
COMBINING December (Jessica Garner File)1. Most common impacted anterior tooth--- maxillary canine2. Most common supernumerary tooth—mesiodens3. Most common ectopically erupted tooth—maxillary permanent firstmolar4. Most common malignancy of oral cavity—squamous cell carcinoma5. Most common benign tumour of oral cavity—fibroma6. Most common retained tooth – primary mandibular second molar7. Most common recurring cyst— odontogenic keratocyst8. Most common cyst in oral cavity— periapical cyst9. Most common lichen planus- reticular lichen planus.10. Most common dermatosis to affect oral cavity- lichen planus11. Most common chemical burn in oral cavity –aspirin burn12. Most common topical fluoride in adults – stannous fluoride 13. Most common topical fluoride in children—1.23 APF gel.14. Most common burshing technique- scrub technique15. Most common developments cyst-nasopalati ne cyst16. Most common complication of GA (op)-nausea17. Most common used drug for petitmal epilepsy-ethosu ximide18. Most common used drug for grand mal-phenytoil19. Most common drug used for temporal epilepsy- carbomezepine20. Most common treatment for cyst – enucleation21. Most common used clasp-simple circlet clasp22. Most common used face bow in fpd- kinematic23. Most common complication of RA involves TMJ-fibrous ankylosis24. Most common salivary malignancy in children – mucoepidermoid carcinoma.25. Most common salivary malignancy in palate area-ACC26. Most common type of haemophilia--- haemophilia A27. Most common type of gingivitis in children--- eruption gingivitis28. Most common type of cerebral palsy is –athetoid/ spastic.29. Most common nerve involved in C sinus thrombosis – abducent nerve30. Most common type of impaction ---mesoangular31. Most common benign epithelial tumour---- papilloma32. Most common complication of surgical extraction of lower thirdmolar—loss of blood clot 33. Most common used instrument grasp—pen grasp34. Most common susceptible tooth for caries—mandibular first molar35. Most common contrast media - iodine in oil36. Most common cause of light radiographs — exhausted developer37. Most common cause of failure of RCT— incomplete obturation38. Most common isolated yeast strain from RCT— Candida39. Most common bacteria found in root canals --- gram positive40. Most common part of oral cavity affected by L planus –buccal mucosa.. Identify ester and amide LA.Identify normal structures- zygomatic arch, maxillary sinus. 1-2 flap qs was about free gingival graft, no other graftsPt management qs like unbundling, sensitivity, what is false positive, systemic desensitizationRegarding kennedy class 3Endo qs were not so bad. Apical periodontitis diagnosis, sinus tract-periradicular diagnosis> Combination (kelly's) syndrome : A-occlusal plane is tipped downward anteriorlyB-resorption of posterior ridges in maxillaC-can be improved with implants in posterior mandibleANS – C C..Combination syndrome features are - bone loss in premaxilla- dropping maxillary tuberosity- extrusion of lower anterior teeth- posterior bone loss of mand under denture- papillary hyperplasia of maxilla- decreased vdo- altered facial esthetics> Out of the pocket payments includesCo payDeductibleThird party paymentANS – copay is fixed amount paid by patient during visit nd its out of pocket amountdeductable is fixed amount a patient pay during given period..both are out of pocket but if i want choose one i will go with copay..COPAY *recommended unnecessary advice what code of ethicsANS veracity> one weird type of comma - whats not to use ! epinerphrine and oxygen were in options???????????????????????????????ans epinephrine *> Granular cell tumorAns -nodule with smooth or papillated surface, pseudoepitheliomatus hyperplasia,resembles scc histologically.. They keep asking about porcelain ceramic compositing and structureThey keep asking about porcelain ceramic compositing and structure Kaolin 3-5% Quartz (silica) 12-25% Feldspar 70-85% PORCELAIN – feldspar- translucency qartz CERAMIC - depends on ceramic ,zir is zirc oxide , emax is lithium di-silicate, alumina is alumina, feldspar is silica glassPerio management of flap gingivectomy and maintained phaseGingivectomy- dont do it with insufficent keratinized tissue and aesthetic areas.A beveled incisions apical to the pocket depth.excision of the gingiva.removal of pocket wallprovides visibility and accessibility for complete calculus removal and thorough smoothing of the roots.creating favorable environment for gingival healing and restoration of a physiological gingival contour.Indications:1. Illumination of super bony pockets2. Elimination of gingival enlargements3. Elimination of super bony prudental abscessescoronal to mgj, apical to pocketHYPERLINK ""external bevel *> growing after menarche... which one is the right option... Stops.... or increace?ANS – it usually stops that is why we use functional appliances before and onset of puberty..not after puberty..INCREASES A LITTLE THEN STOPSSTOPS DD*Implant distance between teeth and other implant IMPLANT TO TOOTH – 1.5BETWEEN TWO IMPLANTS – 3MM Implant-sinus and all others 2mmMorphine Side Effects:"MORPHINE"? Miosis? Out of it (sedation)? Respiratory depression? Pneumonia (aspiration)? Hypotension? Infrequency (constipation, urinary retention)? Nausea? EmesisWhat incision for mandibular toriANS - Envelope without vertical releasing incision> .to expose a mandibular torus of a patient who has a full complement of teeth , the incision should 1-semilunar2-paragingival3-in the gingival sulcus and embrasure area4- directly over most prominent part of torusANS 3 *> What is the most damaging for pdl?A)extrusion B)intrusion C)lateral luxationAns c > the reasons for image distortion areA. film bendingB. improper horizontal angulationC. improper vertical angulation?D. Pt movement during exposureANS D > Reason for peri implintisA. retained cement and excess occlusal forceB. Residual cement or some othe option.ANS – A **excess cement and excessive occlusal force can lead to peri-implantitisAngulation of scalerANS – Sickle scaler – 70-80 degress gracy-60-70 1 cutting edge Universal -90 2 cutting edges> What’s the least reliable criteria in assessing the pulp status in primary dentition?A. SwellingB. Internal resorptionC. Pulp testingD, Spontaneous painAns c Five factors that affect protusive balanceANSWERcodylar guidance, cuspal heigh, incisal guidance, occlusion planeCOMPENSATORY curve> Which of the following decrease by time?-Value-Hue-Chroma-Translucencyans value *DowncoadingAns - if you did more than one procedure but the insurance only pays for 1 GTN side effectAns - glyceryl trinitrate: orthostatic hypotension*3/4 crown thermal test q Ans which surface is intact? FacialAdvantages: one surface is not covered so good for vitality testingBASE / LINER / CEMMENT THICKNESSAns - base- 1 to 2 mm cement- 15-25 micron liner- 5 micronInflammatory resorption Ans – external resorption> what changes with patient posture (sitting up vs laying down) : CR VDOVDRAns VDR *Function is acid in acid etchingThey just asked what acid doesA. CatalystB. Removed organicC. Removed inorganicAnd one makeANS - Removed inorganic- smear layer> Which of the following is contraindicated as a pre-prosthodontic regimen to optimize soft tissue health?A- Oral hygiene instructionsB- ProphylaxisC- Daily rinses of chlorhexidineD- Premedication with oral antibioticsAns d *tooth and tissue born applianceAns - nance and has What tooth are best for sealants and are retained well?Ans – max PMIgG do what in sulcusAns - antigen presenting, something about immunity Valciovir med with ebv vzv and one more virus herpes and cmvWhich tooth has poor relapse of perio disease? Max 1st molar or max 2nd molarANS MAX 2ND MOLAR *> Lup treatment A. sensible was antibiotic and surgeryB. Not scaling and tooth planingAns A * Basa layer sepration pemphigoidANS true subepithelial Multiple myeloma which site more you findANS – Vertebra+ most common symptom is bone pain> Lateral flap A. Vertical, B. curve incisionsAns A *> One lesion leukoplakia> Xray in big patient, radiographe reduce density. how improve: increase TIME, increse distance of tubeANS – A *> . Pulpotomy doesn't give: more thickess root; revascular; secondary dentinANS – b *. Blood test of Cyclic neutropenia?? this one I haven't heardComplete blood count 1 time, CBC periodicallyANS - B..CBC 2 to 3 times in a week for 6-8 weeks*. Pallor, chest pain and tachycardia where:1-CVS accident2-Myasthenia3-Heart attack4-Hyperventilation5-Pre-syncopeans 3Presyncope for pallor, tachycarida... chest pain- heart attack. Aspirin does not increase what?- bleeding time, prothrombin time, acidosis, renal prostaglandinsANS D *.Topical antimicrobial: CHX or triclosanAns CHX. Delay eruption: Fusion, gemination, dilacerationsANS Dilaceration*. MOA of MontelukasttAns - ACTS ON luekotrineHYPERLINK "". max dose of Lido: A. 4mg/ pound; B. 8.8mg/ kgNo 7mg/kg or 4.4ANS – 4.4 mg/lg without epi, 7mg/kg with epi**> Why alginate shink even 100%:synergesisImbibitionAns A *. definition of "parulisAns - rct cyst on gingiva, gumboilHYPERLINK ""Opening of fistula on gingiva> LEDGE Q we all know ledge that you use small file use small bur to remove itgently pass it by ans 2 **. . Congnitive therapy. When you ventilate a patient by oxygen mask without 02, Concentrate 02: 21%, 50%, same as mouth to mouth ventilationans 21%*. Which postion is patient related? VDO, CR, VDR, ICPANS – VDR*. Between patients, how you disinfect the areaA. Spray detergent an allow 10 min B. Spray disinfectant, detergent and dry it off with dry paper towels C. Spray disinfectant and allow 10 minANS C *. bacteria most resistant to the autoclave and the answer was some bacillus?HIV, HBV, bacillusANS Bacillus in genral *. Which of the following do you expect to be MOST resistant to high temperatures? A) Bacillus subtilisB) Eschericia coliC) Neisseria gonorrhoeaeD) Staphylococcus aureusE) Streptococcocus pyogenesAns A . Sealant question I got from rqA. tag to dentin is wrongB. lock to pits and fissure sth like thatAns B*Clean /etch//dry/salin/resin for 1 minArrested. Epinephrine action is more ona. Alpha 1b. Alpha 2c. Beta 1d. Beta 2ANS A *. What property of a cement is not affected by water to powder ratio options weresolubility, consistency, thickness, etcANS A *. periapical granuloma (but they ask differentiation diagnosis, EXCEPT)PorcelainLeast wear resistance of denture teeth for Pontic sth like that. Children has diabetes one, hypoglycemia history -what’s most likely to happenA ketoacidosisB insulin shockAns – B *.chemotheapy why pt prone to bleedingvascularity fragileNeutropenia thrombocytosis ANS – A**. What’s the most important to prepare for class permanent class 2I write adjacent teethtrue or false ?TRUE> Angular chelitisAns – candidaDecreased VDO. Most common lack which vitamin cVitaminA iron b zinc c vit c d vit dans A **Or vit b in optio> Odontogenic infection which is not trueA cause respiratory abstraction/suffocationPrimarily aerobic bacteriainoculation , abscess , acellulitid becta latamsse antibiotic is primary txANS B **. CR record how it should beA. Only record cusps and no perforations B. Record cusps and sulcus and a few perforations are accepted C. The material must be well distributed on the occlusal surfaceANS A *.