Kelly L. WilsonCurriculum VitaOctober 2018CONTACT INFORMATIONDepartment of Health & KinesiologyCollege of Education and Human DevelopmentBlocker Suite 318 - CTexas A&M UniversityCollege Station, TX 77843-4243Office Phone: (979) 845-3503Email: kwilson@tamu.eduEDUCATIONPhD Health Education2004Texas A&M University-College StationDepartment of Health and KinesiologyCollege of EducationMEd Health Education2000Texas State University (f. Southwest Texas State University)Health, Physical Education, Recreation and DanceCollege of EducationBS Health1999Texas A&M University-College StationDepartment of Health and KinesiologyCollege of EducationRESEARCH INTERESTSService design and innovative program developmentChild and adolescent health status & behaviorsTeen pregnancy prevention and healthy sexualitySexuality education training for professionalsPregnant and parenting adolescentsPROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE2012—Present Associate Professor, Division of Health Education, Department of Health and Kinesiology, College of Education and Human Development, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX2018—Present Division Chair of Health Education, Division of Health Education, Department of Health and Kinesiology, College of Education and Human Development, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX2016—Present Affiliate Faculty, Center on Disability and Development, College of Education and Human Development, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX2015 Assistant Chair in Health Education, Division of Health Education, Department of Health and Kinesiology, College of Education and Human Development, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX2013—2015 Community Health Program Coordinator, Division of Health Education, Department of Health and Kinesiology, College of Education and Human Development, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX2010—2012 Coordinator, Division of Health Education, Department of Health and Human Performance, College of Education, Texas State University, San Marcos, TX2010—2012 Associate Professor, Division of Health Education, Department of Health and Human Performance, College of Education, Texas State University, San Marcos, TX2004—2010Assistant Professor, Division of Health Education, Department of Health and Human Performance (f. Health, Physical Education and Recreation), College of Education, Texas State University, San Marcos, TX2003—2004Program Coordinator, Abstinence Education Evaluation, Department of Health and Kinesiology, College of Education, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX2001—2003Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Health and Kinesiology, College of Education, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX1999—2000Teacher, Austin Independent School District, Austin, TXRESEARCH PUBLICATIONS—Refereed Journal Articles*current or former student; indicates CHES continuing education hours are available; student but not adviseeWilson, K.L., *Hays, C.N., Garney, W.R., Garcia, K.E., *Nelon, J.L., *Farmer, J.L., & McLeroy, K.R. (2018). Use of Small Grants to Support and Enable Innovation in Teen Pregnancy Prevention. Creative Education.? doi: 10.4236/ce.2018.911117.Impact Factor: 0.91Wilson, K.L., *Szucs, L.E., Rosen, B.L., *Reyes, J.V., & Smith, M.L. (2018). Factors associated with initiating but not completing the HPV vaccination. American Journal of Health Studies, 33(1), p. 30-39.Rosen, B.L., Bishop, J.M., McDonald, S., Wilson, K.L., & Smith, M.L. (2018). Factors associated with college women’s personal and parental decisions to be vaccinated against HPV. Journal of Community Health. DOI: 10.1007/s10900-018-0543-8.Impact Factor: 1.716Wilson, K.L., *Szucs, L.E., Shipley, M., Fehr, S., McNeill, E.B., & Wiley, D.C. (in press). Identifying the Inclusion of National Sexuality Education Standards Utilizing a Systematic Review of Teen Dating Violence Prevention Curricula. Journal of School Health.Impact Factor: 1.43Wilson, K.L., Maness, S.B., Thompson, E., Rosen, B.L., McDonald, S., Wiley, D.C. (2018). Examining sexuality education preferences among youth at risk for poor sexual health outcomes based on social determinants of health factors. American Journal of Sexuality Education. DOI: 10.1080/15546128.2018.1447414.Impact Factor: 1.53Bergeron, C.D., Goltz, H.G., *Szucs, L.E., *Reyes, J.V., Wilson, K.L., Ory, M.G., & Smith, M.L. (2017). Exploring sexual behaviors and health communication among older women. Health Care for Women International, DOI: HYPERLINK "" 10.1080/07399332.2017.1329308.5-year Impact Factor: 1.000; Impact Factor: 0.958Wilson, K.L., Garney, W.R., *Hays, C.N., *Nelon, J.L., *Farmer, J.L., & McLeroy, K.R. (2017). Encouraging Innovation in Teen Pregnancy Prevention Programs. Creative Education, 8(2), 294-303, DOI: 10.4236/ce.2017.82023 ? Impact Factor: 0.91Rosen, B.R., Thompson, E., Smith, M.L. & Wilson, K.L. (2017). Do Political and Religious Affiliations Impact HPV Vaccine Mandate Support? Health Behavior and Policy Review, 4, 472-483. DOI: 10.14485/HBPR.4.5.7Wilson, K. L., Cowart, C.J., Rosen, B.L., Pulczinski, J.C., Solari, K.D., Ory, M.G. & Smith, M.L. (2016). Factors associated with HPV diagnosis and perceived risk for cervical cancer among unmarried, sexually active college student females. Journal of Cancer Education, 10.1007/s13187-016-1131-1.Impact Factor: 1.386Smith, M.L., Chiappone, A., Wilson, K.L. (2016). Parenting and child rearing attitudes of unmarried Hispanic teenage mothers. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 10.1007/s10826-016-0582-7.Impact Factor: 1.802Wilson, K. L., Smith, M. L., Rosen, B. L., Pulczinski, J. C., & Ory, M. G. (2016). HPV vaccination status and mandate support for school-aged adolescents among college females: A descriptive study. Journal of School Nursing, 1059840516659764.Impact Factor: 0.932Barry, A.E., *Szucs, L.E., *Reyes, J.V., Ji, Q., Wilson, K. L. & Thompson, B. (2016). Failure to Report Effect Size: A Case Study on the Handling of Significant Results in Published Health Education and Behavior Research. Health Education and Behavior, 43(5), 518-527, 10.1177/1090198116669521.Impact Factor: 2.229McLeroy, K.M., Garney, W.R., Wilson, K.L. & *Farmer, J.L. (2016). Replication typology and guidelines for Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Initiatives. American Journal of Public Health, AJPH-201617071R1.Impact Factor: 4.552Rosen, B.L., DiClemente, R., Shepard, A.L., Wilson, K.L., Fehr, S.K. (2016). Factors associated with school nurses' HPV vaccine attitudes for school-aged youth. Psychology, Health & Medicine, DOI: 10.1080/13548506.2016.1173710Impact Factor: 1.255Watts, T., Wilson, K. L., McNeill, E.B., Rosen, B.L., Moore, N.D. & Smith, M.L. (2016). Risk and Protective Factors Associated with Intentions to Engage in Vaginal Intercourse among Sexually Abstinent Missouri High School Freshman. Journal of School Health, 86(10), 757-764. Impact Factor: 1.495 (5 year impact 2.01)Wilson, K. L., White, A., Rosen, B.L., Chiappone, A., Pulczinski, J.C., Ory, M.G. & Smith, M.L. (2016). Factors Associated with College Students’ Intentions to Vaccinate their Daughters against HPV: Protecting the Next Generation. Journal of Community Health, 1-12. DOI: 10.1007/s10900-016-0192-8Impact Factor: 1.716 (5 year impact 2.01)Wilson, K. L., Wiley, D. C., Housman, J., McNeill, E. B., & *Rosen, B. L. (2015). Conceptualizing and Implementing a Professional Development Pilot Program for Public School Teachers to Strengthen Sexuality Education. Pedagogy in Health Promotion, DOI: 10.1177/2373379915583676.[Article selected for continuing education credit].*Rosen, B. L., Goodson, P., Thompson, B., & Wilson, K. L. (2015). School Nurses' Knowledge, Attitudes, Perceptions of Role as Opinion Leader, and Professional Practice Regarding Human Papillomavirus Vaccine for Youth. Journal of School Health, 85(2), 73-81.Impact Factor: 1.495 (5 year impact 2.01)[Article selected for continuing education credit].*Giebert, M.C.H., Wilson, K.L. & Ward, S.E. (2014). Self-Insurance: A Solution for Faculty and Staff Health Promotion: Pilot Study Findings. The Health Educator, 46(2). 13-21.[Article selected for CHES continuing education credit].Smith, M. L., Wilson, K. L., Pulczinski, J. C., & Ory, M. G. (2014). Support for HPV vaccination mandates for both females and males. American Journal of Health Behavior, 38(6), 831-838.Impact Factor: 1.31 (5-year impact 1.95)Smith, M. L., & Wilson, K. L. (2014). Programmatic effects to modify sources of financial support among Hispanic teenage mothers. Children and Youth Services Review, 44, 108-113.Impact Factor: 1.046 (5-year impact 1.383)Smith, M. L., Smith, H. A., Wilson, K. L., Ahn, S., Pulczinski, J. C., & Ory, M. G. (2014). Obesity and Perceived Severity of Obstructive Sleep Apnea–Related Conditions. Family & community health, 37(4), 258-270.Impact Factor: 0.907Smith, M. L., La Place, L. L., Menn, M., & Wilson, K. L. (2014). HIV-related knowledge and perceptions by academic major: implications for university interventions. Frontiers in public health, 2.Barr, E. M., Goldfarb, E. S., Russell, S., Seabert, D., Wallen, M., & Wilson, K. L. (2014). Improving Sexuality Education: The Development of Teacher‐Preparation Standards. Journal of school health, 84(6), 396-415. doi:?10.1111/josh.12156 Impact Factor: 1.495 (5 year impact 2.01)Smith, M. L., Wilson, K., Menn, M., & Pulczinski, J. C. (2014). Correlates of high school freshman girls' reported reasons for engaging in sexual intercourse. Journal of school health, 84(6), 363-369. DOI:10.1111/josh.12162Impact Factor: 1.495 (5 year impact 2.01)Smith, M. L., & Wilson, K. L. (2014). Employment Status Among Parenting Teenage Mothers Enrolled in High School. Journal of School Health, 84(9), 605-608.Impact Factor: 1.495 (5 year impact 2.01)Smith, M. L., Smith, L. A., McNeill, E. B., & Wilson, K. L. (2013). Factors associated with acceptance of sex before marriage among high school freshmen who have not experienced sexual intercourse. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 22(3), 160-168. DOI: 10.3138/cjhs.2063Wilson, K. L., Smith, M. L., & Menn, M. (2013). Abstinence‐related word associations and definitions of abstinence and virginity among Missouri high school freshmen. Journal of School Health, 83(11), 787-794. DOI:?10.1111/josh.12095Impact Factor: 1.495 (5 year impact 2.01)Smith, M. L., Gilmer, M. H., Salge, L. E., Dickerson, J. B., & Wilson, K. L. (2013). Who enrolls in teen parent education programs? An emphasis on personal and familial characteristics and services received. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 30(1), 21-36. Wilson, K. L., Dennis, D. L., Gambescia, S. F., Chen, W. W., & Lysoby, L. (2012). Using an experience documentation opportunity to certify advanced-level health education specialists. Health Education & Behavior, 1090198112465621. Impact Factor: 1.682 (5 Year Impact Factor: 2.663)Wilson, K.L., Smith, M.L., *Rosen, B.R., & Wiley, D.C. (2012) Adoption and Implementation Characteristics for Abstinence-Plus Curriculum. American Journal of Health Studies, 27(2), 72-81.Smith, M. L., Menn, M., Dorsett, L., & Wilson, K. L. (2012). College students’ perceptions of HIV risk, importance of protective behaviors, and intentions to change behavior after attending an HIV/AIDS awareness event. Texas Public Health Association Journal, 64(4), 23-30.Wilson, K. L., Wiley, D.C., & *Rosen, B.L. (2012). Texas Sexuality Education Instruction: Shame and Fear-based Methodology. Journal of Health Education Teaching, 3(1), 1-10.Smith, M.L., Maitland, J.J., Wilson, K. L., Menn, M., & Larsen, R.A.A. (2011). Perceived accuracy of popular culture magazine content and perceptions of female sexual response: A pilot study. Journal of Health Behavior and Public Health, 8-16.Wilson, K.L. & Wiley, D.C. (2009). Influence of Materials on Teacher Adoption of Abstinence-Only-Until-Marriage Programs. Journal of School Health, 79(12), 565-574.Wilson, K.L., Pruitt, B.E. & Goodson, P. (2008). The Impact of Middle School Principals on Adoption of Abstinence-Only-Until-Marriage Programs in their School's Curriculum. American Journal of Health Education, 39(5), 258-271. Rasberry, C., Goodson, P., Buhi, E., Pruitt, B.E., Wilson, K.L., Suther, S. (2007). Texas abstinence educators' self-efficacy to motivate youth sexual abstinence. Journal of Sexuality Education, 2(3), 59-78. Goodson, P., Pruitt, B.E., Suther, S., Wilson, K., Buhi. E. (2006). Is Abstinence-Education Theory Based? The Underlying Logic of Abstinence Education Programs in Texas. Health Education & Behavior, 33(2), 252-271. [Article selected for CHES continuing education credit]. Wilson, K.L., Goodson, P., Pruitt, B.E., Buhi, E., Davis-Gunnels, E. (2005). A Review of 21 curricula for abstinence-only-until-marriage programs. Journal of School Health, 75(3): 90-98.Goodson, P., Suther, S., Pruitt, B.E., Wilson, K.L. (2003). Defining Abstinence: Views of directors, instructors, and participants in abstinence-only-until-marriage programs in Texas. Journal of School Health, 73(3): 91-96.Wilson, K.L. & Schuler, K. (2002). Coordinated School Health Programs: Tracing the History. Eta Sigma Gamma Student Monograph Series, 64(8), 323-335.PEER REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS IN PEDAGOGY AND METHODOLOGY *current or former student; indicates CHES continuing education hours are availableShipley, M., *Holden, C.B., McNeill, E.B., Fehr, S.K. & Wilson, K.L. (2018).?Piecing together behaviors of healthy relationships. The Health Educator, 50(1), 24-29.