
 ABLES Level C Essential Learnings Mathematics – Number and AlgebraSTRANDSub-StrandDescriptorStudent ‘I can’ statementsAcademic VocabularyNumber and AlgebraNumber and Place valueUse number names in sequence to count in everyday situations, initially from one to five (VCMNA035)I can say the numbers from 1 to 5 in orderI can point to each object as I count it Verbs: count, pointNouns: numbers 1-5Prepositions: up, nextKnow and match number name, numerals and quantities to three (VCMNA036)I can point to the number names up to threeI can point to numbers I can count and match groups of objects up to 3Verbs: point, say, count, find, see, put, give, showAdj: same, differentQ yes/no: are, can, does, is, hasIdentify groups as being ‘one’, ‘more’ or ‘less’ (VCMNA037)I can say which group is biggerVerbs: tell, sayQ wh: whichComparatives: bigger, smaller, less, moreCompare and order two collections according to their quantity (VCMNA038)I can compare two collections and say which has more or lessI can say if two collections are the sameVerbs: orderDemonstrate in practical situations, ‘adding one more to’ and ‘taking one away from’ in everyday situations (VCMNA039)I can add one more object to a groupI can take away one object from a groupVerbs: add, take-awayConnectives: andSharing materials in practical situations (VCMNA040)I can share materials one thing at a time so everyone has the sameVerbs: share, split, moveMoney and Financial mathsUse direct comparison to sort coins or notes into groups (VCMNA041)I can group coins and notesVerbs: groupNouns: money, coins, notesPattern and AlgebraPair identical objects from a small collection, and recognise simple repeated patterns (VCMNA042)I can copy simple patternsI can sort things by colourI can sort things by shapeVerbs: copy, sortAdj: basic colours (blue, green, yellow, red, brown, black, orange, purple) basic 2D shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval)Identify repeated routines and sequences in everyday events (VCMNA043)I can follow simple stepsVerbs: stand, sit, walk, get, draw, write, read, eat, put away, pack up, throw, listen, want, like, have, stop, startNegatives: don’t, notPrepositions: in, on, under, next to, through, between, behind, in front, down, overAchievement StandardABLES C: Students connect number names and numerals with sets of up to five elements. They match individual objects with counting sequences up to and back from five. Students use concrete materials to solve problems that involve comparing, combining and separating sets. Students make ‘groups’, ‘lots’ and groups of ‘one’ and can indicate which collection has ‘more’ than the other. They can distribute objects to each person in a group until there are no objects left. Students order the first three elements of a set. Students can match one attribute of familiar objects.ABLES Level D Essential Learnings Mathematics – Number and AlgebraSTRANDSub-StrandDescriptorStudent ‘I can’ statementsAcademic VocabularyNumber and AlgebraNumber and Place valueUse a number names in sequence to count in everyday situations, initially from one to ten (VCMNA052)I can say the numbers from 1 to 10 in orderI can point to each object as I count itVerbs: count, pointNouns: numbers 1-10Prepositions: up, nextRecognise number name, numerals and quantities, initially up to five and beyond (VCMNA053)I can point to the number names up to fiveI can point to the numbers up to 5I can say how many item are in a group up to 5Verbs: point, say, find, see, put, give, showNoun: number name, Adj: same, differentQ yes/no: are, can, does, is, has, how manySubitise regular arrangements of objects and arrays up to five (VCMNA054)I can subitise the numbers up to 5Verbs: tell, sayQ wh: which, how manyCompare, order and make comparisons between two collections, according to their quantity, using numbers initially to five (VCMNA055)I can compare two collectionsI can order a two collections from biggest to smallestI can use numbers to help explain my collectionsVerbs: order, compareComparatives: bigger, smaller, less, moreSuperlatives: biggest, smallest, most, leastModel practical situations involving ‘adding to’ or ‘taking away’ with collections of up to five objects (VCMNA056)I can use everyday situations to show addition up to five objectsI can use everyday situations to show subtractions up to five objectsVerbs: add, take-awayConnectives: andSharing material in practical situations so everyone has the same amount (VCMNA057)I can share materials so everyone has the same amountVerbs: share, split, moveMoney and Financial mathsUsing money in everyday financial situations and matching coins to two dimensional images (VCMNA058)I can recognise that money is used to buy thingsVerbs: group, buy, matchNouns: money, coins, notesPattern and AlgebraSort like objects based on a given classification, and identify and continue a simple repeated pattern with its next element (VCMNA059)I can sort and classify familiar objectsI can explain how and why I used the classifications. I can copy, continue and create ABCABC patterns with object and drawingsVerbs: copy, sort, explain, makeAdj: like (looks like)Adj; literal descriptors – examples: fat, fluffly, smooth, heavyQ wh: what (goes/comes) nextNouns: group/s – names of groups: e.g. animals, shapes, food, letters, numbersConnectives: becauseFollow a sequence of steps (VCMNA060)I can follow a short sequence steps to finish an activityI can show a sequence of steps using picturesVerbs: stand, sit, walk, get, draw, write, read, eat, put away, pack up, throw, listen, want, like, have, stop, start any other relevant common verbsNegatives: don’t, notPrepositions: in, on, under, next to, through, between, behind, in front, down, overTime concepts: first, next, last, start, endConnectives: then, before, afterAchievement StandardABLES D: Students connect number names and numerals with sets of up to 10 elements. They match individual objects with counting sequences up to and back from 10. They recognise and point to numerals in and around the classroom, for example, numbers on a clock face. Students use concrete materials to solve problems that involve comparing, combining and separating sets. They can indicate when groups of less than 10 objects are the same or different in number and that two collections have the ‘same’ quantity by matching items one to one. They can find the first and last object in a sequence and place objects into sets to make ‘more’ and take objects from a group to make ‘less’. Students order the first five elements of a set. They sort objects and shapes based on a given attribute and create simple repeating patterns of two elements or more by copying a pattern.Foundation Essential Learnings Mathematics – Number and AlgebraSTRANDSub-StrandDescriptorStudent ‘I can’ statementsAcademic VocabularyNumber and AlgebraNumber and Place valueEstablish understanding of the language and processes of counting by naming numbers in sequences, initially to and from 20, moving from any starting point VCNMA0069I can say the numbers from 0 to 20I can say the numbers 0 to 20I can point to the numbers as I say themI can say the numbers before and after up to 20Verbs: count, point, sayNouns: numbers 1-20Prepositions: up, nextPositional language: before, after (not time), nextConnect number names, numerals and quantities, including zero, initially up to 10 and then beyond VCNMA0070I can read the number names from 0 to 20I can recognise how many item are in a group.I can link numerals with their names up to 20Noun: groupVerbs: read, find, see, put, give, show, link, matchQ yes/no: are, can, does, is, hasSubitise small collections of objects VCMNA071I can subitise the numbers up to 10.Verbs: tell, sayQ wh: which, how manyCompare, order and make correspondences between collections, initially to 20, and explain reasoning VCMNA072I can compare a collection of items I can order a collection of items I can order a set of items from biggest to smallest.I can explain my thinking for ordering itemsVerbs: order, compareAdj: same, differentComparatives: bigger, smaller, less, moreSuperlatives: biggest, smallest, most, leastRepresent practical situations to model addition and subtraction VCMNA073I can use everyday situations to show addition. I can use everyday situations to show subtractionsVerbs: add, take-awayConnectives: andRepresent practical situations to model sharing VCMNA074I can use everyday situations to show sharing.Verbs: share, split, moveNouns: equal, sameMoney and Financial Represent simple, everyday financial situations involving money VCMNA075I can recognise that money is used to buy thingsVerbs: group, buy, match Nouns: money, coins, notesQ wh: how muchPattern and AlgebraSort and classify familiar objects and explain the basis for these classifications, and copy, continue and create patterns with objects and drawings VCMNA076I can sort and classify familiar objectsI can explain how and why I used the classifications. I can copy, continue and create ABCABC patterns with object and drawingsVerbs: copy, sort, explain, makeAdj: like (looks like)Adj; literal descriptors – examples: fat, fluffly, smooth, heavyQ wh: what (goes/comes) nextNouns: group/s – names of groups: e.g. animals, shapes, food, letters, numbersConnectives: becauseFollow a short sequence of instructions VCMNA077I can follow a short sequence of instructionsVerbs: stand, sit, walk, get, draw, write, read, eat, put away, pack up, throw, listen, want, like, have, stop, start etc.Negatives: don’t, notPrepositions: in, on, under, next to, through, between, behind, in front, down, over, below, beside, to, toward, away fromTime concepts: first, next, last, start, endConnectives: then, before, afterAchievement StandardFOUNDATION: Students connect number names and numerals with sets of up to 20 elements, estimate the size of these sets, and use counting strategies to solve problems that involve comparing, combining and separating these sets. They match individual objects with counting sequences up to and back from 20. Students order the first 10 elements of a set. They represent, continue and create simple patterns.Level 1 Essential Learnings Mathematics – Number and AlgebraSTRANDSub-StrandDescriptorStudent ‘I can’ statementsAcademic VocabularyNumber and AlgebraNumber and Place valueDevelop confidence with number