> I get children electrical burn . Which affectalveolar dental increase vdo increaseVDO Decrease teeth faciallyANS C **.> When you ventilate a patient by oxygen mask without 02, Concentrate 02: 21%, 50%, same as mouth to mouth ventilationANS A *> Patient taking epinephrine what can cause bradycardiaB blaocker . The means by which dental patients are treated to eliminate the caries process is calledA- Antibiotic prophylaxisB- Primary preventionC- Secondary prevention D- Tertiary preventionAns c **> Main goal of apexificationAns- apical stop for RCT apexification and apexogensis both for open apex.. so we do then so we can seal the apex until further rct can be preformed.apexification- non vitalApexogenisis- vital. Incisal porcelain too opaque why? A. Insufficient reduce of second plane I choose. Patient is taking TCA and Ibuprofen what medicament would not cause and adverse interactionA. AspirinB. CarbocaineC. Lidocaine/Ep Ans b **. What’s the most important to prepare for class 2 primary molarshallow pits broad contact divergentANS B**.A little man 14, accompany by his bro 16..he has avulsed tooth 15 min ago, teeth soaked wet what do u doperform tx b wait for parents to come and initial tx ( sentence is longANS A*. pt work in radio plant, max dose of dental assistant compare with him: 1/10, equal, half, 10 timesANS- A*. loss attachment form CEJ to baseANS – TRUE*. HMO and PPO are closed panel?ANS - BOTH CLOSED*. Implants ...mm from mental foramen?2mm45ans 5 mm *when mention from nerve is 2mm and - mental foramen 5mmFrom mental foraman in superi inferior is 2But anterior dimension 5From anterior loop 2 mmIn anterior dimension***************************. The most debate: large cavity, what to do first:curretage, lengthen crownANS curettage means usually used for calculus removalwe should first prep and provisionalisethen while crownlenghteningwe open the flap right , then we will curretage or we can curretage or later crown lengthenwhen we curretage we will not remove the entire load as wellSo it depennds upon the case scenario sometimes> Gold only v/s composite onlayANS - Gold better under occlusal loadssemi adjustable articulatorANS - patient is missing 27-30, 27 is important tooth that is missing? if considering rpd? should you put an implant in 27 space then put rpd?ANS - patient is missing 27-30, 27 is important tooth that is missing? if considering rpd? should you put an implant in 27 space then put rpd?4 missing teeth not incisors = rpd. If the 4 maxillary incisors were to be replaced by partial removable denture prosthesis, which of the following would be desirable?A- Protrusive contact on the maxillary incisors onlyB- Contact of the maxillary incisors in centric relationC- Contact on the canines in lateral excursionsD- Balanced occlusion for stability of the prosthesisAns - C*if opposing natural ! will have it mutaully protectedin this case , bilaterally blannced if opposed by CD. basically fallow natural teeth occlusal scheme and dont change unless opposed by CD or over dentureOne q about replacing Invisalign margin of toothWhy Electro laser is better than curettageOptions were easy on furcation or It produce more smooth surface on rootANS B **. One question was u observe 3 carcinoma patient over 6 month of trial and u published that data. Why study ?A. case sequenceB. cohort and C. regular study optionAns A *ORN IN MANDIBLEANS - True Orn- radiation Bronz or mronz- bisphosphonates iv or orally> All are use of gingival bevel in gold preparation except1) for removal of loose enamel rods 2) for finishing 3) to make deeper preparation gingivally4) to improve fitANS 3 *> Another was laser in periodontal therapyOption were 1) improve clinical attachment2)provide new attachment3) has be evaluated through RCT?4) provide sterile gingival sulcusANS 4 *depridment of the sulcus. Wait for a better adhesion to enamel after bleaching 8 hours4 hours24 hours 1 weekANS 1 WEEK *> where does cervicular sub gingival fluid get nutrition from after maturation?-Protein-Carbs-LipidANS CARBS **> A question about a person got radiating ear pain and sore throatbacterial pharyngitisfungal pharyngitis TMJ prob I forgetANS A * it is manifest like radiating ear pain and sore throat dear> . Methotrexate don’t have don’t associate with oral ulcerCuz ppl says hair growth.. but ppl who have methotrexate will become bald.. isn’t it?. I got what angle of incisal guide tableoverjet OverbiteANS BOTH . What opioid cannot seeA. solmenance. IRM . for avulsed teeth under 18 pt , haven’t 15 mins ago u reimplant wait for parents ANS A . What can make you get false results when probing a sulcus:A. Excessive subgingival calculus and the probe can’t touch the bottom of the sulcusB. Excessive bleeding and you can’t see the marks of the probeANS A . Veneer cemented with dual cured resin cement, show a brownish line at the cervical margin 1 month later. What is it:A. Micro-cracks at the porcelain B. Inadequate amount of cement C. Amide discoloration of the cementANS – A *day- fracture weeks- amideMonths- microleakage. “Bald tongue of Sandwith” is an oral manifestation of: A. Pellagra B. Pernicious anemia C. Iron deficiency anemia D. Fanconi?s anemiaAns – A *. if denture keeps falling adjust ans - Labial frenum - orbiculatis for maxi and Mandi Mandi bucca frenum - tringularis and bucconatorVestibuloplasty- bucconator. Oral bacteremias after a tooth extraction are: A. now considered as a myth B. generally transient & last for less than one hour C. present at least for 6 hours D. rare with Streptococci ViridansAns b *. Arbitrary facebow record is taken 1 mm of separation at the 2nd max molar. Why?A. Arbitrary facebow accept thicker records B. Accept thinner record C. Thinner records avoid errors in the condylar setupAns c **. what do you see when your max is constricted by 3mm? A,bilateral cross bite B.shift midline towards the effected sideC.shift midline towards the unaffected side.ANS B *CR record how it should beA. Only record cusps and no perforations B. Record cusps and sulcus and a few perforations are accepted C. The material must be well distributed on the occlusal surfaceANS – A* The material isnt well distributed. You make notches in the baseplate wax to record CR in alluwax, which means the materials aren't probably going to be well distributed. What cement is preferred for veneer cementation:A. Light cured B. Dual cured C. GICAns A*. 45-year-old man coming regularly to this office since 20 years, every 4-6 months for regular check-up. He has red/blue cyst on lower buccal side filled with mucous.The first line of treatment is: don’t worry - it’s viral infection, antibiotics, incision biopsy, excision biopsy, cytology?Ans Excisional*. What is not recommended to place the instruments if you are going to use autoclave:A. Paper packets B. Paper/plastic bags C. Plastic bags D. Solid metal containersANS A *. Lateral pedicle flap purposeincrease keratinizrd zonebasal cell carcinomacanine mand facially recessionANS C * BECAUSE increased width of attached gingival. The preconditioning of a high glass content all-ceramic restoration prior to bonding is achieved byA. sandblasting.B. acid etching with phosphoric acid.C. roughening the surface with a diamond bur.D. acid etching with hydrofluoric acid.E. degreasing with acetoneANS D***. During closure of mandible, what is least important (very weird question):A. relaxation of lateral pterygoidsB. simultaneous contraction of elevators and suprahyoid muscleC. another combination of muscles that included suprahyoidD. Construction of lateral ptergoids.ANS D *. best material for abfraction lesions ANS - micro-filled GIC. 2ndmolar close to sinus best two options were A. surgical extraction with flap and bone gutter or B. gentily luxate it with a forcepts (I don’t remember which number but it was one used for molars with fused roots)ANS - extraction and figure eight suture as i remember... for small openings... for large flap proceduregentily luxate it with a forceps always try not to expose Sinus... If sinus exposure happens, go for following less than 2 mm - nothing (clot will heal itself)2-7 mm - Figure 8 suture 7- cul de sac. % of n2o for pedsAns For adults - 70 N2O and 30 O2For children - 50 N2o and 50 O2. serotonin syndrome I chose tramadol and SSRIAns – true*. mandibular class I kennedy opposed by max CD occlusal scheme = ans - bilaterally ballenced on excursive*. Problem with taking a shade with rubber dam =Ans - teeth dehydration make teeth looks lighter. sloughing of free gingival graft after one week means what ? a-normal healing b-overly tight suturesc-not integrating into bedAns – a normal healing. it should form new epithelia from recipient CT thats why*. how to make teeth look narrower A-push line angles to center of tooth and make embrasures deeperb-push line angles to center of tooth and make embrasures shallowerANS A *. least important factor to increase retention in crown a-boxesb-groovesc-surface areaD-utilizing shoulder finish lineAns – D. bacteria in contaminated water lines =Ans - E.coli*. pts don’t take their statin drugs becausebunch of options I chose causes Erectile dysfunctions . A 9 year old presents with acute gingival pain of four days duration. There are small, round ulcers on the interproximal gingival and buccal mucosa. