ASWANI K. VOLETY Curriculum vitae - Florida Gulf Coast University

ASWANI K. VOLETY Curriculum vitae

Professor of Marine and Environmental Science Florida Gulf Coast University Department of Marine and Ecological Sciences College of Arts and Sciences 10501 FGCU Blvd. South Fort Myers, FL 33965

Phone. (239)-590-7216 Fax. (239)-590-7200 E-mail:


United States of America

Graduate Certificate. 2009. Harvard Institute for Higher Education. Management Development Program. Graduate School of Education, Harvard University, Massachusetts.


1995 Marine Science. School of Marine Science, College of William & Mary, Virginia


1988 Zoology with Specialization in Marine Biology. Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India


1985 Zoology, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India.

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE August 2010 ? Present, Professor of Marine Science and Director ? Vester Marine and Environmental Sciences Field Station and off-campus facilities. Teach classes and support curricula in the undergraduate Environmental Studies, Marine Science programs and graduate programs in Environmental Science and Environmental Studies. Conduct research on the effect of natural and anthropogenic stressors on marine organisms, habitat restoration, and environmental education and outreach. Provide strategic direction and manage operations of the Vester Marine Field Station.

August 2007 ? Aug 2010, Professor and Chair, Department of Marine and Ecological Sciences, August 2007 ? Present, Professor and Chair, Department of Marine and Ecological Sciences. Duties of the department chair as described below. In collaboration with the Dean and FGCU Foundation, I worked with community donors to enhance resources to the sciences in the College. I Co-chaired the committee overseeing the construction of two academic buildings at both on- and off-campus locations. I oversee and manage the use of Vester Marine and

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Environmental Sciences Research Field Station, as well as the education and outreach programming for the Marine and Environmental Sciences out of the field station.

Research on environmental and anthropogenic stressors on marine organisms, and professional service. Since coming to FGCU, I was successful in securing in excess of $6 million of external research funds. Funds were used to enhance equipment infrastructure as well as supporting undergraduate, graduate students, research technicians and post-doctoral associate. I am a member of the steering Committee of the World Oyster Society, International Advisory Committee Member and a Key Note Speaker at 3rd International Oyster Symposium (Taiwan), co-organized the 8th International Conference on Shellfish Restoration in Brest, France (2005), served as a reviewer for various national & international journals, funding agencies, and extensively published in scientific journals and presented at various national and international conferences.

August 2005 ? Present, Chair, Department of Marine and Ecological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences. Teach classes that support curricula in the Environmental Studies, Marine Science, graduate and general education programs. Research on environmental and anthropogenic stressors on marine organisms. Managed course scheduling, staffing, of classes as well as program assessment for the Marine Science program. Responsible for providing strategic direction and leadership to the department, class scheduling, staffing and resource allocation for undergraduate Environmental Studies, Marine Science, Anthropology, General Education Physics, as well as the graduate M. S. in Environmental Science programs. Worked on the development of the M. A. in Environmental Studies program.

August 2004 ? 2005, Chair, Division of Ecological and Social Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences. Teach classes that support curricula in the Environmental Studies, Marine Science and general education programs. Research on environmental and anthropogenic stressors on marine organisms. Managed course scheduling, staffing, of classes as well as program assessment for the Marine Science program. Responsible for providing strategic direction and leadership to the department, class scheduling, staffing and resource allocation for undergraduate Environmental Studies, Marine Science, Anthropology, History, Economics, Sociology, as well as the graduate M. S. in Environmental Science programs.

August 2003 ? 2005, Program Leader, Marine Science, Division of Ecological Studies, College of Arts and Sciences. Teach classes that that support curricula in the Environmental Studies, Marine Science and general education programs. Research on environmental and anthropogenic stressors on marine organisms. Managed course scheduling,

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staffing, of classes as well as program assessment for the Marine Science program.

June 2003, Visiting Researcher, IFREMER, Institut fran?ais de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer, Brest, France.

August 2002 - 2007, Associate Professor of Marine Science, Division of Ecological Studies, and Department of Marine and Ecological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences. Teach classes that support curricula in the Environmental Studies, Marine Science and general education programs. Research on environmental and anthropogenic stressors on marine organisms.

August 1999-August 2002, Assistant Professor of Marine Science, Division of Ecological Studies. Teach classes that support curricula in the Environmental Studies, Earth System Sciences and general education programs. Research on environmental and anthropogenic stressors on marine organisms.

National Academy Of Sciences / National Research Council (1997-1999) March 1997-August 1999, National Research Council Associate, National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory, Gulf Ecology Division, US Environmental Protection Agency, Gulf Breeze, Florida 32561. Developed sensitive biomarkers for pollution stress in marine bivalves.

