
GENERAL SCIENCE MIDTERM EXAM REVIEWMidterm Format75 Multiple Choice (scantron)20 Completion (with a word bank)Honors 5 Short Answer; Accelerated 3 Short Answer (both may answer more for up to 10 points extra credit)9 Graphically Analysis How Much Is Your Midterm Worth?Your midterm is worth 10% of your grade for the yearHonors version is 130 points 58% Multiple Choice15% Completion12% Short Answer15% Graphically AnalysisAccelerated version is 124 points60% Multiple Choice16% Completion8% Short Answer16% Graphically AnalysisCheatingIf you are caught cheating on your midterm exam you will receive and zero and disciplinary action will be taken!Review PacketThis packet is due the day of your midterm exam. It will be your last grade of the quarter and is worth 90 points! You may work with other students but if you are caught brainlessly copying another student’s packet both packets will be taken and both you and the student you were copying from will need to start over or will receive a zero.Chapter 1 Vocab To Know Environmental Science Ecology Agriculture Natural Resource Pollution Biodiversity Law of Supply and Demand Ecological Footprint Sustainability Chapter 4 Vocab To Know EcosystemBiotic FactorAbiotic FactorOrganismSpeciesPopulationCommunity Habitat Natural SelectionEvolutionAdaptationArtificial SelectionResistanceChapter 5 Vocab To Know PhotosynthesisProducerConsumerDecomposerCellular RespirationFood ChainFood WebTrophic LevelCarbon CycleNitrogen-Fixing BacteriaNitrogen CyclePhosphorus CycleEcological SuccessionPrimary SuccessionSecondary SuccessionPioneer SpeciesClimax CommunityChapter 6 Vocab To Know BiomeClimateLatitudeAltitudeTropical Rain ForestEmergent LayerCanopyEpiphyteUnderstoryTemperate Rain ForestTemperate Deciduous ForestTaigaSavannaTemperate GrasslandChaparralDesertTundraPermafrostChapter 7 Vocab To Know WetlandPlanktonNektonBenthosLittoral ZoneBenthic ZoneEutrophicationEstuarySalt MarshMangrove SwampBarrier IslandCoral ReefChapter 8 Vocab To Know PopulationDensityDispersionGrowth RateReproductive PotentialExponential GrowthCarrying CapacityNicheCompetitionPredationParasitismMutualismCommensalismSymbiosisChapter 9 Vocab To Know DemographyAge StructureSurvivorshipFertility RateMigrationLife ExpectancyDemographic TransitionInfrastructureArable LandUrbanizationLeast Developed CountriesChapter 1 Review QuestionsWhat are some examples of renewable resources?Why is it important to preserve biodiversity?What is the Agricultural Revolution?What is the “Tragedy of the Commons?”Why do some countries have larger ecological footprints than others?Compare developed and developing countries.What is cost-benefit analysis?Chapter 4 Review QuestionsWhat is the ultimate source of energy in most ecosystems?How does a population differ from a community?Why are some organisms more likely to survive than others?What are some examples of abiotic factors?Chapter 5 Review QuestionsHow much energy is passed from one trophic level to the next? What happens to the rest of the energy?What are some examples of fossil fuels?What is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere? What percentage of the atmosphere is made up of this gas?How is fire beneficial in some communities?What are some examples of primary succession?What are the reactants and products of cellular respiration?Why are plants important to the carbon cycle?How do bacteria fix nitrogen?What causes algal blooms?Chapter 6 Review QuestionsWhich biome do we live in? What are some characteristics of this biome?How do animals adapt to living in the Arctic tundra?What biomes would you expect to see as you travel from the North Pole to the equator?What does a climatogram show? How do you read and analyze a climatgram?Chapter 7 Review QuestionsWhat are the environmental functions of wetlands?Where are the majority of marine organisms found?What factors determine the types of organisms that can live in a pond or lake?What are the two main types of freshwater wetlands?Chapter 8 Review QuestionsWhat are some causes of density-independent deaths?What types of organisms have the highest reproductive potential?What are the 3 properties used to describe a population?Why do organisms compete with each other?Chapter 9 Review QuestionsHow has educating women helped to lower birthrates?What size world population are we projected to reach by 2050?Which regions of the world are experiencing the greatest population growth and why?What cause the human population to double between 1880 and 1930?How does age structure contribute to growth rate?What 4 factors are used by demographers to predict population sizes?What are some ways that rapid population growth negative impacts popultations?Describe the 4 stages of demographic transition.What does it mean if you have an age-structure diagram that is largest at the base? Largest in the center?What is replacement-level fertility rate and what will happen when we reach that? ................

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