sequences to and from 100 by ones from any starting point. Skip count by twos, fives and tens starting from zero VCNMA0086I can count to 100 by 1s.I can count backwards from 100 by 1sI can count to 100 by 1s from any starting pointI can skip count to 100 by 2s, 5s, and 10sVerbs: count, pointNouns: numbers 1-100, 2s 5s, 10s Prepositions: up, nextPositional language: before, after (not time), nextAdv: forwards, backwardsPrep: by (count backwards by 2s), from (count backwards by 2s from 10)Recognise, model, read, write and order numbers to at least 100. Locate these numbers on a number line VCNMA0087I can read the numbers for 0 to 100I can order numbers up to 100I can say the numbers before and after up to 100I can model numbers up to 100I can find the numbers up to 100 on a number line.Verbs: read, write, say, find, see, put, give, show, orderQ yes/no: are, can, does, is, has before, after (not time), nextCount collections to 100 by partitioning numbers using place value VCNMA0088I can rewrite numbers showing the place value of each digit to 100.Noun: hundreds, tens, ones, groupsVerb: group (together)Q wh: how manyRepresent and solve simple addition and subtraction problems using a range of strategies including counting on, partitioning and rearranging parts VCNMA0089I can solve simple addition problems by counting on.I can solve simple subtraction by counting back.I can recognise friends of ten and use them in simple addition/subtraction problems.*I can solve simple addition problems by putting numbers into different order.I can solve simple addition problems by looking at 10s and 1s in numbers.Verb: order, count, add, take away, minus, plus, counting back, counting on Nouns: tens, onesRepresent practical situations that model sharing VCNMA0090I can show how to share items into equal groupsNouns: groupsVerb: find, give, show, share, divideAdj: equal, same Adv: equally Money and Financial mathsRecognise, describe and order Australian coins according to their value VCNMA0091I can recognise and describe Australian coinsI can order Australian coins according to their value.Verbs: group, buy, match, have, give, take, make, costNouns: money, coins, notes, dollarsComparatives: more, lessAdj: expensive, cheapQ wh: how muchFractions and decimalsRecognise and describe one-half as one of two equal parts of a whole VCNMA0092I can recognise a ? as being 2 equal parts of a whole.Nouns: Half, halves, whole, fraction, partsVerb: find, give, show, divide, halveAdj: equalComparatives: smaller, larger, more, less Pattern and AlgebraInvestigate and describe number patterns formed by skip counting and patterns with objects VCNMA0093 I can recognise patterns formed using objects.I can describe number patterns using skip countingNouns: tens, twos, fives etc., patternsVerb: count, skip, jumpAdv: forwards, backwards Prep: by (count backwards by 2s), from (count backwards from 10)Recognise the importance of repetition of a process in solving problems VCNMA0094 Achievement StandardLEVEL 1: Students count to and from 100 and locate these numbers on a number line. They partition numbers using place value and carry out simple additions and subtractions, using counting strategies. Students recognise Australian coins according to their value. They identify representations of one half. Students describe number sequences resulting from skip counting by 2s, 5s and 10s. They continue simple patterns involving numbers and objects with and without the use of digital technology.Level 2 Essential Learnings Mathematics – Number and AlgebraSTRANDSub-StrandDescriptorStudent ‘I can’ statementsAcademic VocabularyNumber and AlgebraNumber and Place valueInvestigate number sequences, initially those increasing and decreasing by twos, threes, fives and ten from any starting point, then moving to other sequences VCNMA0103I can explain counting patterns when counting forwards/backwards by 2s. 5s. 10s starting from any given number I can write counting patterns when counting forwards/backwards by 2s. 5s. 10s starting from any given numberNouns: tens, twos, fives etc., patternsVerb: count, skip, jumpAdv: forwards, backwardsAdj: ascending, descending Prep: by (count backwards by 2s), from (count backwards by 2s from 10)Recognise, model, represent and order numbers to at least 1000 VCNMA0104I can read numbers to 1000I can write numbers to 1000I can read words to 1000I can order numbers to 1000I can make a model of numbers to 1000 Verbs: read, write count, point, order, make, Nouns: words, model, numbers 1-1000, valuePrepositions: up, nextPositional language: before, after (not time), nextComparatives: smaller, larger, bigger, more, less, higher, lower Adj: ascending, descendingGroup, partition and rearrange collections up to 1000 in hundreds, tens and ones to facilitate more efficient counting VCNMA0105I understand that three digit numbers are made of hundreds, tens and onesI can write the individual value of each digit in a numberI can use place value as a strategy for solving addition and subtractionNouns: , tens, ones, hundreds, thousands, addition, subtraction, value, digitsVerbs: group, sort, add, minus, take away, plusQ wh: how manyExplore the