AP sample essay questions - Tumwater School District

AP sample essay questions


Compare the interaction between humans and the environment between two of the following types of societies before 3000BCE




Compare the political and social aspects of tow of the following river valley civilizations.



• Indus Valley

• Shang China

Compare the political structures of two of the following classical-age empires.+

*Persian Empire

*Roman Empire

*Mauryan Empire

*Qin Dynasty Empire

Compare the core beliefs of two religious traditions that emerged before 600CE.

Compare the influence of religious tradition on gender and social roles for two of the following faiths before 600 CE

* Christianity

• Buddhism

• Hinduism

Compare the development of politics and economies between Mesoamerica and Andean South America before 1450 CE.

Compare the effects of cultural diffusion caused by the increased connections of trade in two of the following regions n the period from 600 to 1450.

* East Africa

• Southeast Asia

• Middle East

• West Africa

Compare the effects of Chinese culture on two of the following areas between 600 and 1450.


*Southeast Asia

*Central Asia

Compare the effects of Islamic rule on two of the following regions from the seventh to the fifteenth centuries

* Africa

• South Asia

• Europe

Compare the political and religious institutions of medieval Western Europe and the Byzantine Empire.

Compare the effects of Mongol rule on two of the following regions

• Central Asia

• Russia

• The Middle East

• China

Compare the political state structure of two of the following fifteenth-century empires.

*Ottoman Emire

*Aztec Empire

*Inca Empire

• Spanish Empire

• Ming Dynasty Empire

Compare the effects of the expansion of the Russian Empire to the expansion of the Spanish Empire from 1450 to 1750.

Compare the systems of trade that involved East Asia and the systems of trade that involved the Americas between 1450 and 1750.

Compare the cultural transformations of two of the following regions in the period 1450 to 1750.

* The Americas

* South Asia

* East Asia

• The Middle East

Compare two to the following revolutionary movements

• American Revolution

• French Revolution

• Haitian Revolution

• South American Wars of Independence

Compare the causes and effects of the factory system in Britain with the causes and effects of the factory system in either Japan or Russia before 1914.

Compare the effects of nineteenth-century imperialism on two of the following regions.

• Africa

• India

• Southeast Asia

Compare the differing responses to modernization for two of the following empires in the nineteenth century.

• China

• Ottoman

• Japan

Compare the effects of World War I and World War II on two of the following regions.

• Middle East

• East Asia

• Aftica

Compare communism as expressed in the Soviet Union and China during the twentieth century.

Compare the process of decolonization in two countries that achieved independence in the twentieth century.

Compare the responses to globalization in at least two countries outside of Europe and North America.

Continuity and Change Over Time essay questions

Analyze continuities and changes that resulted from the spread of agriculture beginning around 10,000 years ago to 5000 years ago.

Analyze continuities and changes in social and economic life that emerged as a result of the formation of city-states from 3500 BCE to 600 BCE.

Analyze continuities and changes in the political structure from the time of the river valley societies (3500 BCE0 to the political structure of classical-are empires (to 600 BCE).

Analyze continuities and changes in religious belief systems from 600 BCE and 600 CE in one of the following regions

• Middle East

• South Asia

• East Asia

Analyze continuities and changes in social structures from 600BCE to 600 CE in one of the following regions

* South Asia

• East Asia

• The Mediterranean

Analyze continuities and changes in trade and migration for Africa before 600 CE.

Analyze continuities and changes in cultural traditions that occurred as a result of one of the following trade systems in the period from 600 to 1450.

* Indian Ocean

*Silk Road

• Trans-Saharan

Analyze continuities and changes of gender roles in Chinese society between 600 and 1450.

Analyze continuities and changes that occurred with the spread of Islam during the 600s and 700s.

Analyze continuities and changes within the Christian world from 600 to 1450 CE.

Analyze continuities and changes in the politics of one of the following regions from about 1200 to 1450 CE.

• The Middle East

• China

Analyze continuities and changes in connections with the rest of the world for one of the following regions from 1400 to 1500 CE.

*Western Europe


*Middle East

Analyze continuities and changes in the global system that emerged as a result of the Columbian exchange from 1492 to 1750.

Analyze continuities and changes in the Atlantic system of trade that developed between 1450 and 1750.

Analyze continuities and changes in the global reach of Christianity from 1450 to 1750.

Analyze continuities and changes in the relationship of the individual to the political state that came as a result of the Enlightenment.

Analyze continuities and changes in economic and labor systems that came as a result of industrialism for the period 1750 through 1900.

Analyze continuities and changes that came as a result of imperialism during the nineteenth century. In your analysis, use examples from at least one non-European region.

Analyze continuities and changes in one of the following empires from 1750-1900.

• China

• Ottoman

• Japan

Analyze continuities and changes in political structures that came as a result of World War I and World War II. Be sure to mention at least two world history regions.

Analyze continuities and changes in economic policies of either the Soviet Union or China from the time of its communist revolution to the 1990s.

Analyze continuities and changes in the struggle involved with the dissolution of empires in the twentieth century.

Analyze continuities and changes in at least two colonies that went through the process of independence in the twentieth century.

Analyze continuities and changes in women’s roles with examples from at least two world regions for the time period after WWII to the present.


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