
Mr. Berba


Developmental Psychology Project

As we talk about different developmental psychologists and different theoretical proposals for cognitive, moral, and social development, it seems that we should attempt to put these theories into practice. You are to observe and interact with one child between the ages of 3 and 8. Your interaction should be over a series of several days to eliminate any confounding variables on a single occasion.

You will be attempting to assess the child’s development in the following areas (do not simply expect that all children will neatly fall into the stages which the theorists propose):


Language use

Cognitive social

Moral humor

Any other areas you may encounter

You should not only describe what the child says, does, and how she/he looks, but also apply the developmental theories of the following psychologists:




The purpose of this assignment is to help you integrate the various theories into a case study. Discuss areas in which there are discrepancies or unexpected results. Can you hypothesize about why the differences have occurred?

Your interaction may take the form of an interview, games, cognitive assessments, test of conservation, or any other means that will clearly identify the level of functioning of the child you are researching. Your finished product must specifically refer to the methods employed to evaluate the child.

Your finished product will be a paper, 4-6 pages, typed, double-spaced.

Have Fun and Be Creative!!

Developmental Psychology Project

Grading Rubric

|10 points |Introduction |Introduces subject as unique |Explains subject only in terms of|Gives no personal or theoretical |

| | |individual and explains the |theoretical application |application to subject |

| | |possibilities for theoretical | | |

| | |application | | |

|20 points |Piaget |Demonstrates knowledge of theory and |Demonstrates only moderate |Does not understand theory or cannot |

| | |is able to apply aptly to subject to |knowledge of theory and |relate theory to a reasonable |

| | |demonstrate agreement or disagreement|application to subject |application of subject |

| | |with theory | | |

|20 points |Kohlberg |Demonstrates knowledge of theory and |Demonstrates only moderate |Does not understand theory or cannot |

| | |is able to apply aptly to subject to |knowledge of theory and |relate theory to a reasonable |

| | |demonstrate agreement or disagreement|application to subject |application of subject |

| | |with theory | | |

|20 points |Erikson |Demonstrates knowledge of theory and |Demonstrates only moderate |Does not understand theory or cannot |

| | |is able to apply aptly to subject to |knowledge of theory and |relate theory to a reasonable |

| | |demonstrate agreement or disagreement|application to subject |application of subject |

| | |with theory | | |

|10 points |Conclusion |Demonstrates the ability to concisely|Is uncertain about the |Does not focus on important |

| | |summarize information gained through |significance of given theories to|information gained and is unable to |

| | |the project |the relevance of the subject |tie the topics together in a coherent|

| | | | |manner |

10 Points: Turns in this rubric and permission slip with paper

Total Points Earned: ________________ / 90

Developmental Psychology Project

Permission Form

Our Psychology classes at Morgan Park High School are conducting a developmental project. Students taking psychology have been asked to test a child between the ages of 3 and 9 for application of some of the developmental theories we have discussed in class. Among these theories are cognitive skills, language acquisition, moral development, and social skills. We are asking that our students obtain the permission of a parent or guardian before conducting any of the tests. Please sign below if you agree to permit your child to participate in the study. Feel free to remain present for the entire testing element and to discontinue any tests with which you are not completely comfortable. Thank you for your help in the completion of this project.

Ryan Berba

Psychology Teacher

Morgan Park High School

Signature of Parent or Guardian: ___________________________________

Phone Number of Parent or Guardian: ______________________________

Name of Child: ________________________________________________

Name of Morgan Park High School Student: _________________________


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