Odporúčané zahraničné odborné časopisy
pre publikovanie pracovníkov SvF STU
Subject category: Computational Mechanics
|P. č. |Názov časopisu |ISSN |SJR |SNIP |Vydavateľ |Webová stránka |
| | | | | | |časopisu |
| |Acta Mechanica Sinica/Lixue Xuebao |0567-7718 |0.426 |0.794 |Springer Verlag |
| | | | | | |9 |
| |Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica |0894-9166 |0.442 |0.663 |Huazhong University of Science and Technology |
| | | | | | |inica/0894-9166 |
| |Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences |1232-308X |0.353 |0.906 |Polish Academy of Sciences Publishing House | |
| |Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering |0045-7825 |2.952 |2.023 |Elsevier |
| | | | | | |lied-mechanics-and-engineering/ |
| |Computer-Aided Design and Applications |1686-4360 |0.310 |0.714 |CAD Solutions | |
| |Computers and Concrete |1598-8198 |0.506 |0.842 |Techno Press | |
| |Doklady Physics |1028-3358 |0.382 |0.944 |Maik Nauka-Interperiodica Publishing |
| | | | | | |&page=main |
| |Experiments in Fluids |0723-4864 |1.088 |1.569 |Springer Verlag | |
| |Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics |0309-1929 |0.647 |0.680 |Taylor and Francis Ltd. | |
| |High Temperatures - High Pressures |0018-1544 |0.275 |0.458 |Old City Publishing | |
| |ICGA Journal |1389-6911 |0.135 |0.929 |Tilburg Centre for Cogination and Communication | |
| |Intelligent Service Robotics |1861-2776 |1.102 |1.323 |Springer Verlag |
| | | | | | |70 |
| |International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering |1543-1649 |0.716 |0.501 |Begell House Inc. |
| | | | | | |onal-engineering.html |
| |International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in |0363-9061 |1.676 |1.530 |John Wiley and Sons Ltd |(ISSN)109|
| |Geomechanics | | | | |6-9853 |
| |International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids |0271-2091 |1.146 |1.318 |John Wiley and Sons Ltd |(ISSN)109|
| | | | | | |7-0363 |
| |International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics |1061-8562 |0.493 |1.228 |Taylor and Francis Ltd. | |
| |International Journal of Computational Methods in Engineering |1550-2287 |0.413 |0.625 |Taylor and Francis Inc. | |
| |Science and Mechanics | | | | | |
| |International Journal of Damage Mechanics |1056-7895 |0.811 |0.933 |SAGE Publications Ltd | |
| |International Journal of Fracture |0376-9429 |1.093 |1.178 |Springer Netherlands |
| | | | | | |valuation/journal/10704 |
| |Jisuan Lixue Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics |1007-4708 |0.337 |0.499 |Editorial Office of Chinese Journal of | |
| | | | | |Computational Mechanics | |
| |Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions ASME |0021-8936 |0.630 |0.813 |American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME) |
| | | | | | |ournal.aspx |
| |Journal of Turbulence |1468-5248 |0.998 |1.376 |Institute of Physics Publishing | |
| |Lixue Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics |0459-1879 |0.369 |0.852 |Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied | |
| |Open Systems and Information Dynamics |1230-1612 |0.549 |0.561 |Springer Netherlands |
| |Shuidonglixue Yanjiu yu Jinzhan / Journal of Hydrodynamics Ser. A |1000-4874 |0.265 |1.066 |Publishing House for Journal of Hydrodynamics | |
| |Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics |0935-4964 |0.720 |1.506 |Springer New York | |
| |ZAMM Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik |0044-2267 |0.614 |0.972 |Wiley-VCH Verlag |(ISSN)152|
| | | | | | |1-4001 |
Subject category: Mechanics of Materials
|P. č. |Názov časopisu |ISSN |SJR |SNIP |Vydavateľ |Webová stránka |
| | | | | | |časopisu |
| |Advanced Composite Materials: The Official Journal of the Japan |0924-3046 |0.509 |0.523 |Taylor and Francis Inc. | |
| |Society of Composite Materials | | | | | |
| |Advanced Materials |0935-9648 |9.021 |3.647 |Wiley-VCH Verlag |(ISSN)152|
| | | | | | |1-4095 |
| |Advanced Powder Technology |0921-8831 |0.739 |1.290 |Elsevier BV |
| | | | | | |ogy/ |
| |Advanced Steel Construction |1816-112X |0.582 |0.620 |Hong Kong Institute of Steel Construction | |