*Szucs, L., Wilson, K.L., & McNeill, E.B. (2015). Using Muffin Pans to Promote Healthy Relationships. Journal of Health Education Teaching Techniques, 2(2), 55-81. ISSN 2332-1008*Reyes, J.V., *Carreon, A.K., *Szucs, L., McNeill, E.B., Wilson, K.L. (2015). mHealth TXT MSG: Approaches to Accessing Health Information. The Health Education Monograph Series, 32(1), 15-21.*Szucs, L., *Reyes, J.V., *Farmer, J., Wilson, K.L., & McNeill, E.B. (2015). Friend Flips: A Story Activity about Relationships. American Journal of Sexuality Education, 10(3), 261-276. DOI:10.1080/15546128.2015.1049313Wilson, K.L., *Szucs, L., & McNeill, E.B. (2014). Bullying Isn’t a Roll of the Dice. Journal of Health Education Teaching Techniques, 1(4), 1-15.McNeill, E.B., *Szucs, L. & Wilson, K.L. (2014). Cave Art: A Not-So-Prehistoric Lesson on Obesity. Journal of Health Education Teaching Techniques, 1(3), 1-13.*Rosen, B.L., McNeill, E.B., & Wilson, K.L. (2014). Would you Rather (WYR), with a Sexual Health Twist! The Health Educator, 46(1), 29-37.*Rosen, B.R., Wilson, K.L. & McNeill, E.B. (2012). When Friends Self-Mutilate. Health Education Teaching Techniques Journal, 3, 39-47.RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS—Conference Abstract Articles*current or former student; indicates CHES continuing education hours are available; student but not advisee; my recent involvement in Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine has led to published abstracts which are not typical for health education & promotion organizations/journalsWilson, K.L. & Garney, W.R. (2018). Identifying Framework Components to Support the Development of Early Innovation in Teen Pregnancy Prevention. Journal of Adolescent Health, 62 (2), p. S105. Factor: 3.612Wilson, K.L., Rosen, B.L., *Szucs, L.E., and Wiley, D.C. (2018) Middle School Students’ Self-Efficacy to Control Anger and Resolve Conflicts after Participation in Dating Violence Prevention Program. Journal of Adolescent Health, 62 (2), p. S140. DOI:? Factor: 3.612Wilson, K.L., Rosen, B.L., Thompson, E.L., Maness, S.B., and Wiley, D.C. (2018) High-Risk Adolescents’ Sexuality Education Preferences Based on Sexual Orientation. Journal of Adolescent Health, 62(2), p S78-79. DOI:? Factor: 3.612Wilson, K.L., *Szucs, L.E., *Reyes, J.V., & Rosen, B.L. (2017). Factors Associated with Adolescent Male’s Intentions to Engage in Sexual Behaviors. Journal of Adolescent Health, 60(2), S100, DOI: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2016.10.378Impact Factor: 3.612Wilson, K.L. & Garney, W.R. (2017). Identifying Programmatic Themes in Emerging and Innovative Initiatives for Teenage Pregnancy Prevention. Journal of Adolescent Health, 60(2), S109, DOI: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2016.10.395Impact Factor: 3.612SERVICE PUBLICATIONS—Refereed Journal Articles*current or former student; indicates CHES continuing education hours are availableWilson, K.L. (2007). Benefits and Impact of Eta Sigma Gamma. The Health Educator, 39(2), 72. PUBLICATIONS—Non-Refereed Journal ArticlesMoody, S., Rosen, B. & Wilson, K.L. (2010). Condom Awareness Pub Crawl – Delta Chi Chapter. The Vision, Fall.Wilson, K.L. (2010). Apply for an Individual Award – YOU Deserve It. The Vision, Fall.Wilson, K.L. (2009). 20 Years: “We Did It Right,” An Interview with Alyson Taub. The CHES Bulletin, 20 (3): 11.Wilson, K.L. (2009). Editor and Co-editor Selected for the 6th Edition of The Health Education Specialist: A Study Guide for Professional Competence. The CHES Bulletin, 20 (3): 11.Wilson, K.L. (2009). Top 20 Reasons to be CHES Certified. The CHES Bulletin, 20 (1): 6.Wilson, K.L. (2007). 10th annual health education advocacy summit: An update. The TSHA Brief, XI (1): 9.Wilson, K.L. (2006). Health care professionals: Understanding the use and misuse of stimulants. The TSHA Brief, X (3): 2-3.Wilson, K.L. (2006). 9th annual health education advocacy summit: An update. The TSHA Brief, X (2): 7-8.Wilson, K.L. (2006). Media literacy: An overview for the health educator. The TSHA Brief, X (2): 1-3.Wilson, K.L. (2005). 8th annual health education advocacy summit: An update. The TSHA Brief, IX (2): 11-12.Wilson, K.L. (2005). Advocacy 101: The basics. The TSHA Brief, IX (1): 4-5.EXTERNALLY FUNDED RESEARCH, CONSULTING AND GRANT-RELATED ACTIVITIES Under Review2017Maverick County Rural Healthcare Services OutreachCo-Principal Investigator (Co-PI, Garney) Health Resources and Services AdministrationOutreach Team (Contreras [Maverick County Hospital District] and TAMU Co-PIs) $599,628SubmittedActive2015-2020Juntos Podemos! (Together We Can!)Principal Investigator Administration for Children & Families (ACF/FYSB)Research Team (Texas Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy)$1,250,005Funded2015-2020Integrating Teen Pregnancy Prevention Innovative Practices (iTIP3) Co-Principal Investigator (CEHD)Office of Adolescent HealthResearch Team (Co-PI with Whitney Garney)$7,500,000FundedCompleted2015-2018Technical Assistance: Two Should Know Initiative (Dating Violence Prevention Training and Curriculum Development)Principal InvestigatorPaso del Norte Health Foundation/Health Advocates, LLC$170,165Funded2011-2015Technical Assistance: Federal Replication Study of Teen Pregnancy Prevention Evidence-Based Programs Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI with David Wiley)Abt Associates through Office of Adolescent Health$200,560Funded (Fiscal Agent: Health Advocates, LLC)2012-2015Risk-reduction Education about Abstinence, Contraception and Health: REACH (Competitive Personal Responsibility Education/Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention: 90AK0015-03-00)EvaluatorAdministration for Children & Families: Family and Youth Services Bureau $1,440,255Funded (Fiscal Agent: Youth and Family Alliance, dba LifeWorks)20% of budget dedicated to evaluation2010-2015R.E.A.L. Talk Program (Teen Pregnancy Prevention Tier 1: TP1AH000005-01-00)EvaluatorOffice of Adolescent Health $2,925,000Funded (Fiscal Agent: Youth and Family Alliance, dba LifeWorks)20% of budget dedicated to evaluation2013CTxCARES HPV and Cancer Activity Research Education AwardCo-Investigator with Dr. Matthew Lee Smith Communities of Texas – Cancer Activity Research Education Support$2,500Funded2011-2012Development of Sexuality Education Training Workshops and Media Outreach Plan for Paso del Norte Health FoundationCo-Principal Investigator (Co-PI with David Wiley)Paso del Norte Health Foundation$148,600Funded2010-2012Study of Sexuality Education Materials Used in South Carolina Public SchoolsInvestigatorNew Morning Foundation (Columbia, SC)$7,500Funded2011Dissemination of Project Mothers and SchoolsInvestigatorThe Children’s Shelter (San Antonio, TX)$55,000Funded2011Mobile Arts and Summer Camp at KCI RTC. Evaluation Contract with The Children’s Shelter.Principal InvestigatorElizabeth Huth Coats Charitable Foundation$12,328 (sub-contracted from $32,500)Funded2009-2010Sexuality ABCs (Abstinence, Birth Control and Condoms): Professional Development Training for TeachersPrincipal InvestigatorTexas Pediatric Society Foundation$5,000Funded2006-2007Just Say Don’t Know: Sexuality Education in Texas Public SchoolsInvestigatorTexas Freedom Network$4,000Funded2004-2007Abstinence Education EvaluationPrincipal InvestigatorMissouri Department of Health and Senior Services$160,466Funded2004-2007Right Choices for Youth SPRANS EvaluationPrincipal InvestigatorShannon Health System$105,975FundedINTERNALLY FUNDED RESEARCH AND GRANT-RELATED ACTIVITIESActiveCompleted2016Expanding the Bridges to Career Program to Include a Healthy Relationship ComponentPrincipal Investigator (Co-Investigator, Elisa Beth McNeill)Center on Disability and Development$9,951Funded2011Between the Volcanoes: Research in Rural NicaraguaCo-Principal Investigator (with Jeff Housman)Texas State University – Research Enhancement Grant$13,600Funded2009Evaluating the Adoption of and Use of an Abstinence-Based Sexuality Education CurriculumCo-Principal Investigator (with David Wiley)Texas State University – Research Enhancement Grant$5,405Funded2005Teacher Perspectives and Practices: Sexuality Education in Texas Public SchoolsCo-Principal Investigator (with David Wiley)Texas State University – Research Enhancement Grant$16,000FundedPROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS (INVITED PRESENTATIONS)Wilson, K.L. & Garney, W.R. (July, 2018). Design Thinking Seminar focused on Teen Pregnancy Prevention. 1 day event. Hosted by Waco Foundation. Waco, TX.Wilson, K.L., Garney, W.R., Szucs, L.E. & Nelon, J.L. (May, 2018). Systems Thinking in Teen Pregnancy Prevention – Level 2. 2 day event. Organized by iTP3. Hosted by Waikiki Health. Honolulu, HI.Wilson, K.L., Garney, W.R., Szucs, L.E. & Nelon, J.L. (May, 2018). Systems Thinking in Teen Pregnancy Prevention – Level 1. 2 day event. Organized by iTP3.Hosted by Waikiki Health. Honolulu, HI.Wilson, K.L., Garney, W.R., Szucs, L.E. & Nelon, J.L. (April, 2018). Systems Thinking in Teen Pregnancy Prevention – Level 1. 2 day event. Organized by iTP3. Hosted by ROI. Tarboro, NC.Wilson, K.L., Garney, W.R., & Farmer, J.L. (April, 2018). Design Thinking Workshop for Texas’ Professionals in Teen Pregnancy Prevention. 2 day event. Organized by iTP3. Hosted by Texas Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy. Austin, TX.Wilson, K.L. Garney, W.R., & Farmer, J.L. (December, 2017). Design Thinking Boot Camp for Edgecombe County focused on Teen Pregnancy Prevention and Social Services. 4.5 day intensive. Organized by iTP3. Hosted by ROI. Tarboro, NC.Wilson, K.L. Garney, W.R., & Farmer, J.L. (November, 2017). Design Thinking Boot Camp for El Paso focused on Teen Pregnancy Prevention and Social Services. 4.5 day intensive. Organized by iTP3. Hosted by El Paso Child Crisis Center and Project Vida. El Paso, TX.Wilson, K.L. (May, 2016). Evidence Matters: Innovative Approaches to Teaching Sexuality Education. HIV/AIDS Prevention Training through the Coordinated School Health & Wellness Bureau. New Mexico Public Education Department. Albuquerque, NM.Wilson, K.L. (August, 2015). Big Picture Thinking and Teaching Health Topics. Presented to: Fort Worth ISD. Fort Worth, Texas.Presented to: Plano ISD. Plano, Texas.Wilson, K.L. (October, 2014). Innovative Methods and Best Practices for Teaching Health Topics. Fort Worth ISD. Fort Worth, Texas.Wilson, K.L. & McNeill, E.B. (August, 2013). Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT). 1-day presentation for El Paso ISD job-alike professional development. El Paso, Texas.Wilson, K.L. (August, 2011). Mind and Emotions: Is Food Connected? El Paso ISD. El Paso, Texas.Wilson, K.L. (June, 2011). Secondary Health: Instructional Strategies for Implementing Human Sexuality Content. El Paso ISD. El Paso, Texas.Wilson, K.L. (December, 2010). Tools to Make Nutrition Education More Effective. South Carolina Department of Education. Columbia, SC.Wilson, K.L. (2008). Six Risk Behaviors of Adolescents. Kansas Department of Education. Presented in: Kansas City, Kansas. (October, 2008)Presented in: Greenbush, Kansas (October, 2008)Presented in: Salina, Kansas (October, 2008)Presented in: Wichita, Kansas (September, 2008)Wilson, K.L. (August, 2007). Meet the Challenge: Coordinated School Health Programs. San Benito Independent School District. San Benito, Texas.Wilson, K.L. (February, 2007). Creative Health Teaching Strategies. Education Service Center VIII. Mt. Pleasant, Texas.Wilson, K.L. (November, 2006). Creative Health Teaching Strategies. Education Service Center XII. Waco, Texas.PUBLICATIONS—BOOKS National Commission for Health Education Credentialing (2010). The Health Education Specialist: A Companion Guide for Professional Excellence, 6th Edition. Co-Editor: Wilson, K.L.National Commission for Health Education Credentialing (2007). The Health Education Specialist: A Study Guide for Professional Competence, 5th Edition. Author: Wilson, K.L.Wilson, K.L. (2004) Test Bank for: S. Rathus, J. Nevid, L. Fichner-Rathus. Human Sexuality in a World of Diversity, 6th Edition. Westport, Connecticut, Pearson Education, Inc.Wilson, K.L. (2004) Student Online Test Bank for: S. Rathus, J. Nevid, L. Fichner-Rathus. Human Sexuality in a World of Diversity, 6th Edition. Westport, Connecticut, Pearson Education, Inc.PUBLICATIONS—CHAPTERS/BOOK SECTIONSGoodson, P., Buhi, ER. & Wilson, K. L. (May 2017). Abstinence Education. In Levesque, RJR. (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Adolescence (2nd Ed.), New York: Springer. *Szucs, L., McNeill, E., Wilson, K.L. (2015). Chapter 27:?Student Exploration: App(lying) Technology for Health Education and Promotion.?The Impact of Pen and Touch Technology on Education (Human-Computer Interaction Series) (15th Ed.). Springer Publisher. ISBN-13:?978-3319155937 Smith, M. L., Housman, J., Shinholster, L. A., Dickerson, J. B., & Wilson, K. L. (2013). Health and fitness during childhood. In Gullotta, T. P., & Bloom, M. (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Primary Prevention and Health Promotion Part II. (2nd Ed.), New York: Springer. Wilson, K.L. & Mata, E. (2013). Nutrition Education and Promotion for Parents. In: D. Wiley and A. Cory (Eds). Encyclopedia of School Health. