Language Arts Curriculum

Topic: Concepts of Print

Reading Street Key: CAPS = Targeted Lesson, R = review, PA =phonemic awareness

|Concept: |Concept: |Concept: |

|1 |2 |3 |

|Parts of a Book |Directionality |Punctuation |

|1.1.K.A |Word Text Correspondence |1.1.K.A |

| |1.1.K.A, 1.1.K.B | |

|Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |

|What are the parts of a book? (A) |How do I know the difference between letters and |How does punctuation help me to read like I am |

| |words? (A) |talking? (A) |

|What can I learn from the front of a book? (A) | | |

| |How do I follow a text when I read? (A) |Why does an author use different types of punctuation?|

|What is the difference between illustrations and | |(A) |

|print? (A) | | |

| | |How do I know when a sentence ends? (A) |

|Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |

|front cover, back cover, words, title, author, |left, right, front, back, top, bottom, return sweep, |period, question mark, exclamation mark, comma, |

|illustrator, title page, illustrations |match, point, letter, word, space |quotations |

|Connection to Reading Street: |Connection to Reading Street: |Connection to Reading Street: |

|Additional Information: |

|spaghetti / meatball spaces, spacemen |

Topic: Phonological Awareness

Reading Street Key: CAPS = Targeted Lesson, R = review, PA =phonemic awareness

|Concept: |Concept: |Concept: |

|1 |2 |3 |

|Environmental Sounds |Rhyming |Concept of Word |

|1.1.K.C |1.1.K.C, 1.1.K.B |1.1.K.C |

|Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |

|What sounds do I hear around me? (A) |How do I know when words rhyme? (A) |How do I know the difference between letters, words |

| | |and sentences? (A) |

|How do create sounds around me? (A) |How can I make words rhyme? (A) | |

| | |How do I follow a text when I read? (A) |

|Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |

|What sounds do I hear around me? (A) |Rhyme, identify, produce |Letter, word, sentence |

| | |Letters make words. |

|How do I create sounds around me? (A) |Rhyming words sound the same at the end. |Words make sentences. |

|Connection to Reading Street: |Connection to Reading Street: |Connection to Reading Street: |

| |Unit 1: | |

Phonological Awareness Map (continued)

|Concept: |Concept: |Concept: |

|4 |5 |6 |

|Sound Identification |Syllables |Onset Rime |

|1.1.K.C |1.1.K.E |1.1.K.E |

|Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |

|How does saying the sounds in words help me read and |How do I break a word into parts? (A) |How do I break a word into parts? (A) |

|write? (A) | | |

| |How do I blend sounds to say a word? (A) |How do I blend sounds to say a word? (A) |

|Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |

|Initial, final, medial, sound |parts, break, syllables, sound |parts, break, onset, rime, chunk |

|DIBELS ISF Benchmarks: | | |

|Fall: 8-24 | | |

|Winter: 25-41 | | |

|Connection to Reading Street: |Connection to Reading Street: |Connection to Reading Street: |

|Concept: |Concept: |Concept: |

|7 |8 |9 |

|Segmenting Phonemes |Blending |Substituting Phonemes |

|1.1.K.E |1.1.K.C, 1.1.K.F |1.1.K.E |

|Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |

|How do I break a word into parts? (A) |How do I blend sounds to say a word? (A) |How does moving a sound change a word? (A) |

| | | |

|How does hearing and saying each sound help me to read|How do I blend sounds to read a word? (A) |How does deleting a sound change a word? (A) |

|and write? (A) | | |

|Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |

|stretch, phoneme, segment, sounds DIBELS PSF |blend, sounds, phoneme |delete, change, sound, phoneme, move |

|Benchmarks: |DIBELS Benchmarks: | |

|Winter: 18-35 |Fall: NWF 13-25 | |

|Spring: 35-49 |Winter: NWF , WRC 1-2, | |

| |Spring: NWF 25-44, WRC 3-5 | |

|Connection to Reading Street: |Connection to Reading Street: |Connection to Reading Street: |

|Additional Information: |

|District Benchmarks |

Topic: Comprehension – Shared Reading and Teacher Modeling

Reading Street Key: CAPS = Targeted Lesson, R = review, PA =phonemic awareness

|Concept: |Concept: |Concept: |

|1 |2 |3 |

|Previewing |Predicting |Visualizing |

|1.1.K.K, 1.1.K.L |1.3.K.B |1.1.K.K. |

|Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |

|How can the title and the cover of a book help me |How can I use the title and the cover to make a |How does the title create a picture in my mind? (A) |

|think about the story? (A) |prediction? (A) | |

| | |How do the illustrations create pictures in my mind? |

|How do the illustrations create the story? (A) |How do I use the illustrations to help me make |(A) |

| |predictions? (A) | |

| | |How do the words create pictures in my mind? (A) |

|Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |

|preview, title, cover, illustrations, picture walk and|title, cover, prediction, illustrations, stop and |title, picture, words, model using variety of text |

|talk, model using a variety of text including poetry |think, look at the pictures, model using a variety of |including poetry |

| |text including poetry | |

|Connection to Reading Street: |Connection to Reading Street: |Connection to Reading Street: |