| |Advances in Acoustics and Vibration |1687-6261 |0.259 |0.560 |Hindawi Publishing Corporation | |
| |Annals of Solid and Structural Mechanics |1867-6936 |0.553 |1.301 |Springer Verlag |
| | | | | | |6 |
| |Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition) |0253-4827 |0.370 |0.719 |Springer Netherlands | |
| |Archive of Mechanical Engineering |0004-0738 |0.178 |0.453 |Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe | |
| |Biomaterials |0142-9612 |3.565 |1.956 |Elsevier BV | |
| |Biomedical materials (Bristol, England) |1748-6041 |0.936 |0.877 |Institute of Physics Publishing | |
| |Bulletin of Materials Science |0250-4707 |0.377 |0.687 |Indian Academy of Sciences | |
| |China Welding (English Edition) |1004-5341 |0.210 |0.391 |China Welding | |
| |Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing |1359-835X |1.599 |2.055 |Elsevier Limited |
| | | | | | |ed-science-and-manufacturing/ |
| |Composites Part B: Engineering |1359-8368 |2.125 |2.083 |Elsevier Limited |
| | | | | | |eering/ |
| |Composites: Mechanics, Computations, Applications |2152-2057 |0.213 |0.416 |Begell House Inc. | |
| |Comptes Rendus - Mecanique |1631-0721 |0.633 |0.958 |Elsevier Masson |
| | | | | | |e/1631-0721 |
| |Computational Materials Science |0927-0256 |1.037 |1.307 |Elsevier |
| | | | | | |-science/ |
| |Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering |0045-7825 |2.952 |2.023 |Elsevier |
| | | | | | |lied-mechanics-and-engineering/ |
| |Computers, Materials and Continua |1546-2218 |0.481 |0.530 |Tech Science Press | |
| |Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics |0935-1175 |0.665 |1.004 |Springer New York |
| | | | | | |ics/journal/161 |
| |Dental Materials |0109-5641 |1.339 |1.785 |Elsevier Inc. | |
| |Doklady Physics |1028-3358 |0.382 |0.944 |Maik Nauka-Interperiodica Publishing |
| | | | | | |&page=main |
| |e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology |1348-0391 |0.234 |0.333 |Surface Science Society of Japan | |
| |Engineering Failure Analysis |1350-6307 |0.944 |1.516 |Elsevier BV |
| | | | | | |lysis/ |
| |Engineering Fracture Mechanics |0013-7944 |1.423 |1.783 |Elsevier BV |
| | | | | | |chanics/ |
| |European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids |0997-7538 |1.536 |1.406 |Elsevier BV |
| | | | | | |hanics-a-solids/ |
| |Experimental Mechanics |0014-4851 |0.911 |1.351 |Springer New York |
| | | | | | |0 |
| |Experimental Techniques |0732-8818 |0.231 |0.945 |Blackwell Publishing |(ISSN)174|
| | | | | | |7-1567 |
| |Experiments in Fluids |0723-4864 |1.088 |1.569 |Springer Verlag | |
| |Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures |8756-758X |1.185 |1.349 |Blackwell Publishing |(ISSN)146|
| | | | | | |0-2695 |
| |FME Transactions |1451-2092 |0.308 |0.439 |Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade | |
| | | | | |University | |
| |Fuhe Cailiao Xuebao/Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica |1000-3851 |0.238 |0.535 |Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics| |
| | | | | |(BUAA) | |
| |Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics |0309-1929 |0.647 |0.680 |Taylor and Francis Ltd. | |
| |Glass and Ceramics (English translation of Steklo i Keramika) |0361-7610 |0.214 |0.757 |Springer New York |
| | | | | | |10717 |
| |Gong Cheng Li Xue/Engineering Mechanics |1000-4750 |0.487 |0.817 |Tsing Hua University | |
| |Granular Matter |1434-5021 |1.023 |1.081 |Springer New York | |
| |Hanjie Xuebao/Transactions of the China Welding Institution |0253-360X |0.293 |0.764 |Harbin Research Institute of Welding |
| | | | | | |f4-a565-2a8d03b0ae17&comp_stats=comp-FrontNews_list01-13|
| | | | | | |22292824525.html |
| |High Temperature Materials and Processes |1093-3611 |0.205 |0.411 |Begell House Inc. |
| | | | | | |erial-processes.html |
| |High Temperatures - High Pressures |0018-1544 |0.275 |0.458 |Old City Publishing | |
| |Insight: Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring |1354-2575 |0.311 |0.605 |British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing | |
| |Intermetallics |0966-9795 |1.501 |1.484 |Elsevier Limited | |
| |International Applied Mechanics |1063-7095 |0.248 |0.778 |Springer New York |
