
10F ELA – The PigmanPersonality Traits EssayNAME:_Sample Outline________K. WarkentineSo essays can be intimidating, but they are just longer, more developed ideas in writing. This writing task will build TWO main ideas (2 LARGE paragraphs) that will have an INTRO and CONC to help link them together. Having your details/notes will allow you to choose elements to build your writing.STEP ONE: Outlining your choices. Ideas need support from the book and explanation to help the reader make sense of your writing. We will build the Introduction and Conclusion LAST (I know that’s strange, but trust me!)PARAGRAPH 2: Negative Personality Traits. Choose 2 negative traits with 2 different characters; one from John/Lorraine and one from secondary characters (Mr. P, Norton, J’s parents, L’s mom) and examples from DIFFERENT parts of the book (don’t make it all just chapter 3). Think deeper WHY this character acts this way. This can be part of explaining the impact of this behaviour part of the paragraph. This sample outline will be for a made-up story. I am doing a made up version so there is no copying of examples for your ic Sentence: Introduce 2 negative traits and characters to discuss in ONE complete sentence. Negative Trait 1: ___Aimless__- _means to wander, has no purposeChoose a secondary character: Mr. P, Norton, J’s parents, L’s mom in chapter Bob in_2_______Situation (Example): Bob misses the math unit test and walks around the mall that afternoon trying to find something fun to do.Explain Impact of this behavior Bob is always wanting something fun to do instead of understanding sometimes one has to do something difficult. Without direction Bob sees school as a pain and is angry with his parents and even his friends when he is asked to do some work. Here is a sample STATE, EXPLAIN and EXAMPLE for paragraph 2:The negative personality traits of aimless and sadistic are present in the book Life in High School. Bob Smith, is a grade 12 high school student who is very aimless. To be aimless one has no direction or purpose. The person feels lost without having an aim in life. Bob shows his aimless personality trait in chapter 2 when he avoids the math unit test. Instead of going to class Bob wanders around the mall for five hours. Bob becomes increasingly annoyed as the afternoon goes on as he was hoping to have fun at the mall, but instead he is alone. He kicks a piece of garbage and frowns at anyone who looks at him. Bob’s aimless attitude has a negative impact on him and others as he becomes more and more depressed. Bob doesn’t see the point in working harder at something, like math, and how it will benefit him in the future. Another negative personality trait is sadistic. To be sadistic one is very aggressive and cruel to others. Fred is Bob’s best friend at high school and shows he is sadistic in chapter 8 when he is at Susan’s birthday party…. ................

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