10:30 a


Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association (MCPA)

Board of Directors Meeting

December 20, 2007

Held at 1951 Woodlane Drive, Woodbury, MN

Board Members Present:

Chief Tim Brennan

Chief Jim Crace

Director Cari Gerlicher

Chief Bob Jacobson

Chief Peter Jansky

Chief Kelvin Keena

Chief Jeff McCormick

Chief Ron Sager

Chief Dave Thomalla

Chief Dana Waldron

Chief Erv Weinkauf

Chief Mitch Weinzetl

Chief Rob Yant

Board Members Absent: Chief John Bolduc, Chief Mona Dohman,

Staff Members Present: Harlan Johnson, Executive Director

Mary Henning, Communications/Training Coordinator

Dan Carlson, MCPA Chaplain

Eric Hyland, Legislative Representative

Chief Scott Knight, Chaska Police Department

Guests: Lt. Greg Reinhardt, Minneapolis Police Dept.

(representing PhotoCop)

1. Call to Order:

President Mitch Weinzetl called the association board meeting to order at 10:33 a.m.

2. Opening Invocation:

Chaplain Dan Carlson offered the opening invocation.

3. Approval of the Agenda:

Add Forensic Lab report from Bob Jacobson. Add guest (see in President’s report)

Approval motions: 1st–D. Thomalla, 2nd–M. Weinzetl

4. President’s Report:

Guest 1: Lt. Greg Reinhardt, Minneapolis Police Dept.

The Minneapolis Police Department is instituting PhotoCop at 16 approaches at Minneapolis locations. The department will seek to pass legislation this session to legalize and set standards for photographic enforce through facial recognition in cases of running intersections, speeding and not wearing seat belts. The Board will decide what position the association will take with the legislative initiative.

Guest 2: Chief Scott Knight

a) Alarm Management Committee. This state committee, among other state committees, will give input to the IACP to create a model ordinance specifying what law enforcement agencies expect in an alarm provider. Providers include manufacturers and installers. The initiative aims to cut back on the number of officers responding to tripped alarms, as well as approving second-call verification as a standard, whereby the police are not dispatched immediately. At next month’s board meeting, a model ordinance and draft resolution will be introduced. Representatives will be chiefs, sheriffs and alarm industry personnel.

b) IACP Firearms Committee. At an April 2007 IACP summit on reducing gun violence strategies in Chicago, which was summarized in an article, “Taking a stand: Reducing Gun Violence in Our Communities. The summit included researchers, mental health professionals, public health officials, judges, lawmakers and prosecutors. The summit also resulted in 39 action points to reduce gun violence, including more stringent background checks. Unfortunately, a mental health check is not included in the background check.

c) IACP Candidate for 4th Vice-President. Chief Knight has visited state chief association conferences in North Carolina, South Carolina and Florida, and is receiving strong support. Glen Mowery of the IACP Alarm Management Committee is helping to build support in all locations.

Part-time Licensing

The MN Chiefs Board will request that the POST Board refer the issue of part-time licensing back to the POST Board Standards Committee to allow additional input from stakeholders.

Approval motions: 1st–P. Jansky, 2nd– J. Crace

The MN Chiefs Board will ask the POST Board to support a legislative initiative from the Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association. The proposed legislation will request that the POST Board review the issue of peace officer licensing – and in particular, part-time licensing. The initiative will request a study by stakeholders to review education requirements and licensing standards, with POST Board recommendations to be brought to the legislature in 2009.

Approval motions: 1st–R. Sager, 2nd– C. Gerlicher

Final Part-time Licensing Poll Results

1 Should the MCPA Board of Directors support the current position of the POST Standards committee to eliminate all Part-Time Licenses by August 1, 2012? 270 Responses

Yes (132 - 49.0%)

No (138 - 51.0%)

2 Should the MCPA Board of Directors support the current position of the POST Standards committee to eliminate all Part-Time Licenses, but with a modification that the elimination of current part-time licensees would occur through attrition, not through a sunset date? 270 resp

Yes - support with elimination through attrition (86 - 32.0%)

Yes - support with elimination through a sunset date of 8/1/2012 (88 - 33.0%)

No - don't support elimination at all (96 - 36.0%)

Admin Fines

The MN Chiefs Board agreed to proceed with legislative language from the 2007 session.

Approval motions: 1st–J. McCormick, 2nd– P. Jansky

5. Secretary’s Report:

Amend minutes from the Nov. 15, 2007 meeting:

o Strike “, but with provisions agreed upon by the State Patrol.”

o Switch “Albert Lea” reference to “Austin.”

Approval motions: 1st– R. Yant, 2nd– P. Jansky

6. Treasurer’s Report:

New Members. The board approved new members:

Voting Members

Chief Tara Rasmussen Echo Police Department

Chief Erik Jensen Morton Police Department

Chief Matthew Siegfried Ivanhoe Police Department

Chief John Schueller Sleepy Eye Police Department

Associate Members

Deputy Chief Brian DeRosier Oak Park Hts. Police Department

Lt. Mike Monsrud Fridley Police Department

Capt David Todd Fargo Police Department

SAIC Jeff Luther BCA

Approval motions: 1st–P. Jansky, 2nd– R. Yant

Financial Report: Approved.

Approval motions: 1st–P. Jansky, 2nd– R. Yant

Bills to be paid. Approved.

Approval motions: 1st–D. Waldron, 2nd– R. Yant

7. Executive Director’s Report:

As submitted by Exec. Dir. Harlan Johnson:


Our 2007 membership now stands at:

467 paid members (Voting, Associate, Supporting and Retired)

174 Life Members (Non-Paying)

757 total members.