| | | | | | |ics/journal/10778 |
| |International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in |0363-9061 |1.676 |1.530 |John Wiley and Sons Ltd |(ISSN)109|
| |Geomechanics | | | | |6-9853 |
| |International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids |0271-2091 |1.146 |1.318 |John Wiley and Sons Ltd |(ISSN)109|
| | | | | | |7-0363 |
| |International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics |1383-5416 |0.298 |0.633 |IOS Press |
| | | | | | |applied-electromagnetics-and-mechanics/ |
| |International Journal of Applied Mechanics |1758-8251 |0.707 |0.702 |World Scientific | |
| |International Journal of Cast Metals Research |1364-0461 |0.330 |0.575 |Maney Publishing | |
| |International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics |1061-8562 |0.493 |1.228 |Taylor and Francis Ltd. | |
| |International Journal of Damage Mechanics |1056-7895 |0.811 |0.933 |SAGE Publications Ltd | |
| |International Journal of Fatigue |0142-1123 |1.784 |2.393 |Elsevier Limited |
| | | | | | |f-fatigue/ |
| |International Journal of Fracture |0376-9429 |1.093 |1.178 |Springer Netherlands |
| | | | | | |valuation/journal/10704 |
| |International Journal of Impact Engineering |0734-743X |1.976 |2.871 |Elsevier Limited |
| | | | | | |f-impact-engineering/ |
| |International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering |1823-0334 |0.211 |0.720 |University of Malaya |
| | | | | | |=19 |
| |International Journal of Mechanical Sciences |0020-7403 |1.464 |1.730 |Elsevier Limited |
| | | | | | |f-mechanical-sciences/ |
| |International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design |1569-1713 |0.835 |1.074 |Springer Netherlands |
| | | | | | |9 |
| |International Journal of Metalcasting |1939-5981 |0.303 |0.569 |American Foundry Society | |
| |International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials |1674-4799 |0.503 |0.915 |University of Science and Technology Beijing | |
| |International Journal of Nanomechanics Science and Technology |1947-5748 |0.120 |0.485 |Begell House Inc. | |
| |International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics |0020-7462 |1.211 |1.400 |Elsevier Limited |
| | | | | | |f-non-linear-mechanics/ |
| |International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical |1565-1339 |0.298 |0.476 |Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG | |
| |Simulation | | | | | |
| |International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow |0961-5539 |0.594 |0.907 |Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. |
| | | | | | |.htm?id=hff |
| |International Journal of Pavement Engineering |1029-8436 |0.622 |0.947 |Taylor and Francis Ltd. | |
| |International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology |1996-6814 |0.585 |0.772 |Chinese Society of Pavement Engineering | |
| |International Journal of Plasticity |0749-6419 |4.694 |2.951 |Elsevier Limited |
| | | | | | |f-plasticity/ |
| |International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping |0308-0161 |1.552 |2.318 |Elsevier BV |
| | | | | | |f-pressure-vessels-and-piping/ |
| |International Journal of Protective Structures |2041-4196 |0.410 |0.625 |Multi-Science Publishing Co. Ltd | |
| |International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials |0958-0611 |1.296 |2.008 |Elsevier BV |
| | | | | | |f-refractory-metals-and-hard-materials/ |
| |International Journal of Solids and Structures |0020-7683 |1.597 |1.764 |Elsevier Limited |
| | | | | | |f-solids-and-structures/ |
| |International Materials Reviews |0950-6608 |3.637 |6.092 |Maney Publishing | |
| |Iron and Steel Technology |1547-0423 |0.207 |1.364 |Iron and Steel Society |
| | | | | | |bout |
| |Ironmaking and Steelmaking |0301-9233 |0.616 |1.173 |Maney Publishing | |
| |ISIJ International |0915-1559 |1.108 |1.545 |Iron and Steel Institute of Japan |
| | | | | | |glish |
| |Jianzhu Cailiao Xuebao/Journal of Building Materials |1007-9629 |0.252 |0.484 |Tongji University | |
| |Jinshu Rechuli/Heat Treatment of Metals |0254-6051 |0.237 |0.742 |Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society of Heat | |
| | | | | |Treatment | |