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Wilson, K.L. Ettienne-Gittens, R. & Diep, C. (2013). Nutritious Foods, Availability in Schools. In: D. Wiley and A. Cory (Eds). Encyclopedia of School Health. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Vowell, C. & Wilson, K.L. (2013). Promoting Health Eating: Using FITNESSGRAM ?. In: D. Wiley and A. Cory (Eds). Encyclopedia of School Health. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Wilson, K.L. (2013). Sexuality Education. In: D. Wiley and A. Cory (Eds). Encyclopedia of School Health. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Smith, M. L. & Wilson, K. L. (2013). Pregnant and parenting teens. In Wiley, D. C. & Cory, A. C. (Ed). Encyclopedia of School Health. Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA. PUBLISHED RESEARCH REPORTSNew Morning Foundation, Researcher and Author: A Sterling Opportunity: 25 years after the comprehensive health education act. (January 2013)Texas Freedom Network Education Foundation, Researcher and Author: Just Say Don’t Know: Sexuality Education in Texas Public Schools (February 2009)INTERNATIONAL/NATIONAL PRESENTATIONS *current or former studentWilson, K.L., Garney, W.R. Garcia, K.E., *Farmer, J.L., *Esquivel, C.H., *Nelon, J., *Muraleetharan, D., and *Holden, C. (Accepted for November 10-14, 2018).?Structuring Innovation in Teen Pregnancy Prevention using Systems and Design Thinking. Roundtable presentation at the American Public Health Association (APHA) 2018 Annual Meeting and Expo, San Diego, California.*Muraleetharan, D., Garney, W.,?Wilson, K.L., Garcia, K,?*Nelon, J., *Esquivel, C., *Farmer,?J. and McLeroy, K. (Accepted for November 10-14, 2018).?Defining and Building Success Factors in Innovative Teen Pregnancy Prevention Programs. Poster presentation at the American Public Health Association (APHA) 2018 Annual Meeting and Expo, San Diego, California.*Esquivel, C., *Nelon, J., *Ballard-Holden, C., Wilson, K.L. & McNeill , E.B. (Accepted for October 4-6, 2018). A healthy relationships program for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities: A formative evaluation. Poster presentation at the 2018 American School Health Association’s Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN.Wilson, K.L., *Esquivel, C., Garney, W.R., *Nelon, J., & Garcia, K. (Accepted for October 4-6, 2018). Persona Profiles: Stakeholders' mindset, needs and goals summary. Oral presentation at the 2018 American School Health Association’s Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN.Wilson, K.L. (June 2018). Service Design Competency in Public Health. Seminar as part of Shaping a Discipline in Constant Evolution at Service Design & Innovation Conference, Milano, Italy. *Muraleetharan, D., Garney, W.,?Wilson, K.L., *Nelon, J., and McLeroy, K. (May 8-10 2018). Beyond the Evidence Base: Ecological Advancements in Federal Teen Pregnancy Prevention Efforts. Poster presentation at the?Fuse International Conference on Knowledge Exchange in Public Health, Vancouver, Canada.*Nelon, J.L., Garney, W.R., Wilson, K.L., Garcia, K.E., *Farmer, J.L., *Hays, C.N., *Muraleetharan, D. and McLeroy, K.R. (May 2018). Assessing Changes in Relationships Between iTP3 Grantees through an Interorganizational Network Analysis. Poster session presented at the American Academy of Health Behavior, Portland, OR. Garney, W.R., Baletka, D.M., and Wilson, K.L. (January 2018). Using Technology as a Modality for Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Education and Assessment. Oral session presented at the 9th Annual International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth, Clearwater, FL. Wilson, K.L., *Farmer, J.L., *Hays, C.N., & Garney, W.R. (October, 2017). Leveraging Design Thinking to Accelerate Innovation in Teen Pregnancy Prevention. Poster session presented at the American School Health Association, St. Louis, MO.Wilson, K.L., Wiley, D.C., McNeill, E.B., *Buck, M., Ortega, M., & *Nelon, J.L. (October, 2017). Differences and similarities in qualitative feedback on dating violence prevention program between youth-serving professionals and school teachers. Poster session presented at the American School Health Association, St. Louis, MO.*Szucs, L.E. and Wilson, K.L. (October, 2017). Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program Implementation: What is the state of the evidence? Poster session presented at the American School Health Association, St. Louis, MO.*Szucs, L.E., *Carreon, A.K., *Buck, M., *Holden, C., *McDonald, S., and Wilson, K.L., (October, 2017). Teen Dating Violence Prevention Programs: A narrative review of current evidence. Poster session presented at the American School Health Association, St. Louis, MO.*Szucs, L.E., Wilson, K.L., and Garney, W.R. (October 2017). Program Implementation Practices among the 2010-2014 OAH Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program Cohort: Case Study Findings. Oral session presented at the American School Health Association, St. Louis, MO. Wilson, K.L. & Garney, W.R. (March, 2017). Identifying Programmatic Themes in Emerging and Innovative Initiatives for Teenage Pregnancy Prevention. Poster Session presented at the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, New Orleans, LA. Wilson, K.L., Szucs, L.E., Reyes, J.V. and Rosen, B.L. (March, 2017). Factors Associated with Adolescent Male’s Intentions to Engage in Sexual Behaviors. Poster Session presented at the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, New Orleans, LA. Davis, C.G., McDonald, S., Holden, C.T., Hays, C.N., Carreon, A.K., McNeill, E.B., Wilson, K.L. (January, 2017). Curriculum Analysis and Adaptation to Serve Individuals with Disabilities. Oral session presented at the 8th annual International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth. Cancun, Mexico.Reeves, S., Wilson, K.L., Wiley, D.C. (January, 2017). A Community Based Approach to the Implementation of an Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Intervention. Oral session presented at the 8th annual International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth. Cancun, Mexico.120. Hays, C.N., Davis, C.G., Rahn, R.N., Wilson, K.L. (January, 2017). An Exploratory Factor Analysis of the Contraception Use Survey. Oral session presented at the 8th annual International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth. Cancun, Mexico.Szucs, L.E., Shipley, M., McNeill, E.B., Wilson, K.L., Fehr, S. (October, 2016) A Systematic Analysis of Dating Violence Prevention Curricula. Oral Session presented at the American School Health Association, Baltimore, MD.Rosen, B.L. and Wilson, K.L. (October, 2016) How to Write and Publish Manuscripts as an Emerging Professional. Oral Session presented at the American School Health Association, Baltimore, MD.*Szucs, L.E., Wilson, K.L., Wiley, D.C. (October, 2016). School Professionals’ Perspectives on the Prevention of Dating Violence in a Predominantly Latino Community. Oral Session presented at the American School Health Association, Baltimore, MD.McNeill, E.B., Davis, C.G., Wilson, K.L., *Hays, C., *McDonald, S. (October, 2016) Integrating Healthy Relationships into a Transitional Education Program: Bridges to Career. Poster Session presented at the American School Health Association, Baltimore, MD.Rosen, B.L., *Reyes, J.V., *Szucs, L.E., Wilson, K.L., Smith, M.L. (October, 2016) Social and Healthcare Factors Associated with HPV Vaccination Completion Among Older Adolescents. Poster Session presented at the American School Health Association, Baltimore, MD.Wilson, K.L., *Reyes, J.V., *Szucs, L.E., Wiley, D.C., *Reeves, S. (October, 2016). Factors Associated with Initiating Sexual Intercourse at Age 14 and Younger. Poster Session presented at the American School Health Association, Baltimore, MD.Wilson, K.L., Garney, W., McLeroy, K.R., Farmer, J., Alaniz, A., Garcia, K. (May, 2016). Developing Innovations in Teen Pregnancy Prevention: Settings, Populations and Levels of Interventions. Oral Session presented at the International Union for Health Promotion and Education, Curitiba, Brazil. Wilson, K.L., McLeroy, K.R., Garney, W., Farmer, J., Alaniz, A. (March, 2016). The Context of Innovation in Teen Pregnancy Prevention Programs. Oral Session presented at the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, Washington, D.C. Garney, W.R., Wilson, K.L, Farmer, J. & Garcia, K. (February, 2016). Developing Innovations in Health Behavior through an Interactive Systems Framework. Podium Presentation at the American Academy of Health Behavior (AAHB) 16th Annual Meeting. Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida. Wilson, K.L., Shipley, M., *Szucs, L.E., McNeill, E.B., *Martin, E., Fehr, S., & Wiley, D.C. (January 2016). Identifying Interpersonal Communication Skills through an Extensive Examination of Dating Violence Prevention Curricula for Middle and High School Youth. Roundtable Session presented at the 7th Annual International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth, Cancun, Mexico. *Williams, D., Wilson, K.L., & Sherman, L. (January 2016). Principals and Lead Health Education Teachers complete the School Health Index in Mississippi: A Charge for Change. Roundtable Session presented at the 7th Annual International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth, Cancun, Mexico. Wilson, K.L., Daverth, G. & Wiley, D.C. (November, 2015). Breaking Beyond the Boundaries: Five Texas Communities Unite for Teen Pregnancy Prevention. Poster presented at The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality Annual Meeting 2015, Albuquerque, New Mexico. *Reyes, J.V., Wilson, K.L., *Farmer, J., Woody, M. & Wiley, D.C. (November, 2015). Relationship Characteristics and Contraceptive Use among Adolescents that Date Older Partners. Poster presented at The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality Annual Meeting 2015, Albuquerque, New Mexico. *Szucs, L., *Reyes, J.V., Wilson, K.L., Rosen, B. L., Pulczinski, J. P., Ory, M. G.,?& Smith, M.L. (November, 2015). Factors associated with getting vaccinated against HPV before having sexual intercourse among college student females. Poster presented at The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality Annual Meeting 2015, Albuquerque, New Mexico. McNeill, E.B., Wilson, K.L., Shipley, M., *Peoples, J. & *Carreon-Klein, A. School Health Index: Understanding Professional Competence among Teacher Certification Candidates. Oral session presented at the American School Health Association Annual Conference 2015, Orlando, Florida. *Reyes, J.V., *Szucs, L.E., Wilson, K.L., Rosen, B.L. & Smith, M.L.?Factors associated with personal and parental decisions to be vaccinated against HPV among females. Poster session presented at the American School Health Association Annual Conference 2015, Orlando, Florida.Wilson, K.L., Wiley, D.C., *Reyes, J.V., *Szucs, L.E. & *Farmer, J.? Sexual Health Intentions: Adolescents Intending Abstinence through High School and Until Marriage. Oral session presented at the American School Health Association Annual Conference 2015, Orlando, Florida.Rosen, B.L., DiClemente, R., Shepard, A., & Wilson, K.L. Factors associated with school nurses’ HPV vaccine attitudes for school-aged youth. Poster session presented at the American School Health Association Annual Conference 2015, Orlando, Florida.Rosen, B. L., Wilson, K. L., Pulczinski, J. C., Jones, S. A., Chiappone, A. L., Ory, M. G., & Smith, M. L. (2015). College students' support for HPV vaccination mandates: Do political or religious affiliations make a difference?? Poster presented at the 143rd American Public Health Association Annual Conference, October 31-November 4, 2015, Chicago, IL. *Reyes, J.V., *Szucs, L., Barry, A.E., *Liu, H., *Ji, Q., *Carreon, A.K., *Idoko, E., *Farmer, J., *Dangelo, L., Gastmyer, C., & Wilson, K.L. (2015). Is the entire story being told? Examining confidence interval and effect size reporting in health education and behavior research. Poster presented at the 143rd Annual American Public Health Association Conference, Oct. 31-Nov. 4, 2015, Chicago, IL. Wilson, K.L., White, A., Rosen, B., Chiappone, A., Pulczinski, J.C., Ory, M.G., & Smith, M.L. (2015). Factors associated with college students’ intentions to vaccinate their daughters against HPV: Protecting the next generation. Oral Presentation at the Society of Public Health Education Association’s Annual Conference, April 23-25, 2015, Portland, OR.Smith, M. L., Cowart, C. J., Wilson, K. L., Rosen, B. L., Pulczinski, J. C., *Hall, K., & Ory, M. G. (2015). Factors associated with HPV diagnosis and perceived risk for cervical cancer among unmarried, sexually active college student females. Poster presented at the American Academy of Health Behavior Annual Conference, March 15-18, 2015, San Antonio, TX.Szucs, L., *Reyes, J., Barry, A., *Klein, A., Ji, Q, Liu, H, *Idoko, E., *Farmer, J., Dangelo, L., Gastmyer, C., Wilson, K. (2015). Why Reliance on Statistical Significance Testing is Bad for Public Health: Examining Use of Effect Sizes in Reporting Significant Results in Health Education Research. Poster presented at the American Academy of Health Behavior Annual Conference, March 15-18, 2015, San Antonio, TX.?Wiley, D.C. & Wilson, K. L. (November 2014). Examining Differences between Perceived Sexual Partner Reactions to Condom Use among Adolescents.? Presented at the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality Annual Conference, November 6-9, 2014, Omaha, Nebraska.