
Name: ____________________________________Period: _____ Date: __________________Worth: 100 points; Double Daily GradeChapter 10 ReadingThe Shape of the Political MapPages 153 – 167 Due/Quiz Date: _______________________________All material in this chapter is fair game for quiz questions, which includes vocabulary. This means that you need to READ the whole chapter and not just answer the questions.Territory, Power & BoundariesWhat FOUR things affect the political landscape?1324What TWO things impact the distribution of power?12Concepts of Political Power & Territoriality What is geopolitics?What is territoriality?Organic TheoryWho founded Organic Theory?What is Organic Theory?What happened to weak states?What TWO historical events support Organic Theory? Heartland TheoryWho developed Heartland Theory?What did Heartland Theory argue?What infrastructure would need to be improved?What country is the BEST example of Heartland Theory in action?Rimland TheoryWho created Rimland Theory?What did Rimland Theory argue?What power is more valued?Territoriality Connects Culture & EconomyWhat do some people disagree about maps?What TWO groups dispute territory and culture?12What TWO countries have escalated the division?12What TWO ethnic groups do they represent?What SIX countries are fighting over control in the South China Sea?123456What do these countries believe is there?How is China pushing for domination in the South China Sea?International & Internal BoundariesWhy do boundaries exist?What has been a major cause of the war?Categories of BoundariesWhen rules change across boundaries, they’re called what?What is a defined boundary?What is a delimited boundary?What is a demarcated boundary?What is a natural boundary?What is a geometric boundary?What is a cultural boundary?Limited Sovereignty & International Boundary DisputesWhat has increased over time?What is a definitional boundary dispute?What TWO countries have this type of dispute?12What is a locational boundary dispute?What TWO countries share this dispute?12What is irredentism?What is an operational boundary dispute?What is an allocational boundary dispute?Classification of BoundariesWhat is antecedent boundaries?What is subsequent boundaries?What is relic boundaries?What is superimposed boundaries?What is militarized boundaries?What is an open boundary?Boundaries Influence Identity, Interaction & ExchangeWhat idea helps play a role in how boundaries function?How did the European Union prevent violence?What is the border wall called between North and South Korea?The Law of the SeaWhat is territorial sea?What is the Contiguous Zone?What is the Exclusive Economic Zone?What is the High Seas?Voting District, Redistricting & GerrymanderingWho votes in a representative democracy?What is the electorate?What is reapportionment?What is redistricting?What is gerrymandering?What is cracking?What is packing?The Effects of Boundaries, Language & ReligionWhat is a shatterbelt?What is historically a shatterbelt region?What country had difficulty unifying due to language and dialect?What TWO countries show that people can live in religious harmony?12What TWO religions tore apart Ireland?12Different Forms of Government, Federal & Unitary StatesWhat are the TWO main types of systems of government?12Complete the Chart…TraitFederalUnitaryAuthority of the GovernmentPower shared between central government and state and local governmentsHierarchy of PowerNo hierarchy of sovereign powersType of Country Where Commonly UsedMulti ethnic groups with significant minorities Local Power Vary by Government TypeLarge land mass countries tend to be what kind of state?What are THREE examples?123Smaller land mass countries tend to be what kind of state?What are THREE examples?123What unitary country is an exception?What federal country is the exception?Why do some federal states prefer this type of government?Why do some unitary states prefer this type of government?The Effects of State MorphologyWhat is state morphology?Patterns of Local and Metropolitan GovernmentWhat are THREE examples of subnational political unites?123What is annexation? ................

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