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?A- Primary herpetic gingivostomatitisB- Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitisC- Aphthous stomatitis D- Gingival abscessAns a *. tin zinic etc provide chmical bonding to procelaon. gingivectomy incision- a. coronal to mucogingival junction b. apical to pocket depth (I choose b cuz more precise)ANS B . periodontal abscess consider - AsymptomaticVitalnecrotic asymptomatic4 option sth like this roundANS B Periodontal abscess is associated vth vital tooth unlike periapical Abscess.*Which most common cause of neurosteosarcoma ANS - neurofibromatosis> . Which is correct in operativeLarge composite posteriorB. Amalgam bevel axialpulpal line angleC. 1.5 mm amalgam need preparationD isolation controlled by dentist( If that perform well, it can have a good result sth like that. I choose d)ANS B Axiopulpul line angle beveled in amalgam given in DDCAN BE D TOO. Which of the following is a interference during working movements for a posterior complete crown restoration?A- The lingual inclines of mandibular teeth contact the buccal inclines of maxillary teethB- The lingual inclines of mandibular teeth contact the lingual inclines of maxillary teethC- The buccal inclines of mandibular teeth contact the buccal inclines of maxillary teethD- The buccal inclines of mandibular teeth contact the lingual inclines of maxillary teethANS – D** LUBL> Opioids actionANS - Sedation , respiratory depression, analgesia, Euphoria*> Antianginal MOAANS - Vasodilate smooth muscle *> Young girl, asymptomatic painless mass since like 10 years, identify lesion. Options were likeA. benign cementoblastoma,B. fibrous dysplasia,C. osteoma ANS B* bcoz of young age> Old pt on warfarin, you want to do composite, will you stop it?ANS NO *never stop warfarin bcoz of rebound phenomenon, u have to check INR> Congenitally missing teethANS Max 3 mr- mand 3 mr- mand 2 pm- max lateral*> Erythromycin and penicillin- A. antagonism,B. idiosyncracy, C.potentiation ANS - Physiological antagonismA*> Anterior teeth class 4 big composite done few weeks ago. The filling is acceptable but too light. What to do?A. Add tintB. ObserveC. Re doAns A**A. Anything with Anteriors either tint or redo. And if there is an option to bleach other teeth that is an answer too..!!> Free gingival graft WIDENING OF ATTACHED GINGIVAIncrease of keratinized tissue adjacent to teeth, dental implants, or edentulous ridges.Coverage of certain type of gingival recessions.> Incidence of salivary gland tumors in which gland?ANS More seen in parotid for benign( tumor), malignant in minor salivary gland more seen*> Most rigid type of FPD, which type of gold. ANS Type iv > Which grooves for B-L resistanceANS -. Proximal groove for resistance> which of the following conditions is associated with a greater risk for latex allergy?a-spina bifidab-cardiac hypertrophyc-peanut allergyd-autism ANS A * yes if the patient under many surgeries for spina bifida more chances of developing latex allergy. cerebral palsyANS – CAUSED BY 7TH NERVEAthetoid is the most common typeChair position - 5 degrees. This limits the difficult in breathing and the muscles from getting too spastic.Also, preferably treat the patient on their own wheelchair if area/wheelchair angulation permits. > In the exam there was a question about the advantage of “Kroll” RPI Clasp :1-best esthetics2-minimal tissue contact3-better retention4-minimizes the need for indirect retentionANS 2 *> H andicapped pt with lesion in central nervous system appears to have different type of disorders in movement and posture:A. SeizureB. Learning disabilityC. Cerebral palsyAns C*>.VALUE CHROMA TRANSLUCENCYVALUE It is matched first Intensity Amount of lightness and darkness Staining or using complementary colour decreases valueIt is impossible to increase valueChroma Color strength or saturation Increased by adding stains Hue Basic color red blue green Drastic changes r impossibleOrange used most often to change hue> t/t padgest DiseaseAns - Bisphosphonates And surgery — only possible treatments> An occlusal approaching clasp TIP:a. Should occupy a predetermined undercutb. Contact the tooth under the survey linec. RigidANS A *> Rct failure sth like that ? And fistulaA. Gum boilB. Fistula open of the fistulaAns A* Congenital neutropenia 3-4 new qMost common periodontal issuesAns – gingivitis *> Pt want to have an not good procedure, you dont want to, what to do: Send to another dr, have pt write consent and proceed, . Get inform consenti think it means a pt for example tells you to extract all his teeth and you dont see a reason why.. what should you do?Ans B *Purpose of plaque index:ANS - For patient motivationthe one that it says, the pregnant pt that you move to the left sideANS - Yep.. elevating the right hip...(moving to the left side) facilitates blood flow from inferior vena cava.Most common kind of bone loss is horizontal or verticalANS – Horizontal *> After one month there is discoloration on margin due of veenersA. Micro crack B. Amine C. Not enought resin at margin D. Breaking of silane coupling bondAns A *> Angioedema is associated with which of the following medications?A- Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitorsB- Calcium channel blockersC- Beta-blockersD- DiureticsANS A *> Female Patient with multiple cervical caries a. Lemon sucking b. BulimiaANS A *> 4 year kid she was quite in start even in LA.. when dentist strt cavity prep she start crying A. Voice contrlB. More LA C. Oral med D. Procedure as soon as possibleANS A *. positive and negative reinforcement> child given thumb sucking deterant- negative reinforcement or positive punishment?Ans – positive punishment > how do we measure attached gingiva?Ans - Subtract the sulcular depth from the distance till MGJfrom base os sulcus to mucogingival junction (MGJ)> apthous ulcers usually seen on movable mucosa?Ans – true *most efficient tooth brushing technique?ANS - bass or sulcular technique for adults . Fones technique is for children, Charter technique done after surgeryPocket depth of 5mm and 2mm from cej and gingival margin, attachment loss?ANS - Pocket depth(5) +cej and gingival margin(recession)(2) = 7mm (attachment loss)> Which of the following are required informational elements for informed consent? (Choose all that apply.)A. Explanation of the procedure in understandable terms B. Reasons for the procedure and the benefits and risks of the procedure and anticipated outcome C. Any alternatives and their risks and benefits, including no treatment at all ?D. The costs of the procedure and the alternativesAns A,B C *Cheek biting in CD, why:Ans - Edge to edge posterior Teeth placed too buccal Loss of muscle tonus Decreased vertical dimensionsPosterior molars not enough horizontal overlap.. to crt this grind the Mand buccal side> CAUSE of Angular glossitisANS - vit b defeciency > Subgingival margin of crown is indicated whenA- Surrounding soft tissue is thick bio-typeB- Porcelain laminate veneer is plannedC- An all-ceramic crown is plannedD- Cemental hypersensitive is suspectedAND D *You are making an inlay and, in the meantime, you need a temporary restoration. Which would be the WORST ?ANS - Made in mouth and cemented with GIC> Patient complains CD falls off when speaking, what could it be?ANS - overextended> In what week does cleft lip happen?ANS - 6th week intrauterine> What is the genetic of cleft lip:ANS - multifactorial etiology “genetic and environmental “> What’s the treatment for ranula:ANS - marsuplization if close to vital structures or excision if its away from vital structuresCharacteristic of spina bifidaANs cleidocranial dysplasia How many carpule of mepi on a healthy pt?ANS 11 with epi and 7 without> In examining a maintenance patient, the dentist observes residual calculus, bleeding on probing, and probing depths less than 5 mm. The dentist should do which of the following?A- Scaling and root planning B- Osseous surgeryC- Continued maintenance D- Open flap debridementAns – A *> Which of the following cusps is more prone to crack:A. Buccal of lower molarsB. Lingual of lower molarsC. Lingual of upper molarsD. Buccal of upper molarsANS B *Not a sign of facial palsy and associated with which nerveWhat is not a contraindication for perio surgery among these? Pocket depth 2-4, inadequate oral hygiene,ANS A pocket depthside effects on hypertensives:ans blindness, headaches, erection problems What medicines have active metabolites: morphine, etc > Obligatory yearly test for all the staff in a clinic: hep b, hep c, herpes virus, tb ans TB Why pen V over pen GNo gastric irritation nd dose is titratedBDZ overdose- flumazenilEctodermal dysplasia featuresAns Sparse hair, Oligodontia, hereditary, retained primary teethMicrodontia, Anodontia, Oligodontia> 45 years old guy, smokeless tobacco for 16 years and 2 beers a day, came for regular check up and he scheduled for orophryngeal cancer surger and chemotherapy What is the main reason for his cancer? A. Smoking B. Alcohol C. HPVAns c * location for hpv > Faint flecks radiolucency: AOT Rectangular wire in ortho for what? Ans Molar uprightEdgewise app Edgewise...0.022 to 0.028..slot sizeHYPERLINK ""An panoramic rx with an arrow pointed the lateral orbit wall (above the zigoma ) Cephalometric: SAN AND SNB AND Y ANGLE What band to use when you loose the primary 2 molar : band and loop, ?What makes a successful dental practice: their location, how skill the dr and staff is, communication skills, other ans communication > Myeloma Multipleidentify by Pano and occ,bone pain igM spike ntraoral most common site - Mandi Molar -ramus arearesembles histocytosis x disease and idiopathic histiocytosisToxicity reverse on metatoxate: flumazenilectodermal dysplasia characterized by all exceptA-Sparse hairB-OligodontiaC-Delayed learningD-Microdontia…Ans c *> Lateral flap, Ans – also called peddicle flap or lateral positioned areas where narrow gingival recession Used to correct or prevent recession by lateral rooth coverage Greating wider band of gingiva Absence of recession to widen the zone of gingiva > Patient with HIV: what to do to treat it in the office: Universal precautions * Ph to form cavities5.5> INR normal level 0.7-1.2> pt on Coumadin, INR 2--- (I think it is okay to continue tx. Mosby’s states that normal INR of people on anticoagulants is 2.5-3.0.)a. extract, use sutures, hemostatic agentsb. get pt off Coumadin for 2 days before extractionNot sureAns a *> INR test is uses to determine?1- No option for bleeding time-2 platelets activity 3- prothrombin activityans 3*> Which nerve most likely damaged during mandibular 3rd molar extraction:A. IANB. Lingual nerveAns b*****Pic of tongue