connection between addition and subtraction VCNMA0106I can the connections between addition and subtraction using part, part, whole and whole, part, part Nouns: whole, part, addition, subtractionVerb: add, minus, take away, plus, gives, makes, equals Solve simple addition and subtraction problems using a range of efficient mental and written strategies VCNMA0107I can solve addition problems using doublesI can solve subtraction problems using doublesI can solve addition problems using ‘building to 10’I can solve subtraction problems using ‘building to 10’I can solve 2 digit additions without renamingI can solve 2 digit subtractions without renamingVerb: add, minus, take away, plus, calculate, build, split, gives, makes, equals Nouns: digit, addition, subtraction, problems Comparatives: more, less Recognise and represent multiplication as repeated addition, groups and arraysVCNMA0108I can solve multiplication problems using arraysI can solve multiplication problems using repeated additionI can solve multiplication problems using groups ofVerb: find, give, add, multiply, gives, makes, equals Noun: addition, multiplicationPrep: times Recognise and represent division as grouping into equal sets and solve simple problems using these representations VCNMA0109I can solve division problems using arraysI can solve division problems using repeated additionI can solve division problems using groups ofI can share collections into equal groupsNoun: groups, equal, divisionVerb: find, give, share, split, divide, gives, makes, equals Comparatives: more, less Q wh: How manyMoney and Financial mathsCount and order small collections of Australian coins and notes according to their valueVCNMA0111I can count and order small collections of Australian coins and notesI can use different coins to match a valueVerbs: group, buy, match, cost, plus, minus, take away, add, have, give, take, makeNouns: money, coins, notes, dollars, valueComparatives: more, less Adj: expensive, cheapQ wh: how muchFractions and DecimalRecognise and interpret common uses of halves, quarters and eighths of shapes and collections VCNMA0110I can recognise halves, quarters and eighths in shape, numbers and collectionsNouns: halves, quarters, eighths, fractions shapes: circle, triangle, rectangle, pentagon etc. whole, part Verbs: split, share, divide, gives, makes, equals Adj: Same, different Comparatives: less, more, bigger, smaller, largerPrep: of (? of a whole)Pattern and AlgebraDescribe patterns with numbers and identify missing elements VCNMA0112I can recognise skip counting patterns and identify missing numbersNouns: tens, twos, fives etc., patterns, multiplesVerb: count, skip, jumpAdv: forwards, backwards Adj: missing Prep: of, by (count backwards by 2s), from (count backwards by 2s from 10)Solve problems by using number sentences for addition or subtraction VCNMA0113I can write number sentence to match problemsNoun: addition, subtraction, number sentence, word problem Verbs: plus, minus, take away, give, add Apply repetition in arithmetic operations, including multiplication as repeated addition and division as repeated subtraction VCNMA0114I can solve multiplication and division using repeated addition/subtractionNoun: groups, equal, divisionVerb: add, multiply, find, give, share, split, divide, give, makes, equals, timesComparatives: more, less Achievement StandardLEVEL 2: Students count to and from, and order numbers up to 1000. They perform simple addition and subtraction calculations, using a range of strategies. They find the total value of simple collections of Australian notes and coins. Students represent multiplication and division by grouping into sets and divide collections and shapes into halves, quarters and eighths. They recognise increasing and decreasing number sequences involving 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s, identify the missing element in a number sequence, and use digital technology to produce sequences by constant addition.Level 3 Essential Learnings Mathematics – Number and AlgebraSTRANDSub-StrandDescriptorStudent ‘I can’ statementsAcademic VocabularyNumber and AlgebraNumber and Place valueInvestigate the conditions required for a number to be odd or even and identify odd and even numbers VCNMA0129I can explain why a number is odd or even I can identify odd and even numbersNoun: odd, evenQ wh: whichRecognise, model, represent and order numbers to at least 10 000 VCNMA0130I can recognise numbers up to 10 000I can model numbers up to 10 000I can order numbers up to 10 000Verbs: count, point, order, make, model Nouns: value, numbers 1-10000Prepositions: up, nextPositional language: before, after (not time), nextComparatives: smaller, larger, bigger, more, less, higher, lower Adj: ascending, descendingApply place value to partition, rearrange and regroup numbers to at least 10 000 to assist calculations and solve problems VCNMA0131I can use place value to recognise the value of individual numbers in numbers up to 10 000I can rearrange, regroup and rename numbers to solve problemsNoun: tens, fives, value, digits, hundreds, thousands, tens thousands, problemVerb: multiply, solve, rearrange, regroup, rename, calculate