College of William and Mary, Virginia Institute of Marine Science (1990-1997) May 1995-March 1997, Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Division of Environmental Science, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, Virginia 23062. Co-Principal Investigator on 2 research grants. Conducted research on hostparasite interactions and the role of environmental factors on these interactions.

August 1990-1995, Research Assistant, Division of Environmental Science, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, Virginia.

August-December 1992, Teaching assistant, Department of Biology, The College of William & Mary, Virginia. Taught a course in Introductory Zoology.

National Institute of Oceanography (1988-1989) May 1988-Dec 1989, Research Fellow, Division of Biological Oceanography, National Institute of Oceanography, Visakhapatnam, India.

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Editorial Board Member, Journal of Water Resources and Protection (2010 ? 2011) (journal/jwarp)

Invited Visiting Professor, University of Brest, France, Summer 2010

Coastal America Partnership Award (for Community-based restoration of oyster reefs). Lead Principal Investigator. 2006

Florida Gulf Coast University Senior Faculty Scholarship Excellence Award. 2006.

Invited visiting researcher, IFREMER, Brest, France. 2003.

"Students' Choice Award" nomination. 2001-2002.

National Academy of Science / National Research Council Associateship. 1997. Development of sensitive biomarkers for contaminant stress in shellfish. Scientific Advisor: Dr. William Fisher, US EPA, Gulf Breeze, FL.

Post-Doctoral Fellowship. Virginia Institute of Marine Science, 1995. Effects of multiple stressors (e.g. PAHs, PCBs, salinity) on the immune responses and disease susceptibility of oysters. Advisor: Dr. Fu-Lin. Chu.

Best Student Poster Presentation Award. Aquaculture / National Shellfisheries Association Conference, February 1-4, 1995, San Diego, California. Biochemical characterization of the oyster parasite Perkinsus marinus: Lipid and fatty acid composition.

August 1990-1995, Research Assistantship, Division of Environmental Science, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, Virginia 23062.

May 1988-Dec 1989, Research Fellowship, Department of Ocean Development, tenable in Division of Biological Oceanography, National Institute of Oceanography, Visakhapatnam, India.

M.S. Graduated with a First Class Distinction (highest grade), Andhra University, India.

B. S. Graduated with a First Class Distinction (highest grade), Andhra University, India.

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Long Term monitoring of oysters Crassostrea virginica in the Caloosahatchee Estuary, SW Florida. PI: A. Volety. $1,095,395. Dec 15, 2010 ? Sep 30, 2015. South Florida Water Management District.

Evaluation of toxicity of Deep Water Horizon Oil spill and dispersants on the physiological and ecological responses of the commercially and ecologically important Eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica. PI. A. Volety. $362,099. Dec 24, 2010 ? Dec 31, 2012. Stratus Consulting / NOAA.

Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan Oyster Monitoring and Assessment. PI: A. Volety. $30,000. October 15 ? Dec 31, 2010. South Florida Water Management District.

Ten Thousand Islands oyster monitoring. PI: A. Volety. $17,500. November 2009 ? March 2010. South Florida Water Management District.

Has petroleum exploration and exploitation damaged the North Sea?. $929. Florida Sea Grant, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. Elise B. Newell Seminar Grant. January 2010. Dr. Graham Barry Shimmield, President and Executive Director, Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences (BLOS). PI: A. Volety.

Development of a Strategic Plan for Florida Gulf Coast University's Vester Marine and Environmental Sciences Research Field Station. PI: A. Volety. $24,070. September 15, 2009 ? August 31, 2010. National Science Foundation.

U.S. Department of Education. Congressional Grant. $333,000. The impacts of variable freshwater inflow on estuarine processes in Southwest Florida. PI: M Parsons; CoPIs: D Fugate, AN Loh, D Rumbold, M Savarese, SG Tolley & A Volety. Oct 2009-Sep 2010.

NOAA Center for Sponsored Coastal Ocean Research, Coastal Ocean Program. $65,108 (of $1.47M collaborative effort). Marine and estuarine goal setting for South Florida (MARES). Co-PI: M Savarese, A. Volety. Jun 2009 ? May 2011.

Ten Thousand Islands oyster reconnaissance and salinity study. PI: A. Volety. $49,500. February ? September 2009. South Florida Water Management District.

Detoxification and detection of natural toxins to defend against a potential bio-weapon attack. 2009-2010. PI Barreto, CO-Is J. Sweeney, J. Torres, A. Volety. Defense Threat Reduction Agency. $480,000.

Relationship between freshwater inflows and oyster spat recruitment in Estero Bay Tributaries. PI: A. Volety. $45,000. March ?September 2009. South Florida Water Management District.

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