ESL conversation lesson on sex - ESL Discussions


STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)

|1) |What images spring to mind when you hear the word ‘sex’? |

|2) |Do people in your country find it easy or difficult to talk about sex in your country? |

|3) |How do you think schools should teach sex education? |

|4) |Is sex before marriage good or bad? |

|5) |Does your government provide enough information about safe sex? |

|6) |Why do so many politicians end up in sex scandals? |

|7) |Why do men seem to want to have sex more than women? |

|8) |What do you think should be the legal age of consent (when people can legally start having sex)? |

|9) |Bertrand Russell said: “Civilized people cannot fully satisfy their sexual instinct without love.” What do you think of this? |

|10) |John Updike said: “Sex is like money; only too much is enough.” What do you think about this quote? |

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STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)

|1) |Do people talk about sex too much? |

|2) |Who told you about the birds and the bees? |

|3) |Who’s the greatest sex symbol that ever lived? |

|4) |How bad is extramarital sex? |

|5) |Do you think sex scenes in movies should be banned on TV? |

|6) |How wrong is it to pay for sex? |

|7) |If sex was a colour, what would it be? |

|8) |What do you think of the attitude towards sex in different countries? |

|9) |Andy Warhol said: “Sex is more exciting on the screen and between the pages than between the sheets.” What do you think about this |

| |quote? |

|10) |Marshall Brain said: “The purpose of sex is to create a baby.” What do you think? |


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