Recognise and explain the connection between addition and subtraction VCNMA0132I can show and explain how addition and subtraction are relatedVerb: calculateNoun: addition, subtraction, problems, solution, equation, Recall addition facts for single-digit numbers and related subtraction facts to develop increasingly efficient mental strategies for computation VCNMA0133I can use simple mental strategies such as friends of 10 to solve addition and subtraction problemsNoun: addition, subtraction, problem, strategies,Adj: mentalRecall multiplication facts of two, three, five and ten and related division facts VCNMA0134I can say my 2, 5 and 10 times tablesI can use my knowledge of times tables to solve divisionNoun: times tables, Verb: multiply, divide Prep: by, timesRepresent and solve problems involving multiplication using efficient mental and written strategies and appropriate digital technologies VCNMA0135I can draw pictures to illustrate a multiplication problem.I can show steps I have used to solve multiplication problems.Noun: multiplication, form (e.g. numerical) Adj: numerical, wordMoney and Financial mathsRepresent money values in multiple ways and count the change required for simple transactions to the nearest five centsVCNMA0137I can use different combinations of coins to make a given amountI can calculate the change required for simple transactions to the nearest 5 cents.Nouns: money, coins, notes, value, dollars, transactionVerbs: group, buy, match, cost, plus, minus, take away, add, have, give, take, makeComparatives: more, less Adj: expensive, cheapQ wh: how muchFractions and DecimalModel and represent unit fractions including 1/2, 1/4, 1/3, 1/5 and their multiples to a complete whole VCNMA0136I can identify ?, ?, 1/3, and 1/5 of a whole shape, number or collection.I can identify ?, ?, 1/3, and 1/5 and their multipliesNouns: whole, part, collectionmultiples, fractions, half, one third, two thirds, one quarter, one fifths etc.Prep: of Pattern and AlgebraDescribe, continue, and create number patterns resulting from performing addition or subtraction VCNMA0138I can explain, continue and make number patterns using adding or subtracting.Nouns: number patternsVerbs: add, subtractUse a function machine and the inverse machine as a model to apply mathematical rules to numbers or shapes VCNMA0139I can use and explain inverse calculationsI can use a function machine to apply addition, subtraction, division and multiplication to numbers and shapesI can use an inversion machine to apply addition, subtraction, division and multiplication to numbers and shapesNouns: calculation, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, inverse, reverse, opposite, input, output, function, problem function machine, inverse machine Verbs: solve, add, subtract, multiply, divide Achievement StandardLEVEL 3- Students count and order numbers to and from 10 000. They recognise the connection between addition and subtraction, and solve problems using efficient strategies for multiplication with and without the use of digital technology. Students recall addition and multiplication facts for single-digit numbers. They represent money values in various ways and correctly count out change from financial transactions. Students model and represent unit fractions for halves, thirds, quarters, fifths and eighths, and multiples of these up to one. They classify numbers as either odd or even, continue number patterns involving addition or subtraction, and explore simple number sequences based on multiples.Level 4 Essential Learnings Mathematics – Number and AlgebraSTRANDSub-StrandDescriptorStudent ‘I can’ statementsAcademic VocabularyNumber and AlgebraNumber and Place valueInvestigate and use the properties of odd and even numbers VCNMA0151I can use the properties of odd and even numbers to solve problems involving multiplication and addition.Nouns: odd, evenRecognise, represent and order numbers to at least tens of thousands VCNMA0152I can recognise numbers up to 10 000 and aboveI can model/model numbers up to 10 000 and aboveI can order numbers up to 10 000 and aboveNouns: order, model, numbers 1-10000Prepositions: up, nextPositional language: before, after (not time), nextComparatives: smaller, larger, bigger, more, less, higher, lower Adj: ascending, descendingApply place value to partition, rearrange and regroup numbers to at least tens of thousands to assist calculations and solve problemsVCNMA0153I can use place value to recognise the value of individual numbers in numbers up to and above 10 000I can rearrange, regroup and rename numbers up to and above 10 000 to solve problemsNoun: problem, tens, fives, value, digits hundreds, thousands, tens thousands Verb: solve, multiply, rearrange, regroup, rename, calculate Investigate number sequences involving multiples of 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9 VCNMA0154I can solve and make number sequences using multiples of 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9Nouns: multiples, patterns, sequence Verb: solve, makePrep: of Recall multiplication facts up to 10 × 10 and related division facts VCNMA0155I can say my 