Quiz Chapter 17: Physical and Cognitive Development in ...

Quiz Chapter 18: Psychosocial Development in Late Adulthood (30 points)


MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the alternative that best completes the statement or

answers the question.

1. The most effective treatment for erectile dysfunction is __________________.

a. an oral PDE-5 inhibitor such as Viagra.

b. a penile implant.

c. a vacuum pump.

d. counseling and sex therapy.

2. With respect to elderly care, most family and friends feel that care of the elderly should occur

a. in their own homes.

b. in a nursing home.

c. in the elderly person’s home.

d. in a retirement community.

3. What is the most important factor in deciding whether to retire or not?

a. money

b. health

c. marital status

d. job satisfaction

4. In 1965, when Naomi was at college for her first year, women had to stay in unisex dormitories that were locked at 10:00 PM, with bed checks by the “dorm mother.” She could not understand why the male freshmen could live on or off campus, and their dorms were never locked. This discrepancy in treatment of male and female freshmen is an example of

a. role continuity.

b. gender typing.

c. the differential opportunity structure.

d. the greater maturation rate of males at that time.

5. For Erikson, in order for individuals to achieve __________________, they must be able to look back over their lives and accept their failures and their successes, and find a way to be satisfied.

a. integrity

b. generativity

c. existentialism

d. hope

6. Impotence that occurs after removal of the prostate gland is generally due to

a. damage to the blood supply to the penis.

b. loss of muscle tone in the groin area due to tendon resectioning.

c. referred pain to the genital area from the surgical site.

d. psychological causes.

7. Most sexual problems experienced by older women are due to

a. changes in the expectations of males.

b. hormonal changes.

c. physical problems in genital structure.

d. psychological problems.

8. Ramon is debating a plan to actively seek older mechanics for his automobile repair business. What is the view of McEvoy and Cascio (1989) on this subject?

a. They concluded that it takes too long to retrain older workers.

b. They found that there is no relationship between age and job performance.

c. They found that older workers have decreased physical ability and tend to get injured more often.

d. They found that older workers have higher absenteeism and higher turnover rates.

9. If Maria and Tony, both age 46, are typical, they will go through similar stages in the life cycle, which Williamson and others (1980) defined as

a. child-raising phase, childless preretirement, retirement, and widowhood.

b. child-raising phase, retirement, senior empowerment, and widowhood.

c. child-raising phase, emotional support-giver, retirement, and widowhood.

d. child-raising phase, career enhancement, retirement, and widowhood.

10. Kylie was widowed when she was 58. If she is typical of the women surveyed by Talbot in 1998, her attitude toward remarriage would be

a. a strong interest in men and some consideration of remarriage.

b. not much of an attraction to men but an interest in the economic comforts of remarriage.

c. a strong attraction to men and a favorable view of remarriage.

d. an interest in and attraction to men, but strong opposition to remarriage.

11. Jennie was happy to retire from her position at the research lab, as she looked forward to spending more time traveling with her husband, Kevin. When Kevin died suddenly from a heart attack two weeks after her retirement, Jennie was at a total loss. Six months later, she finds it hard to fill her days. Jennie is experiencing

a. a crossover in gender roles.

b. gender confusion.

c. role discontinuity.

d. generativity.

12. Lynch’s research on older married couples indicated that for women the most positive support comes from __________________, and for men the most important support comes from __________________.

a. friends; friends also

b. their husbands; their wives

c. friends, their wives

d. their children; their wives.

13. Ted and Susan have been married for 40 years. What can they expect to happen to their gender roles in late adulthood?

a. They will reverse gender roles.

b. They will pass from active to passive mastery.

c. They will become more like each other.

d. The will reestablish gender identities.

14. Sara has found that as she ages, she no longer has the patience and internal resources that she once had. Sara is apparently experiencing a decline in her

a. fluid intelligence.

b. emotional energy.

c. crystallized intelligence.

d. organ reserve.

15. Older adults may feel uncomfortable expressing their sexuality because

a. discussion of the topic is considered to be taboo.

b. they are likely to feel sexually unattractive.

c. they are likely to doubt their sexual performance.

d. all of the above.

16. For elderly people, their __________________ will most often be named as their “primary helper,” and their __________________ will most often be the “caregiver.”

a. adult daughter; adult granddaughter

b. adult son; adult daughter

c. adult granddaughter, adult daughter

d. adult grandson, adult granddaughter

17. According to the text, in American culture today, one of the major roles grandparents play is

a. gender-role socialization agents.

b. babysitters for grandchildren.

c. makers of major family decisions.

d. strict disciplinarians.

18. When Dick was in his sixties, he became less interested in interactions with his friends and acquaintances and more absorbed with his own concerns. Dick’s behavior illustrates

a. activity theory.

b. disengagement theory.

c. generative love.

d. existential love.

19. Wilma and Joe have a traditional marriage and are retiring. Who will take retirement harder?

a. Joe, because Wilma will still be working as a housewife, but his role has been greatly reduced.

b. Joe, because he will worry more about money.

c. Wilma, because she will worry more about money.

d. Wilma, because she will feel crowded, having Joe around all the time.

20. Les is impotent. His impotency is most likely due to any of the following, EXCEPT

a. physical changes.

b. nonsupportive partners.

c. internal fears.

d. prostate surgery.

21. A reduction in roles accompanies many of the landmarks of aging such as the children leaving home and retirement from a job. The fact that these role reductions are often difficult implies that

a. humans have a need to feel they are purposeful and useful.

b. humans have gotten into the habit of being too busy.

c. humans should avoid role reduction situations.

d. humans function better without role reductions.

22. Which of the following is considered a reason that many older individuals are enjoying their “golden years?”

a. improved health conditions

b. improved understanding of the nature of life after 65

c. a considerable increase in government involvement

d. All of these are contributing factors.

23. The optimal treatment for the most common cause of sexual problems of older women involves

a. psychological therapy.

b. plastic surgery.

c. a gender crossover.

d. hormonal therapy that includes estrogen.

24. When Jeanine was in her 50s, she experienced a change in her perception of time and death. What became more important to her?

a. introspection

b. contemplation

c. self-evaluation

d. All of the answers are correct.

25. Age-status becomes more rigid with development. Age-status refers to

a. the idea that we should respect our elders.

b. society’s bias against older people.

c. society’s expectations about what is normal at various stages.

d. the notion that people should socialize primarily with others their own age.

26. According to Lang’s study, older adults who narrow their social circle to retain only their close emotional relationships while letting go of less important relationships

a. are in the most danger of becoming lonely.

b. are in the greatest danger of poor health as a result.

c. have a greater sense of well-being.

d. are likely to have been shy all their lives.

27. As Amanda looked back over her life, she felt anger and sorrow over the time she wasted, and realized that she had never accomplished many of her hopes and dreams. According to Erikson, Amanda feels

a. disengagement.

b. stagnant.

c. despair.

d. resignation.

28. The most commonly identified risk factors for caretakers of the elderly are

a. economic and marital difficulties.

b. conflicts with siblings over responsibilities.

c. depression and stress.

d. relocating parents into an assisted living facility.

29. If children are not available to assist in the care of the elderly, what is the most common source of care chosen by the aging individual?

a. grandchildren

b. assisted living facility

c. close friends

d. state supported programs

30. The inability for a male to engage in the sexual act because of an inability to maintain an erection is called

a. impotency.

b. infertility.

c. the climacteric.

d. priapism.


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