

If you walk down the halls of a public school in Toronto, you will see many different types of clothing and many students showing their personality through the clothes they wear. However, where is the line drawn between individualism and decency? Many claim that this question should not even have to be asked. Students in public schools should wear uniforms. There are three reasons for this. One, uniforms are cheaper. Two, they are safer for our public schools. Finally, they make life easier for high school students.

One reason why it should be mandatory for students to wear uniforms is that they are cheaper. Uniforms cost students and parents less money. For example, it is just common sense to realize that one or two uniforms will cost much less than an entire closet-full of clothes! Another way that uniforms are cheaper are that they do not make students feel like they have to keep up with the latest trends and styles buy buying new clothes to fit in. Eliminating this pressure from students’ lives will relieve them of anxiety and take pressure off of their parents. Uniforms are a good idea because they cost less and allow school students and their families to spend money on more important things than trendy clothes.

Another reason that supports students having to wear uniforms in school is that they are safer. Wearing uniforms will not allow students to wear colours that are associated with gangs. This makes it less likely that any type of gang violence might occur at school and this is always a good thing. Uniforms are also safer because they allow all students who go the same school to be recognized. This way, intruders can be easily recognized. Another reason why uniforms are safe is that they will reduce crime in public schools. There are currently many thefts committed in public school involving student clothing. If everyone is wearing the same thing, no one will be tempted to steal; they will already have the same outfit! Uniforms for students are safe and this makes them a good idea.

Finally, student uniforms are a great idea because they are easier for all involved. For instance, students waste valuable time shopping and selecting clothes to wear to school. They should spend this time studying. Imagine the increase in grades if every student dedicated the time they spent shopping for clothes to studying English! Another way that uniforms are easier is that they will not cause students to be late for class. How many times have you stood in front of your closest mulling over what to wear? High school students do this more than anyone else because of the social pressures of high school. This often makes them late for class and they miss chances for learning that they need for their futures. If we take away the choice by giving all students uniforms, then students will be on-time more regularly. As you can see, uniforms for make a student’s life much easier.

In conclusion, uniforms really are the best choice for today’s students and public schools. Uniforms are cheaper for students and their families. Uniforms also make life in today’s public schools safer. They also make life easier for high school students. Today’s students have too much to worry about as it is without having to shop and pay for, select, and maintain their own clothes. We must help make students’ lives easier by allowing them to concentrate on what does matter; their futures. Making school uniforms mandatory in Toronto public schools will do this.


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