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 times tablesI can use my knowledge of times tables to solve divisionNoun: times tablesVerb: multiply, divide, calculate, solvePrep: by, timesDevelop efficient mental and written strategies and use appropriate digital technologies for multiplication and for division where there is no remainder VCNMA0156I can solve multiplication and division problems using place value and skip counting where there is no remainder.I can use a calculator to solve multiplication and division problems where there is no remainderNoun: strategy, place value, remainder Verb: skip counting, calculate, solve, doubling, halving Money and Financial mathsSolve problems involving purchases and the calculation of change to the nearest five cents with and without digital technologies VCNMA0160I can find the change from a purchase to the nearest 5 cents using mental strategies and a calculator.Noun: change, purchase, currency, sale, decimals, cents Fractions and DecimalInvestigate equivalent fractions used in contexts VCNMA0157I can locate equivalent fractions on a fraction wall.Noun: halves, quarters, eighths, fractions, thirds, sixths, equivalentCount by quarters, halves and thirds, including with mixed numerals. Locate and represent these fractions on a number line VCNMA0158I can locate fractions on a number lineI can count by halves, thirds and quarters.I can count using mixed numerals and can find them on a number lineNoun: thirds, halves, quarters, fraction, number lineVerb: count, find, locate Prep: by, onRecognise that the place value system can be extended to tenths and hundredths. Make connections between fractions and decimal notation VCNMA0159I can recognise that decimals are parts of a whole.I can make links between fractions and decimals of a ?, 1/3, ?, 1/5 and 1/10 I can recognise fractions and decimals that are the same up to 2 decimal places.Nouns: whole, part, fraction, place value, whole numbers, half, one third, two thirds, one quarter, one fifths etc. decimals, decimal placeVerb: link, match, divide Prep: ofPattern and AlgebraExplore and describe number patterns resulting from performing multiplicationVCNMA0161I can explain, continue and make number patterns using multiplication.Nouns: patterns, multiplication Verb: explain, make, describe Solve word problems by using number sentences involving multiplication or division where there is no remainder VCNMA0162I can solve word problems using division and multiplication number sentences where there is no remainder.Noun: division, multiplication, word problem, number sentence, divisor, remainderAchievement StandardStudents recall multiplication facts to 10 x 10 and related division facts. They choose appropriate strategies for calculations involving multiplication and division, with and without the use of digital technology, and estimate answers accurately enough for the context. Students solve simple purchasing problems with and without the use of digital technology. They locate familiar fractions on a number line, recognise common equivalent fractions in familiar contexts and make connections between fractions and decimal notations up to two decimal places. Students identify unknown quantities in number sentences. They use the properties of odd and even numbers and describe number patterns resulting from multiplication. Students continue number sequences involving multiples of single-digit numbers and unit fractions, and locate them on a number line.Level 5 Essential Learnings Mathematics – Number and AlgebraSTRANDSub-StrandDescriptorStudent ‘I can’ statementsAcademic VocabularyNumber and AlgebraNumber and Place valueIdentify and describe factors and multiples of whole numbers and use them to solve problems (VCMNA181)I can identify factors and multiples of whole numbers and use them to solve problemsI can explore factors and multiples using number sequencesVerb: solve, calculate Noun: whole numbers, problems, multiples, factors, number sequenceUse estimation and rounding to check the reasonableness of answers to calculations (VCMNA182) I can use estimation and rounding to check answers to calculations Verb: check, estimate, round up, round downNoun: mental strategy, calculation, decimal place, estimation, rounding,Solve problems involving multiplication of large numbers by one- or two-digit numbers using efficient mental, written strategies and appropriate digital technologies (VCMNA183)I can use rounding and making estimates for computationsI can explore techniques for multiplication such as the area model, the Italian lattice method or the partitioning of numbersI can apply the distributive law and use arrays to model multiplication and explain calculation strategiesNoun: mental strategy, calculation, decimal place, digit, estimation, rounding, italian lattice method, area model, arrays Verb: split, model, multiply, partitionSolve problems involving division by a one digit number, including those that result in a remainder (VCMNA184)I can solve division problems by a one digit number, including answers with remainderNoun: problems, division, divisor even, distribution, leftover, remainder, factor, rounding, estimation