Membership dues invoices were sent to current members the first week in December. This year we sent out 539 invoices, compared to 493 in 2007, an increase of 46 members.

| |2007 |2008 |

|Voting |319 |336 |

|Associate |118 |123 |

|Supporting |22 |22 |

|Retired |34 |58 |

| |493 |539 |

Poll Results for PT Peace Officer License

To date, we had an 80% response to the poll the survey we sent to our members concerning part-time licensing in Minnesota. Attached are the actual results of the poll. Regardless of how the outcome is viewed to create a response as high as we did is impressive and speaks well of our members and their involvement in the Association

Building Committee.

Our standing committees for the Board of Directors lists Chief Rob Yant and Director Cari Gerlicher as permanent members to the Building Committee. This committee should plan to meet with the Minnesota Sheriff’s Assn’s peer committee to discuss strategies for possible payoff off the Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association / Minnesota Sheriffs Assn. building when the mortgage balloon payment comes due March 28, 2008.

We have been moving offices and emptying storage rooms to make more revenue-generating office space available in the building to the point that we feel that we are full to capacity and that any further expansion by any of the tenants will require them to seek office space elsewhere.

Bremer Bank Mortgage

November 16, 2007, our Bremer Bank Representative came to our office to visit and explain our mortgage and other services available to the Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association from Bremer Bank. He estimates the new mortgage would cost 7%, up from the current 6.2% we are paying currently and would balloon in five years.

mutual aid

November 19, 2007 the LMCIT hosted a meeting requested by the fire service to make changes to Chapter 12 regarding mutual aid. The meeting resolved that no changes were needed. The group representing all disciplines of public safety did hear a request from private ambulance services to enjoy the same tort liability restrictions as public ambulances services enjoy. No action was taken.

Executive Training Institute

November 21 Executive Training Institute meeting in Plymouth. The program was established and the only detail is for Betsy to finalize the arrangements with speakers. The dates of the Executive Training Institute in Duluth are April 21-24th.

Newly Established Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee.

Gov Pawlenty has ordered the creation of the Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee. This committee will advise the Statewide Radio Board (SAB) and be the strategic planning group that will advise the SAB on statewide interoperability issues, plans, and concepts. The Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association has been asked to designate a metro area chief to this committee.

Past President Tom Johnson is the Program Manager for this committee. Our SAB representatives are Chief Mike Goldstein and Chief Kim Coughlin, the alternate is Chief Rick Wyfells.

Share the Road

We met with Mary Nelsestruen from Share the Road regarding possible bicycle promotions that Share the Road my be involved in to include writing another article for our magazine, C-Notes submissions and attempting to tap into organized Police Department Bike Patrols to search for interested Police Officers to help promote bike safety and enforcement efforts in Minnesota.

Share the Road is a program of MnDot to promote the acceptance and use of bicycling in Minnesota. They also provide handouts and provided publicity for bike safety programs. Their mantra is engineer, educate and enforce.

Council on Crime and Justice

I met with Mr. Gambil and Mr. McCullough from the Council on Crime and Justice, a group wishing to make changes to the current data practices laws to limit the time that criminal histories remain available to the public. After we met, they said they would write a position paper for the Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association Board of Directors to consider, in the event we wish to support all or part of their proposal.

Request for National Law Enforcement Memorial Museum

$1,000 donation toward museum approved.

Approval motions: 1st–D. Waldron, 2nd– J. Crace

8. Board/Task Force/Committee reports – no reports.

a. POST Board

The POST Board will consider a proposal from Blaine PD, which will partner with an area community college on a skills program.

b. Drug Task Force

At its most recent meeting, the State Drug Task Force reviewed funding requests from new regional drug task forces in Minnesota. Funding has been re-distributed, especially from the metro area to outer lying areas. A sub-committee voted to grant funding with the caveat that by the beginning of 2008, each task force must abide by rules. The commissioner of Public Safety will make a final ruling to grant funding. Next meeting is Jan. 9, 2008.


President Mitch Weinzetl will go to New Orleans to review NCIC as the Minnesota state liaison.

d. CriMNet

Discussed the annual report, update on background checks, expungement, MOC implementation plan and MNJAC information. CriMNet will meet again in February. Minutes are available on the CriMNet website.

e. Driver and Motor Vehicle Services

3M has a contract to create new vinyl license plates to endure weather conditions and dents.

Access to the CVR website will not be a direct link on the DVS website. Its security system requires a 90-day password.

f. Forensics Lab Advisory Committee

A mandated report to legislature by Feb. 1 will recommend whether the state should pursue regionalization of crime lab services. Six determining factors will be considered:

- scientists vs. police officers

- accreditation and training standards

- local and state commitment of resources

- governance structure to ensure labs are running properly

- compensation parity

- demographics, geographics

9. Committee Reports:

a. Promotions and Recognition

The deadline to submit nominations for ETI awards is Jan. 31, 2008.

b. Regional Representatives

The next meeting at Woodbury is Jan. 8, 2008.

c. Magazine Committee

The magazine continues to be a viable service to members and will increase from 38 pages to 44 pages. Ad sizes may increase to give a cleaner look.

d. Legislative Committee

The board will review the committee’s recommendations on 2008 initiatives at the January 17, 2008 meeting.

e. Chaplain

Chaplain Dan Carlson is contemplating a chaplain summit to discuss police chaplaincy resources in Minnesota.

Move to adjourn, 1:35 p.m.

Approval motions: 1st – C. Gerlicher, 2nd – T. Brennan

Respectfully submitted to Chief David Thomalla, Secretary



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