| |Jinshu Xuebao/Acta Metallurgica Sinica |0412-1961 |0.383 |0.766 |Chinese Academy of Sciences | |
| |Jixie Qiandu/Journal of Mechanical Strength |1001-9669 |0.221 |0.544 |Journal of Mechanical Strength | |
| |Journal of Adhesion |0021-8464 |0.710 |0.963 |Taylor and Francis Inc. | |
| |Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology |0169-4243 |0.357 |0.599 |Taylor and Francis Inc. | |
| |Journal of Alloys and Compounds |0925-8388 |1.006 |1.393 |Elsevier BV |
| | | | | | |ompounds/ |
| |Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics |1735-3572 |0.340 |1.043 |Isfahan University of Technology | |
| |Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English translation |0021-8928 |0.310 |0.710 |Elsevier BV |
| |of Prikladnaya Matematika i Mekhanika) | | | | |ematics-and-mechanics/ |
| |Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions ASME |0021-8936 |0.630 |0.813 |American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME) |
| | | | | | |ournal.aspx |
| |Journal of Applied Packaging Research |1557-7244 |0.105 |0.400 |DE Stech Publications Inc | |
| |Journal of Composite Materials |0021-9983 |0.604 |0.815 |SAGE Publications Ltd | |
| |Journal of Composites for Construction |1090-0268 |2.051 |1.702 |American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | |
| |Journal of Constructional Steel Research |0143-974X |1.746 |1.900 |Elsevier BV |
| | | | | | |al-steel-research/ |
| |Journal of Elasticity |0374-3535 |0.851 |0.920 |Springer Netherlands |
| | | | | | |ics/journal/10659 |
| |Journal of Electroceramics |1385-3449 |0.577 |0.745 |Springer Netherlands |
| | | | | | |+materials/journal/10832 |
| |Journal of Electronic Packaging, Transactions of the ASME |1043-7398 |0.542 |0.603 |American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME) |
| | | | | | |g/journal.aspx |
| |Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Transactions of |0094-4289 |0.379 |0.682 |American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME) |
| |the ASME | | | | |g/journal.aspx |
| |Journal of Engineering Mechanics - ASCE |0733-9399 |0.747 |1.069 |American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | |
| |Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention |1547-7029 |0.261 |0.431 |Springer New York |
| | | | | | |urnal/11668 |
| |Journal of Fire Sciences |0734-9041 |0.554 |0.816 |SAGE Publications Ltd | |
| |Journal of Fluid Mechanics |0022-1120 |1.450 |1.616 |Cambridge University Press |
| | | | | | |FLM |
| |Journal of Geometric Mechanics |1941-4889 |0.404 |0.668 |American Institute of Mathematical Sciences | |
| |Journal of Hydrodynamics |1001-6058 |0.600 |1.291 |China Ocean Press | |
| |Journal of Iron and Steel Research International |1006-706X |0.661 |1.308 |Ganglie Yanjiu Xuebao |
| | | | | | |eel-research-international/1006-706x |
| |Journal of Low Frequency Noise Vibration and Active Control |1461-3484 |0.432 |0.611 |Multi-Science Publishing Co. Ltd | |
| |Journal of Marine Science and Technology |1023-2796 |0.235 |0.481 |National Taiwan Ocean University | |
| |Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management |1438-4957 |0.449 |0.544 |Springer Japan |
| | | | | | |urnal/10163 |
| |Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance |1059-9495 |0.544 |0.804 |Springer New York |
| | | | | | |valuation/journal/11665 |
| |Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering |0899-1561 |0.965 |1.330 |American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | |
| |Journal of Materials Research |0884-2914 |0.664 |0.711 |Materials Research Society | |
| |Journal of Materials Science |0022-2461 |0.836 |1.052 |Springer Netherlands | |
| |Journal of Materials Science and Technology |1005-0302 |0.869 |1.238 |Chinese Society of Metals | |
| |Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology |1738-494X |0.589 |0.997 |Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers |
| | | | | | |ng/journal/12206 |
| |Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures |1559-3959 |0.585 |0.534 |Mathematical Sciences Publishers | |
| |Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering |0960-1317 |0.674 |1.160 |Institute of Physics Publishing | |