*Klein, A.,*Burrus, D. & Wilson, K.L. (October 2014) Qualitative Analysis of ’s Hookup Text Messages and Blogs. Oral Presentation at American School Health Association Annual Conference, October 9-11, 2014, Portland, Oregon.*Giebert, M.H. & Wilson, K.L., & Ward, S. (October 2014). Self-Insurance: A Solution for Faculty and Staff Health Promotion? Pilot Study Findings. American School Health Association Annual Conference, October 9-11, 2014, Portland, Oregon.*Farmer, J., *Reyes, J. , *Szucs, L., Wilson, K.L. , McNeill, E.B. (October 2014).?Evidence-Based Teen Pregnancy Prevention Curricula: Inclusion of National Health Education Standards. American School Health Association Annual Conference, October 9-11, 2014, Portland, Oregon.*Farmer, J., Pavao, C., & Wilson, K.L. (October 2014).?Stepping Out of the Shadows: LBGTQ Youth, a High-Risk Population for Teen Pregnancy.? American School Health Association Annual Conference, October 9-11, 2014, Portland, Oregon.Wilson, K.L., Wiley, D.C., *Reyes, J., *Farmer, J., & Villareal, K. (October 2014). Adolescent Cultural and Gender Differences Related to Condom Use and Partner Perceptions. American School Health Association Annual Conference, October 9-11, 2014, Portland, Oregon.Rosen, B.L., Goodson, P., & Wilson, K.L. (October 2014). A Closer Look at School Nurses’ Role Regarding the HPV Vaccine. American School Health Association Annual Conference, October 9-11, 2014, Portland, Oregon.*Giebert, M.H. & Wilson, K.L. (June 2014). Faculty and staff health promotion program components as indicators of self-insured school districts. Presented at the 46th NASN Annual Conference, June 28-July 1, 2014, San Antonio, Texas.*Rosen, B.L. & Wilson, K.L. (June/July 2014). School Nurses' Knowledge, Views and Professional Practice Regarding the HPV Vaccine for School-age Youth. Presented at the 46th NASN Annual Conference, June 28-July 1, 2014, San Antonio, Texas.Gastmyer, C., Wilson, K.L., McNeill, E.B., Solari-Hall, K. & *Farmer, J. (May 2014). Analysis of evidence-based teen pregnancy prevention curricula: Identifying content gaps and implications for higher education health practitioners. American College Health Association 2014 Annual Meeting. May 27-31, 2014, San Antonio, Texas.Wilson, K.L., Haggerty, E., Faulkner, M., DeAtley, J., Nobles, R. & Wiley, D.C. (March 2014). Texas Efforts in Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention: Voices from Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) Competitive Grantees. Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine 2014 Annual Meeting, March 23-26, 2014, Austin, Texas.Rosen, B.L., Wiley, D.C, *Farmer, J., *Reyes, J., *Solari-Hall, K. & Wilson, K. L., (2014). High School Students’ Sexual Behavior Predictions. Presented at the Annual International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth, January 1-4, 2014, Nassau, Bahamas.Wilson, K. L., *Solari-Hall, K., *Reyes, J. & Wiley, D.C. (2014). Two Should Know: Media Campaign Focused on Youth and Trusted Adults to Promote Healthy Sexuality. Presented at the Annual International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth, January 1-4, 2014, Nassau, Bahamas.*Farmer, J., *Solari-Hall, K., *Reyes, J., McNeill, E.B. & Wilson, K. L. (2014). Understanding Evidence-Based Teen Pregnancy Prevention Curricular Inclusion of the National Sexuality Education Standards. Presented at the Annual International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth, January 1-4, 2014, Nassau, Bahamas.Rosen, B. L., Wilson, K. L., Smith, M. L., McNeill, E. B., & Menn, M. (2014). HPV vaccine: Rates, mandates, and health service providers. Presented at the Annual International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth, January 1-4, 2014, Nassau, Bahamas.Smith, M. L., Wilson, K. L., Pulczinski, J. C., Menn, M., Rosen, B. L., McNeill, E. B., & Ory, M. G. (2014). HPV and vaccinations: A female perspective. Presented at the Annual International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth, January 1-4, 2014, Nassau, Bahamas.Menn, M., Smith, M. L., Wilson, K. L., Rosen, B. L., & McNeill, E.B. (2014). HPV and vaccinations: A male perspective. Presented at the Annual International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth, January 1-4, 2014, Nassau, Bahamas.Wilson, K. L., Smith, M. L., Menn, M., Rosen, B. L., & McNeill, E. B. (2014). HPV and vaccinations: Perspectives from science and the field. Presented at the Annual International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth, January 1-4, 2014, Nassau, Bahamas.McNeill, E. B., Wilson, K. L., Smith, M. L., Rosen, B. L., & Menn, M. (2014). Implications of HPV vaccine mandates on stakeholder groups. Teaching Presentation at the Annual International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth, January 1-4, 2014, Nassau, Bahamas.Pavao, C., *Farmer, J. & Wilson, K.L. (January 2014). How Do LGBTQ tweens fit within teen pregnancy prevention. 5th Annual International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth, January 1-4, 2014, Nassau, Bahamas.Wilson, K.L., Smith, M.L., Dickerson, J. (October, 2013). Race/ethnicity-based differences in parental perceptions of child and family activity limitations due to asthma. Oral Session presented at the American School Health Association Conference, October 9-12, 2013, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.Wiley, D.C. & Wilson, K. L. & Zenger, K. (November 2013). Compliance with South Carolina’s Comprehensive Health Education Act.? Presented at the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality Annual Conference, November 14-17, 2013, San Diego, CA.Wilson, K. L., Wiley, D.C. & *Rosen, B.L. (November 2013). Prediction of high school students’ sexual behavior.? Presented at the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality Annual Conference, November 14-17, 2013, San Diego, CA.Wilson, K. L. & Smith, M. L. (November 2013). Factors associated with perceptions of physical relationship pleasure among adults age 60 years and older.? Presented at the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality Annual Conference, November 14-17, 2013, San Diego, CA.Wilson, K.L., Lysoby, L., Chun, S., Chaney, E.B. & Rehrig, M.A. (November, 2013). Global quality assurance of health education specialists: Considerations in certification. Oral Session presented at the American Public Health Association Conference, November 2-6, 2013, Boston, MA.Telljohann, S., Seabert, D., Wilson, K.L., Sorace, D. (October, 2013). Working Upstream: Teacher Preparation Standards for Sexuality Education. Preconference Session presented at the American School Health Association Conference, October 9-12, 2013, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.*Farmer, J., *Snow, K., Wilson, K.L., McNeill, E.B. (October, 2013). Alignment of three evidence-based teen pregnancy prevention curricula with the National Sexuality Education Standards. Oral session presented at the American School Health Association Conference, October 9-12, 2013, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.Wilson, K.L., McNeill, E.B., Ledingham, C. (October, 2013). Action Plan to Train Professionals: SHI, HECAT, PECAT & School Health Guidelines to Promote Healthy Eating & Physical Activity. Oral Session presented at the American School Health Association Conference, October 9-12, 2013, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.Wiley, D.C., Wilson, K.L., Zenger, K. (October, 2013). A Sterling Opportunity: Improving Sexuality Education in South Carolina Public Schools. Oral Session presented at the American School Health Association Conference, October 9-12, 2013, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.Wilson, K.L., Lysoby, L., Allegrante, J.P., Chun, S., Barry, M.M., Chaney, B.H. (August 2013). Certifying Health Education Specialists and Health Promoters: An Investment in Workforce Development. Session presented at the 21st IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion, August 25-29, 2013, Pattaya, Thailand.Wilson, K.L., Snearly, R., & Gavin, P. (May, 2013). REAL Talk: Capacity to Administer and Manage the Program. Poster presented at Office of Adolescent Health, Administration on Children, Youth and Families and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/Division of Reproductive Health's (OAH/ACYF/CDC) Third Annual Teen Pregnancy Prevention Conference. May 20-22, 2013. National Harbor, MD.Chiappone, A. L., Smith, M. L., Dickerson, J. B., & Wilson, K. L. (April, 2013). Risk of child neglect and abuse among unmarried Hispanic teenage mothers receiving Women, Infants, and Children?(WIC) support. Poster presented at the Society for Public Health Education Annual Conference, April 17-19, 2013, Orlando, FL. *Gastmyer, C., Wilson, K. L., & Baletka, D.M. (April, 2013). Grade level similarities and differences in the association between risk and protective factors for school commitment. Poster presented at the Society for Public Health Education Annual Conference, April 17-19, 2013, Orlando, FL. Smith, M. L., Wilson, K. L., & McNeill, E. B. (January, 2013). Quality Assurance and Accountability for Youth-Serving Health Education and Promotion Professionals. Annual International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth. Puntarenas, Costa Rica.Smith, M. L., Wilson, K. L., & McNeill, E. B. (January, 2013). Correlates of Accepting Sex Before Marriage among Sexually Abstinent High School Freshmen. Annual International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth. Puntarenas, Costa Rica.*Rosen, B.L., DeMaria, A.L., Wilson, K. L. & Wiley, D.C. (November, 2012). Correlates of STI testing among college freshmen. Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality. Tampa, Florida.Smith, M.L., Goltz, H., Wilson, K. L., Dickerson, J. & Ory, M. (November, 2012). Exploring sexual behaviors and health communication among older adult females. Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality. Tampa, Florida.Wilson, K. L. & Wiley, D.C. (November, 2012). Associations with sexual behavioral control and self-efficacy for condom use among adolescents. Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality. Tampa, Florida.Wiley, D, Wilson, K,L. McNeill, E., Mata, E. & *Smith, R. (October, 2012). A Multifaceted Approach to Improve Health Sexuality Support Systems for Teen Pregnancy Prevention. 86th Annual American School Health Association Conference. San Antonio, Texas. Wiley, D, Wilson, K,L. *Heppler, K. & Sutton, O. (October, 2012). Sexuality Education in South Carolina Public Schools: Compliance with the Comprehensive Health Education Act (CHEA). 