varicosis ..Pic of mand toriOne pic of candidiasis on tongue> For the palatal pigmentation one,It was an except question..3 options starting with melanoma..and one was lentigo> case patient had plaque and poor oral hygene which one you should give him to improve oral H, chx and someother brand similar to listerne I chose the latter, as they didn’t say therapeutic use but said something to improve his oral H , I could be wrong but reasoning is you cant use peridex for more than 2 weeks its anti-infective and 2 weeks isn’t exactly enough to improve oral H> what muscle of mastication is involved when an interference occurs in a centric relation? Lateral pterygoid ? Partial agonist-antagonist,ANS - pure opioid agonist- Morphine, codeine, Tramadol Partial agonist- antagonist – nalorphin, Pentazocine and buprenorphine Antagonist – Naloxane, Naltrexone pure opioid agonistANS - pure opioid agonist- Morphine, codeine, Tramadol Partial agonist- antagonist – nalorphin, Pentazocine and buprenorphine Antagonist – Naloxane, NaltrexoneWhich grooves for B-L resistanceRESITANCE – proximal groovesRetention – buccal and lingual grooves> A middle aged woman of African-American descent presents with periapical radiolucencies associated with the mandibular incisors. All four tested vital to pulp testing. Upon further clinical examination a differential diagnosis of periapical cemental dysplasia has been reached. What treatment is indicated for this condition?A. No treatment is necessary at this timeB. Refer for evaluation to rule out possible malignancyC. Initiate root canal treatment on the two mandibular central incisorsD. Perform test cavities on the mandibular central incisorsE. Identify the dark, potentially necrotic pulp chambers by transilluminationANS A *Hygienist and 3 drs, hygienist injured a pt who is responsible ANS HYGINIST AND ATTENDING DOC> Point a in cephalometric ANS Deepest part of outer outline from Incisor to ant nasal spine Point A- Subspinale Middle aged woman, little pain in mandi lateral and pulp testing normal in that tooth and adjacent also. Other findings were normal. What is diagnosisANS PCODTeeth with two crowns but one pulp: gemination, fusión, Answer is Gemination. Fusion is two crowns fused but with two separate roots.> The lingual nerve in the xr is lying lingual to the molar. If we move the cone apically ( facing the crown of the toot) where the lingual nerve will be place? A. Appical, B. messial,C. distal,ANS A *> short CASE qpatient has s.s crown..so in radiograph the crown looks fully radio opaque...and then they said there is a bluish discoloration at the marginal gingiva...what can it be..u cant see the discoloration in the photo.A. melanin pigmentaionB. ,amalgam tattooC. blood vesselsANS B *Amalgum Tatto- Blue- black color (just localized)Melanin pigmentation - generalized Black color in gingiva> prostho question how to check occlusion or clearance for a single tooth crown prep in a complete dentition:?wax with zoe impression paste.other 4 had commerical names in it..only one name I remember LUCIA JIG..so have a look at the names of the commercial stuff that v can use for this.ANS LUCIA JIG- Used to capture centric Relation Utility wax is best to get clearnace for 1 tooth However, wax with ZOE impression paste can also be used ... wax is the least acceptaple and zoe is betterin normal dentrifice what kind of Floride is presentans Sodium monophosphate and sodium fluoride> Most important for retention A surface area, B surface texture, C axial taper andD retentive grooveANS A *> Female with anterior crown broken after endo and post and core, she’s wearing a bite splint, 5 year history of ortho treatment. Crown broken due to all except a. Improper ferruleb. Parafunctional habits c. Occlusion d. Post materialANS C *> Which incison for removal of lingual toria. Directly over the torib. Semilunar flapc. vertical incisionsd. Crevicular incision only> In ur dental practice, want to keep good harmony and relationship with all your staff,what is that u follow:Justice Veracity Non mal..BeneficianceAns D *> What doesn't show that there is bad conflict happening within ur dental setting:A. Meetings arranged to discuss the fightsB. Increased production bcos of competition C. Focusing on who is doing wrong and who is not following the rulesANS B *During extraction of MAX 3rd molar, root can go into which space.?ANS - infratemporal fossa> Actinomyces oral manifestationsANS - Purple lump on jaw showing sinus tract with yellowish green discharge (sulfur granule), sulfur granule discharge, purple, lumpy jaw, Treat - penicillinAfter giving LA which sensation is lost last..motor not in option..ANS first to last Pain temp touch pressure(proprioception) motor function So choose proprioceptionThis particular muscle.. because of the direction of its fibers can get covered by the denture baseANS bucconator muscle> margin is visible of pfm what not to go - A. covering it coronally displaced flap or B.crown lengtheningANS B >Which incison for removal of lingual toria. Directly over the torib. Semilunar flapc. vertical incisionsd. Crevicular incision onlyANS D BROWn pigmentation on palateAns CAN BE ALL Brown - Tobacco/ tar stain Melanoma NevusWhy pen V over pen GANS Better oral absorption ..PenG only parentalPen g parentalHYPERLINK ""pen G is degraded by acid in the stomach when taken orally> histologic appearance Have parakeratinized epithelium, fibrous connective tissue and something with the word osseousANS – OSSIFYING FIBROMA Parakeratinized epithelium,palisaded basal layer with prominent staining nuclei?ANS OKC > Does anyone know how exactly to see the need for sinus lift on an xrayLess than 4-6 mm of vertical residual bone height in the posterior segment of the maxilla is an indication for a sinus augmentation procedure Done with bone graft techniquePs Diamond - Crown & Procelain Carbide - Cavity prep> Two implants with 3 units screw retained bridge. You took an xray and in that you found there is no space at abutment-implant interface in one of two implants and in other one there is space, what is your next action?A -Take another xrayB -Tighten the screwC -Split the bridge and remove itANS B odds ratio in cohort or case-control?ANS CASE CONTROL> Pulse rate in childern?ANS 110Rule of NaOCl.... ANS not a chlating agent> Picture of papilloma> There was a linear radiopacity bilaterally in a panoramic radiographIt was not look like the stylohyoidBut i choose itThere were other options like carotid stenosis i guess and 2 other options related to the tonsilsOral pathologyScarlet feverChediak higashiEctodermal dysplasiaPierre RobinPeuzt jegher> Autosomal dominant inheritance patternEg:- Marfan syndrome- Ehlers-Danlos syndrome- Epidermolysis bullosa- Achondroplastic dwarfism- Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia Osler-Weber Rendu syndrome- von Willebrand’s disease- Neurofibromatosis- Gardner syndrome- Gorlin and Goltz syndrome- MEN syndromes I, II- Peutz-Jeghers syndrome- Treacher Collins syndrome- Hereditary spherocytosis- White sponge nevus (WSN)- Crouzon syndrome- Witkop syndrome- “tooth and nail” type of autosomal dominant ectodermal dysplasia- Cowden’s syndrome- Apert Syndrome- Amelogenesis imperfecta- Dentinogenesis imperfecta - Osteogenesis imperfecta- Sickle cell trait- Cherubism- Achondroplasia- Cleidocranial dysplasia- Colour blindness- Tricho-dento-osseous (TDO) syndrome- Hereditary gingival fibromatosis- Van der Woude Syndrome (Cleft lip syndrome, lip pit syndrome, dimpled papillae of the lip)Autosomal recessive:Eg:- Cystic fibrosis- Papillon–Lefèvre syndrome- Chediak- Higashi syndrome- Phenylketonuria- Albinism- Severe form of von Willebrand’s disease- Severe form of Epidermolysis bullosa- Sickle cell anemia- Thalassemia major- Familial simple thyroid Goiter- Wilson’s disease- Dubin Johnson syndrome- Familial thrombesthenia- Xeroderma pigmentosum> Tobacco smoking is thought to be apredisposing or a contributing factor inwhich of the following conditions?1. Cycl ic neutropenia2. Juvenile periodontitis3. Chediak-Higashi syndrome4. Gingivitis-periodontitis5. Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitisANS 5 > Which of the following is associated with severe periodontal diseases;a. Chediak-higashi syndromeb. Papillon Lefeverec. Downs syndromed. Lazy leukocyte syndromee. All of the aboveANS E> 4 year old has generalized bone loss, mobile teeth and generalized calculus. which condition should NOT be included in the differential diagnosis?a. cyclic neutropeniab. papillon - lefevre syndromec. chediak higashi syndromed. crouzon syndromee. leukocyte adhesion deficiency syndromeANS D > Pt. has ulcer in edentulous area ,xanthomatosis diabetes x-ray show air float teeth what's diagnosis :a-chediak higashi syndromeb-Hard Christian syndromeANS B > You see a 15 year old completely edentulous patient and you noticehyperkerotisis on the palms of their hands and feet. What syndrome do you suspect?a. Neurofibromatosisb. Chediak Higashi syndromec. Ectodermal dysplasiad. Papillon Lefevre Syndromee. Cleidocranial DysplasiaANS D learn about propranolol, digixin, levonordefrin, methotrexate well> Methotrexate cause all, exceptA. Folate antagonistB. Antimetabolite C. Bone marrow suppression D. Severe ulcerative stomatitisANS D PS MXT DO INTERACT WITH B lactum drugs (penicillin, ceph) MXT DO NOT INTERACT with b lactamaseMethotrexate toxicity increases with use of nsaids or penicillin ... T/F ?ANS TRUE> Levonordefrin is added to certain cartridges containing mepivacaine. The desired effect of levonordefrin is due to what pharmacologic effect?A. Inhibition of nicotinic cholinergic receptorsB. Inhibition of muscarinic cholinergic receptorsC. Stimulation of α-adrenergic receptors D. Stimulation of β-adrenergic receptorsE. Stimulation of dopamine receptorsANS C> Administration of which of the following drugs would producevasoconstriction of the gingival vessels?a. Levonordefrinb. Phentolaminec. Epinephrined. Propranolole. Phenylephrinei. (a) and (b)ii. (a) and (c) onlyiii. (a), (c) and (e)iv. (b), (d) and (e)v. (b) and (d) onlyANS 3> Which is more potent:LevonordefrinEpinephrineANS EPI> The recommended pharmacologic treatment for xerostomia isA 10mg Dilantin.B 5mg pilocarpine.C 5mg levonordefrin.D 1mg malathion.E 1mg epinephrine.ANS B > The local anesthetic agent that is most appropriatefor use in most children is _____.A. 3% mepivacaineB. 2% mepivacaine with 1:20,000 levonordefrinC. 2% lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrineD. 0.5% bupivacaine with 1:200,000 epinephriANS C > ____________________ inhibit the vasoconstrictor response to epinephrine and levonordefrinalpha blockersbeta blockersANS A > Which drug wouldn’t raise a concern for perio problemsa. Prednisoneb. Methotrexatec. aspirind. HydrochlorthiazideANS C > Methotrexate, used for severe forms of arthritis, or for chemotherapy for cancer, can be responsible for which of the following oral conditions? a. edema b. recession c. ulceration d. sensitivity e. gingival hyperplasiaANS C > Prep for onlay gold axial walls?A . axial wall diverges gingival to palpal, converge gingival to pulpal,ANS B > Alcohol fetal syndromeWhat's the most common feature?A. cleft lip B. midface deficiencyANS B Fetal Alcohol - Midface deficiency doesnt happen - Cleft palte - Low nasal bridge - thin lip - philtrum indistinct - Micrognathia - Poorly formed teeth> patient have pain after 24 hours of endo What can it be Coronal leakage ?B. Instriment lacerate soft tissue ?C. File perforateANS B. Instriment lacerate soft tissue> a cefalometric and they asked about the rulerWhat it was used for?A. measure magnificationB. Determine right or left sideANS A. measure magnificationchild with autism.. How to bond with him wellVoice control and appreciate parents DesensitiAtionANS C Vocabulary??ANS Child start getting vocabulary by 9 months> Pt has Candida.. Treatment1. Systemic antifungal2. Topical with denture still in place3. New dentureANS 2 1. Tooth supported rpd. Where are the rests locatedOsseointegration best siteANS mandibular anteriorFacebow what are three reference pointsANS two condyle,one orbitale4. Teeth supraerupted antagonist abst.if we will plan to replace antagonist then what is the main reason for getting supraerupted tooth in placeANS To gain interocclusal space it can be done by orthodontic intrusion if tooth is vital..if nonvital rct+crownClass 3 furcation.. T/tANS maxilla-root resection,mand-hemisectionCandida in cancer pt due to :A. incomplete radiation B. Chemotherapy C. Cancer tissue not completely removedANS B > Pt is taking methotrexate will have drug interaction withA) Beta blockers B) Alpha blockers C) NSAID’s D) Beta lactamaseAns C Aspirin, Penicillin, and Acid folic Inhibition, probenecid.. also affects osteoblasts...so from these options probably C fits betterpseudo class 3 what is the direction of mandible movement ?ans forwardHow many Flouride content are in 1 litersans 1.0 mg per Liter =1ppm.Sialolitos more frequent in what conduct: Warthons, stances, sublingual glandsAns Submandibular salivary gland duct ..=Warthons duct.> Scarlet fever descriptionExotoxin, group A Streptoccocus, rash 24-48 hrsStrawberry tongueBacterial inf affect fungiform papillae, Reasons for brushing the tongue: no bacterias in the optionsAns – bad odour > mandibular molar with a 2 yr RCT is coming for a regular recall and noticed a periradicular lesion in the mesiobucal root. No sensitivity nor symptoms. What to do? A> Retreat the pt, B observe, C redo Endo only when it start botheringAns B > Most sedative base:A zinc phosphate,B pic, C zinc eugenolANS C > What area of the mouth produce ear pain: man molars, max mollars, anterior tooth, neck.ANS A > Eat works for all except: furcations,canal shape, canal composition andsmall perforationsANS C What happens if patient moves only for 1 sec during panoramicAns - Discontinued inferior mandibular border and vertical line in incisorsMn Angle distortionMandibular tori incision ?here they are asking about the incision...envelope is flap design...which is formed with crevicular incision and no vertical incision.> Effects of cocaine:A. contraction of radial muscleB. contraction iris dilatorAns b Finish line for all ceramic is whatAns Gold- chamfer All ceramic - shoulderPFM - lingual chamfer PFM is Shoulder (buccal) + Chamfer (lingual)Labial shouldervestibuloplasty how deep is the incision?Ans Max 12-15,mans-10-12> Case of an older guy with many cervical abrasions on buccal surfaces and a lot of gold restorationsWhat is not a probable aetiologyA toothbrush abrasionB cervical abrasion C para functionalD chemical erosionANS D > what’s the minimum height needed for an implant on a complete denture supported by implants (I understood: what height is needed minimum between ridge and CD if you want to put an implant to support the denture):A. 3-6mmB. 7mm ?C. 9mm ?D. 12 mm or moreAns D > A patient has skeletal class 2, but dentoalveolar class 3, he has dental compensation. What movement would you do pre-operation?A. upper incisors labial and lower incisors lingualB. upper incisors lingual and lower incisors labialC. both upper and lower incisors labialD. both upper and lower incisors lingualANS A During the period of decompensation prior to the surgery, the malocclusion might worsen. It's fine.what muscle of mastication is involved when an interference occurs in a centric relation?ANS LATERAL PTERYGOIDS Tooth supported rpd. Where are the rests locatedANS Mesial to the distal extension as far from the extension as possible on the opposite side of the fulcrum lineMesial marginal ridge2MM DEEP Toward edentoulus area so 2 rests : 1 mesial and 1 distal> Maximum recommended dosage of lidocaine HCl injected subcutaneously ( not i/v) when combined with 1:1,00,000 epinephrine is?a. 100 mgb. 300 mgc. 500 mg d. 1 gramANS C Max dosage of lidocaine 2% is 500mg Bupivucaine is 90mgMepivicaine is 400mgPrilocaine is 600mg> Female with anterior crown broken after endo and post and core, she’s wearing a bite splint, 5-year history of ortho treatment. Crown broken due to all EXCEPTa. Improper ferrule?b. Para functional habitsc. Occlusiond. Post materiaANS Dthe tooth is just fractured and it doesn’t have any caries ,post and core was done what is cement of choice for luting post and core :GICZinc polycarboxylateANS RMGIC/GIC> The most common cause of failure of post and core in endodontic treated tooth is A-loss of post retentionB-tooth fracture C-post fractureANS B> Toothpaste which have Desensitization action, work by? 1.Demineralization of dentin tubules2.Depolarize nerve endings3.Remove smear layer4.Kills bacteriaANS 2 PS FACTS Implant success ;10 yrs-80%5yrs-85%Overall 90-95%Smokers 50 %Radiation worker - 5 REM - 50 msvPublic general- 1 REM per - 0.1 msvNon occupational nd pregnant assistant.. it is 5 msv / yrkiwi avocado banana associated with latex allergypeanut and pollen seasonal Most resistance- muscle/nerve cellsLeast -reproductive cells,lymphocytes, bone marrow mucose membrane basal cell> Which of the following is the most likely cause of ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint?A- NeoplasmB- Rheumatoid arthritis C- Traumatic injuryD- Developmental abnormalityANS C > Positions Syncope- tredenburg Asthma , COPD - upright Crown in mouth – SUPINE Crown in mouth?????Conscious: helmich manuvers?????Unconscious: supined with chest thrusts?????Never found the crown and patient still unconscious : cricothyrotomy?????> what antibiotics we give in perio abscess and in apical abscess (endo)> Cavity prep amalgam class 5 retention form ?Proximal grooves on mesial -distal, or proximal grooves occlusal gingival or parallel walls mesial distal or parallel walls occlusal gingivalANS – OCCLUSAL GINGIVALAn x-ray of a tooth with a post and core and a gap between the post and remaining gutta, what is it: overpreparation for the post or taking away too much gutta?ANS over prep =less gutta perchaPatient comes back after extraction with severe bleeding, u can use all for hemostasis except? Collagen, or gelatin, or cellulose, or hemostatic dressingANS Hemostatic agent in severe bleedingAt what viral load of hiv we refer to specialistANS 100 000> The most common genetic disorderAmelogenesis ImperfectaFibrous displasiaDentinogenesis imperfecteDentinal displasia?cranial disostosisAns 3 > for renal damage 1. ibuprofen 2. acetaminophenANS acetamenophen- renal diease Ibuprofen - in liver disease For pregnancy - aceta for kids- Aceta For alcohol - Ibuprofen> What determine the extension of occlusionI.intnertuberosity distance,II.fox plane, III.2/3 from retromolar par, IV.centric relation.ANS 3 > Pallor , CHEST PAIN and TACKYCARDIA 1. Syncope 2. Heart attackANS 2 > You have HIV patient, you can do all of the following except:a) treat with metronidazoleb) free gingival graftc) profilaxis to treat candidiasisANS C >patient has problem with manual dexterity what will he have problem with? A) flossB. BrushingC) bothAns cPt with syncope, what to do and how long it could take to recoveryAns Trendulberg position Cool water towel Clear airwayAmmonium capsule15-30 mins - risk of fainting again Less than 1 min - recovery timehow to differentiate clinically btw perio and endo abscess?Ans ept endo non vital translucency questionsans if wrong shade selection than why problem is just in gingival 3rd> When symphysis breaks bilaterally chin is pulled back by what muscles (combinations of these): A. anterior digastricB. mylohyoidC. genioglossusD. geniohyoidE. thyrohyoidAns BCD> Does methotrexate all except A. Folate antagonistB anti -metaboliteC bone marrow suppressionD severe ulcerative stomatitisANS ALL CORRECT> Class 5 root cavity what do you useA GICB resin cementANS A GIC areoften used for root surface carious lesions (Class V restorations) because of the potential advantageof fluoride release to help control the spread of caries.