| |Journal of Mining and Metallurgy, Section B: Metallurgy |1450-5339 |0.632 |0.920 |Technical Faculty in Bor | |
| |Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation |0195-9298 |0.863 |1.547 |Springer New York |
| | | | | | |1 |
| |Journal of Porous Materials |1380-2224 |0.405 |0.586 |Springer Netherlands |
| | | | | | |4 |
| |Journal of Porous Media |1091-028X |0.470 |0.695 |Begell House Inc. | |
| |Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, Transactions of the ASME |0094-9930 |0.643 |0.962 |American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME) |
| | | | | | |/journal.aspx |
| |Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites |0731-6844 |0.495 |0.787 |SAGE Publications Ltd | |
| |Journal of Rheology |0148-6055 |1.392 |1.409 |Society of Rheology | |
| |Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials |1099-6362 |1.392 |0.994 |SAGE Publications Ltd | |
| |Journal of Sound and Vibration |0022-460X |1.494 |2.066 |Academic Press Inc. |
| | | | | | |bration/ |
| |Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design |0309-3247 |0.575 |0.932 |SAGE Publications Ltd | |
| |Journal of Structural Engineering |0733-9445 |1.431 |1.514 |American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | |
| |Journal of Testing and Evaluation |0090-3973 |0.353 |0.417 |American Society for Testing and Materials | |
| |Journal of the American Helicopter Society |0002-8711 |1.341 |2.989 |American Helicopter Society | |
| |Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association |1310-4772 |0.221 |0.947 |Scientific Bulgarian Communications | |
| |Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials |1751-6161 |1.068 |1.389 |Elsevier BV |
| | | | | | |al-behavior-of-biomedical-materials/ |
| |Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids |0022-5096 |2.529 |2.057 |Elsevier Limited |
| | | | | | |s-and-physics-of-solids/ |
| |Journal of Tribology |0742-4787 |0.707 |1.294 |American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME) |
| | | | | | |aspx |
| |Journal of Turbulence |1468-5248 |0.998 |1.376 |Institute of Physics Publishing | |
| |Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of the ASME |1048-9002 |0.714 |0.938 |American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME) | |
| |JVC/Journal of Vibration and Control |1077-5463 |0.667 |0.963 |SAGE Publications Inc. | |
| |Kang T'ieh/Iron and Steel (Peking) |0449-749X |0.260 |0.734 |Chinese Society for Metals |
| |Kovove Materialy |0023-432X |0.229 |0.402 |Slovenska Akademia Vied | |
| |Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures |1679-7817 |0.402 |0.735 |Brazilian Association of Computational Mechanics | |
| |Lixue Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics |0459-1879 |0.396 |0.852 |Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied | |
| |Marine Structures |0951-8339 |1.746 |2.858 |Materials Science | |
| |Mater Plast Elastomeri Fibre Sint |0025-5289 |0.274 |0.708 |Syscom 18 SRL | |
| |Materiales de Construccion |0465-2746 |0.523 |0.712 |Inst. de Ciencias de la Construccion Eduardo |
| | | | | |Torroja |nstrucc |
| |Materials and Corrosion - Werkstoffe und Korrosion |0043-2822 |0.708 |1.033 |John Wiley and Sons Ltd |(ISSN)152|
| | | | | | |1-4176 |
| |Materials and Design |0264-1275 |1.916 |2.526 |Elsevier BV | |
| |Materials and Manufacturing Processes |1042-6914 |0.772 |1.004 |Taylor and Francis Inc. | |
| |Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions |1359-5997 |1.136 |1.418 |Springer Netherlands |
| | | | | | |7 |
| |Materials at High Temperatures |0960-3409 |0.348 |0.643 |Science Reviews Ltd |
| | | | | | |ls-at-high-temperatures |
| |Materials Characterization |1044-5803 |1.267 |1.537 |Elsevier Inc. |
| | | | | | |ion/ |
| |Materials Letters |0167-577X |0.807 |0.985 |Elsevier | |
| |Materials Physics and Mechanics |1605-2730 |0.203 |0.449 |Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering | |
| | | | | | | |
| |Materials Research |1516-1439 |0.328 |0.643 |Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos |
| | | | | | |16-1439 |
| |Materials Research Bulletin |0025-5408 |0.753 |0.942 |Elsevier Limited |
| | | | | | |etin/ |