86th Annual American School Health Association Conference. San Antonio, Texas.Wilson, K. L. & Wiley, D.C. (2012). Group Differences of Factors Related to Adolescent Students’ Intention to Test for STIs. American School Health Association Annual Conference, October 10-13, 2012, San Antonio, TX.Wilson, K. L., Smith, M. L., Dickerson, J. B., Sanchez, Y., & McNeill, E. (2012). Analysis of individual family support plans used with teen parents. Roundtable presented at the American School Health Association Annual Conference, October 10-13, 2012, San Antonio, TX.Smith, M. L., Wilson, K. L., Dickerson, J. B., & Ory, M. G. (2012). HPV vaccination mandate support for students at various school-ages. Poster presented at the American School Health?Association Annual Conference, October 10-13, 2012, San Antonio, TX.Smith, M. L., Wilson, K. L., McNeill, E.B. & Diep, C. (October, 2012). Risk and Protective Factors Associated with Intentions to Engage in Vaginal Intercourse among Sexually Abstinent Missouri High School Freshmen. Poster presented at the American School Health?Association Annual Conference, October 10-13, 2012, San Antonio, TX.Wilson, K. L. & Wiley, D.C. (July, 2012). Factors related to adolescent students’ intention to test for STIs and HIV. XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012). Washington D.C.Smith, M. L., Dickerson, J. B., & Wilson, K. L. (March, 2012). Dual purpose condom use among Hispanic teenage mothers: Findings from a community-based randomized trial. American Academy of Health Behavior Annual Conference, March 18-21, 2012, Austin, TX.Wiley, D.C. & Wilson, K. L. School-Based Teenage Pregnancy Prevention: The Academic-Community Collaborative Process. January 4-7, 2012, The Third Annual International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth, San Juan, Puerto Rico.Wilson, K. L., Housman, J., Cory, A. & Goyne, T. (January, 2012). Women and Children’s Health Data Collection Related to Indoor Air Pollution in a Rural Nicaraguan Community. Annual International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth. San Juan, Puerto Rico.Dickerson, J. B., Wilson, K. L., & Smith, M. L. (January, 2012). Improving adolescent mothers’ perceptions about future relationships: Findings from a randomized trial. Annual International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth. San Juan, Puerto Rico.Smith, M. L., Gilmer, M. H., Salge, L. E., Dickerson, J. B., & Wilson, K. L. (January, 2012). Personal and?familial characteristics of teenage re-pregnancy prevention program attendees: An emphasis on and services received. Annual International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth. San Juan, Puerto Rico.Smith, M. L., Wilson, K. L., Menn, M. M., & Pulczinski, J. (January, 2012). Reasons why Missouri high school freshman females report engaging in sexual intercourse. Annual International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth. San Juan, Puerto Rico.Smith, M.L., Wilson, K.L., and Dickerson, J.B. (December, 2011). Findings from the Field: Presentations from grantees on program findings from current and past AFL grantees. Office of Adolescent Pregnancy Program National AFL Care Grantee Annual Conference. Arlington, VA.Smith, M.L., Wilson, K.L., Dickerson, J.B., Ahn, S., Smith, H.A. (November, 2011). Snoring and obesity: Awareness and perceived severity of conditions related to obstructive sleep apnea among late adolescents. 139th American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Washington, DC.Wilson, K.L., Smith, M.L., *Rosen, B.R. and Wiley, D.C. (October, 2011). Making DECISIONS about Sexuality Education Adoption and Implementation. 85th Annual American School Health Association Conference. Louisville, Kentucky. Housman, J.M., Wilson, K.L., Wiley, D., McNeill, E.B (October, 2011). Sexuality Education Academy: Impact on teacher behavior regarding sexuality education in public schools. 85th Annual American School Health Association Conference. Louisville, Kentucky. Wiley, D, Wilson, K,L. Housman, J.M., McNeill, E. (October, 2011). Innovative teacher training: The Sexuality Education Academy. 85th Annual American School Health Association Conference. Louisville, Kentucky. Wilson, K.L., Lysoby, L. & Rehrig, M. (March, 2011). Curricula Alignment with National Health Educator Job Analysis Results. 2011 AAHPERD National Convention and Exposition. San Diego, CA.Menn, M.M., Smith, M.L. & Wilson, K.L. (January, 2011). Factors Associated with Outercourse Behaviors and Intercourse among Middle School Students in Texas. 2011 International Conference on Health Risks of Youth. Cancun, Mexico. Smith, M.L., Wilson, K.L. & Menn, M. (January, 2011). Definitions of Abstinence and Virginity and Factors Associated with Acceptance of Sex Before Marriage among Texas Middle School Students. 2011 International Conference on Health Risks of Youth. Cancun, Mexico. Wiley, D. & Wilson, K.L.. (October, 2010). Are You Kidding Me? The Status of Sex Education in Texas Public Schools. 31st Healthy Teen Network Annual National Conference. Austin, Texas. Housman, J., *Andreano, A. & Wilson, K.L.. (October, 2010). Public School Health Personnel’s Perceptions of Interpersonal Violence. 84th Annual American School Health Association Conference. Kansas City, Kansas. *Rosen, B., Wilson, K.L. & Wiley, D. (October, 2010). Attitudes, Perceptions, and Experiences of Freshmen College Students Regarding Sexual Health Issues. 84th Annual American School Health Association Conference. Kansas City, Kansas. Rehrig, M. Wilson, K.L. & Schulze, R. (October, 2010). Health Educator Job Analysis: Implications for the Profession and the Master Certified Health Education Specialist. 84th Annual American School Health Association Conference. Kansas City, Kansas. *Snodgrass, K., Wilson, K.L. & Housman, J. (October, 2010). School Health Specialists’ Perceptions Regarding the Training, Education and Policies of Adolescent Asthma Management. 84th Annual American School Health Association Conference. Kansas City, Kansas. Adams, K., Wilson, K.L. & Murray, S. (October, 2009). Advocacy at the Local Level: A Crucial Step to Success. 83rd Annual American School Health Association Conference. Denver, Colorado. Lysoby, L., Goldsmith, M., Wilson, K.L.. (October, 2009). Health Educator Job Analysis. 83rd Annual American School Health Association Conference. Denver, Colorado. Wilson, K.L. & Wiley, D.C. (October, 2009). Just Say Don’t kNOw: The Status of Sexuality Education in Texas Public Secondary Schools. 83rd Annual American School Health Association Conference. Denver, Colorado.Wilson, K.L. & Wiley, D.C. (November, 2008). An Exploration of Sexuality Education in Texas. 82nd Annual American School Health Association Conference. Tampa, Florida. *Rosen, B., *Mabon, E., *Maniccia, O. & Wilson, K.L. (April, 2008). Pre-service Teachers' Health Behaviors and Perceptions of Future Behavior Change. AAHE/AAHPERD 2008 National Convention & Exposition. Fort Worth, Texas.*Mabon, E., *Rosen, B., *Maniccia, O. & Wilson, K.L. (April, 2008). Physical Activity and Nutrition Behaviors of Pre-Service Health Teachers. AAHE/AAHPERD 2008 National Convention & Exposition. Fort Worth, Texas.Wilson, K.L., & Wiley, D.C. (July, 2007). Teacher Perspectives and Practices: Sexuality Education in Texas Public Schools. 81st Annual American School Health Association Conference. Honolulu, Hawaii. Wilson, K.L., & *Goebel, G. (October, 2006) What do Kids Really Think: Comments from Youth Surveys. 80th Annual American School Health Association Conference. St. Louis, Missouri. Wilson, K.L. & *Dooly, V. (April, 2006) Translating Surveys from Spanish to English in Evaluation Efforts. AAHE/AAHPERD 2006 National Convention & Exposition. Salt Lake City, Utah.Rasberry, C., Goodson, P., Buhi, E., Pruitt, B.E., Wilson, K., & Suther, S. (December, 2005) Self-efficacy to motivate sexual abstinence among youth in a sample of Texas abstinence instructors. Annual Meeting of the Society for Public Health Education. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Buhi, E.R., Goodson, P., Pruitt, B.E., Rasberry, C., & Wilson, K. (December, 2005) Do abstinence-only- education programs impact youth's sexual behavior and intentions? Outcomes from Wave 1 of the Texas Title V abstinence education evaluation. 133rd Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Wilson, K.L., Rasberry, C., Pruitt, B.E., Goodson, P., & Buhi, E.R., (October, 2005) Program maturation of abstinence-only programs in Texas. 79th Annual American School Health Association Conference. Burbank, California.Wilson, K.L. & *Dooly, V. (October, 2005) Youth's Emotions Towards Abstinence and Sexually Abstinent Behavior: Results from a SPRANS Funded Abstinence Education Program. 79th Annual American School Health Association Conference. Burbank, California. Wilson, K.L. & Cox, C. (October, 2005). Identifying the 7 Areas of Responsibility within Health Education Programs. 79th Annual School Health Conference of the American School Health Association. Burbank, California.Wilson, K.L., Buhi, E., Goodson, P., Pruitt, B.E., Davis-Gunnels, E. (April, 2005) A Comparison of Middle School Youth Abstinence Behavior on Environmental Factors. AAHE/AAHPERD 2005 National Convention & Exposition. Chicago, Illinois.Goodson, P., Buhi, E., Pruitt, B.E., Wilson, K.L., & Gunnels, E.D. (November, 2004) Predictors of sexually abstinent behavior among adolescents participating in Title V abstinence-only-until-marriage program in Texas: A baseline modeling study. The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality. Orlando, Florida.Buhi, E., Goodson, P., Pruitt, B.E., Wilson, K.L. & Davis, E. (November, 2004) Characteristics of sexually abstinent and abstinent youth participating in abstinence-only-until-marriage programs in Texas. American Public Health Association 132nd Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.Wilson, K.L., Goodson, P., Pruitt, B.E., Buhi, E., Gunnels, E.D. (October, 2004) A comparison of sexually active and abstinent middle school youth on five intrapersonal and interpersonal factors. 78th Annual School Health Conference of the American School Health Association. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.Wilson, K.L., Pruitt, B.E., Goodson, P., (April, 2004). Texas middle school principals’ likelihood of adopting abstinence-only-until-marriage education. AAHE/AAHPERD 2004 National Convention & Exposition. New Orleans, Louisiana.Wilson, K., Pruitt, B.E., Goodson, P. (January 2004). Principals’ adoption of abstinence-only-until-marriage education as an innovation in Texas public middle schools. The 9th Annual Educational Research Exchange. Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.Goodson, P., Buhi, E., Suther, S., & Wilson, K.L. (November, 2003) Changes in sexual health indicators in Texas counties served by abstinence-only education programs. The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality. San Antonio, Texas.Pruitt, B.E., Wilson, K.L., Goodson, P., Suther, S., Buhi, E. (October, 2003). A review of curricula currently used to promote sexual abstinence until marriage. 77th Annual School Health Conference of the American School Health Association. El Paso, Texas.Wilson, K.L., Pruitt, B.E., Goodson, P. (October, 2003). Indicators of school administrators’ adoption of abstinence-only education programs. 77th Annual School Health Conference of the American School Health Association. El Paso, Texas.Wilson, K.L., Pruitt, B.E., Goodson, P., Suther, S. (April, 2003). An analysis of abstinence education program staff in Texas. AAHE/AAHPERD 2003 National Convention & Exposition. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Goodson, P., Pruitt, B.E., Suther, S., Wilson, K.L. (June, 2003). Is abstinence education sexuality education? Findings from the Texas evaluation. 35th Annual Conference of the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT). Las Vegas, Nevada.Goodson, P., Pruitt, B. E., Suther, S., & Wilson, K.L. (November, 2002) Are abstinence-only programs based on theory? An evaluation of Title V programs in Texas. The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality. Montreal, Quebec, Canada.Wilson, K.L., Pruitt, B.E., Goodson, P., Suther, S. (October, 2002). School administrators as facilitators or barriers to abstinence-only-education programs. 76th Annual School Health Conference of the American School Health Association. Charlotte, North Carolina. Wilson, K.L., Pruitt, B.E., Goodson, P., Suther, S. (April, 2002). An analysis of eight abstinence education programs in Texas. National Convention & Exposition of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. San Diego, California.Pruitt, B.E., Goodson, P., Wilson, K.L., Suther, S.G. (February, 2002). A review of abstinence education curricula. CDC 2002 National Leadership Conference to Strengthen HIV/AIDS Education and Coordinated School Health Programs. Washington, DC.Goodson, P., Pruitt, B.E., Wilson K.L., Suther, S.G. (February, 2002). The logic behind abstinence education programs in Texas: Program deliverers share their implicit theories. CDC 2002 National Leadership Conference to Strengthen HIV/AIDS Education and Coordinated School Health Programs. Washington, DC.Pruitt, B.E., Wilson, K.L., Goodson, P., Cheatham, C., Suther, S.G. (November, 2001). A descriptive study of the Title V abstinence-only sexuality education programs in Texas. 75th Annual School Health Conference of the American School Health Association. Albuquerque, New Mexico. Pruitt, B.E., Goodson, P., Wilson, K.L., Suther, S.G. (October, 2001). Abstinence-only sexuality education programs in Texas: An evaluation. 129th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association. Atlanta, Georgia. Goodson, P., Suther, S.G., Pruitt, B.E., Wilson, K.L. (October, 2001). Abstinence-only sexuality education in Texas: Program coordinators define “abstinence”. Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality. San Diego, California.STATE PRESENTATIONS *current or former studentDeAtley, J., Realini, J., Wilson, K.L., Greenburg, T., Golman, M., Plastino, K. (April 11-13, 2016).Language Matters! Reframing the Way We Think and Speak about Youth. Texas Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy’s 5th Annual Symposium. Austin, Texas.Farmer, J., Wilson, K., Garney, W., McLeroy, K. (April 11-13, 2016). iTP3: A project to support and enable early innovation in teen pregnancy prevention. Texas Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy’s 5th Annual Symposium. Austin, Texas.Wiley, D.C. & Wilson, K.L. (April 13-14, 2015). Cross-Sector Partnerships in Action: Different Approaches, Common Goals – The Two Should Know Initiative. Texas Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy’s 4th Annual Symposium, San Antonio, Texas.Wilson, K.L., Ledingham, C.M., & McNeill, E.B. (December 2013). Using School Health Guidelines to Promote Healthy Eating. TAHPERD Annual Conference, December 4-7, 2013, Dallas, TX.Wilson, K.L., McNeill, E.B., & Ledingham, C.M. (December 2013). Assessing Your Health Curriculum: HECAT. TAHPERD Annual Conference, December 4-7, 2013, Dallas, TX.Ledingham, C.M., Wilson, K.L. & McNeill, E.B. (December 2013). Analysis Tools for Schools: Understanding the SHI, HECAT and PECAT. TAHPERD Annual Conference, December 4-7, 2013, Dallas, TX.Wilson, K.L. & McNeill, E.B. (January, 2010). Tools and Resources for Adolescent and School Health. Annual Texas School Health Association Conference. Austin, Texas. Wilson, K.L., Pruitt, B.E. (January, 2005) Joining Forces: Efforts of a Three Year Statewide Abstinence Evaluation. Texas School Health Association. Plano, Texas.Wilson, K.L., Pruitt, B.E., Goodson, P. & Suther, S.G. (February, 2002). Texas trends in abstinence education, curricula, and training. Texas School Health Association Annual Conference. San Antonio, Texas. Wilson, K.L., Pruitt, B.E., Goodson, P., Suther, S.G. (November, 2001). Texas’ story of Title V abstinence-only sexuality education programs. 78th Annual Convention of the Texas Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. Corpus Christi, Texas.Peer Reviewed Teaching Presentations*current or former studentMcNeill, E.B., Shipley, M., Fehr, S. *Holden, C.T., *Nelon, J.L., Wilson, K.L. (January 2018). A Twist on Reading Prescription Drug Labels. Oral session presented at the 9th Annual International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth. Clearwater, FL.Wilson, K.L., McNeill, E.B., Shipley, M., Fehr, S., *Holden, C.T., *Nelon, J.L. (January 2018). Using Books and Methodologies to Understand Social Justice and Health: A Focus on the Middle School Aged Population. Oral session presented at the 9th Annual International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth. Clearwater, FL. Wilson, K.L., Garney, W.R., *Nelon, J.L., *Reeves, S., *Holden, C.T. (January 2018). Using Human-Centered Design to Support Innovation in Teen Pregnancy Prevention. Oral session presented at the 9th Annual International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth. Clearwater, FL. Forsyth, E., McNeill, E.B., *Mackey, M., *Dash, K. and Wilson, K.L. (October 2017). Hello, My Name Is: STD’s at the party. Poster session presented at the American School Health Association, St. Louis, MO.*Reeves, S., *Carreon, A.K. and Wilson, K.L. (October 2017). Strategies for Creating and Maintaining Group Agreements. Poster session presented at the American School Health Association, St. Louis, MO.Hays, C.N., Carreon, A.K., McNeill, E.B., Wiley, D.C., Wilson, K.L. (January 2017). Assessing Professional Teacher-Preparation Programs’ Alignment with the National Teacher Preparation Standards for Sexuality Education, Common Findings from two Institutions of Higher Education in Texas. Oral session presented at the 8th Annual International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth. Cancun, Mexico. Fehr, S., *Szucs, L.E., Wilson, K.L., Shipley, M., McNeill, E.B., (January, 2017). Use your V.O.I.C.E: A Teaching Technique to Enhance Relationship and Sexuality Education. Oral session presented at the 8th Annual International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth. Cancun, Mexico.Wilson, K.L., *Nelon, J.L., *Hays, C.N., McNeill, E.B., Fehr, S., Shipley, M. (January, 2017). Spot It! Contraception: A Teaching Technique to Enhance Relationship and Sexuality Education. Oral session presented at the 8th Annual International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth. Cancun, Mexico.Shipley, M., Holden, C.T., Fehr, S., McNeill, E.B., Wilson, K.L. (January, 2017). Piecing Together Characteristics of Healthy Relationships: A Teaching Technique to Enhance Relationship and Sexuality Education. Oral session presented at the 8th Annual International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth. Cancun, Mexico.McNeill, E.B., McDonald, S., Wilson, K.L., Shipley, M., Fehr, S. (January, 2017). Rock, Paper, Scissors, STAY: Perspectives on Relationships - A Teaching Technique to Enhance Relationship and Sexuality Education. Oral session presented at the 8th Annual International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth. Cancun, Mexico.Fehr, S., McNeill, E.B., Wilson, K.L., *Mackey, M. (October, 2016). Shades of Gray: Exploring Perspectives on Potentially Unhealthy Dating Relationships. Oral Session presented at the American School Health Association, Baltimore, MD.McNeill, E.B., Wilson, K.L., & Smith, M.L. (January 2016). He said…She said…” Exploring Perspectives in Sexuality. Oral Session presented at the 7th Annual International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth, Cancun, Mexico. *Carreon, A.K., McNeil, E.B. Wilson, K.L., *Szucs, L., *Klein, E.C. (October, 2015) Technology and the Flu: A technology-rich lesson to increase adolescent health literacy. Poster session presented at the American School Health Association Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida.Wilson, K.L., McNeill, E.B., Sherman, L., *Martin, E. & *Williams, D.?(October, 2015) Eggs-actly What Would You Do? An Activity on Diversity and Equity. Oral session presented at the American School Health Association Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida. Rosen, B.L., McNeill, E.B., & Wilson, K.L. (October 2015) Learning Theory by Doing: “GoPro” at Service Learning in Health Education. Poster session presented at the American School Health Association Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida.McNeill, E.B, *Szucs, L., Wilson, K.L., & *Klein, A.M. (October, 2014). Cave Art: A Not So Prehistoric Lesson on Obesity. Poster session presented at the American School Health Association Annual Conference, October 9-11, 2014, Portland, Oregon.*Szucs, L., McNeill, E.B. & Wilson, K.L. (2014). APP(lying) Technology for Health Education and Promotion. Workshop on the Impact of Pen and Touch Technology in Education (WIPTTE). March 12-15, 2014. College Station, Texas.*Farmer, J., McNeill, E.B., Schreiber, M., Solari-Hall, K. *Reyes, J. & Wilson, K. L. (2014). Hand Jive: A Nutrition Technique for Portion Control. Presented at the Annual International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth, January 1-4, 2014, Nassau, Bahamas.Wilson, K. L., Solari-Hall, K., *Reyes, J., *Farmer, J. Schreiber, M., & McNeill, E.B. (2014). Fill Up the Solo Cup: Myth or Fact. Presented at the Annual International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth, January 1-4, 2014, Nassau, Bahamas.Solari-Hall, K., *Reyes, J., *Farmer, J., McNeill, E.B., Schreiber, M., & Wilson, K. L. (2014). Who Should Drive: An Alcohol Education Technique for Portion Control. Presented at the Annual International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth, January 1-4, 2014, Nassau, Bahamas.McNeill, E.B., *Farmer, J. *Schreiber, M., *Solari-Hall, K. *Reyes, J., *Szucs, L. & Wilson, K. L. (2014). Electronic Charades for Nutrition and Alcohol Education. Presented at the Annual International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth, January 1-4, 2014, Nassau, Bahamas.*Schreiber, M., *Solari-Hall, K., Wilson, K. L., *Reyes, J., *Farmer, J. & McNeill, E.B. (2014). “Count-and-Capture” your Health. Presented at the Annual International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth, January 1-4, 2014, Nassau, Bahamas.Solari-Hall, K., Schreiber, M. & Wilson, K.L. (December 2013). Health Mancala. TAHPERD Annual Conference, December 4-7, 2013, Dallas, TX.McNeill, E.B., *Rosen, B., Wilson, K.L. (October, 2013). Engaging the learner in activity assessment. Oral Session presented at the American School Health Association Conference, October 9-12, 2013, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.Moses, H., McNeill, E.B., Wilson, K.L. (October, 2013). Health Education Advocacy Project: Preparing College Students for XXXX. Oral Session presented at the American School Health Association Conference, October 9-12, 2013, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.Wilson, K.L., *Farmer, J.,*Reyes, J., *Szucs, L., McNeill, E.B. (October, 2013). Friend Flips: A Story Activity about Relationships. Oral Session presented at the American School Health Association Conference, October 9-12, 2013, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.*Solari-Hall, K., *Schreiber, M., Wilson, K.L., McNeill, E.B. (October, 2013). Health Mancala: An Interactive Game Incorporating Risk Behaviors of Youth. Oral session presented at the American School Health Association Conference, October 9-12, 2013, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.Fehr, S., McNeill, E.B., Wilson, K.L. (October, 2013). Healthy Relationships Don’t Have a Pac-Man Maze: Using Kinesthetic Approaches to Teach Health. Oral Session presented at the American School Health Association Conference, October 9-12, 2013, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.McNeill, E. B. & Wilson, K. L. (January, 2013). Sexual Health Strategies that Promote Personal Safety and Encompass Teacher Assessment. Texas School Health Association. San Marcos, Texas.Wilson, K. L., & McNeill, E. B. (January, 2013). Sexuality Education Teaching Strategies to Promote Critical Thinking. Texas School Health Association. San Marcos, Texas.Wilson, K.L. & *Szucs, L. (October, 2012). Sexual Health Scavenger Hunt for Accessing Support Information. American School Health Association Annual Conference, October 10-13, 2012, San Antonio, TX.*Szucs, L. & Wilson, K.L. (October, 2012). Cooperative Learning Activities Using “Muffin Tins to Bake Healthier Relationships.” American School Health Association Annual Conference, October 10-13, 2012, San Antonio, TX.*Rosen, B.L., McNeill, E.B. & Wilson, K.L. (October, 2012). Would You Rather (WYR), with a Sexual Health Twist! American School Health Association Annual Conference, October 10-13, 2012, San Antonio, TX.McNeill, E.B., Wilson, K.L. & *Goebel, G. (October, 2010). Picture It! Embracing Cell Phones as a Teaching Tool in the Health Classroom. 84th Annual American School Health Association Conference. Kansas City, Kansas. Wilson, K.L. & *Nooney, C., *Hibbing, J. (October, 2009). Sexting—It’s a Big Deal. 83rd Annual American School Health Association Conference. Denver, Colorado. *Rosen, B., Wilson, K.L. & *Andreano, A. (October, 2009). When Friends Cut Themselves. 83rd Annual American School Health Association Conference. Denver, Colorado. Wilson, K.L., (November, 2007). Thinking Outside the Box: Integrating Health Lessons into Elementary Education. 84th Annual TAHPERD Convention. Galveston, TX. Wilson, K.L., (July, 2007). Cut It, Scoop It or Poke It!. 81st Annual American School Health Association Conference. Honolulu, Hawaii. Wilson, K.L., (January, 2006) Shaving Cream Painting...Teaching Ideas for Health Educators. Texas School Health Association. Austin, Texas.Service PresentationsWilson, K.L. & Rojas-Guyler, L. (2015). Win-Win Situations for the Gamman and ESG Chapter Sponsor. Oral Presentation at the Society of Public Health Education Association’s Annual Conference and Eta Sigma Gamma Annual Meeting, April 23-25, 2015, Portland, OR.Wilson, K.L.& Perko, M. (April, 2009). History Resource Project: An Interactive Historical Overview of Health Education and the Credentialing Process. AAHE/AAHPERD 2009 National Convention & Exposition. Tampa, Florida. Seabert, D.M. & Wilson, K.L., (November, 2008). A Conversation with Women in the Field. 82nd Annual American School Health Association Conference. Tampa, Florida. Wilson, K.L. (November, 2008). See Your Name in Print: Publishing in the Student Monograph. Eta Sigma Gamma Annual Meeting. Tampa, Florida.Wilson, K.L., (July, 2007). Alaka'i=Leader: Find Out About ASHA's Future Leaders Academy. 81st Annual American School Health Association Conference. Honolulu, Hawaii. Wilson, K.L., & Mahoney, B. (October, 2006) Brainstorming the impact of CUP findings: Ideas from professional preparation and professional development faculty members. 80th Annual American School Health Association Conference. St. Louis, Missouri. Sweeney, D., Wilson, K.L., & Barnett, S. (October, 2006) Skills, Strategies and Resources to Become an Effective School Health Advocate. 