
Where is the UK?Part 1 - This is a map of Europe (the continent that we live in). Can you locate the United Kingdom without any help? Point to the UK on the map below and ask an adult to check if you are correct. right3035300Name the four countries that make up the United Kingdom.To help with our lesson today we are going to need to learn how to use a compass. This picture shows the 8 points of the compass; north, north east, east, south east, south, south west, west and north west. center49212500You will need to find and use a compass for this game. You should be able to use one on a smart phone or tablet. If not then simply label four corners of room; north, east, south, west. Use the steps below to navigate yourself around the room using as much space possible. Place a marker down for the starting point and face the direction of north. Continue to face north for the duration of the game.Walk north 2 steps.Take 3 steps east. Walk 1 step south. Move south west 2 steps.Step 2 steps north westMove two steps north east.Move 2 steps south.Finally, move 1 step west.Are you back in the same spot? Have a go at making your own directions using someone else in your house to direct where to go. Ensure you use correct directional language.Learning countries within EuropePart 2 – For this part of the lesson you will need the following things to help:Either, Google earth/maps, an atlas, a globe or a picture containing the map of Europe with countries names labelled. right30353000A compass this can be a picture of a compass. Answer the following questions locating each country using directions. Which country is directly south of the UK? Which country is directly west of Spain?Which country directly north west of Germany?Which country is directly south east of France?Which country is directly north east of Czech Republic? Which country is directly north of Bulgaria?Which country is directly south west of Sweden?Which country is directly east of Finland?Which two countries are directly south of Ukraine?Which two countries are directly north of Italy? ................

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