Adj: equivalent Use efficient mental and written strategies and apply appropriate digital technologies to solve problems (VCMNA185)I can use efficient mental strategies to solve problemsI can use efficient written strategies to solve problemsI can use technology to solve problems and check for answersNoun: mental strategy, problems calculator, technologyVerb: solve, check, double checkRecognise, represent and order numbers to at least hundreds of thousands (VCMNA186)I can read six digit numbers I can write six digit numbers in wordsI can order six digit numbersNoun: hundred thousands Verb: read, write, orderFractions and DecimalCompare and order common unit fractions and locate and represent them on a number line (VCMNA187)I can compare common unit fractionsI can order common unit fractionsI can locate common unit fractions on a number lineI can represent common unit fractions on a number lineNoun: number line, fraction, value, half, one third, two thirds, one quarter, one fifths etc. denominator, numerator Verb: compare, order, locate, find, represent Comparatives: larger, smaller, more, less Investigate strategies to solve problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions with the same denominator (VCMNA188)I can model addition of fractions with the same denominator using a number lineI can model addition of fractions with the same denominator using a diagramI can model subtraction of fractions with the same denominator using a number lineI can model subtraction of fractions with the same denominator using a diagramNoun: addition, subtraction, whole, part, number line, fraction, value, denominator, numerator Verb: model, solve, make Adj: common (denominator)Recognise that the place value system can be extended beyond hundredths (VCMNA189)I can recognise that the place value can be extended beyond hundredthsI can recognise the equivalence of one thousandths and 0.001Noun: decimal, decimal point, place value, hundredths, thousandthsCompare, order and represent decimals (VCMNA190)I can compare decimals to hundredthsI can order decimals to hundredthsI can represent decimals to hundredthsI can locate decimals on a number lineNoun: decimal, decimal point, place value, hundredths, thousandthsVerb: compare, order, locate, representMoney and Financial mathsCreate simple financial plans (VCMNA191)I can create a simple budgetI can create a simple financial planNoun: budget, cost, financial plan, finance, spending, savings, GST, invoice, receipt, funds, expense, revenue, profit Pattern and AlgebraDescribe, continue and create patterns with fractions, decimals and whole numbers resulting from addition and subtraction (VCMNA192)I can use number lines to create patterns involving fractionsI can use number lines to create patterns involving decimalsI can describe number patterns with fractions, decimals and whole numbers resulting from addition and subtractionNoun: number line, fraction, whole numbers, decimals, value, patterns, sequence, denominator, numerator, decimal pointVerb: create, describe, show, makeComparatives: bigger, smaller, more, less Use equivalent number sentences involving multiplication and division to find unknown quantities (VCMNA193)I can create equivalent number sentences using multiplication and division to find unknown quantitiesI can use relevant problems to develop number sentencesNoun: equivalent, number sentence, problem, multiplication, divisionFollow a mathematical algorithm involving branching and repetition (iteration) (VCMNA194)I can use a given rule to manipulate numbersNoun: rule, odd, even, whole, part, decimal, strategy, mental strategy Verb: multiply, divide, halve, subtract, addAchievement StandardLEVEL 5 - Students solve simple problems involving the four operations using a range of strategies including digital technology. They estimate to check the reasonableness of answers and approximate answers by rounding. Students identify and describe factors and multiples. They explain plans for simple budgets. Students order decimals and unit fractions and locate them on a number line. Students add and subtract fractions with the same denominator. They find unknown quantities in number sentences and continue patterns by adding or subtracting fractions and decimals.Level 6 Essential Learnings Mathematics – Number and AlgebraSTRANDSub-StrandDescriptorStudent ‘I can’ statementsAcademic VocabularyNumber and AlgebraNumber and Place valueIdentify and describe properties of prime, composite, square and triangular numbers (VCMNA208)I can identify and describe a prime numberI can identify and describe a composite numberI can identify and describe a square numberI can identify and describe a triangular numberI can understand that some numbers have special properties and that these properties can be used to solve problemsNoun: prime number, composite number, square number, triangular number, series, propertiesAdj: ascending, descending, up, down, divisible Select and apply efficient mental and written strategies and appropriate digital technologies to solve problems involving all four operations with whole numbers and make estimates for these computations (VCMNA209)I can apply a range of strategies to solve problemsI can comment on the efficiency of different strategiesI can make and check estimates for computationsNoun: strategies, estimates,Verb: checkAdj: efficient Investigate everyday situations that use integers. Locate and represent these numbers on a number line (VCMNA210)I can recognise that integers form an ordered infinite set {…-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3…}I can use a number line to position and order integers I can recognise integers in everyday situations such as temperatureNoun: number line, negative numbers, positive numbers, integersVerb: order Adj: infiniteFractions and DecimalCompare fractions with related denominators and locate and represent them on a number line (VCMNA211)I can compare fractions using models and drawingsI can compare fractions using a number lineI can show fractions using a number lineNoun: equivalence, fractions, number lineVerb: compare, show, placeAdj: common (denominator)Solve problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions with the same or related denominators (VCMNA212)I can show addition of fractions using a number line or diagramI can show subtraction of fractions using a number line or diagramNoun: fractions, number line, denominator, numeratorVerb: add, subtractFind a simple fraction of a quantity where the result is a whole number, with and without digital technologies (VCMNA213)I can use the connection between dividing and fractionsNoun: division, divisor, fraction, similarity, difference, denominator, numeratorVerb: compare, link, match, Add and subtract decimals, with and without digital technologies, and use estimation and rounding to check the reasonableness of answers (VCMNA214)I can add decimal numbers to thousandthsI can subtract decimal numbers to thousandthsI can estimate my answer by using roundingNoun: decimals, thousandths, roundingVerb: add, subtract, estimate Multiply decimals by whole numbers and perform divisions by non-zero whole numbers where the results are terminating decimals, with and without digital technologies (VCMNA215)I can multiply whole numbers by decimalsI can divide decimals where the answer results in terminating decimalsNoun: whole numbers, decimalsVerb: multiply, divideMultiply and divide decimals by powers of 10 (VCMNA216)I can multiply decimals by the power of 10I can divide decimals by the power of 10Noun: decimals, power, place valueVerb: multiplyPrep: ofMake connections between equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages (VCMNA217)I can show connections between equivalent fractions, decimals and percentagesNoun: connection, pattern, similarity, difference, factor, common denominator, numerator, divisor, decimal point, fraction, decimals, percentage, percentVerb: show, match, linkMoney and Financial mathsInvestigate and calculate percentage discounts of 10%, 25% and 50% on sale items, with and without digital technologies (VCMNA218)I can calculate percentage discounts of 10%, 25% and 50%Noun: percentage, percent, discountPattern and AlgebraContinue and create sequences involving whole numbers, fractions and decimals. Describe the rule used to create the sequence (VCMNA219)I can identify and continue a number pattern involving whole numbersI can identify and continue a number pattern involving fractions I can identify and continue a number pattern involving decimalsI can describe the rule of the patternNoun: odd, even, factor, denominator, numerator number pattern, whole numbers, fractions, decimals, ruleExplore the use of brackets and order of operations to write number sentences (VCMNA220)I can use BODMASNoun: brackets, order (power), operations Design algorithms involving branching and iteration to solve specific classes of mathematical problems (VCMNA221)I can use flowcharts to represent algorithmsI can implement the Euclidean division algorithmNoun: flowchartVerb: link, connect, representAchievement StandardStudents recognise the properties of prime, composite, square and triangular numbers and determine sets of these numbers. They solve problems that involve all four operations with whole numbers and describe the use of integers in everyday contexts. Students locate fractions and integers on a number line and connect fractions, decimals and percentages as different representations of the same number. They solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of related fractions. Students calculate a simple fraction of a quantity and calculate common percentage discounts on sale items, with and without the use of digital technology. They make connections between the powers of 10 and the multiplication and division of decimals. Students add, subtract and multiply decimals and divide decimals where the result is rational. Students write number sentences using brackets and order of operations, and specify rules used to generate sequences involving whole numbers, fractions and decimals. They use ordered pairs of integers to represent coordinates of points and locate a point in any one of the four quadrants on the Cartesian plane. ................

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