80th Annual American School Health Association Conference. St. Louis, Missouri. Conference Organizing ActivitiesSession Co-Chair. Teaching techniques to enhance Relationship and Sexuality Education. Practice/Implementation Symposium presented at the International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth, January 4-7, 2014, Cancun, Mexico. (Co-Chairs: Fehr, McNeill & Shipley)Meeting Chair. CNHEO’s 21st Century Meeting. Hosted by the Coalition of National Health Education Organizations, August 3-6, 2016, Chicago, Illinois. Session Chair. Sexuality education: Research supporting healthy sexuality. Research Symposium presented at the International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth, January 1-4, 2014, Nassau, Bahamas. Session Co-Chair. Teaching techniques to enhance nutrition and alcohol education. Practice/Implementation Symposium presented at the International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth, January 1-4, 2014, Nassau, Bahamas. (Co-Chair: McNeill)Session Co-Chair. The current status of?HPV vaccination among school- and college-aged youth. Research Symposium presented at the International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth, January 1-4, 2014, Nassau, Bahamas. (Co-Chair: Smith)INVITED PRESENTATIONS Wilson, K.L. (March 2018). The Female Role in Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Programs. Poster presentation as part of the Women’s Research on Women Symposium. Hosted by the Education Leadership Research Center, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas. Wilson, K.L. and Garney, W.R. (December, 2017). Considering Policy, Systems and Environmental Changes in Teenage Pregnancy Prevention. Live and archived webinar as part of the Peer Insights and Strategies Webinar Series. Hosted by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Adolescent Health.Garney, W.R., Wilson, K. L., and McLeroy, K. (January, 2017). Keynote Presentation: Considering Policy, System and Environmental Changes in Adolescent Health Programs. Oral Keynote session presented at the 8th Annual International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth. Cancun, Mexico.Wilson, K.L., Garney, W.R. and McLeroy, K. (October, 2016). Considering Organizational, Policy, Systems or Environmental Level Changes. Live and archived webinar hosted by the iTP3 project at Texas A&M University.Trevino, A. and Wilson, K.L. (September 2016). Improving Impact through School and University Partnerships: Juntos Podemos (Together We Can). Oral Session presented at the Texas A&M Chancellor’s Summit on Teacher Education. San Antonio, Texas. Rosen, B.L. and Wilson, K.L. (September, 2016). How to Write and Publish Manuscripts as an Emerging Professional. Live and archived webinar hosted by the American School Health Association.?McNeill, E.B. & Wilson, K.L. (August, 2016). An Interactive Reflection Activity on the History of Health Education. CNHEO’s 21st Century Profession Wide Meeting. Chicago, Illinois.Sorace, D. and Wilson, K.L.? (May, 2014) Teaching Sexuality Education: Preparing your Students with the Content and Skills They Need.? Live and archived webinar hosted by the American School Health Association.? Presented by: Wilson, K.L. Co-Authors *Szucs, L., *Reyes, J., *Farmer, J., McNeill, E.B. Friend Flips: A Story Activity about Relationships. Oral Session presented at the Illinois School Health Association Workshop, October 25, 2014, Aurora, IL.Wilson, K. L. (January, 2013). Keynote Presentation: Equip Students for Success in the 21st Century: Understanding your Leadership Approach. Fourth Annual International Conference on the Health Risks of Youth. Puntarenas, Costa Rica.Misra, R. & Wilson, K.L. (November, 2011). Epsilon Epsilon Chapter Installation. Eta Sigma Gamma. Prairie View, Texas.Wiley, D.C. & Wilson, K.L. (March 2011). The Status of Sexuality Education in Texas Public Schools: It’s Time to Make Some Changes. Texas Council on Family Relations Annual Conference. Fort Worth, Texas.Wiley, D.C. & Wilson, K.L. (March, 2011). Advocating for Better Sex Education at the Local School District Level. Texas Council on Family Relations Annual Conference. Ft. Worth, Texas.Wilson, K.L. (April, 2010). Nu Chapter (Eta Sigma Gamma) Initiation and Chapter Development. Indiana University. Bloomington, IN.Wilson, K.L. (August, 2009). Critical Issues in Reproductive Health: State of Sexuality Education in Texas. Texas Adolescent Health Symposium. Austin, Texas.Wilson, K.L. (October, 2007). Understanding Research and Evaluation of Abstinence-Based and Abstinence-Only Education and Conducting Sound Research. Heartland HIV Collaborative. Denver, Colorado.Wilson, K.L. (June, 2007). Meet the Challenge: Coordinated School Health Programs. Texas SEA (Secondary and Elementary Administrators) Summit. South Padre, Texas.Wilson, K.L. (February, 2006). Research and Evaluation on Abstinence-Based and Abstinence-Only Education and Conducting Research. Kansas Department of Education - Cadre Training. Kansas City, KS.Goodson, P., Pruitt, B.E., Buhi, E., Rasberry, C., Wilson, K. (January 2005). Texas A&M EvaluationResults. Abstinence Education Program Contractor Meeting. (Texas Department of State Health Services). Austin, TX.Goodson, P., Pruitt, B.E., .Buhi, E., Rasberry, C., Wilson, K.L. (December, 2004). Evaluation of the Texas Abstinence Education Initiative. 14th Texas HIV/STD Conference (Texas Department of State Health Services). Austin, Texas.Wilson, K., Pruitt, B.E., Goodson. P. (April 2004). Abstinence education evaluation and the adoption of programs by school principals in Texas. Texas Department of Health (Texas Health and Human Services Commission). Research and Public Health Assessment Brown Bag Series. Austin, TXGoodson, P; Pruitt, B.E., Wilson, K., Buhi, E. (December, 2003) The A&M Evaluation of AbstinenceEducation Initiative in Texas. Abstinence Education / Texas Department of Health Contractors' Meeting. Austin, Texas.Goodson, P., Buhi, E., Wilson, K., Pruitt, B.E. (December, 2003). Abstinence Program Evaluation:Beyond the Basics. Abstinence Education / Texas Department of Health Contractors' Meeting. Austin, Texas.Goodson P., Pruitt B.E., Suther, S., Wilson, K. (April, 2003). Evaluation of the Texas Abstinence Education Initiative: Preliminary Findings. Texas Department of Health – Research and Public Health Assessment Brown Bag Series. Austin, TX.HONORS AND AWARDS2017 Armstrong Scholar Award. Presented by Texas A&M University, College of Education and Human Development. Department of Health and Kinesiology; May 2017 in College Station, TX. 2017 Fellow Status of Eta Sigma Gamma. Presented in Denver, CO.2016 Outstanding School Health Researcher Award. (Presented by the American School Health Association; October 2016 in Baltimore, MD).Presidential Citation American School Health Association—2015. Presented in Orlando, FL.2013 Distinguished Service Award for American School Health Association. (Presented October 2013 in Myrtle Beach, SC).2012 Distinguished Service Award for Eta Sigma Gamma. (Presented October 2012 in San Antonio, Texas).Fellow Status of the American School Health Association –2011. Presented in Louisville, Kentucky.Presidential Award for Excellence in Scholarly/Creative Activities: College of Education Dean Nominee - 2011 (Texas State University - San Marcos).Presidential Citation American School Health Association—2010. Presented in Kansas City, Missouri.Presidential Award for Excellence in Scholarly/Creative Activities: College of Education Dean Nominee - 2008 (Texas State University - San Marcos). $1,000.2008 American Association for Health Education Horizon Award, Fort Worth, TX2006-2007 Texas A&M University - Division of Health Education Alumnus of the Year.Presidential Award for Excellence in Scholarly/Creative Activities: College of Education Runner Up - 2006 (Texas State University - San Marcos). $2,000.MEDIA PRESS AND COVERAGE—National and Local ScopeRadio & OnlineNPR All Things Considered (with Audie Cornish, segment aired July 17, 2017)2017Trump Administration Moves to Defund Teen Pregnancy Research ProgramsPrint & OnlineFeminist Majority Foundation (by Feminist Newswire, in press August 1, 2017)2017Trump Administration Pulls Funding for Teen Pregnancy ProgramsBaptist Press (by Daniel Woodman, in press July 25, 2017)2017Trump Admin. Cuts Target Contraceptive-based Sex Ed.The Eagle (by Steve Kuhlmann, in press July 17, 2017)2017Teen Pregnancy Prevention Research at Texas A&M to Lose Grant MoneyTexas Medical Center (by Britni Riley, in press July 28, 2015)2015Texas A&M University Awarded Grant to Reduce Teen PregnanciesSTUDENT AWARDS AND RECOGNITION*Served as Research Advisor, Wrote the letter of nominationsTUDENT RESEARCH WEEK - Texas A&M University*Klein, A. & *Burrus, D. (2014) Qualitative Analysis of ’s Hookup Text Messages and Blogs. Oral Presentation at Texas A&M University, Student Research Week.*Szucs, L. *Klein, A., *Burrus, D., Brown, S. & *Spross, M. (2014). To What Extent Do Bryan ISD Grades K-5 Breakfast and Lunch Menus Meet USDA Nutrition Standards for School Meals for Total Calories (kcal), Fat, Sodium and Fiber. Oral Presentation at Texas A&M University, Student Research Week. *First Place Award Recipient – Health, Nutrition, Kinesiology and Physiology CategoryCollege of Education and Human Development – Texas A&M UniversityOutstanding Graduate Student in Health and KinesiologyLeigh E. Szucs – Spring 2017 *Served as Chair Brittany L. Rosen – Summer 2013 *Served as Committee MemberUndergraduate PathChristopher Than – Spring 2015Professional PathVirginia Braly – Fall 2014INTERNALLY FUNDED STUDENT-RELATED ACTIVITIESActiveCompleted2017-2018Undergraduate Student Research Initiative (USRI)Co-Principal Investigator (supported Allison Haug)Texas A&M University – College of Education and Human Development $2,400Funded2013-2014Undergraduate Student Research Initiative (USRI)Principal Investigator (supported Danielle Burrus)Texas A&M University – College of Education and Human Development $2,400Funded2013Undergraduate Research GrantCo-Principal Investigator (with Danielle Burrus)Texas A&M University – College of Education and Human Development $1,000Funded2013Undergraduate Research GrantCo-Principal Investigator (with Christi Hays)Texas A&M University – College of Education and Human Development $1,000FundedTEACHING EXPERIENCESTexas A&M University – Undergraduate (Health)331Community Health484Internship in Community Health EducationTexas A&M University – Graduate (Health)630649671Health Program PlanningAdvanced Health Behavior TheoryInterdisciplinary Seminar in Prevention ScienceCo-taught685Issues in Sexuality EducationDeveloped as a new courseTexas State University – Undergraduate (Health)1310Foundations of Health1320Introduction to Health and Wellness PromotionDeveloped as a new course2340Community HealthEstablished multicultural designation3321Health in the Elementary Setting3321Health in the Elementary Setting (online)3360Family Life and Sexuality Education3374Global HealthDeveloped as a new course4336Concepts and Resources for Health, Wellness & PromotionTexas State University – Undergraduate (Other)1100Freshman University SeminarTexas State University – Graduate (Health)5321Theoretical Foundations of Health EducationDeveloped as a new course5330Advocacy and Grant WritingDeveloped as a workshop courseDeveloped as an online course (Summer 2012)5330Qualitative Research in Health EducationDeveloped as a workshop course5330Adolescent HealthDeveloped as a workshop course5345Issues in Human Sexuality EducationDeveloped as a new course5346Research in Health Education5374Global HealthDeveloped as a new, hybrid courseFUNDED TEACHING ACTIVITY AWARDSActiveCompleted2011Creating and Teaching an Online CourseParticipantTexas State University – Instructional Technologies Support$1,200Funded2007Multicultural Curriculum Transformation Institute ParticipantParticipantTexas State University – Multicultural Student affairs$1,200Funded2005Technology Integration Workshop Program ParticipantParticipantTexas State University – Instructional Technologies Support$1,200Funded2004-2005Program for Excellence in Teaching and Learning Program ParticipantTexas State University – Academic Development and Assessment$1,000FundedSTUDENT ADVISING & TRAININGDoctoral Committee chair - Texas A&M UniversityHealthMichelle “Shelley” Strong2018-currentJordan Nelon2016-currentAmie Klein Carreon 2016-currentChristi Hays Esquivel2015-currentKristen Willingham2013-currentJennifer Farmer2012-currentDoctoral Committee Member - Texas A&M UniversityHealthHeather Barton-Weston2013-currentOtherMartha Mendoza 2013-currentEducational Administration and Human Resource DevelopmentMASTERS COMMITTEE CHAIR - Texas A&M University HealthE-MASTERS COMMITTEE CHAIR/COMMITTEE - Texas A&M University HealthTiffani McGronan 2017-currentCOMPLETED STUDENT ADVISING AND TRAININGDoctoral Committee chair - Texas A&M UniversityHealthJovanni Reyes2018Dissertation: Understanding Contraceptive Behaviors among LatinasLeigh Elizabeth Szucs2017Dissertation: The Complexity of Teen Pregnancy Prevention Implementation: A Case Study InvestigationMegan Hamilton Giebert2016Dissertation: Trends in Texas Youth Fitness Testing: A Longitudinal Look at Statewide ReportingDoctoral Committee Member - Texas A&M UniversityHealthLenna Dawkins-Moultin2017Dissertation: Texas Health Educators’ Health Literacy Competence and Professional Preparation: A Multiple Perspective Kayce Solari-Hall2015Dissertation: Secondary School Dress Code Compliance Issues: Analysis from the Students’ PerspectiveAndrea McDonald2015Dissertation: Exploring Adolescents’ Experiences and Parents’ Teaching Strategies Related to Food Preparation Literacy: A Photovoice and Grounded Theory ApproachBrittany Rosen2013Dissertation: School Nurses' Role as Opinion Leaders Regarding the HPV Vaccine for YouthMasters Committee chair - Texas A&M University Sylvia “Elena” Hernandez2017Sara Reeves2017Kourtney Martin2016Megan L. Molano2016Janiene Peoples2016Cameron Ramirez (Co-Chair with S. Harvey)2016Shanasia Billinger2015Emily Phillips Martin2015Ehikowoicho “Ehi” Idoko 2015Virginia Braly2014Megan Corrine Hamilton Giebert 2013MASTERS COMMITTEE - Texas A&M University HealthDaenuka Muraleethran2017Amie Klein Carreon 2015E-MASTERS COMMITTEE CHAIR/COMMITTEE - Texas A&M University HealthShana Miles2016Laura Osina2014Adrian Hernandez2014Kirby Ennis2014Kimberley Decker2014Laura Garza2014Jessica Baylock 2014Pamela Rains2014Nykole Kafka2013Doctoral Committee Member - Texas State UniversityOther MajorsStacia Miller2011Family Reciprocity of Physical ActivityMasters thesis Chair - Texas sTATE University Kathryn “Katie” Snow2012Sally Moody2012Nina “Michelle” Cyrkin2012Jasmin Prudon 2011Sarah Nielsen2011Janelle Hibbing 2010Katherine Snodgrass 2010Masters thesis Committee member - Texas STATE University Brittany Rosen 2010OTHER ADVANCED TRAINING: CERTIFICATES IN DESIGN THINKINGInsights for Innovation (IDEO U). 