September 17, 2007

To the editor:

I just finished what I would say is one of the most enjoyable races that Fairbanks has to offer – The Equinox Marathon. The Equinox Marathon just completed its 45th year and has one of the most challenging, yet beautiful race courses I have ever seen.

As I was running the course on Saturday, I was trying to figure out why this year’s race stood out more than the others. I realized that not only were there more fans cheering all of us on – no matter how fast or slow we ran – but the runners in the actual race also cheered on other runners throughout the entire 26.2 miles. What a great feeling when after 20 miles, runners were still smiling through their pain to give others encouragement.

Also, for the first time, there were fans with bells following runners throughout the entire race. We thought we would only see them once, but every 6 or so miles; there they were again, encouraging us along with their bells, smiles and cheers. So thank you whoever you are as you made a difference!

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the tireless hours, weeks, days and months Steve Bainbridge puts into the running community. Not only does he organize the Equinox Marathon with fabulous volunteers, but he also organizes a training called “Steve’s Equinox Training” – all on his own personal time with no expectations for his time in return. He even brings cookies and PowerAde for the runners during their training.

So a big thanks to all of those wonderful volunteers and to our hero, Steve Bainbridge, for making it all come together with such splendor and for creating such a great experience for us all!

Shirley Winther

Fairbanks, Alaska


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