World Geography

NAME ____________KEY____________________5372100-80010000-914400-80010000World Geography Spring Semester Exam ReviewWho built the Berlin Wall? Why? Soviets, to keep in the East BerlinersWhy is the Aral Sea shrinking? its waters were diverted by the Soviets; more is used than is replacedWhich mountain range divides the continents of Europe and Asia? UralWhat environmental disaster happened in 1986 in the Ukraine and what was the impact? explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant; deaths, increase in cancers, millions in clean-up Why do Russian architects use onion domes? they shed snow, and do not get weighed down in the snowy climateHow and why did the Soviet Union come to an end? Gorbechev began to give the Soviet people more freedoms and opened the country to the WestWhat is the taiga and where is it located? coniferous forest; tundra areas such as SiberiaIn the former Soviet Union’s command economy, industry was controlled by whom? Of the three economic systems (market, command, traditional), how was the Soviet Union’s system characterized?the governmentWhat is happening to the Sahel region in Africa and why?it is undergoing desertification; overgrazing of livestock, drilling for water, over farmingWhy has Africa’s abundance of natural resources not translated into economic wealth for most of its population?Europe’s colonization of Africa in the 1800s; resources were exploited and wealth was not invested into Africa or its peopleWhat is desertification? Where are some of the examples in which this is happening?the process of arable (farmable) land turning into a desert. This is happing along the Sahel (southern part of the Sahara)What is the purpose of the Aswan High Dam in Egypt? What are some of the problems created by this dam?can use the reservoir in times of drought, increases quantity or harvestsproblems: relocation of people during construction, decreased fertility of the soilHow did the Berlin Conference change Africa?strengthened Europe rule in the region, pit African groups against one another, split apart similar language and ethnic groupsHow has AIDS affected the population in Southern Africa?1/5 of the people are living with AIDS, life expectancies have droppedFrom which regions in Africa did most of the American slaves originate? Why?West, it’s closer to the Americas where they were tradedHow has European colonization affected Africa? it is responsible for much of the political violence and ethnic conflicts that exist todayWhat are some economic problems African countries face today? What caused these problems?African problems todayCause of problemsFamineLack of attention by developed worldDiseaseWarWhy was the desalination process developed in SW Asia? they have limited freshwater resourcesWhat are some reasons that the majority of people in Russia live west of the Urals Mountains?the climate is milder west of the mountains, closer to Europe for tradeWhat is the purpose of OPEC?to control the production and sale of oilHow did the creation of the nation of Israel increase tension in the region?land was taken from Palestinians, they became refugeesWhat areas did Israel occupy after the 6 Day war in 1967?present-day Israel as well as the Sinai Peninsula (taken from Egypt, but returned around 1979)Why is the control of the Strait of Hormuz important in the Middle East?it serves as a choke-point, it is the access point to the oil fields surrounding the Persian GulfWhat was the Silk Road and why was it important?it served as a trade route between China and other parts of Asia and Europe; aided in cultural diffusionWhat has rapid population growth in cites in SW Asia done to their infrastructure?it has led to an inadequate water supply, lack of sanitary facilities, and overcrowded neighborhoodsWhat affect do monsoons have on South Asia?Promote agricultural productionWhat river in India is considered sacred to all Hindus? Why?Ganges it is considered sacred because it is Mother Ganges. Hindus can wash away their sins in its waters. Hindus believe it brings life to its people.What are some issues that rapid urbanization has caused in South Asia?it has led to an inadequate water supply, lack of sanitary facilities, and overcrowded neighborhoodsWhat type of plate movement created the Himalayas? Describe the process.convergent collisionWhat tactic did Gandhi and his followers use to obtain their independence in India from the British Empire? Explain how they used the tactics.nonviolence: protests, civil disobedienceWhat is the Ring of Fire and where is it located?ring of highly active volcanoes the line the Pacific OceanWhat are some pros and cons to the Three Gorges Dam project in China? ProsConsGenerate electricityRelocation of peopleFlood controlIncreasing costsAllow ships to navigate further into ChinaDestruction of artifactsWhy do some rural families in China oppose the government’s “One Child Policy”?they need help on their farms or earning income for the familyWhat are 3 major religions in China?Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism (Taoism)Why is Taiwan considered an “Economic Tiger”? they have aggressive exports, high technology, and cheap laborWhy was the Great Wall of China built? When was it built? What are the characteristics? to keep out invaders; built during the Qin dynasty (221-206 BC)Hip hop music being popular in Japan is an example of what?cultural diffusionHow has over-population of the world affected animal habitats?animal habitats are being destroyed and replaced by human habitats and citiesWhat aspects of being an island nation are helpful or harmful to Japan’s development?it enabled them to create a strong, independent culture free from the influences on the Asian mainland (ex: China)What country in Asia has a command economy?China and North KoreaWhat are some of the major contributions from China?papermaking, gun powder, compass, movable type (printing press)What part of Australia has the highest population density? Why?southeastern coast, its climate has mild summers and cool wintersWhy was Australia first established as a colony by the British? as a penal colony (a place to send prisoners)Describe the first inhabitants of Australia? Aborigines; arrived from SE Asia 40-60,000 years agoWhat was the result of the Land Rights Act of 1976 in Australia? it gave Aborigines land in the Northern TerritoryWhy is global warming particularly dangerous to islands in Oceania?low islands are threatened by the possibility of disappearingWhat island in the Pacific did the US test atomic bombs? Why was this island chosen?Bikini Atoll (Marshall Islands), it was out of the way of shipping and air routes as well as the affairs of the Cold War and had a low populationWhat are atolls?Low islands in Oceania that were formed by the buildup of coral reefs on the rim of submerged volcanoes What releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere? What is the result of this emission?The burning of fossil fuelsWhat is causing a hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica? What are solutions?Chemicals found in CFCs ( chlorofluorocarbons) Why is Antarctica considered a polar desert? It receives little precipitionDefine stateless nation.a group of people that do not legally have a country (state) to call their ownDefine strategic commodity.a commodity so rare or valuable that nations are willing to go to war to ensure its supplyWhat event brought the US into World War II?Japanese attack at Pearl HarbourKorean War – dates, cause, effect, US involvementin 1950’s Communist North invaded the South…US sided with the South…remains dividedVietnam War – dates, cause, effect, US involvementIn the 1950’s Communist North invaded the South…US involved in 1960’s…country is unitedWhat is outsourcing? Give some examples.Ex. When calling for help with an electronic product you may get connected with someone in India.Who was the last ruling czar family in Russia?RomanovWhat was unique about the new nation called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, or Soviet Union?Communist NationDescribe the Cold War. It was an intense political and military tension that never resulted in an actual fight.What is a monsoon? Where do they occur?A seasonal winds that bring heavy rainsWhat creates the border between India and China?The Himalayan MountainsHow is Jerusalem perceived throughout the world?Adherents of several major religions regard it as holyDescribe Peter the Great’s goals. Where did he move Russia’s capital?Modernize the Russian Society…St. Petersburg…Democracy/Monarchy/Communism/Dictatorship – differencesWhat was Sputnik?The first satellite ever launched into spaceWhat happened to the Space Race during the Cold War?Russia was the first to put a satellite in space, but the US went to the moon firstWhat are the benefits of the Trans-Siberian Railroad?Opening a frontier, united a country, sparked growthWhat are reasons for the numerous ethnic groups in Transcaucasia?The rugged mountain terrain meant people were cut off from other groupsBe able to do skills-based questions (maps, graphs, charts, etc.), ................

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