5 week course, Certificate of Completion.From Ideas to Action (IDEO U). 5 week course, Certificate of Completion.Storytelling for Influence (IDEO U). 5 week course, Certificate of Completion.Leading for Creativity (IDEO U). 5 week course, Certificate of Completion.Foundations of Innovation through Human Centered Design (LUMA). 2 day course.Foundations of Innovation through Human Centered Design (LUMA). 2 day course, Pittsburg, PA.Advancing Innovation through Human Centered Design (LUMA). 2 day course, Chicago, IL.Innovation in Teen Pregnancy Prevention through Human Centered Design (LUMA). 2 day course, Austin, TX.I served as a co-facilitator with the LUMADesign Thinkers Academy (Design Thinkers Academy). 4 day course, London, UK.Design Thinkers Facilitation Course (Design Thinkers Academy). 2 day course, Amsterdam, Netherlands.OTHER ADVANCED TRAININGAnyLogic Product Training. 3-day course, Certificate of Completion. Chicago, IL, September 6, 2018.Systems Thinking Level 1: Developing Critical Thinking Skills. Systems Thinking in Schools Project (Waters Foundation). Tucson, AZ, June 1-4, 2015.?Systems Thinking Level 2: Embracing the Power of Visuals Tools, Including Simulation Models. Systems Thinking in Schools Project (Waters Foundation). Tucson, AZ, June 8-11, 2015.American Cancer Society—Higher Education Academy Sequel. American Cancer Society. Myrtle Beach, SC. October 2013 (research presentation travel stipend).Ready, Set, Sustain: Continuing our Success. Third Annual Teen Pregnancy Prevention Conference. Office of Adolescent Health, Administration on Children, Youth and Families and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/Division of Reproductive Health's (OAH/ACYF/CDC). National Harbor, MD, May 20-22, 2013.Planning, Piloting, Prevention: Teenage Pregnancy Prevention for the Next Generation – Regional Training on Fidelity Monitoring – Denver, CO, August 4-5, 2011Planning, Piloting, Prevention: Teenage Pregnancy Prevention for the Next Generation – Annual Meeting – Washington, DC, January 31-February 2, 2011American Cancer Society—Higher Education Academy Sequel. American Cancer Society. Kansas City, MO. October 2010 (travel stipend).American Cancer Society—Higher Education Academy. American Cancer Society. Atlanta, GA. February 2010 (travel stipend).Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling – Course offered by TREC - May 2010Advanced Topics in Structural Equation Modeling – Course offered by TREC - May 2010Regression Based Tests for Mediation and Moderation – Course offered by TREC - May 2010EDITORIAL BOARD AND REVIEWER ACTIVITIESEditor PositionsAssistant Editor for Continuing Education, Journal of School Health Editorial Board Journal of School Health (2013-2014)Frontiers in Public Health Education and Promotion (2013-current)Frontiers in Public Health (specialty section)Reviewer Journal of School Health - JOSH (2011-current)Health Promotion and Practice (2013)Health Education and Behavior (2013)Journal of Health Psychology (2013)Sex Roles: A Journal of Research (2013)The Health Educator (2006-2012)Texas Association HPERD Journal, ad-hoc (2005)American School Health Association CHES/MCHES Self-study Continuing Education Opportunities Review Team 2015 Project (Chair): Ginsburg, K.R., & Kinsman, S.B. (Eds.). (2014). Reaching Teens: Strength-Based Communication Strategies to Build Resilience and Support Healthy Adolescent Development. Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics.Paso del Norte Health Foundation Evidence-Based or Practice-Informed Dating Violence Prevention Curriculum Review Team 2015 Project (Chair): Included a thorough review of 14 curricula/program modelsGRANT REVIEW ACTIVITIESPaso del Norte Health Foundation Two Should Know Initiative – proposal review team (2014)Two Should Know Initiative – proposal review team (2012)PROFESSIONAL SERVICE ACTIVITIESAmerican School Health Association - ASHA Co-Chair, Future Leaders Academy (2009-2011; 2012-2013)Chair, Future Leaders Academy (2011-2012)Finance Committee – Member (2011-current)Reviewer for the Journal of School Health (2011-current)Board of Directors - Chair of Organizational Membership (2010-2011)Board of Directors - Chair of the State/Regional Constituents (2007-2010)Committee Member - Awards Committee (2007-2010)Chair - Sexuality and Reproductive Health Council - (2009-2010)Vice-Chair - Sexuality and Reproductive Health Council - (2008-2009)Secretary - Sexuality and Reproductive Health Council - (2006-2008)Committee Member - Advocacy Committee - (2004-2006)Director - Health Educators' Section - (2005-2006)National Commission for Health Education Credentialing - NCHEC Committee Member - Marketing Committee - (2010-present)Study Guide Task Force and Reviewer – Chair (2009-2010)Co-Editor - Companion Guide Publication - (2009-2010)Chair - Marketing Committee - (2007-2009)Study Guide Task Force – Chair (2008-2009)Director - Division Board for Professional Preparation and Practice - (2005-2009, 2010)Commissioner - Board of Commissioners - (2007-2008)Coordinator - Division Board for Professional Preparation and Practice - (2007-2008)Editor and Writer - Study Guide Publication - (2006-2007)Committee Member - Marketing Committee - (2005-2008)Committee Member - Nominations Committee - (2006)Eta Sigma GammaNational President Elect (2013-2015), President (2015-2017), Past President (2017-2019)Delta Chi Advisor (2005-2012)Member at Large serving on the National Board of Directors (2007-2010)Reviewer for Community Health Presentation Abstracts for Annual Meeting (2009)Student Awards Selection Committee Chair (2007-2010)Reviewer for Poster Presentation Abstracts for Annual Meeting (2006- 2008)Coalition of National Health Education OrganizationsAlternate Delegate Member for Eta Sigma Gamma (2013-2015)Delegate Member for Eta Sigma Gamma (2015-2017)Health Education Advocacy Summit – Supported by Coalition of National Health Education Organizations Texas State Captain (2013, 2014)American Association for Health Education - AAHE Committee Member - Membership Committee - (2005-2008)Texas School Health Association - TSHA ASHA Representative (2006-2010)Committee Chair - Bushan Scholarship (2006-2010)Past President - 2008President - 2007President Elect – 2006Committee Member – Constitution and Bylaws (2007-2008)Vice President – 2005Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance – TAHPERD Chair - Health Division, Health Professional Education Section, 2005-2007UNIVERSITY SERVICE ACTIVITIESTexas A&M UniversityUniversityPresidential Bid Debate Working Group (2014-2015)Diversity and Merit Fellowship Review Committee (2013-2014)Be the Match On Campus – Texas A&M University – Primary Advisor (2013-current)CollegeCollege Awards Committee (2013-2016)College Level Awards Selection Committee (2014, 2015)DepartmentalGraduate Awards Committee (2012-2014)Community Health Assessment Committee – Chair (2013-2015)Health PhD Assessment Committee – (2016-current)Health Assistant Professor Search Committee – Chair (2017-2018)hired Dr. Megan PattersonHealth Assistant Professor Search Committee – Chair (2015-2016)hired Dr. Whitney Garneyhired Dr. Lisa WigfallHealth Associate Professor Search Committee – Chair (2015-2016)hired Dr. Tamika GilreathHealth Associate Professor Search Committee – Chair (2013-2014)hired Dr. Yorghos Apostolopouloshired Dr. Adam Barryhired Dr. Shevon HarveyHealth Clinical Faculty Search Committee – Chair [Visiting Faculty] (Summer 2015)hired Dr. Sarah Fehrhired Dr. Hildi NicksicChair (2014-2015)hired Dr. Michael LemkeChair (2013-2014)hired Dr. Heather Clarkhired Dr. Meagan ShipleySport Management Associate Professor Search Committee - (2012)hired Dr. Matthew WalkerTexas State University—San MarcosUniversityUniversity Council - (2006-2007)CollegeCollege of Education Curriculum Committee – (2008-2009)Research and Grants Committee - (2007-2008)Grants and Contracts Committee - (2006-2007)Scholarship Committee (HPER Representative) – (2006-2007)Outstanding Graduate Student Selection Committee - (2006)College of Education Graduate Scholarship Rating and Selection Committee - (2006)Academic Budget Specialist Search Committee - (2005)hired Ms. Kris KahlerDepartmentalHHP Athletic Training Assistant Professor Search Committee (2011-2012)HHP Curriculum Committee – (2009-current)HHP Faculty Mentoring CommitteesDr. Jeff Housman – Health Education (start date – Fall 2008)Dr. AJ An – Exercise & Sports Science (start date – Fall 2010)Eta Sigma Gamma Delta Chi Advisor - (2005-current)2010 National Eta Sigma Gamma Travel Grant2009 National Eta Sigma Gamma Travel Grant2009 National Eta Sigma Gamma Professional Development GrantHPER Curriculum Committee – Chair – (2008-2009)HPER T&P PPS Update Ad Hoc Committee -- (2008-2009)HPER Professor Search Committee – (2008-2009)hired Dr. Ting LiuHPER Faculty Evaluation Committee - (2007-2008)HPER Curriculum Committee - (2007-2008)HPER T&P Committee - (2007)Health Education Professor Search Committee - (2006-2007, 2007-2008)hired Dr. Jeff HousmanHPER Scholarship Committee - (2006-2008)HPER Travel Committee - (2006-2007)HPER Department Chair Search Committee - (2006-2007)hired Dr. Duane Knudson 2009ESS Professor Search Committee - (2005)hired Dr. Kevin McCurdyJesse Helen Haag Scholarship Review Committee - (2004-2006)Local/Community Service ActivitiesCollege Station ISDUIL Creative Writing Coach – (2015)The Children’s Shelter (San Antonio) Student Service Learning Project – Mobile Arts Program Planning - (2010-2011)Hays County Health Department Health Education Clinic Student Service Learning Project - (2008-2009)Greater San Marcos Youth Council Student Service Learning Project - (2005-2009)American Cancer Society Relay for Life Team Member – 2007, 2009Relay for Life Team Captain – 2005Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Team in Training – 2003PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATION MEMBERSHIPS American School Health Association (Life) Eta Sigma Gamma National Professional Health Education Honorary (Life) Texas School Health Association (Life)CERTIFICATIONS Master Certified Health Education Specialist (MCHES?)ADVOCACY ASHA Future Leaders Academy Advocacy Day – 2012 Washington DCASHA Future Leaders Academy Advocacy Day – 2011 Washington DCASHA Future Leaders Academy Advocacy Day – 2010 Washington DC20th Annual Health Education Advocacy Summit Participant – 2018 Washington DC19th Annual Health Education Advocacy Summit Participant – 2017 Washington DC18th Annual Health Education Advocacy Summit Participant – 2016 Washington DC17th Annual Health Education Advocacy Summit Participant – 2014 Washington DC16th Annual Health Education Advocacy Summit Participant – 2013 Washington DC10th Annual Health Education Advocacy Summit Participant - 2007 Washington DC9th Annual Health Education Advocacy Summit Participant - 2006 Washington DC8th Annual Health Education Advocacy Summit Participant - 2005 Washington DC “I acknowledge that the CV being submitted is the most current and is correct as of the date of the signature.” September 6, 2018Kelly L. WilsonDate ................

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