

This folder will contain your writing assignments from the entire year so that you will have a permanent record of your progress as a writer.

INSTRUCTIONS: READ THEM CAREFULLY. BE CAREFUL, this is the ONLY folder you will receive. Follow the instructions below exactly to receive full credit for your work.

1. PRINT your name on the tab of the folder, LAST NAME FIRST

Example: Jones, Robbie

2. Decorate the FRONT of the folder, and be sure to include the following:

• The name you like to be called ● Your birth date (month, day, year)

• Your place of birth ●6 words at least one inch tall that best describe you

You may use computer art, magazine pictures, anything you like! Make sure it is appropriate for a classroom.

3. Open the folder. On the LEFT INSIDE FLAP of the folder make a N-A-M-E poem describing

who you are.

For example: S – Sincerely devoted to helping students learn.

U – Unrelenting when pursuing a goal or dream.

Z - Zealously devoted to her family and friends.

A – Analytical, but still has a big heart.

N- Nutso about gardening, traveling to Mexico & her husband, Ed.

N – Never gives up.

E - Excellence is what she strives for in all she does.

4. On the RIGHT INSIDE FLAP of the folder you will write a 5-paragraph, friendly letter to the class. It should follow this format:

Paragraph 1: Explain who you are: name, age, what you look like, who your family is, and what you are looking forward to in the 8th grade.

Paragraph 2: Write about the first significant object/concept and explain why/how this is meaningful to you.

Paragraph 3: Write about the second significant object/concept and explain why/how this is meaningful to you. Paragraph 4: Write about the third significant object/concept and explain why/how this is meaningful to you.

Paragraph 5: You are always asked what you want to be, but how many times have you been asked who you want to be? This is not about how you will make money, but how you will live your life. In one paragraph, please explain what kind of person you would like people to remember you as. What qualities do you hope to develop so that people can see them reflected in your life?


5. On the BACK of the folder, create your Mandala, which will have four sections.

Besides food, water, shelter, clothing, etc., what are 3 things in life that you couldn’t or wouldn’t want to live without? Three sections of the mandala will represent these things. The fourth section will represent how you want to be remembered. This is NOT your profession---instead, these are the qualities that you want people to see in you.

|What you couldn’t live without… |Object or image that represents this… |

|Example: music |Cd covers, musical symbols |

| | |

| | |

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|How I want to be remembered: teacher, kind, funny, truth-seeker, |Family photos, books, smiles… |

|wife, friend, sister, aunt, mother, grandmother | |

On the mandala paper provided, draw and color the objects in the different sections. Please make sure to fill each section completely. You may use the art supplies of your choice to create a beautiful and unique mandala. You may use stick on letters, computer generated words, drawings, markers; BE CREATIVE. To finish, either draw or post a picture of yourself in the center of the mandala.

6. Put this paper inside your folder when you turn it in for grading.



|Name on folder tab |5 | |

|Front of folder design (all items included, neat, creative) |10 | |

|Name poem on inside left flap (neat, creative) |10 | |

|Friendly letter on inside right flap |20 | |

|Back of folder Mandala |30 | |

|TOTAL SCORE |75 | |


(NOTICE that nothing is indented! It’s called ‘block style’.)

Heading 150 Palm Avenue

Your address and date Auburn, CA 95603

August 22, 2012

Dear Class,

My name is Mrs. Suzanne Scotten, and I will be your language arts teacher this year. This will be my third year here at EV Cain.. People describe me as someone who blends in with the students. I am not short, but not very tall, and have short brown hair and brown eyes. I am 58½ years old, and my birthday is February 6th. I am looking forward to getting to know new teachers and students, to the poetry unit and to making documentary films with my students.

The most important things in my life are my family and friends. I am the oldest of five children, and neither of my parents are still living, so I am very close with my brothers and sisters. I also have a huge extended family—over 20 cousins—and we’re all very close. I have been married over 25 years to my husband and we have 2 daughters and 2 grandchildren. I love spending time with all my family, and they often visit us on our farm. I am so grateful for all the love and support I get from the people I love. My family and friends help me to succeed in life, and help me to be a better person.

The second thing I wouldn’t want to live without is the spirituality I find in nature and the out-of-doors. Even as a child I have always loved spending time in nature. I spent a lot of time in the woods and at the beach as a youngst. Even today, I love being outside. I love gardening and being close to the earth. It helps me keep my perspective and remember what is most important in life. I love living in the country and enjoying the wildlife that visits our pond. The first thing I do in the morning is look out the window and see who is there. We have had many visitors such as ducks, geese, herons, all kinds of birds, wild turkeys, and even an otter. Being in nature calms me down and helps me appreciate the wonders of this planet.

The third thing I treasure is the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom. I love learning and that’s why I’m still in school! I learn so much being with the students and teachers. I enjoy learning to do new things, enjoy learning about history, the earth, human psychology, literature and photography. And don’t forget gardening and canning! I hope I can share my enthusiasm for learning with my students. It is so important that we use our minds and be critically thinking, active participants in our communities, our country, and our world.

I would like to be remembered as someone who has made a difference by helping people explore new perspectives and examine new ideas. I want to be remembered as someone who was kind, truthful, a good wife, mother, friend, sister, aunt, grandmother, and teacher, and especially as someone who cared about others.

I am looking forward to a great year together!


Signature Suzanne Scotten

(sign above typed name)

Mrs. Suzanne Scotten


Body of letter

Greeting (use a comma)



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