> The most important indication for prognosis of periodontal truthA attachment levels B BOPC plaqueANS A If you want to know the prognosis of a disease, you have to know what is the disease. CAL will tell you the severity of the disease (Mild 1-2mm, moderate 3-4mm, severe >5mm).f you want to know the success of SRP treatment (periodontal stability) a great indicator is BOP, because it will tell you if the tissues are still inflamed, and therefore the patient will still have active inflammationLONG TERM PROGNOSIS – PLAQUEWhy do you need to remove nonworking interference before putting in a new crown?ANS because non working interference is the most harmful to the occlusion sth like that> Ibuprofen - is reversible nsaidApirin - is irreversible nsaidCORRECT> Max amount of lidocaine with epinephrine And without Epi ?ANS With epi 4.4 mg/kgWithout epi 7mg/kgAbsolute max 300mgHYPERLINK ""> . Molar upright Why treatment is delayed ANS occlusal contacts. Percentage of hypochlorite in irrigation I marked 4 to 5 %ANS 5.25 3% H2O2 17% EDTA0.12% CHX 5.25% NaOcl 1.23- APF 2% NaF 8% stannous Fl. Why syncope occur1 Tachycardia2 Cerebral hypoxia3 Hypotension 4 LidocaineANS 2 . Patient don't remember ageHas radilucency on lower incisor every test normal What is diagnosis ANS Peri apical Cemento dysplasiaCuz in the initial stage it is radiolucent ( common in incisor and pulp vital> Labially displaced anterior tooth is restored with a gold core porcelain jacket crown so that it is in line with the arch; the crown will appears:A. ShortB. LongC. NarrowD. WideANS C > Ameloblastoma dd DentigerousPariapocal cyst n two more I marked dentigerous Ans dentigerous *> Definition of percussion Two options I said inflammation around pariapocal area of periodontal ligament One was proprioception of inflamed pulp Proprioception was fine for mEAns A , Percussion – pdl*But they said of inflamed pulp HYPERLINK "". What is present in powder of GICPolyacrylic acidPowder Fluo aluminosilicateHYPERLINK ""> In which movement tooth intrude towards APEx but incisal edge at the same levela. Tipping b. Intrusion c. TranslationalANS a> One long.case of nasopharyngeal carcinomaStage 3 Metastasis Cervical lymph node Upper 2nd molars all have picked depth of 4 to 5 mm?N patient just came for consultation before radiotherapy. Flap surgery Scaling root planning Extraction Observe onlyANS scalingBetter to do before radiotherapyDepends what tratment going on ....If radiotherapy going on --- you just do scaling and root planningActually for 4-5 mms go for scallingif 2 months remaining before chemo or radio, than extractionI think grade 3 .. doctor will start immediate treatmentDepends on more information choose...> You are making an RPD, tooth supported, which one is not right:A. rest should be on mesial part of abutmentB. there’s no need to do an indirect retainerC. the inclined plane should be adjacent to edentulous ridgeANS A > . Patient has no plaque on maintainace phase but bleeding on probing ReasonGenetic disease Not maintaining hyegine Few more option Don’t know 4 optionGenetiC was ok for meAns healing or genetics too> GIC properties exceptA. Release fluoride B. Prevent caries C. Low tensile S D. Wear resistance better thn compositeANS D > Implant What we can't use on surface / Related to perioANS – ULTRASONICS> Sonic instruments A. Plastic instrument with metal B. Plastic instrument with some thing plasticANS A> After graft placement Which of the following will occur 1st?1. Degeneration 2. Reattachment 3. Some thing with DANS – 1 degeneration/sloughing : As soon the graft placed .Reconstruction: 1week Reformed : 2 weeks Maturation 10to 16 weeks> CASEpregnant woman she had a dental extraction days ago but she have root restShe was on pain for that and was taking acetaminophen + codeineShe was 8 weeks of pregnancyQ about was what kind of medicine can we prescribed her for the pain?Benzodiazepines, ibuprofen and others opciones that I can’t rememberANS We dont know other options but better if increase tylenol 3 (codeine + acetaminophen) Codeine is category C and oxycodone B.Definition of wheezingWheezing is a high-pitched whistling sound made while breathing. It's often associated with difficulty breathing. Wheezing may occur during breathing out (expiration) or breathing in (inspiration).> Definition of behaviour shapingAngina at rest?ANS Rest - unstable At exacerbation – Stable> Patient has no plaque on maintainace phase but bleeding on probing ReasonGenetic disease Not maintaining hyegine Few more option Don't rememberANS - Genetic like NUG normally no plaque just bacteriaantral pseudocyst caseANS Antral mucus rentention cyst , In maxillary sinusRadioopaque with lucnet marginsArising from the floor.Doom shapedcaused by inflamatory exudate under maxillary sinus,at any age, more in males, asymptomatic, most bilaterally, no treatment is necessary , better in panoramicthyroid stormans thyrotoxicosis-tachycardia, high fever, sweating....increase heart rate, blood pressure and body temperaturecase of hairy tongue n macrocytic anemia…Asking for vitaminsans B9 & B12 for macrocytic...for hairy tongue, filliform papillacalcification OF permanent mandibular incisiveans 3-4 months> Patient is taking cyclosporine after renal dialysis What it can cause Patient is taking cyclosporine after renal dialysis What it can cause? ANS gingival hyperplasia and candidiasis> occlusal index N it's uses? Ans System for identifying and scoring occlusal disordersbased on maloclussion severity estimateDifferential diagnosis of Nicotine stomatitisAns only on palate also only lesion produced by tobacco that is not cancerous, painless and non-induratedProsthetic guidance and curve and interferenceAns Curve of spee is important to set teeth in an angled way so that it would avoid interferences especially in the retromolar pad area> You rise a full mucoperiosteal flap to instrument in the pocket, after reposition of the flap where resorption occurs more?A. Radicular boneB. Interdental crestC. Apical to the sulcusAns thin radicular ALeast wear resistance of denture teeth for ponticANS Pontic- porcelain( least wear resistanceBut they cause most abrasion of the opposite dentition, right?yes but they asked for Pontic not abutment soporcelain- good resistance to wear; acrylic resin- more wear.. least wear resistance means.?acrylic teeth wear less than porcelain so least wear resistance is porcelain right?> Implants: better oseaintregration and better place to place them ANS ANT MANDIBLE Ant mandi ... thick cortical plate .. so best place for osseointegration and implant ... This is what I think> what is true regarding wheelchair transfers?A- A wheelchair-bound patient is often the best source of how to do the transfer B- The patient should be asked to remove his/her catheter and collection bag before attempting the transferC- The patient’s belt should not be used during transfer processD- Sliding board transfers continue to be the best approachAns DVertical, curve incisions for lateral flap Lateral flap A. Vertical, B. curve incisions ANS A > In Gold inlay preparationA convergence from gingival to pulpal wallB diverge from gingival to pulpal wallANS A ********> What’s the minimum height needed for an implant on a complete denture supported by implants (I understood: what height is needed minimum between ridge and CD if you want to put an implant to support the denture):A. 3-6mmB. 7mm ?C. 9mm ?D. 12 mm or moreANS D > pontic design - modified saddle ridge; A. should the pontics touch/B. lightly touchC. cause blanching of the ridge.Ans b > A patient has skeletal class 2, but dentoalveolar class 3, he has dental compensation. What movement would you do pre-operation?A. upper incisors labial and lower incisors lingualB. upper incisors lingual and lower incisors labialC. both upper and lower incisors labialD. both upper and lower incisors lingualAns a > Angle syndrome Intrapulpar injection: fetures Ans Back flow* Epulis – irritational fibroma* Raphe pterogoid * pka works in ONSET * Test for kidney failure – Creatinine * Cohort study * Zoloft med antidepressant * Effects adverse antidepressant * Effect adverse hypertension * Odontoma, idiopathic sclerosis, ortho child, ameloblastoma, nadopalatine duct, HIV AND EZV virus Cases> Molar upright Why treatment is delayedANS In adults due to skeletal growth. And it is most difficult in people who have high mandibular plane angle because may lead to open bite>SIALOLITH – sub mand gland> Upcoding > Bundling > Sensitivity speciality > Incidence prevelance >Class 3 what will decrease – decreased VDO>Major connector - stability and rigidity >Papilloma >Fibroma>Eagles syndrome - CN 9 ASSOCIATED , elongation of styloid process and calcification of stylohyoid ligament> Zygoamtic arch x Ray >Endo questions > Purulis > That band and loop questions which we fought so much > Varicose picture > Resto questions a lot > Recurrent Ranula treatment surgical excison> Chronic abscess - sinus tract> Multiple myeloma punched out on skull radiograph> Pier robin - like they said glossoptosis cleft palate> IdentifyPoint A On ortho Should know where is it> Phobia of choking-Fear of chocking is pseudodysphagiaTooth borne FPD rest away or close to abutment . I said away in tooth borneAns Close to edentulous space on abultment> Benadryl > Beta blocker Bdz antagonist – flumazenil 6. Protrusive interocclusal record- for condylar guidance or intercondylar distance? condylar guidance7. Coumarol action decreased by? Inducing hepatic microenzymes or displacing it frm plasma protein binding sites? Other two options were like increase hepatic function, increase prothrombin production, Decrease hepatic func8. Wats not a reason for nursing home pneumonia- salivary hypofunc, parkinsons, dysphagia, microbes in upper resp tract9. Condylar hyperplasia- opposite side chin hemarthrosis- deviate mandi to opposite side 10. Benzodiazaepine - Potentiate GABA (Sorry I was wrong)11. Water fluoridation- 74%12. Division of vertical proportio - V5 H313. Opioids effects except- pin point pulp (miosis)14. cocaine- mydriasis15. oral path: Pigmented lesions, Leukemia16. Dd of NUG- HSV or erosive LP. 17. classification of nsaids, selective cox inhibitor18. INR works on EXTRINSIC Warfarin - PT and INR19. Perio maintenance-3/4/6 months?3 months 20. Ok cystic lesion between mandi premolars. Most common- LATERAL PERIODONTAL CYST (True - tear)21- X ray was very light xray- less exposure time, less KVP, less developeer or more fixer22. One was leukemic gingivitis23. One was some xray, it was there since childhood, big radiolucnecy wid tooth like- ameloblastic fibroodontoma24. Chronc apical abscess vs apical perio- asymp,no vital no sinus, periapical radiolucency= abscessChronic apical - non vital tooth Perio apical - vital tooth 25. Fearful pt, when do u make rapport- aftrt pt takes medicine to relax,3-5 mins of appointment beginning, after appt , ot after u gv pt 30 mins to relax I chose 3-5 mins_ Beginning of Appt26. Tachycardia not seen in - obstructive jaundice- true 27. Dependent on pt posture- VRO (vertical rest occlusion)- true 28. Needed for caries- bacteria, susceptible tooth and carbs- true 29. Another q was initiation of caries where- pit n fissure in enamel, other options were proximal caries. Thats correct too but pit n fissure caries is more than proximal- true - pit and fissure high occurence 30. molar uprighting, use of helix- more