| |Materials Science |0137-1339 |0.226 |0.431 |Springer Publishing Company | |
| |Materials Science & Engineering A: Structural Materials: |0921-5093 |1.803 |1.768 |Elsevier BV |
| |Properties, Microstructure and Processing | | | | |ngineering-a/ |
| |Materials Science & Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for |0921-5107 |0.723 |1.050 |Elsevier BV |
| |Advanced Technology | | | | |ngineering-b/ |
| |Materials Science and Engineering C |0928-4931 |1.332 |1.035 |Elsevier BV |
| | | | | | |ngineering-c/ |
| |Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports |0927-796X |7.616 |9.194 |Elsevier BV |
| | | | | | |ngineering-r-reports/ |
| |Materials Science and Technology |0267-0836 |0.668 |0.776 |Maney Publishing | |
| |Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing |1369-8001 |0.577 |0.944 |Elsevier Limited |
| | | | | | |miconductor-processing/ |
| |Materials Today |1369-7021 |6.876 |4.359 |Elsevier | |
| |Materials Transactions |1345-9678 |0.517 |0.661 |Japan Institute of Metals (JIM) | |
| |Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik |0933-5137 |0.250 |0.501 |Wiley-VCH Verlag |(ISSN)152|
| | | | | | |1-4052 |
| |Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids |1081-2865 |0.654 |0.926 |SAGE Publications Inc. | |
| |Meccanica |0025-6455 |0.835 |1.171 |Springer Netherlands |
| | | | | | |ics/journal/11012 |
| |Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines |1539-7734 |0.687 |1.326 |Taylor and Francis Inc. | |
| |Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures |1537-6494 |0.519 |0.574 |Taylor and Francis Inc. | |
| |Mechanics of Composite Materials |0191-5665 |0.463 |0.655 |Springer New York |
| | | | | | |valuation/journal/11029 |
| |Mechanics of Materials |0167-6636 |1.311 |1.713 |Elsevier |
| |Mechanics Research Communications |0093-6413 |0.937 |1.048 |Elsevier Limited |
| | | | | | |unications/ |
| |Mechanism and Machine Theory |0094-114X |1.264 |2.225 |Elsevier Limited |
| | | | | | |heory/ |
| |Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and|1073-5623 |1.222 |1.223 |Springer Boston |
| |Materials Science | | | | |11661 |
| |Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B: Process Metallurgy and |1073-5615 |1.400 |1.584 |Springer Boston |
| |Materials Processing Science | | | | |11663 |
| |Metals and Materials International |1598-9623 |0.985 |0.983 |Korean Institute of Metals and Materials | |
| |Metalurgija |0543-5846 |0.448 |1.342 |Hrvatsko Metalursko Drustvo/Croatian Metallurgical|
| | | | | |Society |tm |
| |Microporous and Mesoporous Materials |1387-1811 |1.243 |1.146 |Elsevier |
| | | | | | |ous-materials/ |
| |Microscale Thermophysical Engineering |1089-3954 |0.836 |0.983 |Taylor and Francis Inc. | |
| |Mocaxue Xuebao/Tribology |1004-0595 |0.236 |0.648 |Science Press | |
| |Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering |0965-0393 |1.091 |0.830 |Institute of Physics Publishing | |
| |Nanotechnology |0957-4484 |1.196 |0.912 |Institute of Physics Publishing | |
| |Nature Materials |1476-1122 |21.395 |10.344 |Nature Publishing Group | |
| |Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, A Hen/Transactions of the Japan |0387-5008 |0.169 |0.562 |Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers | |
| |Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part A | | | | | |
| |Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals |0021-4876 |0.246 |0.505 |Japan Institute of Metals (JIM) | |
| |Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation |1058-9759 |0.444 |0.903 |Taylor and Francis Ltd. | |
| |Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals |1040-7790 |0.732 |1.024 |Taylor and Francis Inc. | |
| |Open Systems and Information Dynamics |1230-1612 |0.549 |0.561 |Springer Netherlands |
| |PCI Journal |0887-9672 |0.716 |0.492 |Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute | |
| |Physical Mesomechanics |1029-9599 |0.359 |1.030 |Elsevier BV |
| |Polymer Degradation and Stability |0141-3910 |1.241 |1.545 |Elsevier Limited |
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| |Powder Metallurgy |0032-5899 |0.367 |0.563 |Maney Publishing | |
