Reported Speech: Advice - Lanternfish ESL

Reported Speech: Advice

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|[pic] |There are many ways to advise people to do something: |

| |You should bring an umbrella. |

| |I would bring an umbrella. |

| |If I were you, I would bring an umbrella. |

| |If I were in your shoes, I would bring an umbrella. |

| |You might want to bring an umbrella. |

| |It might be a good idea to bring an umbrella. |

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| |When we want to tell others what somebody advised us to do, we use this expression: |

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| |She advised them to bring an umbrella. |

Try these:

“I think you should make the reservations early.”


“You might want to bring some extra money for food.”


“It might be a good idea to see a doctor.”


“If I were you, I would bring something to read on the train.”


“You should probably take some warm clothes.”


“I’d stick together so that you don’t get lost.”


“It might be a good idea to buy a map.”


“If I were in your shoes, I would leave early.”


“I think you should check the weather forecast.”



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