNathaniel C. Wyeth, a DuPont engineer, invented the plastic soda bottle and patented it in 1973. He hoped to recycle the discarded plastic to produce body parts for cars, and after the car body parts were discarded, to recycle them into plastic bottles again—a great solution, but never realized. As a result, and because of the lack of recycling efforts, plastic bottles have become a nuisance to the environment and to human health.In light of the above information, discuss the following points:Why do you feel that we are not recycling plastic bottles as we should? Is this a greater issue for developed nations or for developing nations?Should plastic bottles be banned or should we require a deposit such as 5 or 10 cents for returning them to the store or recycling center just as some nations or regions are doing? Participation Requirements: Answer the discussion question. Then, respond to contributions made by at least two of your classmates. When responding:Provide complete, well-thought-out responses.Ask questions, share experiences, challenge ideas, and help your peers expand their responses.Your contributions need to be detailed. If your answer is "I agree" or "I disagree," explain why you agree or disagree. Remember that a discussion is an opportunity to interact with your fellow classmates. Observe discussion etiquette: Be respectful, kind, and nonjudgmental of your classmates.Evaluation Criteria:This assessment will be evaluated using the Discussion rubric in addition to the following parameters:Did you explain why we are not recycling plastic bottles as we should?Did you explain why recycling plastics is a greater issue for developed nations than it is for developing nations, or vice-versa?Did you provide your view on banning plastic bottles or depositing plastic bottles for recycling?lab 2.1 (3.5 hours)Assessment Preparation Checklist: To prepare for this assessment:Read Chapter 3 from your textbook, Visualizing Environmental Science. This chapter introduces the historical, political, and economical factors that impact environmental issues.Go through the lesson of this module, which discusses the characteristics of important environmental legislation that was framed to address the environmental issues. Title: Controversies on Environmental IssuesRefer to the Lab 2.1 handout to gain an understanding of various research resources that you can use for this assessment. In light of the information provided in the handout, perform the following tasks:Select one of the controversies related to environmental issues in the media and find two newspaper articles (one must be a local/regional newspaper and the other a national newspaper—The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, USA Today, and so on) and two news magazine articles (e.g., Newsweek, Time, and US News & World Report). Based on the articles you found, evaluate the positive and negative contributions of the media coverage. Focus on the media’s ability to impart the information necessary for the public to make properly informed decisions on environmental issues.How does each of the examples you picked heighten or diffuse the controversy?Submission Requirements: Submit your response in a MS Word document of the following specifications: Font: Arial; Point 12Spacing: DoubleInclude an APA title page. Refer to the sample APA title page.Cite all sources used in APA format, including at least one in-text citation from each source and a Reference page.Page length: 1–2 pages, excluding the APA title page and Reference page.Evaluation Criteria: This assessment will be evaluated using the Lab rubric in addition to the following parameters:Did you select a controversy and two newspaper articles as per the given requirements?Did you evaluate the positive and negative contributions of the media coverage? ................

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