| |Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics |1068-1302 |0.181 |0.417 |Springer New York | |
| |Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Construction |1747-650X |0.262 |0.403 |ICE Publishing Ltd. | |
| |Materials | | | | | |
| |Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Ground |1755-0750 |0.732 |0.808 |ICE Publishing Ltd. | |
| |Improvement | | | | | |
| |Progress in Aerospace Sciences |0376-0421 |1.488 |3.931 |Elsevier Limited |
| | | | | | |ciences/ |
| |Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics |0033-5614 |0.396 |0.961 |Oxford University Press | |
| |Research in Nondestructive Evaluation |0934-9847 |0.474 |0.841 |Taylor and Francis Inc. | |
| |Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing |1061-8309 |0.262 |0.917 |Maik Nauka-Interperiodica Publishing |
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| |Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals |1067-8212 |0.221 |0.547 |Springer Science + Business Media |
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| |SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing |1946-3979 |0.285 |0.767 |SAE International | |
| |SAMPE Journal |0091-1062 |0.158 |0.613 |Soc. for the Advancement of Material and Process | |
| | | | | |Engineering | |
| |Shock and Vibration |1070-9622 |0.406 |0.740 |IOS Press | |
| |Smart Materials and Structures |0964-1726 |1.171 |1.585 |Institute of Physics Publishing | |
| |Soldagem e Inspecao |0104-9224 |0.356 |0.422 |Universidade Federal de Uberlandia | |
| |Sports Engineering |1369-7072 |0.488 |1.085 |Springer London |
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| |Strain |0039-2103 |0.603 |1.133 |Blackwell Publishing |(ISSN)147|
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| |Strength of Materials |0039-2316 |0.303 |0.602 |Springer New York |
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| |Strength, Fracture and Complexity |1567-2069 |0.183 |1.368 |IOS Press |
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| |Strojniski Vestnik/Journal of Mechanical Engineering |0039-2480 |0.405 |0.947 |Assoc. of Mechanical Eng. and Technicians of | |
| | | | | |Slovenia | |
| |Structural Concrete |1464-4177 |0.874 |0.929 |Wiley-Blackwell |(ISSN)175|
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| |Structural Control and Health Monitoring |1545-2255 |1.549 |1.746 |John Wiley and Sons Ltd |(ISSN)154|
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| |Structural Engineering and Mechanics |1225-4568 |0.450 |0.769 |Techno Press | |
| |Synthetic Metals |0379-6779 |0.663 |0.728 |Elsevier BV | |
| |Technische Mechanik |0232-3869 |0.336 |0.557 |Magdeburger Verein fur Technische Mechanik e.V. |
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| |Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing |0020-2967 |0.370 |0.600 |Maney Publishing | |
| |Tribology International |0301-679X |1.467 |1.978 |Elsevier Inc. |
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| |Tribology Letters |1023-8883 |1.051 |1.159 |Springer New York |
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| |Tribology Transactions |1040-2004 |1.036 |1.288 |Taylor and Francis Inc. | |
| |Wear |0043-1648 |1.552 |1.869 |Elsevier BV | |
| |Welding Journal |0043-2296 |0.422 |1.063 |American Welding Society | |
| |WSEAS Transactions on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics ZRUŠENÝ |1991-8747 |0.181 |0.465 |World Scientific and Engineering Academy and | |
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| |Zairyo/Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan |0514-5163 |0.216 |0.457 |Society of Materials Science Japan | |
| |Zhendong Ceshi Yu Zhenduan/Journal of Vibration, Measurement and |1004-6801 |0.314 |0.579 |Nanjing University of Aeronautics an Astronautics | |
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| |Zhendong Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Vibration Engineering |1004-4523 |0.386 |0.602 |Nanjing University of Aeronautics an Astronautics | |
| |Zhendong yu Chongji/Journal of Vibration and Shock |1000-3835 |0.365 |0.759 |Chinese Vibration Engineering Society | |
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