AP PSYCHOLOGY: UNIT 1 – 5 REVIEW QUESTIONSMULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONSChip believes that human behavior is generated in our unconscious minds and is the result of unresolved conflicts and desires, especially rooted in childhood experience. Which psychological perspective is Chip most likely to prescribe?SocioculturalCognitive Humanistic PsychodynamicDebbie is interested in determining if music helps people study. To do this, she uses the help of 20 students in her psychology class. Half of the people study with music in the background for hour and the other half study with no music for an hour. The students then take a test on the material. In this example, what is the independent variable?music versus no musicgroup that studies with no musicgroup that studies with musicscores on the examWhat is the only form of psychological research that can determine cause and effect?surveylongitudinal studycorrelational studyexperimentWhich of the following best explains the longitudinal research method?Observing one individual or group in their natural environment for a period of timeComparing groups of various ages for a long timeAssessing changes in a small group at different intervals over timeSurveying a large group of peopleIn research terms, what qualifies a study as being “valid”?If the study measures what it claims to be measuringIf the study succeedsIf the study gets consistent resultsIf the study is conducted under strict conditionsDr. Miller believes there is a relationship between the amount of carbohydrates a child eats and the hyperactivity of a child. This belief is…a theorya variablea hypothesisuntestableWho, in opposition to Freud, was considered the father of Behaviorism? BanduraSkinnerThorndikeWatsonIn a normal distribution, what is the percentage of scores that lie within one standard deviation of the mean?24%34%50%68%We’ve compared two sets of data in a correlational study and have found a correlation coefficient (r) of +.83. We can legitimately conclude what kind of relationship?no relationshipstrong negative relationshipstrong positive relationshipweak positive relationshipAs Jill walked toward the stage to give her speech, her heartbeat accelerated, her blood pressure rose, and she began to sweat. Jill’s state of arousal was activated by what part of the nervous system?CentralParasympatheticSympatheticSomaticWhat brain structure provides the major link between the nervous system and the endocrine system?amygdalacerebellumhypothalamusreticular formationWhich part of the cerebral cortex directs the muscle movements involved in producing speech?amygdalaBroca’s areareticular formationWernicke’s areaWhich brain scan measures subtle changes in brain electrical activity?CAT scanEEG scanPET scanMRI scanA squirrel fails to react with fear to a signal of impending shock if they have suffered damage to the…amygdalacorpus callosumhippocampushypothalamusThe lateralization of brain function suggests that language functions are generally found in which hemisphere?Left hemisphereRight hemisphereFront hemisphereDorsal hemisphereIn a neuron, the axon is insulated by the…gangliondendritemyelin sheathsomaThe term “soma” is synonymous with…neurondendritesynapsecell bodyThe somatosensory area of the cerebral cortex is responsible for our sense of…hearingvisiontastetouchAs a result of a cerebral hemorrhage, a patient lost the ability to breathe and died. An autopsy will show damage to what part of the brain?amygdalamedullacerebellumthalamusWhich of the following is not a neurotransmitter?acetylcholine (ACh)DopamineInsulinEpinephrineWhat part of the brain has been surgically altered in “split-brain” patients?CerebrumCerebellumCerebral CortexCorpus CallosumWhich of the following neurological disorders is associated with a deficiency of acetylcholine?Alzheimer’s diseaseAutismParkinson’s diseaseWernicke’s aphasiaAlthough Robert was sitting right next to his wife, he smelled a skunk minutes before she did. Apparently, Robert has a lower ___________ for skunk odor than his wife.Accommodation levelAbsolute thresholdTolerance levelAdaptation levelAfter feeling the cold water against your skin when you first jump into the pool, after a few minutes, you no longer feel the cold. This best illustrates…Sensory adaptationTransductionGate Control TheoryJust-noticeable differenceWhat carries information from the rods and cones back out to the ganglion cells and then to the brain?Glial cellsBipolar cellsOptic nerveTemporal lobeJenny likes to look at the stars at night. Since kit is dark, she uses which cells in the eye to get a good look?ConesFoveaRetinaRodsJerry is looking at a two-dimensional picture of a railroad track. It appears as if the train is heading off into the distance. What explains this phenomenon?closurelinear perspectivemotion parallaxphi phenomenonA physical stimulus is converted into a neural impulse through the process known as…sensationperceptiontransductionaccommodationKaren can detect the position of her leg and foot as she walks. This feedback arises by way of which sense?KinestheticVestibularOlfactoryGustatoryIn the 1800’s Thomas Young and Hermann von Helmholtz proposed a theory of perception. With what is the Young-Helmholtz theory concerned?Color perceptionDepth perceptionEncodingPitch perceptionWhat is an illusion of movement created when two or more adjacent lights blink on and off in quick succession?relative motionbinocular cuesstroboscopic