ESL Reading & Writing SLO Assessments - Ohlone

ESL Reading & Writing

SLO Assessments

A brief history and a look ahead . . .

Background: 2008-2011 Highlights


Discussion of consistency of standards for

passing/failing students


Development of rubrics for evaluating students¡¯



Occasional common midterms or essay exams

with joint grading in 181RW and 183RW (fulltime and part-time faculty participation)

Fall 2011: SLO Assessment


The first ¡°common exams¡± were given in ESL

reading/writing courses with multiple sections (ESL


? A different exam was used for each level (181RW,

182RW, 183RW), but each section at that level took

the same exam.

? Each test contained a reading, a set of

comprehension questions designed by the teachers at

that level, and a writing topic related to the reading.

Fall 2011 - Fall 2012:


The ESL Department conducted course review.


SLOs were modified and updated.


Common exams were given each semester.


Faculty decided, by consensus, to test the lower

levels (181RW, 182RW) in fall semesters and

upper levels (183RW, 184RW) in spring


ESL Reading and Writing SLOs Approved in December 2012:

Reading Skills

Writing and

Grammar Skills


1. Identify main ideas and specific

details in reading passages

appropriate for students at this

level of English proficiency

(adapted, low-intermediate

readings, 1-2 pages).


1. Identify main ideas, specific details,

and simple inferences in reading

passages appropriate for students at

this level of English proficiency (usually

adapted, intermediate readings, 1-3

pages long, on general interest and/or

academic topics).


1. Distinguish between main ideas

and details in texts appropriate for

students at this level

of English proficiency

(predominantly authentic texts,

written for native English speakers,

2-4 pages in length, high

intermediate to low advanced, on

general and academic topics).

2. Analyze and make inferences

based on reading texts described



1. Read and analyze texts

appropriate for students at this

level of English proficiency

(authentic texts, 2-5 pages in

length, primarily academic


2. Produce sentences which

usually demonstrate correct use of

the grammar taught at this level,

with a particular focus on

sentence structure (complete

sentences), verb tenses, pronoun

forms, and basic sentence

combining (with primary

coordinating conjunctions: and,

but, so).

3. Write basic paragraphs of 150200 words on assigned topics

(related to themes of study or the

student's life).

2. Produce sentences which usually

demonstrate correct use of the

grammar taught at this level (and

181RW), with a particular focus on verb

tenses (including perfect tenses),

modal verbs, and sentence combining

(with coordinating and subordinating


3. Write coherent paragraphs of 200250 words on assigned topics related to

a reading

and/or the student's life.

3. Summarize and respond to

assigned reading materials in

comprehensible and coherent

written English.

4. Write coherent and organized

paragraphs/short essays of

approximately 250 words based on

reading materials and other topics

appropriate for students at this level

of English proficiency.

5. Use the grammar covered in ESL

81RW, 182RW, and 183RW with

increased accuracy and fluency.

2. Summarize, respond to, and

discuss assigned reading

materials in comprehensible and

coherent written English.

3. Write coherent and organized

paragraphs and short essays of

250 words or more based on

reading materials and topics

appropriate for students at this

level of English proficiency.

4. Use the grammar covered in

ESL 181RW-184RW with

increased accuracy and fluency.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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