force or range of motion? RANGE OF MOTION- if we use helix - more range of motion than bodily movement for molar31. Proximal resistance form of amalgam restoration comes from what? a. convergence of buccal / lingual wall b. retention grooves in axiobuccal / axiolingual walls c. Dovetail —— No dovetail in option so C32. Repair after occlusal trauma- cementum resorption, narrowing of pdl, cortical bone thins to expand bone marrow ANS C 33. One on primary and secondary occlusal traumaANS Primafry trauma- due to healthy PDL secondary - compromised PDL34. One on band and loopANS -band and loop indication -missing with presence of distal tooth... also used both sides with Perm incisiors not erupted35. Pregnant woman, syncope, position changed to protect pressure on- inf vena cavaANS Left side - to prevent syncope36. Implant not in line- section and index37. Implant analog- simulate implant in cast38. Disadv of cemented restoration on implant- Doesnt give possibility for minor correction. I chose that one. Other option was like leaving cement in gingiva39. Xray for pediatric periodontal disease: Bite wing,40. Xray in adult perio maintenance: Bite wing 41. Not used for cast restoration- irrev hydrocolloid (Alginate) - true 42. Prostho sounds: S, th / F, Vsiblant - S ch j (difficult in ant open bite )labiodental - F anf V (difficult in Class 3)> Opioid anatagoing – naloxone > Amphetamine indirect symphayomimeticdirect symphayomimetic ans - its indirectit releases norepinephrine in braindirectly in CNs> pictures of jaw swelling unilateral ask what to doDrainageCherubim-bilateral in jaw > Gorlin syndrome seen inans – okcNeural defect something I chose tetralogy of fallot- give antibiotic prophylaxis as this is indication for it Pregnancy save LA ANS Lidocaine safe in pregnancy> . Atricaine How it will metabolizes?ANS - Plasma and liver both > Dermoid is true cyst? true > GTR - for class 2 furcation and 3 wall defects .. leads to coronal movement of PDL > Liatennn flapssssss??? what is that > Informed consent don’t need to be written true- true... can be electronically too Elastics for crossbite- maxi lingual and mandi buccal > Root caries increasing in US- true > Root caries : soft, brown spot > Infected caries bacteria present- what you mean yes5 layers of dentinnormal 2. Subtransparent 3. Transparent 4. turbid 5. Infected1from pulp to out2 and 3 - can remineralize4 and 5 - cant remineralizeneed to be removed during caries excavation> Toooth color mainly due to Enamel Dentin - ans Pulp Cementum> Band and loop for space manitr of bilateral or unateral teeth something ? rita Pain when eating bread-cracked tooth might beAns cracked pain on releasing - VRF> Or bigcavity big bur from center to periphery?Most beneficial tooth from selant is mx 1st molarMost need in Mandi 1st molarMost carries and rct in Mandi molarMost perio in maxi molarwhich impression material by product water as by product-pvs polysulfide Polysulfide - water PVS- Hydrogen Condensation - ethanol difficult to remove from mouth – polyether > Day 2:Radiolucency passing both anterior part of ramus- what is it? I thought it is beaming effect like artifactHispanic pt-16 years with ADHD. Is NO safe for her? Will you alter medication for her? About autonomy, malocclusion classification, contraindication for implant1 q was like in mandibular radiolucency. What is not differential diagnosis? It was mentioned that there was no lingual extension so I chose ameloblastoma1 q was for pt 86 years, stays in care facility, had sharp feeling on tooth 4 or 5, it was restored already, what is the treatment choice?ANS sharp feeling - check occlusion> History of denture making, what is the soft tissue pathology? A. Inflammatory papillary B. epulis. What will be your initial management? Checking denture surface, incisional biopsyANS B euplis if in vestibule area and will be reactive tissue growth AND A 1 adult male, chalky white surface on enamel, what is diagnosis? Chalky white - Enamel hypocalcification remineralized enamel - Darker, harder and stronger>Prostho just 1,2 qs about rps clasp, ortho malocclusion1 was about identification of candida and treatmentNYSTATIN N CLOTRIMAZOLEIdentify maxillary pseudocyst> Xerostomia cause in patients - taking various medicationRanula-floor of the mouth and occlusal radiograph was given> bad impression material -polyether cuz of stiffness> pictures of Varicose Eagles sundromyeZygomatic arch> A 9 year old presents with acute gingival pain of four days duration. There are small, roundulcers on the interproximal gingival and buccal mucosa. Which of the following is the most likelydiagnosis?A- Primary herpetic gingivostomatitis- ans B- Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitisC- Aphthous stomatitisD- Gingival abscessAns A> Metastatic disease to the oral region is most likely to occur in which of the following locationsA tongueB posterior maxillaC posterior mandibleD floor of mouthAns C **> Each of the following would be included in differential diagnosis of the palate and pigmentation except one which one is the exceptionA lentigoB melanotic MaculeC melanotic NevusD melanotic neuro ectodermal tumourAns A> PS Acetamenophen- renal diease Ibuprofen - in liver diseaseFor pregnancy - aceta for kids- Aceta For alcohol - Ibuprofen> A W in front of the rubber dam clamp number indicates that the rubber dam clampA is made from work hardening metalB has a non-reflective surfaceC has a wingD is winglessANS D> Which of the following directly images the TMJ discA TMJ tomographyB TMj arthrographyC panoramic radiographyD transcranial radiographyE magnetic resonance imagingANS E > Which of the following odontogenic lesion occurred is most frequentlyA AmeloblastomaB odontoma C ameloblastic fibromaD adenomatoid odontogenic tumorANS B **epithelial Odontogenic – amelblastoma*> What is the best indicator of periodontal stability over time for the patient on peridontal maintenance therapyA plaque controlB bleeding on probingC probing depthD attachment levelsAns A Maintaince and stability is - plaque control Success - BOP prognosis - attachment level> A patient has skeletal class 2, but dentoalveolar class 3, he has dental compensation. What movement would you do pre-operation?A. upper incisors labial and lower incisors lingualB. upper incisors lingual and lower incisors labialC. both upper and lower incisors labialD. both upper and lower incisors lingualANS A > That was the case with the bridge tooth from 18 to 20. A small gap on margin of crown on 18. Tooth number 20 had no RCT but had a very apical radiolucency around the route which was not huge but a hallo around apex (looked necrotic ) There was history of pain and cold sensitivity on that areaWhich tooth did it come fromA 18B 20ANS A since there's a gap on the crown. If let's say 20 is actually necrotic and the mental foramina is not being miss diagnosed bad a radiolucency apical area....the pain from #20 would be at the periapical area when percussion/ bitting is happening...> 60 years old man no medical history after he set on the chair the assistant recognized him with no response after you gave him O2 his pulse stop according to AHA America heat Association the compress should be (gave some number) and what’s the normal pulse rate 60-80-100-120 (compression- 100 if pulse then 80)ANS Normal pulse 80Chest compressions 100> Radiopaque wavy lines in posterior. A. Resin, B. GI liner, C. calcium hydroxide D. or something elseAns b GI liner, - Liner wavy on radiograph>Vertical root fracture difficult caseThey said pockets depth n on transillumination light pass thru buccal n lingual like this Pain somethingANS ?Pt with well manage diabetes: build more plaque than normal people, have severe periodontitis, > GIC properties exceptA. Release fluoride B. Prevent caries C. Low tensile S D. Wear resistance better thn compositeANS D> Implant What we can't use on surface / Related to perioANS ULTRASONICS> Sonic instruments A. Plastic instrument with metal B. Plastic instrument with some thing plasticANS A > After graft placement Which of the following will occur 1st?1. Degeneration 2. Reattachment 3. Some thing with DANS degeneration.DEGENERATIION As soon the graft placed .Reconstruction: 1week Reformed : 2 weeks Maturation 10to 16 weeks> Why does the lingual bar have to be 4-5 mm below the free gingival margin in RPD: options were confusingA. no matter where fulcrum is tissue won’t be impinged B. it’s more comfortable for the patientC. that’s how deep is the vestibulum and it won’t impinge on the tissue or frenumANS A> Asa 1 ASA 6> With the modified Whitman flap you mostly reduce bone ifA adapt the flap marginB osseous constructingC removal of infected osseous tissueD removal of malignant tissueANS A *> a person got radiating ear pain and sore throatA. bacterial pharyngitisB. fungal pharyngitis C. TMJ prob D. I forgetANS ALower right crown when closing it’s moving mandible to the right , so the interference is whereANS Upper lingual Lower buccal> You are making an RPD, tooth supported, which one is not right:A. rest should be on mesial part of abutmentB. there’s no need to do an indirect retainerC. the inclined plane should be adjacent to edentulous ridgeANS A *> Molar upright Why treatment is delayed I said due to occlusal contacts> histologic appearanceHave parakeratinized epithelium, fibrous connective tissue and something with the word osseousANS OSSIFYING FIBROMAwhat muscle of mastication is involved when an interference occurs in a centric relation?ANS LATERAL PTERYGOID*> We are giving fluoride supplements to a patient but she said that she read somewhere that she cant use fluoride what would your response beA conflicting statement in puzzlingB up to you to use itANS A pseudo class 3 what is the direction of mandible movement ??ANS FORWARD / PROTRUDED epinefrine + Xylocaine: what produceans local vasoconstriction > Molar upright Why treatment is delayedAns Due to constant obstruction from opposing tooth..Due to opposing tooth pressureOcclusion not being relieved During an extortion, there is a fracture in alveolar bone, what to do:Ans if immobile fragment- suture and close it If small mobile fragments - remove them and then sutureflap to see, take the small pieces, inmoviliceGIC ADVANTAGE OVER COMPOSITEAns – fluoride release, Chemically bond, releases FL and esthetically pleasantFluoride release and prevents adherence of bacteria> You smile and praise