
Breakdown of the Concert of Europe 651-653, 654-657, 673- 675

Revolutions of 1830, Revolutions of 1848 and the Crimean War

Revolutionaries attempted to destroy this status quo.

The concert of Europe – the conservative forces attempted to keep the liberal and nationalistic revolutions from happening and did so with success yet the Carbonari of Italy continued to conspire and plan for revolution, as did the Poles under the domination of Russia and the French under the control of Charles X.

1. France

a. Why did the French revolt in 1830?

b. Why is not surprising that another revolt will happen in France in 1848? (how did the 1830 revolution end? Were all parties happy?)

2. Poland

a. Review: What had happened to Poland in the late 18th century?

b. Why did the Poles rebel against Russia in 1830?

Revolutions of 1848

The revolutions that swept Europe in 1848 (France, Austria, German States, Italian States) were triggered by poor economic conditions, frustration at the slow pace of political change, and unfulfilled nationalist aspirations.

At first, revolutionary forces succeeded in establishing regimes dedicated to change or to gaining independence from great power domination.

• France: Feb.22 1848 armed with guns and dug behind barricades workers and students demanded a new government. Feb. 24 National Guard broke rank and joined revolutionaries. Louis Philippe abdicated to grandson. Common People argued NO MONARCHY. So Provisional government 10 man executive committee, France’s second republic (after the French Rev’s first republic in 1790’s) They drafted a constitution, vote to every adult male , 10 hour work day, freed slaves in colonies.

• Austria: How did they assert independence for a while in 1848?

However, conservative forces, which still controlled the military and bureaucracy reasserted control.

• France: How did this amazing new government fall and the revolution ends with the election of Louis Napoleon (nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte)?

• Austria: Conflicting national aspirations within the Austrian empire enabled the monarch to play off one ethnic group against the other. Conservative aristocratic forces regained under rallying call of archduchess Sophia. Ferdinand abdicated in favor of her son Francis Joseph…. Army bombards Prague, crushed working class revolt, nobles to lead the minority nationalities of Hungary against the new revolutionary government. Austrian aristocracy, loyalty of army are able to defeat revolution.

Although the revolutions of 1848 were a “turning point at which modern history failed to turn,” they set the stage for a subsequent sea change in European diplomacy. Meaning: the 1848 revolutions failed to meet their liberal and nationalistic goals…

The revolutions of 1848 challenged the conservative order and led to the breakdown of the Concert of Europe.


The Crimean War demonstrated the weakness of the Ottoman Empire and contributed to the breakdown of the Concert of Europe.



As you can see by the map – much to the disappointment of both Austria and Russia the Ottoman Empire does not disappear off the map of Europe by the end of the 19th century.

What are the interests of Russia?

What are the interests of Austria?

How would the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire impact the balance of Power in Europe?

How did the Crimean War contribute to the breakdown of the Concert of Europe?


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