Comprehension – Shared Reading and Teacher Modeling Map (continued)

|Concept: |Concept: |Concept: |

|4 |5 |6 |

|Making Connections |Retelling |Vocabulary |

|1.3.K.A |1.2.K.A, 1.2.K.B |1.1.K.K, 1.1.K.L, 1.1.K.M., 1.1.K.N. |

|Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |

|What does the story make me think about? (A) |How should I begin to retell this story? (A) |Why is it important to story vocabulary when I talk |

| | |about the story? (A) |

| |How can I start at the beginning and tell what | |

| |happened in the story? (A) |How do I connect use new vocabulary? (A) |

| | | |

| |How can I use characters, names, and important details|What resources can be used to build my vocabulary? (A)|

| |in my retelling? (A) | |

| | | |

| |How do I remember the whole story? (A) | |

|Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |

|model using a variety of text including poetry |beginning, end, before/after, characters, details, |vocabulary, resources (word wall, reference materials,|

| |model using a variety of text including poetry, |text), model using a variety of text including poetry |

| |prompts: what happens next, tell me more | |

|Connection to Reading Street: (mostly Vocab) |Connection to Reading Street: |Connection to Reading Street: |

|Additional Information: |

|big books, text |

Topic: Comprehension – Guided Reading

Reading Street Key: CAPS = Targeted Lesson, R = review, PA =phonemic awareness

|Concept: |Concept: |Concept: |

|1 |2 |3 |

|Word Solving in Context |Strategies |Critical Reading |

|1.1.K.H |1.2.K.A, 1.3.K.A |1.1.K.A, 1.2.K.A |

|Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |

|How can I use the picture to help me when I read? (A) |What do I do before I read? (A) |How do pay attention to pattern when I am reading? (A)|

| | | |

|How can I use the beginning of a word to help me when |What do I do while I am reading? (A) |How do I remember and tell what I read? (A) |

|I read? (A) | | |

| |How do I know what I read? (A) | |

|Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |

|picture, beginning, word, tricky, unknown, |pretell – sharing steps in a process (lining up for |retell, details, pictures, sequence, pattern (of |

|self-correct, Questioning: Does this make sense? |lunch, brushing your teeth), predict, preview, retell |text), change in pattern, character, vocabulary |

|Does this look right? Does this sound right? |(refer to Comprehension-Shared Reading Map for |specific to text |

| |specific instructional information on these | |

| |strategies) | |

|Connection to Reading Street: |Connection to Reading Street: (monitoring) |Connection to Reading Street: |

| | | |

|See also Phonological Awareness Map | | |

Comprehension – Guided Reading Map (continued)

|Concept: |

|4 |

|Fluency |

|1.1.K.J |

|Lesson Essential Questions: |

|What does reading sound like? (A) |

|Vocabulary: |

|talking, letter naming fluency |

|Connection to Reading Street: |

|addressed in all units |

|Additional Information: |

|Leveled text, strategy |

Topic: Phonics and Word Study

Reading Street Key: CAPS = Targeted Lesson, R = review, PA =phonemic awareness

|Concept: |Concept: |Concept: |

|1 |2 |3 |

|Environmental Print |Letter Name |Letter Sound Relationships |

|1.1.K.C |(Alphabetic Principle) |1.1.K.C |

| |1.1.K.C | |

|Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |

|What can I read in my world? (A) |Why is it important for me to know letter names? (A) |Why is it important for me to know letter sounds?|

| | |(A) |

| |Why is it important to quickly name letters? (A) | |

| | |How do I use letter sounds to read and write? (A)|

| |Why is it important to put letters in order? (A) | |

| | |How does saying the sounds quickly help me to |

| | |read? (A) |

| | | |

| | |How do I blend sounds to read a word? (A) |

| | | |

|Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |

|print |letter, alphabet, fluency (with letter naming), alphabet |letter, sound, blend |

| |arc, | |

| |DIBELS LNF Benchmarks | |

| |Fall: 8-34 | |

| |Winter: 27-40 | |

| |Spring: 40-49 | |

|Connection to Reading Street: |Connection to Reading Street: |Connection to Reading Street: |

Phonics & Word Study Map (continued)

|Concept: |Concept: |Concept: |

|4 |5 |6 |

|Letter Formation |Word Families |High Frequency Words/Sight Words |

|1.1.K.C |(Rime Chunks with Short Vowels) |1.1.K.C |

| |1.1.K.C, 1.3.K.C | |

|Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |

|How does knowing the shapes of letters help me to read and|How are words within word families the same? (A) |Why are sight words important? (A) |

|write letters? (A) | | |

| |What happens when I change the first letter of a |How do sight words help me to read and write? (A) |

|How do I write letters? (A) |word in a word family? (A) | |

| | | |

|Why is it important for me to write my words? (A) | | |

|Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |

|top, bottom, straight lines, big line, short line, big |chunk, word families, core chunks (-at, -an, -it, |word walls, sight words |

|curve, little curve, upper case, lower case, shapes, form,|-in, -ot, -et, -en,-up, -un) | |