the patient, what is thatA contingence B social reinforcementC positive reinforcementAns b *> One long.case of nasopharyngeal carcinomaStage 3 Metastasis Cervical lymph node Upper 2nd molars all have picked depth of 4 to 5 mm?N patient just came for consultation before radiotherapy. Flap surgery Scaling root planning Extraction Observe onlyAns I think worse thing is observed we need to fix the problem we should do scaling and root planing before The radiotherapy and give the patient OH instructionif patient moves horizontally during pano what happens to xrayans Chin forward reverse smile and affect max anteriorChin down exaggerated smile and affect man anteriorPatient move 1 sec : discontinued inferior border of mandible and vertical blur in incisiorsChin tilted up - reverse smile Chin down - exgaerated smile> A developmentally disabled patient should be treated withA consistencyB permissivenessAns A medicines contraindicted with renl diseaseANS 1.aspirin 2. Lithium3.metformin 4. Spirnolactine5. Methateraxate 6. NSAIDmepridine morphineTEeth supraerupted antagonist abst.if we will plan to replace antagonist then what is the main reason for getting supraerupted tooth in placeANS Interocclusal distance is the reasonOrbital fracture what happens with movementsANS – UPWARD MOVT RESTRICTED > EAGLES SYNDROME ANS – characterized by sharp, sudden, nerve in jaw bone like pain in back of throat by swallowing , turning the neck > Patient has brown spot on lower left and with the explorer it is retentiveA flowable resinB amalgamC compositeD pit and Fissure sealantAns c> i n examining a maintenance patient, the dentist observes residual calculus, bleeding on probing, and probing depths less than 5 mm. The dentist should do which of the following?A- Scaling and root planing B- Osseous surgeryc- Continued maintenanceD- Open flap debridementAns a Tooth supported rpd. Where are the rests locatedAns Toward edentoulus area so 2 rests : 1 mesial and 1 distalMesial on the distal abutment and distal on the mesial abutment.> Tooth #2 has a MOD amalgam restoration and #31 has metal ceramic crown, if you want to change the filling in #2 what material would be the best: A. amalgam, B. laboratory indirect composite, C. direct composite (no ceramic in options)Ans a > Subgingival margin of crown is indicated whenA- Surrounding soft tissue is thick bio-typeB- Porcelain laminate veneer is plannedC- An all-ceramic crown is plannedD- Cemental hypersensitive is suspectedAns d Stages of Aids and number of leukocyte countif patient moves VERTICALLY during pano what happens to xrayANS OVERLAPblurry when head placed too anterior or posterior to the trough tats it about blurrT eeth appear narrow when placed too ant and broader if placed too posteriorWhen head bent smile appears which is corrected by lifting the chinWhen head lifted reverse smile or flat appearancePS space maintainers should not be placed in children 3 years of age or younger am sure for this note> tissue emphysema after endo rxa spontaneousb irrigationc antibioticd allergy> Rate of implant success after 10 years? a. 90 b. 95 c. 80 d. 85ANS A file says 80% for 10 years and 85% for 5 years.?????You rise a full mucoperiosteal flap to instrument in the pocket, after reposition of the flap where resorption occurs more?A. Radicular boneB. Interdental crestC. Apical to the sulcusans b *I got this .. option like thin/ thick radicular; thin/thick Interprxomal crest????ans - ?thin radicularmost material used to mock up triala elastomersb alginateans A*4 yr child uncoperativea talk to parentb tsdc positive reinforcementsans a> Teeth most prone to cracked tooth syndrome?Maxillary 1st premolarMandibular 1st molarAns b > A member of the Dental staff routinely fails to clean up his work area. Which of the following best exemplifies and assertive message that could be made by the coworkerA. if you refuse to do your part I’m just going to have to report the situation to the bossB. when you don’t help with the cleanup it makes me angry because I have to do both your work and my own workC I’m tired of cleaning up your messD I hope you’ll remember to help me clean up todayE is something bothering you you sometimes forget to clean upAns B > The finish line and margin of crown is on?Hard dentinEnamelCementumANS ENAMEL > To remove the pulp tissue from narrow canal, you can use:A. Barbed broachB. Small K-Type fileC. Smooth broach?D. ReamerANS B *Disadvantage of partial thickness flapLimited vision and accesswhich muscle, about posterior seal?ANS Soft palate muscle and Aponeurosis of Tensor veli palatine> A crown casting with a chamfer margin fits the die; but in themouth the casting is open approximately 0.3mm. A satisfactoryfit and accurate physiological close of the gingival area of thecrown can BEST be achieved byA. Hand burnishingB. Mechanical burnishingC. Using finishing burs and points to remove the enamel margins on the toothD. Making a new impression and remaking the crownE. Relieving the inside of the occlusal surface of the casting to allow for further seatingAns D Making a new impression and remaking the crown> What’s the treatment for ranula:A. marsupializationB. excision of lingual glandANS B (DD)1-best material for abfraction lesions micro-filled2-class 5 decay = rmgi or GI they wont have both in the question, this one was repeated a lot3-vertical groove in the box to increase resistance to lateral displacement 4-youre extracting a molar and it disspears first thing to do = localize by radio graph5-extracting a molar and root tip is fractures first thing to do = try to visualize by6- 2ndmolar close to sinus best two options were surgical extraction with flap and bone gutter or gentily luxate it with a forcepts (I don’t remember which number but it was one used for molars with fused roots)7-total etch system of adhesives removes smear layer while self etch doesn’t8- % of n2o for peds9-lateral pedicle flap (repeated couple of times on my test)10-optimum aesthetics for pfm is achieved by this much incisal 3rd reduction on labial aspect 0.5,1,1.5,211-serotonin syndrome I chose tramadol and SSRI12-perio maintance questions (first picture on father of rice file will help you)13- case patient had plaque and poor oral hygene which one you should give him to improve oral H, chx and someother brand similar to listerne I chose the latter, as they didn’t say therapeutic use but said something to improve his oral H , I could be wrong but reasoning is you cant use peridex for more than 2 weeks its anti-infective and 2 weeks isn’t exactly enough to improve oral H 14-biopsy wait 14 days 15-brush biopsy for candia 16-kelly syndrome17-angular chelits 18- mandibular class I kennedy opposed by max CD occlusal scheme = bilaterally ballenced on excursive 19-Bevel in class III to imrpovce esthetics not retention 20-Problem with taking a shade with rubber dam =teeth dehydration make teeth looks lighter 21- most imp thing to do accessing Gold crown for end=be careful of axial inclination (because a crown make look straight in oral cavity but in reality it could be somewhat angulated and you end up perforating the tooth structure)22- rubber dam holes too close =leakage 23-bacterial most resistant to autoclave some stand bacterial and the ans was some bacillus24-best method of sterilization steam heat = autoclaving 25-most metal to cause allergy Ni26-increase setting time of aliginate =cold water27-dec setting time of alignate =warm water28-worst imp materal for crown and bridge =irreversible hydrocolloid 29- 1ry non vital teeth best ttt= exo and pulpectomy30-you work from periphery to center in deep decay to decrease bacterial load in case an exposure occur31-pulpotomies +pulpectomies+ apexogenisis +apexfication 32-various endo diagnosis question 33-internal resportion =RCT best ans . there was CAOH dressing option34-value questions35= class II you want to increase resistance to lateral displacement of amalgam what do you do , the only option that fits was vertical grooves even tho its for retention I chose it36-sloughing of free gingival graft after one week means what ? a-normal healing b-overly tight suturesc-not integrating into bedd-37-biopsy wait 14 days38- some candida questions relating to dentures 39-how to make teeth look narrower A-push line angles to center of tooth and make embrasures deeperb-push line angles to center of tooth and make embrasures shallower40-vertical releasing incisons should be placed = at line angles 41-least important factor to increase retention in crown a-boxesb-groovesc-surface areaD-utilizing shoulder finish line42-BLS doesn’t give vertical stop43-chronic apical abscess is associated with sinus tract44-bacteria in contaminated water lines =E.coli45-pts don’t take their statin drugs because bunch of options I chose causes Erectile dysfunctions lol 46-most benieft from perio therapy to =edematous gingiva 47-one of the questions aggressive perio (lap or Gap ) + chronic plquie induced perio both respond to therapy 48-tetra cycline conc in gingival crevicular fluid49-Tetra MOA 50-bisphonphonates MOA =dec osteoclast (two questions on same thing)51- ttt of padgets52- dz asso with period z, had list of dz I chose papplion la favere53-descrption of Papillion la favere and you chose its name basically 54-best place for implant anterior mandible (two questions)55-implant stent help you with placement+ anguilation etc56-implant analogue = its represention of location of implant transferred in the cast57-advantage (release of fluoride and recharge and ionic bonding )of GI cement except (very simple options I don’t remember them but it was easyfluride releasechemical bondingWhich structure is least likely to show on intro oral radiographs? Mandibular foramen, Mental foramen, Hamulus notcAns mand foramen 58-most liely to have 2 canals lower lateralLower CI - 70 24 LI - 56 14Canine - 96 4Lateral inc *59-most likely to be missing narrowed options between 1ry max lateral and permanent lower 2nd premolar missing - mandi 3rd M - maxi 3rd M - mandi 2nd PM - Maxi LI *60-den in dente max li 61-212 clamp used where =anterior teeth62-tin zinic etc provide chmical bonding to proce;laon 63-facebow = hinge axis64-increase water in gypsum = more porosity more setting time less strengthIncrease water means - decrease setting expansion , increase setting time, increase porosity, decrease strength ................

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