Read Me First - University of Phoenix

Weekly Overview

Week Two


In Week Two, we will build on the ethical theories and principles discussed in Week One and focus on identifying values and principles organizations adopt to promote ethics. The organizational philosophy and culture are the foundation for ethical decision making. These are often set forth in the organizational mission, vision, values and ethical code. The organization may be the hospital or clinic where you work or other professional organization.

Corporate statements in mission statements, codes, and policies and procedures set standards for an organization. These standards apply to ethics as they do to financial accountability or human resources issues you have studied. They also will apply to management decision making, social responsibility, and long-term care that you will focus on in future courses.

By learning about organizational ethics and culture, we may better understand why organizations respond to specific administrative and biomedical ethical issues; we will discuss these in coming weeks. This understanding will enable you to be proactive in promoting organizational ethics in a variety of situations. Examples include the management of regulations related to discrimination (e.g., race and age), health and safety (e.g., Clinical Laboratory Improvements Amendments [CLIA], Occupational Safety & Health Administration [OSHA]), employee compensation (e.g., Family and Medical Leave Act [FMLA] and Fair Labor Standards Act [FLSA]), and consumer protection (e.g., Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act [EMTALA] and the Truth in Lending Act [Regulation Z]).

To help establish ethical principles in the professional organization, codes are established that set forth values and principles to guide professionals in their professional activities. As an organizational leader, you may promote ethical activity by encouraging health care employees to know and apply the principles contained in these codes, which govern their practice.

What you will cover

1. Application of Ethics Within Individual Organizations

a. Examine ethical principles used in health care organizations.

1) Application of ethics in individual organizations

a) Importance of organizational philosophies and mission statements: Many elements in the mission statement directly relate to the moral values and principles identified by the organization’s managers.

b) There are many elements included in a vision statement.

1) An organization’s goals

2) Aspirational and inspirational

3) Sketches of what an organization wants to become

4) Sets a direction for the organization and broadly states its role and activities

c) The starting point for an organization to solve ethical problems is its philosophy.

d) The application of ethics includes identified and shared values.

1) The values stand for something.

2) People can shape and fine-tune values.

3) Values are known and shared by all.

2) Organizational philosophy

a) Identifies values and principles reflecting the organization’s moral right and wrong

b) Must be sufficiently precise, so it is measurable

c) Must be consistent with law

d) Provides a context for the mission statement

a. Analyze the role and importance of ethical values within an organization.

1) Organizational culture

a) Define an organization’s culture and analyze its similarities and differences.

b) Compare an organization’s culture with Medicare and Medicaid.

1) Understanding rules and regulations

2) Patient confidentiality

3) Private versus public organizations

4) Health maintenance organizations’ operation of fixed prepayment plans

5) Managed care organizations’ practice, including financial incentives

2) Mission statements

a) Applied portions of the vision statement

b) Operationalizing the means by which the vision is accomplished

c) Must be consistent with an organization’s philosophy

3) Elements of culture

a) Shared values and beliefs about success in the environment

b) Heroes who epitomize those values and beliefs

c) Rituals that prescribe how all critical activities are carried out

d) Ceremonies that celebrate the culture’s successes

e) Stories and storytellers that keep the culture’s mythology alive

4) Code of ethics

a) Blend various moral philosophies and ethical theories.

b) The principles of respect for people, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice are found in all codes.

c) Ethics assume greater meaning when the code is enforced.

5) Decision-making process

a) The process may be influenced by elements in the institution. For example, certain subcultures may exist, with their own norms and agendas.

6) Professionalism in the work place

a) Behave in an ethical manner

b) Avoid discrimination

c) Do not violate patient’s privacy

d) Ensure effective hiring practices

b. Analyze organizational philosophy, culture, and medical regulations in ethical decision making.

1) Corporate statements in mission statements, codes and policies and procedures set standards for an organization. These standards apply to an organization’s ethical behavior.

2) Organizational values and principles promote ethical behavior and decision making. This behavior is expressed by the organization’s culture.

3) Organizational ethics promote regulatory decision making related to discrimination, health and safety, employee compensation, and consumer protection.

4) Ethics effects equal employment opportunity and employment discrimination.

a) Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

b) Equal Employment Opportunity Act (EEOA) of 1972

c) Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978

d) Civil Rights Act of 1991

e) Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967

f) Rehabilitation Act of 1973

g) Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990

5) A number of regulations have an effect on employee health and safety.

a) Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) of 1970

b) Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) of 1988

c) Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Act of 1973

d) Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) of 1985

e) Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988

6) Several regulations have an effect on employee compensation and benefits.

a) Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988

b) Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of 1938

c) Equal Pay Act of 1963

d) Unemployment compensation

e) Federal Insurance Contribution Act (FICA) of 1935

f) Workers’ Compensation Act

g) Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) of 1974

h) Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1994

7) Several regulations have an effect on Consumer protection.

a) Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)

b) Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1975

c) Truth in Lending Act (Regulation Z) of 1969

d) Fair Debt Collection Practices Act of 1978


1. Why is it important to understand organizational philosophies and mission statements?

2. How might a manager deal with elements of an organization’s culture that are, or are perceived as, inconsistent?

3. Does a professional code determine what is ethically correct for those who are not members, or only for members?


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