movementphi phenomenonThe coiled, fluid filled tube in which sound waves trigger neural impulses is called the…eustachian tubesemicircular canalsauditory canalcochleaThe cocktail party effect provides an example of …the phi phenomenonperceptual constancyselective attentionperceptual setWhat will most likely be influenced by staying up especially late on weekends?Seasonal Affective DisorderNarcolepsyLucid DreamingCircadian RhythmLarge, slow brain waves called Delta waves are most associated with which stage of sleep?NREM stage 1NREM stage 2NREM stage 3/4REMWhat drug most commonly inhibits arousal centers?amphetaminesbarbituratescocainenicotineDuring which stage of sleep are EEG recordings most similar to those during alert, awake periods, giving this stage it’s nickname, “paradoxical sleep?”NREM stage 1NREM stage 2NREM stage 3/4REMJennifer spent most of her free time playing soccer because she loved the game and enjoyed spending time with her teammates. She earned a college scholarship for soccer and must continue playing in order to keep her scholarship. She appreciates the financial incentive this opportunity has provided, but now finds herself playing only to keep her scholarship rather than for the love of the game. Which of the following best explains her feelings towards soccer when she is in college?positive punishmentnegative reinforcementoverjustification effectdrive reduction theory of motivationWilliam James posed this psychological theory as an alternative to Wilhelm Wundt’s process of introspection. structuralismfunctionalismGestalt psychologypsychoanalytic theoryMaria conducted a survey regarding the amount of sleep individuals in her study had each night for a month. She then tested them in a virtual driving machine to see how many errors they made while driving. She wanted to determine if sleep deprivation impacted accuracy. She found that the less sleep people received, the more errors they made while driving. What kind of study did Maria create and what type of relationship can be identified?experiment; negativeexperiment; positivecorrelational study; negativecorrelational study; positiveResearchers at SDSU are studying the impact of weightlifting on the speed of student athletes on the track and field team. One group will weightlift for one hour per day and the other group will not weightlift at all during the trail period. The independent variable is _________ and the dependent variable is _________.speed; weightliftingstudying; weightliftingstudying; speedweightlifting; speedIn the Montessori model of education, students do not receive grades and allowed to explore independently. Even though students are not “rewarded” by receiving grades, they often learn much information. Which of the following concepts is exemplified by this situation?negative reinforcementclassical conditioningmodelingintrinsic motivationKarl looks up at his teacher and knows that she is farther away from him than his friend Geoff who is partially blocking Karl’s view of the teacher. Karl uses which of the following monocular cues to make this judgment?interpositionrelative sizerelative motiontexture gradientAs an action potential moves through an axon, which of the following occurs?Potassium ions rush in as sodium ions are pushed outSodium ions rush in as potassium ions are pushed outAll potassium and chloride ions remain in the axonChloride ions rush in as sodium ions are pushed outProfessor Smith finds out that the results of her study on visual stimuli and activity in the right hemisphere are statistically significant. What does it mean when a study is statistically significant?The results are importantThere is a clear operational definitionThe results are not due to chanceThe result has been replicatedRobert Rescorla indicated that rewards and punishments are not the only explanations for behaviors as radical behaviorists propsed. Rescorla added that individuals will be more likely to exhibit a behavior if…They have the expectation of receiving a rewardThey fear punishmentThey are reinforced on a continuous scheduleThey have been classically conditioned AP Psychology Practice FRQ #1Directions: You have 50 minutes to answer BOTH of the following questions. It is not enough to answer a question by merely listing facts. You should present a cogent argument based on your critical analysis of the questions posed, using appropriate psychological terminology. 1. Ashley planned to drive from New York to California to attend college. However, shortly after departing, she became uncertain about which roads to take and called her parents for assistance with directions. Because she was distracted, she drove off the side of the road and grazed the front bumper of her car on the guardrail. Fortunately, the car was not too badly damaged, so she continued on her journey. Although she ultimately made it to California, she had a lingering fear of guardrails for several months following her experience. Part A Explain how each of the following might have helped Ashley drive from New York to California. Definitions alone will not score. Motor neuronsRetinal disparityHeuristicProcedural memory Part B Explain how each of the following might have led Ashley to have a negative experience on her trip from New York to California. Definitions alone will not score. Circadian rhythmsConditioned responseInattentional blindness ................

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