|spell, name | |*see grade level sight word assessment |

|Utilize multi-sensory activities to support and practice | | |

|letter formation. | | |

|Connection to Reading Street: |Connection to Reading Street: |Connection to Reading Street: |

| | | |

|Concept: | | |

|6 | | |

|Using References | | |

|1.1.K.C | | |

|Lesson Essential Questions: | | |

|What helps me write letters and words? (A) | | |

|Vocabulary: | | |

|letter/sound chart, alphabet strip, name chart, name tag, | | |

|alphabet arc, word wall, Quick Word Book | | |

|Connection to Reading Street: | | |

| | | |

|Additional Information: |

|alphabet arc, word wall, alphabet strip, letter charts for fluency practice, letter/sound charts, Handwriting Without Tears materials |

| |

|Instruction with phonological awareness is a precursor to word study. Instruction of word families occurs at the phonics – print level. |

Topic: Analyzing and Interpreting Fiction

Reading Street Key: CAPS = Targeted Lesson, R = review, PA =phonemic awareness

|Concept: |Concept: |

|1 |2 |

|Story Elements |Literary Devices |

|1.3.K.A, 1.3.K.B |1.1.K.D |

|Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |

|What are the parts of a fiction text? (A) |How does rhyme make a text predictable? (A) |

| | |

|How can knowing the parts of a fiction text help me understand what I read? |How can I hear and see alliteration in text? (A) |

|(A) | |

| | |

|Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |

|character, setting, problem/wish, events, text |rhyme, alliteration |

|Connection to Reading Street: |Connection to Reading Street: |

Topic: Analyzing and Interpreting Non-Fiction

Reading Street Key: CAPS = Targeted Lesson, R = review, PA =phonemic awareness

|Concept: 1 |Concept: 2 |

|Text Features |Genre |

|1.2.K.C |1.2.3.A, 1.2.3.B, 1.3.3.A |

|Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |

|How can I use text features to gather information? (A) |How do I know if a text is fiction or nonfiction? (A) |

| | |

|How do text features help me determine whether a text is fiction or nonfiction? |How can I use graphic organizers to help me comprehend? (A) |

|(A) | |

| | |

|What are the parts of a non-fiction text (organizational features) that help me | |

|learn information? (A) | |

|Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |

|headings, graphics, charts/tables, graphs, captions, photographs |fiction, non-fiction, topic, text features, facts, organization, details |

|Connection to Reading Street: |Connection to Reading Street: |

|Additional Information: |

|non-fiction text, examples of text features (large graphs, charts, posters, maps, etc.) |

Topic: Speaking and Listening

Reading Street Key: CAPS = Targeted Lesson, R = review, PA =phonemic awareness

|Concept: |Concept: |Concept: |

|1 |2 |3 |

|Oral Language |Speaking |Listening Skills |

|1.6.K.B |1.4.K.B, 1.4.K.F, 1.6.K.A, 1.6.K.C |1.6.K.A., 1.6.K.E |

|Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |

|How do I use my words to explain my ideas and |How does speaking clearly help me to be understood? |What makes a good listener? (A) |

|feelings? (A) |(A) | |

|Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |

|talk, sentence, pronouns |Speaker, speak, clear, loud, soft |listen, listener, take turns, attention |

|Connection to Reading Street: |Connection to Reading Street: |Connection to Reading Street: |

|Concept: |Concept: |

|4 |5 |

|Listening Comprehension (receptive language) | |

|1.6.K.A, 1.6.K.E |Asking and Answering Questions |

| |1.6.K.E, 1.6.K.F |

|Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |

|How does a listening make me a better learner? (A) |How can I ask questions in a way that makes sense? (A) |

| | |

| |How can I answer questions in a way that makes sense? (A) |

|Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |

|listener, listen, information, details, directions, attention |ask, answer, question, sentence, participate, sense |

|Connection to Reading Street: |Connection to Reading Street: |

|Additional Information: |

|Classroom rules, text, books on tape, shared writing, big books, oral language cards, songs |


Key Learning: I can learn by listening to my teacher model and talk during shared reading.

Unit Essential Question: How does listening to my teacher model and talk while reading help me understand?

Key Learning: Automatic recognition of letters and sounds helps me to read and write.

Unit Essential Question: How does knowing letters and

sounds help me to be a better reader and writer?

Key Learning: Fiction stories are organized with a character, setting, problem and order of events.

Unit Essential Question: How does an author organize a fiction text?

Key Learning: Non-fiction text (informational) is organized to give me real information.

Unit Essential Question: How does an author organize a nonfiction text (informational)?

Key Learning: Listening, recalling information, speaking clearly and participating makes learning easier.

Unit Essential Question: How can I be a better learner?

Key Learning: Words can be taken apart and put back together to help me learn.

Unit Essential Question: How will listening to different sounds

help me to learn?

Key Learning: Language, pictures, and print have meaning and give me information.

Unit Essential Question: How do I get information from what I read?

Key Learning: Understanding the organization of a book helps me to read.

Unit Essential Question: How does an author organize a book?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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