
Democratic NomineeName: William “Bill” HiblerPosition Sought: United States RepresentativePolitical Party: DemocratResidence Address: 683 Cranberry Ridge Fairbanks, Alaska 99712Mailing Address: PO Box 10791 Fairbanks, Alaska 99710Email: williamhiblerak@Website: Age: 77Place of Birth: Brunswick, MissouriChildren’s Name(s): Lisa and David HiblerOccupation: Emeritus Professor, UAFLength of Residency in Alaska: 21Alaskan Communities Lived in: Fairbanks: Jan99-PresentEducation: Brunswick High School, All State: Basketball BS Physics, Honors: University of Missouri at Columbia Ph.D. Theoretical Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY Postdoctoral: Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Princeton UniversityBusiness and Professional Positions: Research Physicist: Snow and Ice: USACRREL, Hanover, NH Professor of Engineering, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH Research Professor, IARC, University of Alaska FairbanksService Organization(s) Membership: Peace Choir, Methodist Church Interior Alaska DemocratsSpecial Interests: Equinox Marathon, Sonot Kkaazoot, Biking, Hiking, Kayaking.Other: I grew up on a farm in Missouri. My father notably served 16 years in the Missouri State Legislature beginning at age 55. Politics is in my blood. My scientific career has involved studying the cryosphere for over forty years. 90 reviewed publications: 5 PhD students: organizer for numerous international Arctic Field Programs. I am used to getting things accomplished in a milieu of prima donna scientists.Position Statement: To restore Democratic party core values, I am running as a ‘Harry Truman’ Democrat in the Democratic and Independent Primary election to represent Alaska in the United States House of Representatives. If elected I intend to provide a ‘Fair Deal’ for all Alaskans.Drastic times require decisive action. Will man-made climate change render the world unlivable in an energy-dependent society? Will racial inequality sink our great country in a sea of unrest without bipartisan enactment of needed legislation? Will pass the buck handling of the Coronavirus by both the President and Congressional Democrats transfer dominance over world order to the Dictatorial Chinese? Newly elected House Democrats in the 116th Congress such as Rashida Tlaib from Detroit, are dead on capable! Yet under the Partisan leadership of an aging Speaker Pelosi the 116th Congress has achieved nothing. Congress can only be effective if all members, Democrat and Republican, participate in the legislative process. Impeaching a divisive but duly elected President with no Republican Votes is not progress. Send me to Congress and I will retire Speaker Pelosi! Failing at that, I will form a bipartisan Caucus with the Republicans to move the nation forward. To quote Hannibal crossing the Alps, “We must either find a way or make one.”If elected I intend to serve no more than 4 terms (8 years) in Congress. As the only registered Democrat on the ballot capable of defeating Don Young I would appreciate your vote for ‘Bill Hibler’ August 18. ................

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